LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 142 You can't be lucky all the time, okay?

Chapter 142 People Can't Be Lucky All The Time, Okay?

Without the output of double C, others can only be beaten.

Kassadin and Xiaopao started the harvesting process.

The three of Snake in the Great Dragon Pit could only be taken down.

Not only that, Delevingne and Tsar were in a hurry on the dragon pit, and the two walked around, wondering whether to sell their teammates directly.

In the end they chose to spare from the side, wanting to go around and fight.

As a result, halfway through the circle, the teammates were gone.

Moreover, their positions are exposed within the field of vision of everyone in LDG.

This wave of Chen Ge, Kassadin and Imp's small cannons chose to jump directly to find the double C on the opposite side.

At the same time, Weishen Card started its big move, directly cooperating with the two to accept the double C heads on the opposite side.

This wave of Snake was directly defeated by a group of five, and Dalong was also taken down by LGD.

The economic gap widened to [-] at once!
The situation collapsed in an instant!

Now everyone is dumbfounded!

All these turning points came too fast, and many people have not reacted yet.

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan and Miller stared at each other.

After slowing down for a while, Guan Zeyuan asked in confusion: "This wave... is not right, let's not talk about the team fight, why is this big dragon from LGD?"

"Both the blind monk and the tsar kicked Kassadin away, and the blind monk still has punishment."

"How could Kassadin snatch this dragon?"

Miller echoed: "I also find it strange that Kassadin doesn't have any continuous damage. Why is the dragon his?"

Just when the two were puzzled, the director played the replay!
Through the slow motion of this replay, everyone realized what happened.

When Kassadin entered the field and dealt the first wave of damage in this wave, the dragon's blood volume had already entered the slashing line of punishment.

At this time, the blind monk kicked Kassadin away, and then punished him.

However, when this wave of Kassadin was kicked away, the Q skill in his hand was shot!

This Q skill is still flying, and the punishment of the blind monk has fallen!

It seems that there is no problem. The blood volume of this big dragon cannot be killed by Kassadin's Q skill.

At the same time, the punishment damage of the blind monk is enough to kill the dragon.

Therefore, from all angles, it is impossible for this dragon to be robbed.

However, at the moment when the punishment fell, an accident was suddenly discovered!
The blood volume of this wave of dragons has inexplicably increased!

After the punishment fell, Dalong still had [-] HP left!
Then Kassadin's Q skill hit and directly took down the dragon!
This wave looks very weird!

Both Guan Zeyuan and Miller were stunned.

If this wave hadn't been for the sudden increase in the blood volume of the dragon, it would be impossible for Kassadin to grab the dragon!
However, after all, it is a commentary, and there is still relevant knowledge.

Guan Zeyuan immediately reacted: "The dragon has been upgraded! This wave is the upgrade of the dragon, and the blood volume has increased, so Kassadin is given a chance to grab it! My God!"

"This can only be said to be bad luck. Is it possible that Kassadin's upgrade is also within Kassadin's calculations?"

"It's too scary."

Miller said: "If it was someone else, I believe it was luck, but this is Casual."

"He, a Kassadin who has not been punished, dares to rush in to grab the big dragon like this, he must be sure."

"Are you saying it's possible, that is, he already knows that Dalong is about to upgrade."

"So I want to take this opportunity and give it a try, because the upgrade of the dragon is indeed a variable that can be used!"

Hearing this, the fans at the scene gasped.

If this is true, how strong is Chen Ge's computing power?
That is no longer the domain of humans!
In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"This is too unreal, how is this possible?"

"Inhuman! It's so terrifying!"

"God! God descends to earth!"

"Take my knee!"

Many people still choose to believe that Chen Ge did it on purpose, because so far.

There are too many things that can be called miracles that happened to Chen Ge.

It's luck once or twice, but it's the same this time, so it can't be luck.

At this time, on the competition stage, Snake's side.

The jungler Beast has not figured out how this dragon was robbed until now.

In his opinion, this wave cannot be robbed anyway.

He was watching the blood volume of the big dragon, so why did the big dragon become the opposite.

The Snake team didn't say a word, because not only the jungler, this wave of double Cs was also shown as Muggles.

This wave of Chen Ge flashed up to trick them into handing in flashes, which directly led to the collapse of Snake in this wave of team battles.

Snake's minds are no longer on the competition, everyone is thinking, how can Chen Ge be so strong, he can only be described as a monster.

As for LGD, it's a completely different situation.

"Awesome! Can this big dragon get it? MVP! MVP!" Taobao Quan has already arranged the MVP for Chen Ge.

This wave of Taobao Quan was relieved, because he was caught first, and the opponent had a chance to fight Dalong.

Therefore, if he hadn't played in this wave, and Dalong lost the game and lost the game, he would have to take the blame.

But now, it can be said that this wave of Chen Ge saved him.

However, Chen Ge chuckled, as if nothing was worth mentioning.

In fact, he panicked a lot in his heart, he didn't even know how he snatched the big dragon.

At that time, his head was hot, and then the big move entered the field and he pressed it randomly, and the big dragon became his.

At this time, Wei Shen said again: "It's nothing, you didn't see it, he flashed and pretended to enter the arena."

"Scare away the double C on the other side, otherwise we won't be able to win this wave of team battles."

"I just found out now that I don't know how to play this game at all. I didn't dare to think about these operations before."

Hearing this, Chen Ge couldn't hold back anymore.

After all, he didn't enter the arena when he flashed up in that wave, because the CD of the ultimate move was not good.

If the CD of the ultimate move is ready, he will definitely press it, and the result is that the ultimate move is avoided.

Then he was controlled by Dashu, and finally killed.

It can only be said that stupid people are blessed with stupid people, and they didn't notice the CD of their ultimate move.

After this wave of LGD supplies, they chose to come to the middle road to form a group.

Prepare to take the middle high ground.

On Snake's side, five people defended together on the high ground, and the two sides were ready for a decisive battle!

Soon, the pawn line, which the dragon BUFF said strongly, came to the high ground in the middle of Snake.

Everyone in LGD set up a formation and began to grind the blood volume of the defense tower on the middle road.

Now that Aya Hirano has not flashed, it is still difficult to start a group.

As a result, the situation became a bit frozen.

The czar on the opposite side cleared the line a bit fast, and a wave of pawn lines couldn't withstand a few pokes from him.

And this hero has very long hands, he really can't touch him.

Following this rhythm, the Dragon BUFF was dragged over, and LGD couldn't win the high ground in the middle.

At the same time, the second tower on the opposite road is still there.

Moreover, the pawn line has already been taken out. If you want to split the belt, you need to delay a lot of time to lead the line, which is also very unfavorable for LGD.

(End of this chapter)

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