LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 123 It's All Yours

Chapter 123 It's All Yours
This wave of team battles came and went quickly, in just two seconds, the team battle was over!

Snake was directly traded zero for five!
After winning this wave of team battles, LGD didn't waste any time, and directly led the super pawns from the middle to fight a wave to end the game!
Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed in surprise: "My God, this wave of princes starting a group directly killed the game!"

"The prince is too decisive. He has no vision. How could he know the five people in front of him?"

"It's time to get together."

Miller: "This wave is indeed a gamble, if Snake's people don't get together."

"The prince's wave is likely to be for nothing, because he turned on the flash EQ."

"It's hard for teammates to keep up the first time."

The opening of this wave of Taobaoquan is a god-level performance in the commentary.

At this time, on the playing field, within the LGD team.

Everyone cheered:

"Awesome, you have no solution to this group."

"TOP1 has already been booked by you."

"I'll go, you are too daring, no one can see it."

Everyone praised Taobao Quan's group start this time astonishingly.

Even Chen Ge was intimidated by Taobao Quan.

The moment the prince joined the group, Chen Ge was stunned.

Because at that time I couldn't see the distribution of Snake's people.

The prince flashed away directly, making it hard for people to understand.

But unexpectedly, this wave of Taobao rights seems to be well prepared.

At this moment, Taobao Quan suddenly said: "This wave is not due to me, I just saw EZ zooming in."

"I just realized that this wave can be fought, otherwise I wouldn't dare."

Everyone was stunned after hearing this, and then reacted.

"So this is ah."

"I didn't expect the master to be someone else."

"Then I can understand."

Everyone quickly changed their minds.

Different from the previous reaction, this time they were much calmer.

It's not because the relationship with Chen Ge is not good, but because I think it's only natural that this kind of thing happened to Chen Ge.

Although I don't know the exact reason, Chen Ge has this ability.

But what everyone in LGD didn't know was that Chen Ge himself was still in a dazed state, expressing that he didn't know what his teammates were talking about.

This wave of LGD directly ended the game. After everyone in Snake was resurrected, there was no time to stop it.

So the first game ended, and LGD took the lead in the score.

On the stage, Snake's side.

Look at the word FAIL on the screen.

Everyone in Snake fell into deep thought. This battle started from the first-level regiment, and everything was out of their control.

Until now, they have not figured out why EZ, the first-level group, would directly TP over to pick up the group.

This completely violates their understanding of the game.

The most important thing is, you said that the behavior of this wave of EZ was unreasonable, but you directly took three heads of EZ.

From the perspective of result theory, it is the most sensible way for this wave of EZ to choose TP.

However, this statement was unacceptable to everyone in Snake.

If they accept this statement, then all the game experience they have accumulated over the years is all wrong, and they will directly doubt life. How can this be done?

At this moment, Brother Crystal suddenly said: "Do you think there is such a possibility, that is... this person is just lucky?"

Hearing this, everyone in Snake froze for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

From a certain point of view, it seems that there is indeed such a meaning.

Because from the perspective of Chen Ge's position and smooth operation, he doesn't look like a master at all.

Instead, like a rookie.

But grass like his can often have unexpected effects.

Looking at it this way, it seems that things have a bit of luck.

However, just as everyone in Snake was thinking, there was a chuckle from Brother Holy Gun in the earphones.

I saw him say: "What you mean is, a person who has no operation."

"Just relying on luck, did you win all the top laners in LPL?"

"It's okay to joke with each other."

Hearing Brother Holy Gun's words, Brother Crystal realized that he had said the wrong thing.

If it is true what he said, Chen Ge is just lucky.

Where is the face of Holy Gun?

To be slapped by a top laner who is just lucky, it must be very good in itself.

And it's not just Holy Gun, what he said is rubbing the faces of all the top laners in LPL on the ground.

Thinking of this, Brother Crystal quickly explained: "I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

On the other side, everyone in LGD has returned to the lounge.

As soon as they walked in, everyone saw Brother Feng who was smiling.

Generally, Brother Feng is very serious, and it is difficult for everyone to see him like this.

Wei Shen then asked: "Is this a good thing? How do you feel that the coach is very happy?"

Brother Feng smiled after hearing this: "If you win the game, you must be happy, right, haha."

Wei Shen smiled after hearing this, obviously it's not that simple.

Brother Feng has never been so happy to win a game before, there must be some conspiracy in it!
At this time, Wei Shen suddenly noticed that Brother Feng was not only smiling, but also kept staring at Chen Ge.

It looks very weird, even a little wretched.

And Chen Ge also found that Brother Feng was staring at him, and he suddenly felt creepy, this must not be a good thing!
Sure enough, Brother Feng said suddenly: "That's right, your performance in the last game was very good."

"The fans are very satisfied, and the boss is naturally very satisfied, so I hope you will continue to maintain it."

"If you perform well, the boss will reward you heavily."

Hearing this, combined with Brother Feng's eyes, Chen Ge already knew what was going on.

It's nothing more than that he played Top Road EZ in the last game, and the show worked very well.

It made the fans happy, so the boss is also very open.

And this next game will continue, to put it bluntly, it is the next game, and we still need to choose a very good hero.

Now Chen Ge was in a dilemma.

EZ is a hero he finally guessed.

It has strong operability, and at the same time has strong life-saving ability and anti-pressure ability.

It is not easy to find genre heroes.

What are you afraid of? Brother Feng suddenly asked again: "What kind of hero will you play on the road next time, do you have any ideas?"

"If not, I have a few for your reference."

"Ah... wait, let me think about it again, don't worry." Chen Ge said quickly.

He didn't think about it at all now, and Brother Feng's so-called reference, he didn't need to think about it to know what it was.

It's nothing more than Raven, sword girl, weapon master and the like.

The operation of these heroes is a bit too difficult for Chen Ge.

Although Chen Ge is lucky, he can't imagine getting these heroes.

How can we win the opponent?

These heroes are all melee, and there is no such thing as EZ's use of skills to cover his face.

If you can hit others, others can hit you.

Recklessly operating, Chen Ge is naturally no match for Brother Holy Gun.

(End of this chapter)

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