LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 165 One TP scared off EDG!

Chapter 165 One TP scares EDG away!

But in the silver division, as long as you are well equipped, you can play one against two and one against three at will.

Why can't we play three against four?
Taobao Quan almost said in a roaring tone: "Cancel, quickly cancel!"

Seeing that Chen Ge was about to TP, he was really anxious.

Seeing this, Chen Ge had no choice but to cancel the TP.

Just about to dare to go in the last few tenths of a second, I almost TP down.

Seeing this scene, Taobao Quan was relieved.

On the other side, the moment AmazingJ saw Chen Ge's TP, he also sent TP to the bottom lane.

The TP of the two of them lit up almost at the same time, but this wave of Chen Ge was canceled at the last moment, which made AmazingJ unable to react, and he took advantage of the opportunity to directly TP to the ground!
This is not over yet. It stands to reason that this wave of Titans TP came down, but the Nightmare did not come. It should be very beneficial to EDG. Four-on-two is almost stress-free.

But the factory manager hesitated the first time he saw Chen Ge's TP!
Originally, he thought that this wave of Chen Ge didn't have a big move, so it was impossible for TP to come to support him.

But Chen Ge's TP hardly hesitated, and gave it immediately.

This scared the factory manager, he thought, this TP is so decisive.

It must be that Chen Ge can tell at a glance that he can fight, so there is only one possibility.

That is, the wine barrel of Taobao right is also there!
If this wave of wine barrels is not there, why is Chen Ge so confident?
After thinking of this, the factory manager was a little afraid to take action easily.

However, just as he was hesitating, Chen Ge's TP was suddenly cancelled.

The moment the TP was cancelled, the factory manager realized that he had been fooled!
This wave of Chen Ge is obviously using TP to scare people!Actually didn't think about it at all.

This kind of situation also happens in the game from time to time.

In the few seconds he hesitated, Bron and Calista had already retreated to the defense tower, and the factory manager missed the best opportunity to make a move!

But this wave of titans has already come down, if you don't make a move, the TP will be wasted, and the factory manager himself will go for nothing, so he chooses the EQ [-] connection big move, and puts Calista and Bloom in front of the defensive tower.

This wave of imp is not in a hurry, the prince's big move can't restrain Calista.

He directly used the passive jump to jump out of the prince's ultimate move.

As for Bron, because the W skill has already been handed in just now.

Now I can't run away with W, so I turn in a flash.

Braum and Kalista returned to the tower, and the two sides pulled apart in this wave and failed to fight.

So this wave of EDG's mighty action was replaced by an auxiliary flash!

After watching this wave, Wawa explained: "It's such a loss for EDG, the factory boss has recruited, and the road TP is used."

"As a result, he hit Bron with a flash, which is not a key skill for Bron."

Miller: "I feel that the director of this wave was scared. I think he didn't go up at the first time."

"Instead, they lingered in place for a few seconds, giving LGD a chance to retreat to the defense tower in the bottom lane."

"It feels like a nightmare TP, too much pressure on EDG!"

After this wave was over, the factory manager's mentality collapsed.

It was originally a good opportunity, but it was resolved by Chen Ge's TP.

Not only that, while the Titan TP was in the bottom lane, Chen Ge pushed the line of troops into the defensive tower on the top lane, and then began to demolish the tower.

By the time Titan came back, the tower on the road was already crumbling.

Chen Ge knows that the prince has no big moves now, so he is not afraid to catch him.

So I started to frantically push the line of soldiers and then push the tower.

AmazingJ had no choice but to watch Chen Ge dismantle the defense tower on the road.

After this wave, EDG not only did not get anything, but gave away the first tower on the road.

After taking down the first tower on the road, Chen Ge's range of activities became wider.

Now he can directly send the pawn line to the second tower on the opposite side.

Then go roaming, the speed of pushing the line is very slow, so Chen Ge has plenty of time to roam every time.

Now the fat general's vampire in the middle lane is so insignificant that he can't come out under the tower.

Chen Ge turned his attention to the bottom lane.

Although it is the first time to play the top lane nightmare, but through the previous few roams.

Chen Ge also began to have some insights. This hero's big move flew over and exploded in an instant, which was very exaggerated.

With his current equipment, most of Crispy's blood would be gone immediately.

The follow-up is the E skill fear, and then the damage.

After Chen Ge pushed a wave of soldiers, he chose to return directly, and then went down the road.

This wave of Taobao Quan is also going down the road, because Bron didn't flash, he thought that after the prince on the opposite side finished his big move, he might continue to make troubles down the road.

However, after coming to the bottom lane, he found that the opposite bottom lane was extremely wretched. He controlled the line of soldiers in front of the defensive tower and dared not come out at all.

Seeing this scene, Taobao Quan originally wanted to give up this wave of GANK directly.

However, he found that Chen Ge had also come over!
So he pondered, this wave of bot lane seemed to have no chance, but Chen Ge still came over.

Is it possible that Chen Ge wants to come to the tower?And he knew that the factory manager was not on his way?
The most embarrassing thing for Taobao right now is that he doesn't know the position of the factory director.

So it's not easy to jump over the tower directly, but if Chen Ge knows, can't he jump over the tower?

Taobao Quan originally wanted to speak up and confirm with Chen Ge.

But he found that from his standpoint, it seemed that it was not easy to speak up.

Because he is a jungler, Chen Ge is just a top laner.

Even Chen Ge knows that the factory manager is not in the bot lane now, but he, the jungler, doesn't know, which is a bit unreasonable.

So Taobao Quan said: "This wave... are you from Yueta?"

"Then push the lane quickly, I'll take a circle from their wild area."

Taobao Quan was rather tactful. He asked Chen Ge if he came to Yueta, just to know if Chen Ge really knew the location of the factory director.

However, Chen Ge was stunned when he heard this.

On his way to the bottom lane this wave, he saw that there seemed to be no chance for the bottom lane, so he originally wanted to give up.

It is because Taobao Quan is also going down the road, and it seems to want to make trouble.

He thought, since Taobaoquan had made a judgment and thought there was a chance to go down the road, it should work.

So what does he mean by asking this question now?
"Well, let's jump over the tower." Chen Ge replied, he thought that no matter what purpose Taobao Quan asked for, since this wave has this idea, it proves that Taobao Quan should know that the factory manager is not on the way.

After a brief exchange, the two reached an agreement to prepare the tower for EDG to go down the road.

Seeing that his teammates were about to jump the tower, Imp began to push the line of troops.

Taobao Quan made a circle from the opposite wild area and came to the red triangle grass on Fangxia Road.

Seeing this scene, Wawa explained: "It seems that this wave of EDG is going to suffer a lot."

"LGD obviously knows that this wave of factory managers is not going down the road, and wants to jump the tower directly."

Miller: "However, after all, EDG's bottom lane is Sivir and Niutou. Both of them have ults and double moves. It depends on how to operate."

"If the operation is good, maybe one can be replaced."

 Three chapters at noon

(End of this chapter)

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