LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 124 Picking a Hero Who Doesn't Know It at All

Chapter 124 Picking a Hero Who Doesn't Know It at All
At the same time, these hero teamfights are still difficult to play.

Every skill is very important, and if you are not careful, you will be instantly killed by the opponent's concentrated fire.

Combining these two points, Chen Ge felt his scalp tingle just thinking about it.

Soon, the rest time was over, and Chen Ge returned to the field with everyone in LGD.

Guan Zeyuan: "Okay, the second contest between the two sides is about to begin."

"Last LGD gave us a surprise. They took out the top laner EZ and performed perfectly."

"Now we can look forward to their choice in this game."

"I estimate that there is a high probability that EZ will not be available. It depends on whether there are other alternatives."

Miller: "I think if the top laner EZ can be used, it should not be a problem to use other shooter top laners."

"However, EZ is indeed a little different from ordinary shooters. The average player is output at level A."

"And the EZ skill output should account for the bulk."

The two were talking, and the second round of BP began.

This time the two sides switched sides, LGD came to the blue side, and Snake was on the red side.

This time, Snake gave EZ the first BAN position.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge's mood fell to the bottom.

He originally thought about taking EZ without going to other heroes.

As a result, this move was directly sealed.

Brother Feng also reacted very quickly. He immediately walked behind Chen Ge and asked:
"Now that EZ is gone, have you thought about what to get?"

"I... I'll think about it again." Chen Ge began to drag.

He really has no idea now.

However, in this case, the flow of time is faster than Chen Ge imagined.

Soon, LGD's top three heroes were all determined.

In the end, the blue fourth and fifth floors have to come out first, and Chen Ge has to make a choice.

However, he still hasn't figured out what hero to take.

Time passed by, LGD's fourth floor was finished, and it was Chen Ge's turn.

Everyone's attention came to him, and the director knew it well, and directly gave him a close-up of his facial expression.

On the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan is also building momentum:

"Now, LGD has to play the top laner first, what kind of hero is it?"

"The top laner EZ in the last game left a deep impression on us. Without EZ in this game, what heroes can we show?"

On the stage, Chen Ge glanced over the list of heroes over and over again.

Finally, his eyes fell on a hero, the Stone Man.

"How about...give me that stone man."

The hero of the stone man is simple and brainless, his ultimate move can escape, and his Q skill can make up the knife remotely.

It fits Chen Ge's needs very well.

"Stone man? Can't do it." Brother Feng refused without even thinking about it. He didn't understand, what is the connection between stone man and operability?
Such a brainless hero is naturally not what fans want to see.

At this time, Wei Shengong said in anger: "I guess it's because he can play any hero, so it's not easy to make a choice, or the coach can just help him choose one."

"Good guy." Chen Ge was shocked when he heard it. Why does Wei Shen like to understand in reverse?
He couldn't pick a hero because none of them knew how to play, but Wei Shen knew how to play everything.

This is too much.

What Chen Ge didn't expect was that Brother Feng really took it seriously, and he muttered: "That's true, because there are no heroes on the other side on purpose, and I know too much."

"So I don't know what to choose, so let's choose... Sword Fairy."

"Ah? Sword girl, don't..." Chen Ge was about to stop her, but this sword girl had already been selected by Aya Hirano.

Now Chen Ge is numb, Jian Ji really doesn't know how to play.

To what extent can't you play?
He doesn't even know how to use Sword Fairy's W skill!

At this time, Sword Fairy has just been revised, and other professional players are not very good at playing, let alone Chen Ge.

Although there are related teaching videos on the Internet.

But watching other people operate is two different things from doing it yourself.

You, a sword girl, can't use W skills, so you're still playing dumb.

However, Chen Ge's opinion seems to be unimportant.

Now that Jian Ji has been chosen, there is no room for repentance.

And when the sword girl was selected, Guan Zeyuan was shocked in the commentary!

I saw him explaining: "It turned out to be Jian Ji, did she fight so hard? This kind of hero wants to play the upper hand in the lane."

"And this hero has just been revised, and no one dares to take it out to play."

"This kind of hero, if you are at a disadvantage in the lane, you can't play in a team at all, and you will die if you enter."

Miller: "It feels like a bit of a fight, but the last top laner EZ can be selected, and it seems that it is not so strange to choose a sword girl."

At this time, Snake saw that LGD had confirmed a sword girl.

Holy Gun's hand trembled.

A hero like Jian Ji can only play against the advantages, not the disadvantages.

Even in an advantageous game, this hero is not easy to play in a team.

If there is a disadvantage, this person will simply disappear.

Chen Ge chose this tightrope-walking hero, to put it bluntly, he was extremely confident.

I feel that I can play an advantage online.

But you must know that this time the sword girl is the first to come out, and it has just been revised, and everyone is not familiar with the situation of falling in love.

Snake has the Kangte position on the fifth floor, and there are quite a few heroes in Snake.

Among the top lane heroes, there are many sword girls who are good at fighting online.

Because Jian Ji herself is not very strong in laning, she must be supported by equipment in order to exert her characteristics.

Coupled with Jian Ji's inability to accept disadvantages, it is almost impossible for this hero to be chosen first.

But now, LGD actually chose Sword Girl first, which shows that they are 100% sure that Sword Girl will have the advantage.

The pressure came to Brother Saint Gun, he had already thought about what hero to choose.

But as LGD's Jian Ji was single-selected, she began to hesitate instead.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the time for the hero selection was approaching.

Brother Holy Gun had to make a choice, and he said:
"Give me... take a prudent."

"Shen, take Shen?" Hearing this, the assistant Ella was startled.

Isn't the hero Shen the standard bastard hero?
Brother Holy Gun has always liked to play tricks, even if it is the top lane tank version, he doesn't like to play tanks.

Why are you becoming cowardly now?

Brother Holy Gun affirmed: "Give me Shen."

Seeing that Brother Holy Gun is so determined, there is no other way, Ella can only lock Yishen on the fifth floor.

Then, the two sides began to exchange heroes.

Both Shen and Jianji came to the top lane.

Lineup finalized: .

"LGD blue side:
Top laner Casual: Peerless Swordsman - Fiona

Jungle TBQ: Blind Monk-Li Qing
Mid laner GODV: Desert Emperor - Azir

Bottom lane Imp: Paladin - Lucian

Auxiliary PYL: Warden of Soul Lock - Thresh
Snake red side:
Top laner Flandre: Eye of Twilight - Shen

Jungle Beast: Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia
Mid laner Baka: LeBlanc - LeBlanc

Bottom lane KEYST4L: Runaway Lolita Jinx

Auxiliary Ella: Braum, Heart of the Freljord. "

Seeing this lineup, Guan Zeyuan analyzed:

"Why did LGD play Sword Girl first in this game, and Snake chose Shen as the top laner?"

"Brother Holy Gun's crocodile is not very good at playing. It is absolutely possible to use the crocodile to beat Jian Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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