LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 126 Extreme Suppression!

Chapter 126 Extreme Suppression!

After this wave of fights, Snake Uenosuke and the three had no choice but to break up, each going back to their respective homes, each looking for its own mother.

On the commentary seat, the jaws of Guan Zeyuan and Miller had dropped to the ground.

The two expressed complete incomprehension to what was happening in front of them!

I saw Guan Zeyuan explaining: "This wave...what the hell is going on? I don't understand it."

"This sword girl... does he know that someone is squatting at him?"

"If you know it, why go there?"

This wave of two commentators has been stunned, and they have commented on so many games.

It's so outrageous, it's the first time I've seen it.

At this time, the first wave of soldiers has come to the line, and it is time to start normal alignment.

Chen Ge stepped forward to make up the knife, which was different from the previous game. Brother Shengqiang dared to show his face this carefully.

But you can understand Chen Ge, after all, he learned the W skill at the first level, and he has no offensive ability.

Brother Holy Gun probably didn't feel much pressure.

This state didn't last long. The second wave of pawns came to the line and entered the stage of grabbing second.

Chen Ge began to walk forward pretending to be strong, trying to put pressure on Brother Saint Gun.

Originally, he just wanted to try.

If Brother Holy Gun dared to fight back, he would choose to give up.

Unexpectedly, this wave really worked.

Chen Ge pressed forward, and Brother Saint Gun began to retreat.

From Holy Gun's point of view, this wave of Chen Ge obviously wants to fight for the second level.

Although it is said that there is a line of troops, Brother Holy Gun is not very empty.

Even if Jian Ji is at the second level, if she comes up to fight against the pawn line, Shen is not afraid.

But seeing that Chen Ge is so confident, Brother Holy Gun still chooses to be wretched first.

What if Chen Ge has some tricks?

Anyway, be careful.

Chen Ge seemed to be scared when he saw the opponent, so he continued to press forward until Shen was pushed out of the experience zone.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan explained: "This time, Jian Ji's suppressive power is reflected."

"Now Shen doesn't even dare to step forward to make up the knife. I feel that this move is not very good."

Miller: "That's true, now it depends on what the jungler has to say."

"Sword Ji's position is very aggressive, which is a good opportunity for the jungler."

After Chen Ge pushed Shen out of the experience area, he chose to hide in the opponent's bushes.

Seeing this, Shen wanted to get closer to the pawn line, so Chen Ge immediately stepped out and continued to put pressure.

Brother Holy Gun could only retreat again.

The two began to pull each other on the road.

Chen Ge chose to give up his last hit, and did not let Shen gain experience.

In Chen Ge's view, he made money by doing this, and the level is still very important.

For the question of level, Brother Feng often advances it, which can be regarded as the introductory knowledge for professional players.

Chen Ge understood after listening to it. Once the laning level fell behind in the early stage, it would be impossible to fight.

So he thought, give up some ups, and let Shen lose experience at all.

Should be very profitable.

Brother Holy Gun also quickly discovered this. He originally thought that Chen Ge's suppression was only temporary.

When it's time to make up the knife, he can go forward to gain experience.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ge didn't make up the knife directly, and let the pawn line be wasted in vain.

In this way, he will be in trouble, how can he play if he can't gain experience and can't upgrade?
For a tank hero like Shen, the economy is not very critical, and he does not need a lot of equipment support.

But you need a level, at least you have to have level [-] to play the role of this hero.

After having the big move, let's not talk about directly supporting teammates to bring the rhythm.

Just the fact that you have a big move is very deterrent.

If Taobao Quan wants to do something, it must take this into consideration.

This is why it is often said that support heroes such as Kaka, Shen, and Pantheon.

When the big move is in your hands, it is the most effective time.

What matters is a deterrent.

This will make the other party actively give up many ideas.

But now Brother Holy Gun can't even gain experience, let alone be promoted to level six.

"Is this... is his understanding of the game?" Brother Saint Gun muttered.

He had never seen this style of play before!
Generally speaking, even if you want to suppress the opponent, it is on the premise of maintaining your own development.

It doesn't make a lot of sense if you're suppressing your opponent while you don't grow yourself.

But Chen Ge's current style of play has completely subverted this concept!

This is a style of play that has never appeared before!
Soon, Chen Ge's sword girl was promoted to level three, and Shen was still level one at this time.

Brother Holy Gun originally thought about whether he should bite the bullet and come up to eat the line of soldiers, and try to use his own soldiers to fight back.

But as Jian Ji rose to level three, he realized that he couldn't do this anymore.

The third level fights the first level, even if it is against the line of soldiers, it is casual.

He has missed the best opportunity!

"Let's go, I'm coming." At this moment, the voice of the jungler Beast came from Saint Gun's earphones.

At this time, the top line is already pushing towards Brother Holy Gun, so the jungler Beast wants to come up to help.

As a result, he had just finished speaking when he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Why are you only level one? That's not right." Beast exclaimed.

He still wanted to help out on the road, how could Shen help now that he was only level [-]?
If you don't do it well, you will be counter-killed.

Moreover, he found that the problem was much more serious than he thought.

Most of the time, this kind of situation where the third level fights the first level appears on the road, because there is a large wave of soldiers on the opposite side to enter the tower.

After these soldier lines are eaten, the level will not be much different.

But this time it's different. Although the blue side has more soldiers, it's not much.

This sword girl is estimated to be promoted to level four. After these soldiers enter the tower, Shen can be promoted to level two at most.

In other words, the level difference between these two levels is real, not because of the fact that the pawn line has not passed.

"It's okay... don't worry about going on the road, you can help other roads." Brother Saint Gun said.

Now he doesn't dare to cooperate with the jungler. What is the concept of a two-level difference?
If she is shown off by Jian Ji and let Jian Ji take a head or something, this match will be even more impossible to fight.

Hearing the words of Brother Holy Gun, Beast could only give up the idea of ​​GANK going on the road.

Start looking for opportunities in the middle and lower.

As for LGD, after Taobao Quan got the double BUFF, his first thought was to go on the road and do things.

Not because he noticed a good chance of hitting the road, though.

This time, he ran to squat back. In his opinion, the prince opposite is likely to go on the road to do something.

I thought that there were two short players on the road, and there would be frequent friction and exchange of blood on the line.

Definitely not in such good shape.

At the same time, Shen has control and is better suited for junglers.

In addition, Jian Ji is pushing the pawn line now, and the pawn line is about to pass. This position is very beneficial for the prince's GANK.

With so many conditions added together, it must be on the road to do something.

So Taobaoquan sent a signal to Shanglu that he was on the way, and said at the same time: "Cooperate with the wave, the prince on the opposite side is probably coming, and you will sell it later."

However, what Taobao Quan didn't expect, Chen Ge resolutely refused: "It's okay, don't worry about going on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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