LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 127 So That's What You Mean

Chapter 127 So That's What You Mean

The reason for Chen Ge's refusal is also very simple. The current line of soldiers on the road is not very good, and the gank is not very good.

At the same time, I also want to try to see if I can control the two opponents.

This idea seems bold, but Chen Ge really wants to try it.

He thought that he had such a big advantage, if he succeeded in one-on-two, he would be awesome.

If it doesn't work, it should be fine.

Hearing Chen Ge's words, Taobao Quan's immediate thought was that Chen Ge might be able to deal with it.

But soon, he found that it was not that simple.

Because he suddenly noticed that Shen on the other side was only level one!
Shen's first level is the E skill. Everyone in LGD saw the wave of Jian Ji being ambushed at the first level, so they know this.

In this way, wouldn't there be a chance to jump over the tower?
Although Shen is full of health, but after all, only one level.

Hero upgrades will increase attributes, such as blood limit, attack, dual resistance, etc.

So the first level with full blood and the third level with residual blood are actually the same concept.

Isn't this a good opportunity to jump the tower, and this wave, he said he wanted to squat back, but Chen Ge refused.

Perhaps Chen Ge thought that this wave should have jumped over the tower!
Thinking of this, Taobao Quan quickly said: "I'm sorry, I was negligent in this wave, I didn't understand what you mean, you push the line, we are going to the tower."

"Ah? What?" Chen Ge was shocked when he heard it. How did this become what he meant?

When did he say he was going to jump the tower?
The opposite side is full of blood, how can you jump over the tower?

However, this wave of Taobao Quan has already gone up the road, and it is in the direction of the triangle grass on the red side.

He ran directly behind the opposite defensive tower.

Seeing this, Chen Ge had no choice but to speed up the pace of pushing the line.

He thought to himself, since Taobao Quan wanted to jump over the tower so much, he was probably sure about it.

Soon, the pawn line was pushed into the defense tower.

Brother Shengqiang's Shen was relieved to see this scene.

I thought to myself that I could finally eat the pawn line.

This wave of Chen Ge suddenly pushed the line, which looked a bit suspicious. Obviously, if he continued to control the line, this advantage would continue to expand.

But Brother Holy Gun can't think so much anymore, it's important to upgrade now.

However, he hadn't touched the pawn line yet, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, a big bald man surrounded him from behind!
"Cross the tower!" The first time he saw the blind monk, Brother Shengqiang realized what he was about to face.

He chose to look at the small map, wanting to seek shelter from the jungler.

It turned out that the jungler had already reached the middle of the road, and he would not be able to make it through for a while.

But this time, in order to increase the strength of the line, the enchantress in the middle lane brought Ignite instead of TP.

In other words, this wave of holy gun brothers is in a state of isolation and helplessness.

After realizing this problem, Brother Saint Gun knew that he could only rely on himself.

This wave he has E skills, although that may not help him avoid this wave of kills.

But there is a chance to help him replace one.

As long as you ridicule the person who resisted the tower, you can return one logically.

At this time, Jian Ji and the blind monk, one in front and the other behind, approached Shen together.

The idea of ​​this wave of Taobao rights is relatively clear, I saw him say:
"I'll go first, and you'll do follow-up damage."

After all, the blind monk has two displacements of W and flash. After resisting the tower, it is relatively simple to withdraw from the defensive tower.

Chen Ge replied: "No problem."

Although he said so, he was still flustered.

Because the blind monk chose to fight against the tower first, it meant that he, the sword girl, had to deal most of the damage.

As for Chen Ge, he doesn't know how to play Sword Fairy at all, and he doesn't know how to deal damage at all.

He has heard that the new version of Sword Fairy is very useful.

But the key point is that he has no idea how to exploit this flaw and how much damage it can deal.

However, this wave is already ready to be launched.

After the two approached Shen, the blind monk's E skill started and sent a Q to the previous one.

This wave of blind monks is very fast, and the two actions are almost completed at the same time.

Shen didn't have time to hide, and was hit by this Q skill.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Ge's sword girl chose the Q skill to step forward. This wave of luck is good, but there is a flaw on his side.

A Q shot directly knocked out the flaw, but it dealt a lot of damage.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ge sent a W backhand.

This W is also harmful, but it is generally reserved to counter the opponent's control skills.

This is a bit difficult for Chen Ge.

So he chose to use this W to deal damage directly, thinking to himself, how much can be dealt counts.

However, his W is wrong!

This wave of Chen Ge used his Q skill to rush from behind Shen to in front of him.

W was thrown without adjusting the position of the mouse in time.

As a result, the W was placed on the side where no one was around, and Shen was behind his W at this time.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Ge made a mistake, an incredible scene happened!

This wave of Shen saw the blind monk start to fight against the tower.

Apart from anything else, he taunted with the E skill backhand, passing through the blind monk, trying to control the blind monk.

This wave has indeed ridiculed the blind monk. It is almost impossible to react to this kind of personal ridicule and dodge it with a flash.

However, this wave of taunts not only hit the blind monk, but also the sword girl!

However, because the sword girl just used her W skill, the taunt was blocked!

This is not over yet, Shen's E skill was directly shifted to Jian Ji's front, forcibly getting the counter effect of this W attack!
So Shen was directly arrested!

The audience was shocked!

Judging from the effect of the screen, everyone can clearly feel that Jian Ji cast W first, and Shen then turned in E skill.

As a result, Bo Shen was countered. Doesn't it mean that this was predicted?

At the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "My God, what kind of operation is this wave of swordsmen?"

"Use the W skill to predict Shen's taunt in advance?"

"How courageous is this? If it fails, won't this wave be over?"

Miller: "It can only be said that this is the audacity of Yigao people, but this wave of feeling hurt is not enough."

"Shen still flashes, if he flashes back, what will he do?"

At this time, on the screen, the mocking effect on the blind monk disappeared.

However, he also resisted the defensive tower twice, and he was about to be unable to hold it anymore.

The blind monk chooses the second stage of Q points to pass, and then touches his eyes to pull out the attack range of the defense tower.

But Shen's blood volume seems to be quite a lot at this time, and it can't be done with a few rounds.

This wave of results surprised Taobao Quan a little. According to his calculation, Jian Ji should have suffered more than this little damage.

What he didn't know was that Chen Ge didn't have any details in this operation, so the damage was naturally not enough.

This wave of blind monks has pulled out of the range of the defense tower, and the hatred of the defense tower will immediately be transferred to Jian Ji.

If it can't be done right away, Shen surrenders the flash and pulls it back to the defense tower, and this wave of sword girls will be replaced if they follow up.

If you don't follow, this wave of GANK will fail.

And it is impossible to wait for the next wave of skills, the opposite prince should be arriving soon.

However, just when Taobao Quan thought that this wave was going to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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