LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 117 Can I Hit This?

Chapter 117 Can I Hit This?

Only in this way will there be such a jitter situation.

Brother Holy Gun is moving, EZ's Q skill has shot again!

This wave of holy gun brothers chose to move to the right.

On the right is the pawn line, and EZ is on the left.

In this way, as long as you hide behind the pawn line, this wave can avoid the Q skill.

Brother Holy Gun has carefully observed that the two soldiers standing in front of him have healthy health.

At the same time, the enemy minions that output each other with these two minions have healthy HP.

This also means that this little soldier will not suddenly move, because he can only kill the opponent's little soldier.

Only then will the hatred be transferred to other minions, and then they will move.

And now, obviously not.

After confirming these problems, Brother Saint Gun felt relieved.

At this moment just now, he thought about so many things.

There is no way, the pressure is too much to line up with Chen Ge.

That's why he's sweating on his forehead now.

In normal terms, after a game, it is not as tiring as laning in 2 minutes.

However, just when Brother Saint Gun thought that this wave was finally safe.

An incredible scene happened. This wave of EZ's Q skill actually passed through the two soldiers.

Accurately hit Jess of Holy Gun!
"Is this okay too?" Brother Holy Gun was startled now!

From his point of view, this wave is well prepared.

In his opinion, it is impossible for this wave of EZ's Q skill to hit him no matter what.

But it still hits!
Brother Holy Gun couldn't stand it now, not because his blood volume couldn't stand it anymore.

But I can't stand it psychologically!
Now, just seeing the movement of EZ raising his hand to level A, he would feel his scalp go numb.

I thought I was going to be single-killed in the next second!
Of course, Chen Ge was not aware of these problems.

In fact, he didn't even notice that the Q skill hit in this wave.

This wave of Chen Ge's Q skill is for the minions.

It was not intended to be consumed at all.

Even when he missed the soldier, Chen Ge still felt annoyed.

It is true that he has never played EZ before. Although he knows the skills of EZ, after all, this hero is quite common, but he has never played it himself.

So when I first got started, this Q skill was just inaccurate.

It's always a little bit worse than what he expected.

Moreover, because he played top lane heroes before.

Among the top lane heroes, there are very few EZs of this type.

So losing skills is his weakness.

But who would have thought that it was originally a weakness, but now it is so accurate.

"I'll go, why is there so little HP on the other side?" At this moment, Taobaoquan's voice came from Chen Ge's earphones.

This wave of Taobao rights has already obtained double buffs, but he actually didn't plan to come on the road.

He was looking for a reason, such as the fact that the pawn line is not very good, to temporarily give up this wave of GANK.

But what he didn't expect was that when he started playing, he found that Jess only had about one-third of his health.

The blood bottle on his body was also used up.

"I didn't expect you to mean that."

"I'll come over right away, push the line, let's jump over the tower."

Taobao Quan said.

At the beginning, Taobao Quan thought that Chen Ge had made a mistake in his judgment. This line of soldiers obviously couldn't gank.

If you want to play wild gank, you should control the line, not push the line.

But now it seems that it is because of the wrong meaning, Chen Ge obviously told him to go up and down the tower.

Since you want to cross the tower, you must push the line.

"Cross the tower?" Chen Ge didn't expect Taobao Quan to be so stubborn.

Originally, he just wanted to ask Taobao Quan to come up and squat back, but now he has jumped over the tower.

But Chen Ge thought, since Taobaoquan judged it this way, it should be fine.

So Chen Ge accelerated the speed of pushing the line, while Taobao Quan went straight to the triangle grass on the blue side.

Soon, the pawn line was pushed into the defense tower.

Brother Holy Gun didn't dare to continue pushing the pawn line against Chen Ge because his blood volume was too low.

Chen Ge can only let Chen Ge push the line of troops into the defense tower.

At the same time, the sight of the triangle grass just disappeared!

At this time, Brother Saint Gun needs to replenish the tower knife, and has no time to replenish the vision.

As a result, at the moment when he was about to step forward to make up the knife, a prince walked out from the bushes beside him!
This wave of Taobao Quan came out from the side, cutting off Jess' retreat.

Seeing the position of the prince, Brother Saint Gun realized that he couldn't get away in this wave.

So he looked at the small map, trying to find the position of his jungler.

As a result, he was desperate.

This wave of junglers has returned.

In fact, Beast wanted to go to the road to help.

However, when he got the blue buff and was about to go on the road.

It was found that Jess' blood volume was too low.

Jess with this blood volume, if you want to help him gank, maybe he will be shown to death by EZ.

If he was squatted back, he would be given two heads for nothing.

Therefore, Beast chose to abandon this wave of ideas.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he left on the front foot, Taobaoquan on the back foot went on the road to climb the tower.

This wave of holy gun brothers realized that they could only rely on themselves, and he chose to get stuck inside the defensive tower.

Holding Blink in his hand, he was going to hide from the prince's EQ second company.

The hero Prince is still relatively easy to show off, after all, his skills are very unstable.

After this wave of princes approached, they chose to make two consecutive EQ shots.

Brother Holy Gun reacted quickly, and at the moment when Prince EQ made a second shot, he handed over a flash to the side.

However, Taobao Quan had also been prepared for a long time. After Brother Holy Gun flashed, he followed up with a flash.

An EQ flash came directly!
Use the flash to extend the knock-up distance of the EQ second company, and directly pick up Jess.

After picking up Jess, the prince followed up with a passive tie A.

Then start walking outside the defense tower.

Chen Ge's EZ directly hits E and damages. At this time, Jess' blood volume is already very low.

In this wave of Chen Ge's Q skill, he insisted on killing Jess!

So Chen Ge got his fourth head and completed a wave of tower jump kills against Jess!

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed, "This Bodgers was blown right through."

"He doesn't have TP. After being bypassed, he won't be able to eat any of these two waves of troops."

Miller: "The point is that I didn't understand why Jess was consumed like this at level three."

"Actually, from a normal point of view, even if EZ starts with three heads."

"His laning ability is still not strong, because his skills will be blocked by minions."

"As long as you pay attention to this point, at least you can achieve a smooth alignment with EZ."

Guan Zeyuan: "Maybe this EZ is different, it has unique skills."

Not only the two commentators, but the audience didn't understand because they didn't see the whole laning process.

Why can an EZ achieve this level of laning.

They naturally didn't expect that Chen Ge just relied on his luck to blow up Brother Holy Gun at the laning end.

After this wave of kills, Chen Ge returned to replenish.

Then go back online again.

After returning to the line, he found that Jess was even more wretched!
(End of this chapter)

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