LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 164 Could it be that the hole card has been seen through?

Chapter 164 Could it be that the hole card has been seen through?

This wave of big moves was so sudden that the other four members of LGD didn't react.

The fat general was also stunned for a moment. The reason why he was stunned was that Weishen Victor's position was very insignificant!
In Wei Shen's position, it is almost impossible for the jungler to keep up.

Therefore, he judged from Wei Shen's position that he should be relatively safe now.

So when Nightmare used his big move, he felt that he should not fly him, but other people.

But it seems that other people are not very good at flying. The prince of the factory manager is in the wild in the second half of the field. There should be no vision of LGD in that position.

Without vision, Nightmare would naturally not be able to fly over.

As for the top road, the Titans make up for the damage under the tower, and they play pure meat equipment.

In addition, the Titan itself controls a lot, so there is nothing he can do about Nightmare.

Just when the fat general was wondering, the nightmare flew over him with a long black tail!

"It turned out to be flying me?" The fat general was startled, he immediately chose a backhand big move to give Nightmare this wave.

Of course, this big move is not for fighting back, but for sucking blood.

After the damage from the vampire's ultimate move bursts out, part of it will be converted into blood sucking.

This wave of big moves is to save his life, and he doesn't know how much damage this nightmare is doing now, because he hasn't crossed the line.

After the nightmare flew over, it first gave the vampire the E skill, and then chased it for a meal.

"There's red buff again? Isn't it?" This wave of fat generals was dumbfounded. The last wave of nightmares came with red.

This time he came here with a red BUFF again, who can resist this?
And this red buff is obviously his own!
After being touched by Nightmare for the first time and directly losing a quarter of his blood volume, the fat general realized that this wave might be a bit difficult to escape.

When the fear effect of Nightmare's E skill was about to be triggered, the fat general chose to activate the blood pool, but he was still charged.

Although the nightmare couldn't cause damage to the vampires in the blood pool state, this wave gave Victor a chance to keep up.

After Wei Shen followed up, he first gave a W skill, and then after the end of the vampire blood pool, QER smashed out all the damage.

Although this wave of vampires recovered a little HP by relying on Q and big moves, he couldn't stand the explosion of these two.

Especially Nightmare's injury, as if every cut was aimed at his arteries.

Soon, the vampire couldn't stand it anymore and was killed in front of the defense tower!
Chen Ge got his third head, and the fat general was killed twice!
For a vampire, if he dies twice in the early stage, his development progress will drop a lot.

The situation is already very unfavorable to EDG.

The doll explained: "I suddenly discovered that this nightmare seems to be very restrained against vampires."

"If it's other heroes, you really can't catch a vampire with a blood pool."

"But in front of Nightmare, this pool of blood is useless at all."

Miller: "But isn't the fat general's vampire selected by Kang Te on the fifth floor?"

"Nightmare is chosen first. Could it be that LGD has seen through it long ago, and the fat general will pull out the vampire on the fifth floor?"

After this wave was over, not only the commentary, but even the fat general himself doubted whether he had been fooled.

When LGD took out Nightmare first, he actually considered whether he should change a hero.

Because after Nightmare has a big move, the rhythmic ability is still relatively strong.

Therefore, the pace of this game may be relatively fast in the early stage, and it is a bit late to choose a vampire.

But in the end, he still chose to trust the factory manager, thinking that the factory manager should be able to hold back, so he chose the vampire, but now it seems that this is not a question of whether the factory manager can hold back at all.

It's because he, a vampire, can't develop anymore!
From this point of view, Nightmare might have brought it out specifically for his vampires!

Thinking of this, the fat general's face was already flushed, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Although he couldn't figure out how the vampire was seen through.

But he could feel that LGD came prepared!

After Chen Ge completed this wave of GANK in the middle lane, he chose to return to the top lane to continue his development.

Now the situation is very clear. Although EDG is holding on to the bottom lane, the disadvantages of the middle and upper field are great.

At this pace, it is still unknown whether the vampire can be delayed until the later stage.

The factory manager is a little anxious, but he has a good chance now.

I didn't dare to do it before because I was afraid of Nightmare's big move.

This nightmare has TP and big moves, and it is so fat.

If the factory manager can't quickly resolve the battle after taking the shot, it is very likely that this nightmare will get a chance to support.

But now, Nightmare has used his big move, so the situation is different.

Although this is the first time the factory manager has seen this top laner nightmare, it doesn't matter whether it's top laner, mid laner, or jungler.

The skills of the hero Nightmare are still the same, and the characteristics of the hero have not changed. Therefore, as long as there is no ultimate move, there is no room for Nightmare to play in the team.

Now that Nightmare has used his ult in the middle, the factory manager can make a move!
This wave of factory managers came directly to the bottom lane, wanting to attack the bottom lane.

LGD has enough pressure on the bottom lane, and Kalista is a hero with much better laning ability than Sivir.

At the same time, Bron's laning is also stronger than that of Bull Head.

The gap between this hero combination is very large.

In addition, Chen Ge has been doing things in the opposite jungle and mid lane, Imp thought, now EDG should have no extra energy to manage the bottom lane, so they played more unrestrained.

Keep deft and sister under the defense tower.

The factory manager came to the lower road, and after confirming that there was no view of the river with Meikou, he walked directly to the grass in the river.

The blue square bottom road is still relatively easy to catch, you can go around directly from the triangle grass.

However, generally the blue square bottom lane triangle grass has vision, so it needs to wait for the pawn line to push past, so that even if it is seen by the vision, LGD bottom lane will not have time to run.

Soon, the bottom line was pushed by Imp to the front of the EDG defense tower, and he began to look for opportunities to spend money on the defense tower.

In the end, before shaking twice, Hirano Aya's voice suddenly came from the earphones: "The opposite jungler is coming, retreat first."

Only then did Imp notice that the opposite prince had circled back from the position of the triangle grass.

So the two quickly retreated, but at this time the prince had already reached the sixth level.

With EQ and big moves, it's not so easy to withdraw.

At the same time, on the top lane, Chen Ge was happily pushing the lane. After hearing the communication from the bottom lane, he noticed that the bottom lane was threatening.

So without saying a word, he directly gave TP to the bottom lane!
As soon as this TP was given, everyone was shocked!

I saw Taobao Quan exclaimed in surprise: "That's not right, how did you TP the next lane?"

"Cancel it quickly, you can't go there!"

"Ah? Why?" Chen Ge felt inexplicable after hearing this. Why didn't this wave pass?

Although he doesn't have a big move now, but with such good equipment, he can fight a dozen logically.

Although there is also TP on the opposite side, after the past, it is three against four.

(End of this chapter)

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