LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 137 Wandering is the essence of Kassadin

Chapter 137 Wandering is the essence of Kassadin
The scene has become two-on-three, which is very unfavorable for Beast, they can only take the initiative to retreat.

However, this wave of Thresh has already used up the flash, and it is not so simple to retreat.

Rek'sai used his red buff to stick to the Thresh's output.

After the blind monk ran away, Xiaopao came forward to follow up the output, and directly took Thresh's head!

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "This wave of BeastGANK went down the road and was directly squatted by Taobao Quan. There is a big problem."

"Why does the blind monk dare to gank so aggressively without Rek'Sai's position?"

"It feels like this wave, Beast thinks a little too little."

Miller: "It's indeed a bit too hasty. In this wave, we should first find out Rek'Sai's position."

"When you have chosen a combination like Thresh Draven for the bot lane, you should think that the opposing jungler may focus on taking care of the bot lane."

"But this wave of Beast obviously didn't think so much."

From the perspective of the two commentators, this wave of Beast is going to be blamed, because he thinks too little.

However, on the field, after this round of fights, Snake's side was a little quiet.

Because this wave of GANK is going down the road, in fact, the biggest reason is that Brother Saint Gun said that Rek'Sai must go to the road in the early stage.

This gave the blind monk an illusion, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do it so easily.

After a while of silence, Brother Saint Gun explained: "I was fooled by this wave!"

"I thought they were on the third floor, but they're actually on the fifth floor!"

"They picked Kassadin, pretending to lure us into the road."

"Actually, they have already thought of it. We may be afraid of being a trap, so we don't care about the road."

"It's about going to help get off the road, so that they can just squat down and get off the road."

"In this way, not only can the development of the lower Ludlevin be curbed, but at the same time, the upper road Kassadin can be comfortable."

"Two birds with one stone, we're still too young."

Hearing Brother Holy Gun's explanation, everyone said that they had been stunned.

The point is that it sounds reasonable.

It's hard to say anything about this wave of Beast, so they can only choose to endure it.

At this time on the road, Kassadin and Dashu are still developing normally.

Chen Ge was relieved to see the blind monk on the other side making trouble in the bottom lane.

What he was most worried about was being targeted by the blind monk in the early stage, but now it seems that the blind monk seems to care more about Draven's development.

After the end of the first wave of GANK, both sides began to enter the development stage.

For Taobao Quan, it is not easy for him to take the initiative, or he is not good at cooperating.

Either the risk is too high, and there will be problems if you are squatted back.

And Beast didn't dare to do it anymore. The others were all confused by Brother Holy Gun, and they didn't know which way to fight.

As a result, the two sides developed peacefully for 6 minutes.

Chen Ge's Kassadin directly rose to level six!
Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan explained: "Can you believe that Kassadin was not harassed by anyone when he reached level six in the top lane?"

"How did this happen? I feel that the blind monk is still a little too merciful, and he didn't even shoot on the road."

"Generally, this kind of hero will be trained by the military when he goes on the road."

Miller: "Maybe I thought... what kind of experience does Kassadin have, so that it is difficult for the opponent to catch him."

"Now Wei Shen's card has been upgraded to level six. It's really hard for you to catch it on the road, because the card can support you."

Chen Ge himself did not expect that he could be promoted to level six so smoothly.

Not to mention that Brother Shengqiang is not stable enough to dare to fight on the road.

If the blind monk doesn't come on the road, it will be very comfortable.

After reaching the sixth level, Chen Ge began to become more courageous.

He chose to actively push the line, and then started to roam.

In Chen Ge's understanding, Kassadin is a hero who walks around and picks up heads.

A Kassadin who can't swim is a Kassadin who fails.

Therefore, after pushing the line, he chose to go directly to the middle.

Prepare to do a wave of things for the middle lane.

At this time, on the middle side, Wei Shen was still very uncomfortable being suppressed.

Because the czar is on the opposite side, this hero's hands are too long.

Whether it is pushing the line or fighting against the card, it is not the czar's opponent.

So he can only be suppressed online.

"I'm here, I'm going to make a move." In the end, Wei Shen was feeling uncomfortable.

Before the jungler came to do something, Kassadin came first.

But here comes the problem, this Kassadin is out of control, and the early damage is very low.

Is there any point in his coming?

The Tsar has displacement, and the ultimate move can also push away Kassadin's ultimate move.

It is almost impossible for them to succeed in capturing the Tsar.

A flash is already pretty good.

"This wave...doesn't feel like a very good chance." Wei Shen said it more tactfully.

In fact, he just thought that this wave would never be caught.

"No chance? No way, won't you have a yellow card?" However, Chen Ge didn't understand.

In his opinion, the card has control, and that's enough.

As for the rest, he didn't think so much.

After hearing Chen Ge's words, Wei Shen suddenly didn't know how to answer.

If it was someone else, he would be straightforward and let the Kassadin backline develop honestly.

But because it was Chen Ge, he was shaken.

He thought, with Chen Ge's ability, it's impossible for him to have no judgment at all.

Then it can't be called the first top order in LPL.

Since Chen Ge is so sure, there should be an angle he didn't think of.

As a result, Wei Shen was thinking about what he missed.

Suddenly, the Tsar strikes first!
This wave of tsars suddenly used the E skill to move up, Wei Shen reacted very quickly, and immediately flashed back to love you.

There must be something wrong with the Tsar being so active.

Sure enough, this wave of blind monks has come from the side, and this wave of tsars is obviously to match the blind monk's GANK.

After the card flashed, the Tsar followed up with the flash, made a big backhand move, and pushed the card back directly!
Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "There is something wrong with this wave of tsars. He went up to trick Flash first, and then used Flash's big move to push people back."

"This wave of cards has nowhere to go. The blind monk also has a big move. You can come over and give him a second."

Miller: "I feel that there is something wrong with Powell. His position is a bit too forward."

"You don't seem to be very focused. After the sixth level of the Tsar, you can't get close."

"This hero is too powerful to cooperate with the jungler."

Although this wave of Kassadin is next to him, it is useless from the commentary's point of view.

Because the current Kassadin's damage is not enough to look at.

Two-on-two doesn't do much.

When the blind monk came over and played the cards for a second, it would become two against one.

However, what everyone did not expect was that.

This wave is obviously unbeatable, but Chen Ge is still on it!

I saw him walking close to the Tsar, and then he sat on his face with his big move, and then followed up with a set of QWE skills to deal full damage.

In this wave, Wei Shen cut out the yellow card and stopped the czar first.

He thought that he was doomed, so he helped Chen Ge manage more output to see if he could change it.

(End of this chapter)

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