LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 163 Wandering Top Order

Chapter 163 Wandering Top Order

Although he has to take the blame, the responsibility still needs to be clearly divided, and AmazingJ doesn't want to take all the responsibility on himself.

Hearing this, the factory manager didn't know how to answer it. He actually understood this wave. After the signal was given on the top road, the main problem was in the middle road.

But after all, the fat general has thighs, so in this regard, we still have to favor him.

Just when the factory manager was a little bit embarrassed, the fat general suddenly said: "This is not your problem, this wave...he blocked my vision time!"

"He should have entered the grass at the last second when my vision disappeared, and then came to gank!"

"At first, I thought it would be safe to have a view from above, but I didn't expect...he has already reached this point!"

Hearing the fat general's words, everyone in EDG was shocked!
Originally they thought that this wave of fat generals was simply taking things lightly, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

In fact, this wave of fat generals is indeed not taken lightly. He has vision above the middle lane. Now that Nightmare is not level [-] and has no ultimate move, he can already prevent it by using this vision.

However, after the fat general was killed, he found that this vision had disappeared!

So he thought that Chen Ge probably came over the moment his vision disappeared, so he didn't notice it!

This kind of routine also occasionally occurs in competitions.

Card the time of the opposite vision, come to GANK the moment the vision disappears.

Generally, a few seconds after the vision disappears, the other party will subconsciously think that the vision is still there.

In this case, it is easy to leak flaws.

But it usually appears in the bottom lane, because the bottom lane has an assistant to record the time of vision.

And because the single-player line has to focus on laning, less attention is paid to such trivial things.

In this way, it is enough to show that Chen Ge is not only strong in operation and overall situation, but also impeccable in details!

Of course, what everyone in EDG didn't know was that this wave of Chen Ge didn't pay attention to it at all.

He didn't even know that the fat general was operating above the middle lane to make a vision, and it was even more impossible to get stuck in the vision time.

This wave was just that when he passed by, his vision just disappeared.

After this wave, EDG began to focus on the defense of the top lane.

Among the three people in Ueno, each of them took out a real eye.

Put all the real eyes in the upper half of the field.

One is placed on the top road triangle grass on the red side, and the second is placed on the red buff grass on the red side.

The last one was placed in the river grass above the mid lane.

In this way, all the routes of the blue side's top lane to invade the wild area and the GANK middle lane were blocked!

Everyone in EDG didn't expect that it would be necessary to target a top laner in this way.

Generally, this kind of eye position is used to target the opponent's jungler.

Seeing this posture, the baby explained: "EDG's adjustment ability is still quite strong. After being caught by Nightmare for two waves, they should be aware of the seriousness of the problem."

"These three true eyes will seal the position, and Nightmare's roaming will be greatly restricted."

Miller: "Not only is it a nightmare, but now the barrels of Taobao rights are not easy to handle."

"As long as it appears in the first half of the field, it will definitely be seen."

However, just as the two of them had finished speaking, the situation on the scene suddenly changed a bit.

Chen Ge had just finished his supplies at this time, and after returning to the line, he pushed a wave of soldiers to upgrade to level five.

Then he walked in the direction of the red square red buff again.

Wanting to make a vision, after the success of the last wave of GANK, Chen Ge tasted the sweetness, so he wanted to repeat the old trick.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the triangle grass, I found that there were real eyes in the grass.

So I touched this real eye.

After eyeing the red buff on the opposite side, Chen Ge wanted to go to the middle lane to find opportunities.

Now that the red BUFF hasn't been brushed, it should be impossible to catch the prince. You can try this vampire.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the grass on the outside of the red buff, he found that there was also a real eye here.

"So many wards?" Chen Ge was shocked. Everywhere he went, there were wards, and the opposite seemed to want to block the road?
So Chen Ge also blocked this eye, and then went back to the road.

As a result, Chen Ge directly dismantled the sky net that EDG had just set up, and the upper half of the jungle was completely dark again.

The pressure came to the factory manager and the fat general, and they were the most likely to be caught by Chen Ge.

So after losing sight, I can only choose to be wretched first.

The factory manager only dared to brush his own big bird, and he didn't dare to go to the stone beetle and red BUFF.

Soon, Chen Ge's nightmare reached level six.

After reaching the sixth level, the situation is different again.

Nightmare's ultimate move can dash forward from a long distance, so the general defensive eye position is useless for Nightmare.

AmazingJ also understands it very well. He chose to communicate with his teammates as soon as Nightmare reached level [-]:
"The road opposite is level six, be careful."

Hearing this news, the factory director was the one who was most afraid.

Because his flash has not been turned into a good CD, as long as he uses EQ two times, and the nightmare ult flies over, he is almost certain to die.

The fat general is fine, after all, he has a pool of blood, and the current position of the pawn line is not bad, and he has not been controlled by Wei Shen.

On LGD's side, Chen Ge pushed the top lane and started looking for opportunities again.

This titan is extremely wretched, and it's a waste of time to fight him in the top lane, so he must find something to do.

There is vision from the red buff on the opposite side, and the red buff has been refreshed, but the factory manager has not been seen for a long time.

So Chen Ge chose to go directly to the red buff on the opposite side, planning to reverse the red first.

Seeing this scene, the baby explained: "This wave of nightmares has begun to invade EDG's wild area again. This time, the factory manager seems to be deliberately avoiding this nightmare, and the red BUFF didn't come to brush."

Miller: "But if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. If the factory manager doesn't come, I guess this red is a nightmare."

"Because of the nightmare, the factory manager has not yet reached level six, and the wine barrel has already reached level six."

This time the factory manager was also quite helpless. He didn't dare to go to the wild area in the first half, so the number of wilds was much worse than that of wine barrels.

However, he thought that he was a tool man hero after all, and he didn't need to be well-developed, as long as he showed his functionality when playing in a group.

On the other side, after Chen Ge took the red buff, he glanced at the middle.

The position of the vampire in the middle seems to be quite back, not far from the defensive tower.

But, Chen Ge now has a big move in his hand, and wondered if he could give it a try.

The last wave of vampires handed over the flash, and it should not be flashing now.

Naturally, Chen Ge didn't remember the flashing time, and Aya Hirano was in charge of it.

He will regularly send out the time when the other side flashes well, so that other people can also know.

Knowing that the vampire did not flash, Chen Ge wanted to give it a try.

So he continued to lean towards the middle, and then when the vampire stepped forward to make up the knife, he suddenly activated his big move!
(End of this chapter)

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