LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 139 Why Don't You Do It?

Chapter 139 Why Don't You Do It?
Miller echoed: "I feel that LGD is still too anxious, Kassadin is a late hero."

"Actually, they don't need to take the initiative to move this little dragon. As long as it can develop peacefully, it will be fine."

As the two were talking, Chen Ge's Kassadin was already in place.

Seeing that his teammates were all retreating, Chen Ge asked, "Aren't you guys going to fight? What are you afraid of? Go ahead."

From Chen Ge's point of view, he worked so hard to TP, but his teammates looked like they were about to withdraw. This is unacceptable!

Hearing Chen Ge's words, the teammates didn't know what to do.

How to get on like this?Opposite a big tree top in front.

"If you don't go, then I will go." Xiaolong was about to be accepted by the other side.

Chen Ge expressed that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Then a strange scene happened. Kassadin, who was supposed to come in to reap the harvest, took the initiative to go to the front.

Made it ahead of everyone!
It looked like he was about to strike first.

Seeing that Chen Ge was so stubborn, his teammates naturally couldn't retreat, so they could only bite the bullet and follow forward.

After the big tree of Brother Saint Gun fell to the ground, it was originally at the front of the team to deter everyone in LGD.

At first, everyone in LGD was scared off by him, but he was quite satisfied.

But something went wrong soon, and this wave of Chen Ge actually started to move forward on his own initiative!

Under normal circumstances, Brother Holy Gun would take the initiative to tie up W.

But now there is a problem, this hero is Kassadin!

If he goes up with W, Chen Ge chooses to put his R skill back.

It will directly lead him to the rear of the team.

Although it is a big tree and very fleshy, it can't stand the fire of five people.

Not to mention his poor development this time, in fact, tanks are like that.

Moreover, with Chen Ge's level, since he moved forward so generously, he must be absolutely sure.

In addition to using a big move to bring him back, I am afraid there are other ways to deal with it.

Otherwise, how could such an obvious flaw be leaked.

Realizing that something was wrong, this wave of holy gun brothers chose to retreat directly.

This Kassadin was about to go to his face, and he would be beaten if he didn't withdraw.

Now it was Snake's turn to be at a loss.

Dashu chose to retreat as the front row, and the others naturally did not dare to push forward.

But this little dragon is going to be gone.

After regaining control of the initiative, Taobao Quan chose to use punishment to accept the little dragon.

Seeing this scene, the audience and commentators were dumbfounded!
I saw Guan Zeyuan shouting: "Do it! What is this big tree thinking? Why doesn't he do it?"

Miller: "Why doesn't this wave of big trees start a group? Isn't Kassadin's move?"

The two said that they could not understand the behavior of the big tree at all.

Not only them, but the audience also expressed their unacceptability:
"What is Holy Gun doing? Isn't this up?"

"Give me back, this Kassadin has died ten times!"

"Others are going to walk on his face, and he still doesn't?"

"So cowardly? What kind of job do you play, go home and raise pigs!"

Snake's fans went berserk at the scene.

For them, this situation is worse than losing the game.

A crispy Kassadin on the opposite side lost his face, and he didn't dare to go up and beat him. Is there anything more humiliating than this?
At this time, on the playing field, Snake's teammates also expressed that they couldn't understand.

Brother Holy Gun made a mistake in command before, but they didn't pursue it.

But now, it is even more unreasonable not to grasp such an obvious opportunity.

I saw Brother Crystal questioning: "Aren't you going to fight this wave? You can fight!"

Beast also echoed: "You go up and tie him up, I'll be with you, and give him a second!"

Chen Ge's Kassadin has already used the E skill to slow down to the big tree of Brother Holy Gun. After getting closer, he directly poked it with the W skill, looking extremely arrogant!

This is unacceptable in the eyes of everyone in Snake, so they choose to urge Brother Holy Gun to do it.

This time, Brother Holy Gun was also in a mess. He chose to follow the command of his teammates and backhanded W to tie up Chen Ge's Kassadin.

Almost at the same time, the blind monk W touched the big tree, followed by R, and kicked Chen Ge in the face in the back row!
The control connection between the two is perfect, and Chen Ge doesn't even have a chance to zoom in!

"Oops!" The moment Chen Ge was kicked back, he realized something was wrong.

He is so courageous in this wave because he has a big move.

If the big tree binds him, he can use his big move to go back.

Maybe you can take the big tree back.

However, in actual operation, he found that it was not that simple.

Because his reaction is not so fast!

Not to mention that the big tree is so close to him, even if it is farther away, he can't react with his reaction.

He did this entirely on his own imagination, without any basis at all!

This wave is kicked back, Thresh on the opposite side can keep up with the hook, and then Draven and Tsar follow up with damage, this wave is already dead!

Just when Chen Ge fell into despair and realized his mistake.

The situation suddenly changed!
This wave was caused by the big tree and the blind monk. The Czar, Thresh, and Delevingne, who originally wanted to run away, chose to turn around and fight back.

And the positions of the three of them were relatively concentrated, which made Hirano Aya see an opportunity!
I saw his bull head, the W skill was given to Dashu, and then he handed over the flash and came to the front of the opposite back row, and then sent a Q to knock the three people in the opposite back row into the air!
Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed in surprise: "Niutou suddenly flashed W and Q, directly knocking the three people flying!"

"Rek'Sai has entered! The Tsar has been jacked up again!"

"Xiaopao directly enters the field with W!"

"Oh my God……"

Team battles are about to start!
At the moment when Niutou W flash Q completely started the group, Rexai followed Shan Ding and knocked the czar into the air again.

As for the small cannon, W sits on the czar's face, and then the E skill is given to the czar, and the Q crazy output is turned on.

This wave of Chen Ge's Kassadin made a shocking operation!

I saw that he showed his flash, came behind the czar, and then made a big backhand move, directly sitting the czar to death!
At the moment the Tsar was seconded, he launched a big move.

However, this ult was aimed at the front, and since Kassadin was behind him, it was naturally useless against Kassadin.

Originally, the Tsar's ultimate move could directly push Kassadin's R back, but this wave didn't work!
"Is this okay too?" The moment he was killed, Baka was dumbfounded.

This wave of Kassadin's operations perfectly predicted his ultimate move!

If Kassadin came up with his ult directly, he used his ult to push Kassadin and LGD back, and then flashed and ran away, he might have survived!

But this Kassadin chose to flash first and then enter the field with a big move!
Completely bypassed the direction of his ultimate move!
After the Tsar fell to the ground, the W of the small cannon was refreshed, and he chose to jump directly on Draven's face.

The control of this wave of LGD has been given to the Czar, so Draven has already pulled away in a flash.

However, Imp has already killed red eyes, and with Chen Ge's Kassadin beside him, he is naturally worthwhile in this wave.

(End of this chapter)

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