LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 138 Isn't this buying spinach?

Chapter 138 Isn't this buying spinach?
Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "This wave of Kassadin actually went up! How dare he?"

"The intensity of this two-on-two is not at the same level at all."

"After this wave goes up, it is estimated that one more head will be sent!"

Miller agreed: "I feel a little too impulsive. The only way to do this wave is to sell the cards."

"It's definitely impossible to fight."

This wave is not only because the commentator feels that Chen Ge's judgment is problematic.

The blind monk Snake also felt that Chen Ge was sending him off.

He originally just wanted to kill this card.

But now Kassadin took the initiative to send it up, so he will take it together!
However, at the moment when the blind monk was about to go up, Saint Spear sent him several retreat signals in a row, and said at the same time: "Don't go up, fight the opposite side!"

Hearing this, the blind monk immediately calmed down.

When he thought about it carefully, there was indeed a problem, and now he didn't know where Rek'Sai was on LGD's side.

If Rek'Sai was there, this wave would be two against three.

With Rek'Sai's early fighting power, if he gets into this wave, he will definitely die.

Moreover, being so decisive in this wave of Kassadin is obviously very sure.

Judging from Chen Ge's ability, he should not do things that he is not sure about.

Therefore, Porek'sai is very likely to be nearby.

Maybe, this is waiting for the right time to enter the market!

And this Kassadin might be a decoy!
Thinking of this, Beast hesitated, although he was already close to the czar in this wave.

But he didn't go up to give W directly, instead he just withdrew!
Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

The mid laner Baka exclaimed: "Help! Why did you run away!"

However, as soon as this wave of words was finished, Chen Ge had already taken his head!
Although Kassadin's damage is not high, if Crispy hits him for nothing, he can still hit him.

Not to mention that this wave also has the help of cards.

God Bowei was ready to sacrifice, but it turned out that the blind monk withdrew directly.

This time he was dumbfounded.

"What is this blind monk doing? What is he running away?" Wei Shen asked suspiciously.

He couldn't understand the blind monk's behavior at all.

"Maybe they thought they were afraid of me." Chen Ge guessed.

It was the only reason he could think of.

Wei Shen was speechless after hearing this, it would be too outrageous if this is the case.

He admitted that Chen Ge is strong, but Kassadin is so weak in the early stage, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

No matter how good Chen Ge's operation is, it can't change this.

With doubts in mind, this wave of Weishen cleared up the return supply of the troops.

And Chen Ge went online directly, preparing to return to the line.

At this time, the line of soldiers was just pushed by Brother Holy Gun, and there would be almost no loss of line of soldiers after returning.

Brother Holy Gun didn't see Chen Ge's people appearing on other roads, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to push the line.

I was deeply afraid that I would be fooled by Chen Ge.

In the commentary seat, after watching this wave, Guan Zeyuan and Miller were stunned.

The two exchanged glances, both wanting to know what the other was thinking.

It turned out that the other party couldn't understand either.

After a while of silence, Guan Zeyuan said: "This wave...maybe because...the blind monk thinks the Tsar is hopeless."

"He probably thought that the Tsar would be killed directly, and this wave would become a one-on-two, so he chose to sell the Tsar."

Miller: "This is the only possibility, otherwise it is completely incomprehensible why blind monks dare not join this wave."

The two could only choose to think that this wave of direct damage was calculated incorrectly, and Kassadin's damage was overestimated.

However, the audience didn't buy it, and everyone started booing:
"Isn't this a fake match?"

"How much did this blind monk buy?"

"I would have killed them all if I had come here, what kind of job is this?"

"It's outrageous, the blind monk must be strictly investigated!"

In the eyes of everyone, there is only one possibility that this wave of blind monks dare not go up.

That is, he is playing fake games!

If it wasn't for the match-fixing, it would be totally unreasonable to miss such an obvious opportunity.

Chen Ge didn't even know that his wave of support had ruined the reputation of the opponent's jungler.

The game continues.

Chen Ge got a head in this wave, which doubled the pressure on Brother Saint Gun.

The hero Kassadin is like this, he takes one head, in the eyes of the opponent, it may be equivalent to three heads of other heroes.

If it is paired with the ID of Chen Ge, it will be even more serious.

This wave of holy gun brothers can only choose a more wretched style of play.

The game time quickly came to 10 minutes.

Chen Ge's development without pressure is not good, but this wave of Taobao Quan suddenly has an idea for Xiaolong.

Greeted his teammates in advance, especially Chen Ge who was on the road.

Let Chen Ge be ready for TP support at any time.

After the Taobao right is planned, come to Xiaolongkeng, and then actively activate Xiaolong.

At the same time, on Snake's side, the jungle blind monk passed the vision of Xiaolongkeng.

I saw the movement of Taobao Quan, so I started to walk in the direction of Xiaolongkeng.

At the same time, in this wave, he called the mid laner and bottom laner.

So the middle lane and the duo on both sides began to lean in the direction of Xiaolongkeng.

Soon, the troops from both sides were already in place, and began to pull around the small dragon pit.

Taobao Quan continued to export this little dragon, as if it was bound to win.

And Snake is not in vain, although the development of Kassadin in the top lane is not bad.

But after all, it is Kassadin, and this hero needs to reach level [-] to fully form.

Now there is no level 11, and the CD of the ultimate move is very long, which is not enough to pose a threat.

At the same time, this LGD middle lane is a card, and this hero is more fierce in support.

But in frontal team battles, it is far behind the Tsar.

Therefore, from the perspective of the lineup, this wave of team battles is quite beneficial to Snake.

Of course they have no reason to be cowardly.

Seeing that Xiaolong's blood volume was running low, everyone in Snake began to move around.

Seeing this, Taobao Quan commanded: "Get on the road, you can come here!"

Now without Chen Ge in front, he has no bottom in his heart.

So Chen Ge chose to give TP to the front.

After seeing Chen Ge's TP, Brother Holy Gun also chose to support him.

This wave of head-to-head directly turned into five-on-five!

Chen Ge's TP position is quite conservative, behind everyone in LGD.

Dashu's position is relatively forward, and he wants to force the LGD people away directly.

Seeing the TP position of Dashu in this wave, LGD really couldn't stand it.

Except for Hirano Aya's bull head, no one on LGD can step forward to resist damage.

And Niutou mainly relies on big moves, so usually he can only use big moves after entering the field.

Once the ult is over, he's a crisp.

He can't make a big move first and go forward, but can only retreat with his teammates.

In this way, the position of Xiaolong Pit was given up to be occupied by Snake.

On the contrary, LGD fell into the dilemma of trying to grab Xiaolong.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan explained: "Now I can feel that the role of Dashu is much higher than that of Kassadin in terms of team fighting."

"Now the position has been blocked by Snake, LGD probably will take the initiative to release Xiaolong in this wave."

(End of this chapter)

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