LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 141 Snatching a Dragon and Killing a Killer in One Go

Chapter 141 Dragon Snatching and Killing in One Go

Seeing that he was about to be dropped by SnakeRUSH.

In the beginning, they also wanted to lure people over and look for opportunities to start a group.

But now with the blood volume of the big dragon, it is completely possible to beat the big dragon first, and then take over the group.

Therefore, this wave of Snake changed, the strategy, and the five people continued to output the dragon.

Anyway, the jungler is punished, and he is not afraid of being robbed by the dragon.

Seeing the opposite side is determined to forcefully RUSH this dragon.

Hirano Aya realized that this wave must be the first to fight.

He has a flash in his hand, but he can directly flash the second company to start a regiment.

However, there is a problem with this wave.

That's the Tsar's ultimate move.

This tsar's big move is very disgusting, and it can directly block the second company of the bull's head.

Therefore, if you can't pass the tsar's level, I'm afraid this regiment will not be able to drive well.

But Aya Hirano thought about it, but couldn't think of a way to bypass the Tsar.

Unless someone can force the Tsar's ultimate move first.

And if you can't drive double C, it doesn't make much sense to drive other people.

It's useless even if it's driven to the jungler. In the state of being knocked into the air, the jungler can also hand over punishment, so this big dragon cannot be grabbed.

Just when Hirano Ling was hesitating, the blood volume of the dragon had bottomed out and reached more than 1000.

It was about to enter the slashing line of punishment, and if Hirano Ling didn't start a group, no one else dared to step forward to output.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge became anxious instead.

Seeing the blood volume of the big dragon, he felt his blood surge, and a primitive impulse arose in his heart.

In the silver game, no one can not be interested in this bloody dragon.

Even if it is an auxiliary nurse, seeing the remaining blood of the dragon, he will flash up and use the Q skill to see if he can grab it.

Moreover, there will often be various situations where Oolong grabs the big dragon.

What kind of Japanese girl's big move, Thresh hook, robot hook, can grab the dragon.

Because the silver jungler controls the timing of the punishment, it can only be described as random.

Either it was too early, or there was no time to give it after the call.

Therefore, in Chen Ge's view, this wave definitely has a chance.

If Dalong is captured, then he will be the greatest contributor!
This TOP1 cannot escape.

Even if he didn't grab the big dragon, that's understandable.

So when the dragon's blood volume reached about [-], Chen Ge made a move!
In this wave, he took the initiative to step forward, then stepped on Dalong's face with his big move, and then pressed the QWE button several times indiscriminately.

In such a chaotic situation, you can press whatever you can, and there is no rules at all.

While Chen Ge stepped on it, Snake also took countermeasures.

This wave of tsarist made a big backhand move, pushing Chen Ge back.

Not only that, but the blind monk also followed up with a big move.

The two overlapped with their big moves, sending Chen Ge out of the Dragon Pit directly!

For Snake in this wave, keeping the dragon is the most critical.

The moment the blind monk kicked Kassadin out, he saw that the blood volume of the dragon had reached the killing line, so he punished him without saying a word.

Then a punishment fell on the top of Dalong's head, and Dalong fell to the ground in response!

After getting the big dragon, everyone in Snake was shocked!Ready to take the group.

Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "This wave of snakes took down the dragon, and at the same time, Kassadin failed to enter the field!"

"I feel that this wave of LGD will not only lose the dragon, but also be wiped out by the group!"

Miller: "This big dragon should actually be released. Without a jungler and a hero with long-range high burst, how could it be possible to grab the big dragon?"

From the perspective of the two commentators, there is a problem with the command of this wave of LGD.

Obviously, we should just give up on this big dragon and go to clean up the pawn line and push the tower to stop the loss.

But LGD chose the most risky path with almost zero success rate.

However, just when everyone thought that this wave of LGD lost their wife and lost their troops.

The system prompt that appeared in the lower right corner said that the dragon was killed by Kassadin!
Guan Zeyuan and Miller quickly looked at the LGD people, only to find that the big dragon buff was really on the LGD people!

"What's the matter?"

The two were dumbfounded!
It stands to reason that although Kassadin entered the field in this wave.

But his damage cannot be higher than punishment.

Moreover, Snake, the blind monk, was not disturbed by others, so he wouldn't be able to beat Kassadin even if he had a flash.

The most important thing is that the moment Kassadin was kicked back, the dragon was still there, so what kind of damage did he use to kill the dragon?

But the facts are right in front of our eyes, and it's okay if the two don't believe it.

Not only the two commentators, everyone on stage, Snake was dumbfounded.

"Dalong... is the opposite?" Brother Shengqiang expressed confusion.

However, this wave didn't have time for him to slowly organize his thoughts, thinking that the team battle had already started!
After this wave of tsars released their ultimate moves, Hirano Aya saw an opportunity.

Hirano Aya's bull head chose to flash the second company, and knocked the Draven and the Tsar into the air at the same time.

This wave of Chen Ge reacted very quickly, he directly handed over Flash, wanting to step forward and deal damage.

Now that he has this equipment, if he sits down with a big move, Draven and the Tsar will still need residual blood if they are not dead.

At that time, Imp's small cannon will have a chance to harvest.

However, after this wave of Chen Ge handed over his flash, he discovered a problem.

That is, his ult CD has not improved yet!

This time, when he saw the bull head and saw the double C on the opposite side, he felt hot-headed and wanted to hurt him.

But he ignored the fact that his ult hadn't improved yet.

Therefore, after he handed in this flash, he couldn't output it immediately.

At the same time, Brother Holy Gun found an opportunity, W came forward, and took Chen Ge under control.

"It's over, I won't send it." Chen Ge suddenly felt that he had made a big mistake in this wave.

If he kept his flash, he would be quite a threat to the back row.

Now that the flash has been given, he is still charged, and there is no chance to enter the arena.

However, just when Chen Ge thought that he had caused a catastrophe, he suddenly discovered that the double C person on the opposite side was gone!

In the Great Dragon Pit, Draven and the Tsar had disappeared.

In fact, this wave of Kassadin's flashes, as if he was about to step forward to deal damage, made Snake, the double C, aware of the threat.

The moment the two landed on the ground, they chose to flash back directly over the wall and came to the top of the dragon pit!
After the flash was handed in, they regretted it, because this wave of Kassadin never came up.

Their idea is to use flash to avoid Kassadin's big move.

Then output this Kassadin through the wall, after all, they are all long-handed heroes.

As long as Dashu helps control it, with the damage of the two of them, Kassadin can be easily killed.

Now that he flashed a hand, he was directly out of touch with his teammates.

Kassadin didn't have a big move either, they couldn't touch it at all!

"I've been fooled!" Brother Crystal said he was fooled, and he suddenly realized that Kassadin was deliberately deceiving them.

Pretending to flash to pick up the big move, in fact, is tricking them into handing in flash!
The situation of the team battle suddenly changed!

Although everyone is there, Snake's double C is completely out of touch with his teammates.

(End of this chapter)

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