LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 188 The visitor is not kind!

Chapter 188 The visitor is not kind!

However, if you accept it, then with the self-familiar character of [-]-[-] split, it is estimated that friends will automatically become brothers immediately.

Of course, the premise is that Chen Ge can maintain his current popularity and keep winning the championship.

In this way, he will always be a [-]-[-] brother. If one day it suddenly fails, without enthusiasm and popularity, I am afraid that he will be reduced to a stranger.

Chen Ge still knows the faces of these people quite well.

"Why are you laughing? Are you going to give me face?" Wu Wukai continued.

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first. I'm broadcasting live now." Chen Ge chose to change the subject.

There was a noticeable pause at [-]-[-], probably to adjust his emotions.

Chen Ge felt that he could imagine how unhappy Wu Wu was at this time, and he was probably scolding his mother.

However, [-]-[-] would not dare to break the skin. After all, it is live broadcasting now. Once something is said, the problem will become big.

After a short pause, Wuwukai continued: "I happen to be live broadcasting too, come on, let's play together."

"I'll call the old prostitute too, the three of us together."

"Old prostitute?" Hearing this name, Chen Ge thought of a person, PDD.

Many people like to call him "prostitute teacher".

Moreover, the relationship between PDD and [-]-[-] seems to be pretty good. The two are now the two main forces of Shark Fighting.

The [-]-[-] split directly includes PDD, which is obviously putting pressure on it.

Offending [-]-[-] fans, Chen Ge feels fine, but if he offends PDD fans together, it might not feel good.

After all, in this circle, the reputation is not big enough now, some things should be accommodated, or should be accommodated.

So Chen Ge said: "But I don't have an account, I always play in Hanbok."

"It's okay, isn't it just an account number? I don't have what you want? The number one account in the national server, as long as you want it, I can find it right away." Wuwukai turned on the bragging mode.

"Alright then, I'll prepare." Chen Ge had no choice but to agree.

So, Wu Wukai directly added Chen Ge's VX friend, and sent an account directly within a few minutes.

Chen Ge confessed to the water friends: "Today I plan to play a dozen national servers, and the [-]-[-] and PDD will be black."

Hearing this news, the barrage immediately boiled:

"I'll go and fight with them, how much face is this?"

"Fortunately, it's the first order in LPL, it's so popular."

"Is this the treatment of a champion?"

"I can only say envious."

In the eyes of most people, whether it is PDD or [-]/[-], their status is higher than that of ordinary professional players.

Therefore, being able to play with these two people at the same time is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

However, Chen Ge didn't think there was anything to be happy about. On the contrary, he began to worry about whether there would be a problem.

Because he and these two people are not live broadcasting on the same platform, the two platforms are still competitors.

At this time, when I came to the door, I was still so enthusiastic, and it was impossible to say that there was no problem.

Chen Ge kept an eye out.

Soon, Cheng logged into his account and entered Ionia.

Then, Chen Ge was pulled into YY voice again.

Immediately heard the sound of PPD and [-]-[-].

Fifty-five: "Hey, brother Chen Ge, can you hear me?"

Chen Ge: "Yes."

PDD: "You are Chen Ge, LGD's top laner now? I've watched all your games this season."

"Young and promising, lad."

When this PDD came up, it was full of exaggerations, and it seemed very old-fashioned.

In contrast, the EQ of [-]-[-] is much lower. I saw him say:
"Of course, which of my [-]-[-] brothers is not strong?"

Chen Ge chuckled after hearing this, and the three of them started to line up while chatting for 100 years.

Chen Ge took this opportunity to check the status of this account.

This account is Diamond [-], and it looks normal. The [-]-[-] and PPD are now around this level.

The [-]-[-] split chooses the group mode, so that two passers-by will come in.

Logically, it should be random, which is normal.

Soon, the three of them lined up and entered the hero selection screen. This time, the three of them were on the blue side.

As soon as he entered, he asked for a position for Chen Ge during the [-]-[-] opening, and asked for a top laner position.

When Chen Ge saw this, he didn't stop him, and kept silent with the idea that he would be safe when he came.

Halfway through the BP, Chen Ge saw that the opponent had chosen a Golem, as if he wanted to play Golem as a top laner.

This made him heave a sigh of relief. Generally speaking, the opposite side should also be arranged in a group.

However, there are usually situations where there are uneven strengths in group platooning.

In a dormitory, the king's gold and silver may be complete.

And those who play better, in order to avoid dragging down their teammates, will be assigned some simple and brainless heroes.

Such as Golem, Galen, Amumu and so on.

In this match, the stone man was used on the opposite side. Chen Ge thought that he should not be a master.

Not long after, it was Chen Ge's turn to choose a hero, and this time he chose a top single.

This hero is also a popular version, with good strength, and he is a good player in both laning and team fighting.

The most important thing is that centaurs are easy to fight against Golems. Although Sagittarius is also an AD hero, it will be more uncomfortable for Golems to use armor.

But Centaur has an obvious advantage, that is, the endurance of the lane. Once the W skill is activated, roll twice in the small soldier pile, and the blood volume will be full.

Therefore, the consumption of the stone man is completely useless for the centaur, not only that, the ultimate move of the centaur is out of control.

So if the jungler from the opposite side comes to catch him, and the people use their big moves to run away, the stone man has nothing to do.

Soon, the lineup was finalized, with a [-]-[-] split to choose the mid laner Murloc, while PDD played with Zac as the jungler.

After the game started, Chen Ge went straight to the road, and ended up saying:

"Hey, don't worry, let's make a wave of invasion."

After hearing this, Chen Ge could only turn around and follow his teammates.

This wave of PDD took the lead, followed by [-]-[-]. The five of them walked directly from the bot lane line to the grass in the bot lane.

"When the BUFF is cleared, we go directly to grab it and force people away. I will take the BUFF." PDD commanded.

Seeing this, Chen Ge chose to stay, and wanted to go there with his teammates to grab BUFF.

However, this wave is logical, the top order should go back first.

Call Chen Ge to come over every five and five, mainly when entering the grass and meeting people on the opposite side, so that we can use the number advantage to fight a wave.

But now that it has been confirmed that he has not been discovered, Chen Ge has not left.

Fifty-five was hesitant to speak, and he chose to remain silent. In fact, he asked PDD to play with Chen Ge for a purpose this time, not because he said he wanted to make friends.

Now that LDG has won the championship, Chen Ge is broadcasting live on Huya, and Huya's popularity has increased a lot because of this incident.

And [-]-[-] and PDD are both Dou Sha's live broadcasters, so they naturally want to help Dou Sha suppress it.

After all, it is also related to how much money they can make themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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