Chapter 187

Seeing Rita like this, Chen Ge smiled knowingly, and then teased: "Well, let me say that I can beat him."

"You didn't believe me just now, do you believe me now?"

"I believe, of course I believe you." Rita smiled happily, and now Chen Ge has fully proved his ability.

If you don't save it, you can dominate the upper unit, and even beat faker in the middle position.

How perverted this is!Strong to pervert!
But at this time, in the live broadcast room, seeing the two people showing their affection, everyone couldn't stand it anymore:
"Stop showing off, I'm sore."

"Does this also kill the dog?"

"The road turns dark!"

"Kill Chen Gou and grab Rita!"

Chen Ge didn't expect that he would be disgusted by his fans just after he won the faker.

Who's to make sense of this?

And after the RANK game was over, Chen Ge found that the popularity of his live broadcast room had reached 500 million!

This is already considered the top few in the League of Legends section!
Apart from coming to see the champion, everyone also came here for the mid-lane duel with Faker.

After Chen Ge won, it was equivalent to an advertisement.

Everyone started to tell each other, discussing this RANK on Post Bar, Weibo, forums and other places.

If a certain LPL top mid laner wins a game against Faker, it shouldn't cause much trouble.

Even fakers often lose for various reasons.

But Chen Ge is the top laner, which is very interesting. If the world's number one mid laner can't beat a top laner in the middle, the authenticity of the world's number one title may be questioned.

Without Chen Ge's knowledge, this seemingly ordinary RANK has been fermented on the Internet, and his reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Ge played two more RANKs, but they were all on the road, so it would be easier to win.

Because most of the passers-by are on the road, most of them are impressed by Chen Ge's ID.

When laning, they didn't even dare to go up to make up the knife. They didn't need Chen Ge to go up and suppress themselves, they suppressed themselves.

With no pressure in laning, coupled with incredible luck, winning the game is naturally much easier.

Just as Chen Ge was about to play the third round, the phone rang suddenly!

Cheng picked it up and took a look, only to find that it was a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Why haven't I seen this number before?" Chen Ge muttered.

His mobile phone number is basically only known to teammates, coaches and others.

After all, he is also a public figure now, so he is quite sensitive about privacy. Naturally, he can't just tell other people his number, otherwise he will be easily harassed.

But now, the sudden appearance of such an unfamiliar number made Chen Ge hesitate.

In the end, he still didn't answer, thinking that it might be a harassing call.

Seeing that Chen Ge didn't pick up, Rita suddenly said, "Why didn't you pick up? Is it inconvenient?"

"If you are worried about being heard by water friends, you can turn off the microphone first."

Hearing this, Chen Ge suddenly became nervous. Rita's seemingly caring words actually concealed murderous intentions.

The word "inconvenient" is not as simple as it seems on the surface!
On the surface, Rita meant that it was inconvenient to live broadcast. However, there was another kind of inconvenience that she didn't mention, and that was probably what she wanted to know the most in her heart. That sentence was because she was here, so it was inconvenient!

Upon seeing this, Chen Ge quickly explained: "It's not inconvenient, it's just that I haven't seen this number before. I think it's a harassment number."

"Really?" Rita frowned as she spoke, her mouth pouted.

Rita's appearance is very endearing, Chen Ge quickly assured: "Of course it is true, when have I lied to you? I swear!"

As Chen Ge was talking, the barrage in the live broadcast room had already exploded:
"I'll go, show off your affection again, of course it is."

"The re-show is canceled!"

"Be a person, I don't watch the live broadcast to be shown by others."

Everyone expressed their dissatisfaction. At this moment, the content of the barrage suddenly changed:
"How dare you not answer Brother Kai's call, you are not giving face."

"Hurry up and answer the phone, brother Kai is looking for you to cheat."

"If you win a championship, you will be floating away. Brother Kai doesn't even answer the phone."

"Young people nowadays don't understand what respect is."

Seeing these bullet screens, Chen Ge was taken aback. At first he thought someone was playing a prank.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong, because the popularity of the live broadcast room suddenly went towards 800 million!

The increase was too fast, and at the same time, all the barrages that were joking just now were suddenly replaced by barrages related to "Brother Kai".

This is obviously not a prank. No one should have such great energy and make so many accounts to make a prank.

"Brother Kai? [-]-[-]?" Chen Ge thought about it, and immediately thought of who these people were talking about.

But the point is, he and Wuwukai are not on the same platform, what does the other party want to do when they come to you?
Wu Wukai can now be regarded as Dou Sha's first brother, and he is just a newcomer who has not been broadcasting for a long time.

His popularity is so high now because he won the championship.

From the perspective of live broadcast, it is really not the same level as the [-]-[-] split.

Seeing this, Rita asked, "Why is he looking for you at [-]? Do you know him?"

"I don't know, and I don't know what he is going to do." Chen Ge shook his head.

Hearing this, Rita was relieved, it was obvious that she didn't like the [-]/[-] type of man.

Fortunately, Chen Ge and Wuwukai don't know each other well, so there is no need to worry about being led astray.

Chen Ge was thinking about it when suddenly his phone rang again.

Picking up the phone to look, it turned out that it was still the strange number from before. Based on the barrage, it should be from May [-]th!

Upon seeing this, Chen Ge chose to connect to the number, he wanted to see what he was thinking about the [-]-[-] opening.

"Hello? Who is it?" Chen Ge chose to pretend not to know who was calling.

"You are the big brother Chen Ge, right? You are LGD's current top laner, Chen Ge." On the other end of the phone, came the iconic voice of [-]-[-].

I have to say that the voice of [-]-[-] is indeed very personal and highly recognizable, and you can know it is him as soon as you hear it.

"Yes, it's me, who are you? How do you know my number?" Chen Ge still chose to pretend to be innocent, he didn't want to have anything to do with Wuwukai.

"Don't you know me? Can't even hear my voice?"

"Can't hear it."

"[-]-[-], you've heard of it, everyone give me face and call me Brother Kai."

"Oh, so it's [-]-[-]. What's the matter? I'm live broadcasting, so it's not very convenient." However, Chen Ge's tone was still very indifferent, and he even expressed that he didn't want to continue talking.

Wu Wu Kai was silent for a while, and then said: "It's nothing, I just want to make friends with you, do you want to give Brother Kai this face?"

"Hehe." Chen Ge just chuckled after hearing this. You can say no to this kind of thing, it seems a bit petty, and there is actually no loss in making friends.

(End of this chapter)

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