Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 137 The World Boils!Qin Feng's company is going against the sky!

Chapter 137 The World Boils!Qin Feng's company is going against the sky!
"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I kowtow to you, you can enter the company!"

Gao Kang felt dizzy.

At the last moment, he was still the major shareholder of the Great Wall Arms Company. Together with the other two small shareholders, he could overwhelm Chairman Su.

Basically, in the last year or two, his power in the company is greater than that of the chairman.

And now, in front of so many subordinates.

But he was kowtowing.

Anyway, I feel like my whole head is buzzing.

"Hehe." Seeing him kowtow like this, Qin Feng immediately despised him a lot in his heart. If he wants to change Qin Feng's temper, if he is wrong, he just apologizes. Kowtow for money?Qin Feng can't do it.

"Mr. Qin, you can join the company, our company cannot live without you!"

"Mr. Qin, it's Gao Kang who has blind eyes, so don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Major shareholders around.

Everyone is trying to persuade Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng remained indifferent.

What about the arrogance just now?
Did you drive yourself away just now?
The uneven horizontal eyebrows just now are cold, right?
Now you know how to please?
"Su Dong, why don't you persuade him?" One of the shareholders was helpless, the new chairman really had a temper.

"That's right, Mr. Su, at least you didn't offend Mr. Qin, and she seems a little bit."

Shareholders did not go on.

But Su Bingqing understood in seconds, "Don't talk nonsense, why does Mr. Qin like me alone. The other is married."

Although her good-for-nothing husband hasn't touched her yet.

But also married.

At the beginning, Su Bingqing thought that Qin Feng must see himself as beautiful, and then liked him, so he kept trying to help him.

Unexpectedly, people were completely outraged at seeing themselves being bullied by foreigners.

The identity of Qin Feng?Do you match yourself?

"No matter what, at least Mr. Qin and you are on good terms, Mr. Su, can you persuade me?"

"Okay then!" Su Bingqing saw that everyone was saying that, so she had no choice but to go up and said, "Mr. Qin, why don't you go in and sit down? Calm down?"

Qin Feng slightly raised his head and glanced at her, secretly said: "This Su Bingqing is not bad, but his temper is a little weaker. With such a personality, it is not good to be the chairman!"

If Qin Feng acquires the weapons company.

You must have a right-hand man.

Su Bingqing is the right person.

but this character
"How about it! Give me a slap for each of these three people!" Qin Feng chuckled, "Although I don't know much about the past of this company, I think these three shareholders have bullied you a lot, right?"

"Ah?" Seeing Qin Feng's request, Su Bingqing was suddenly surprised, and her character would not hit anyone.

"If you want to manage the company well for me in the future, you need to take a big step forward. You don't need to be afraid of anyone in the company! From now on, with me here, the sky of this company belongs to you, and they are all yours Subject, you just go ahead! Otherwise, with your temper, how can you manage it?" Qin Feng whispered to her softly.

Su Bingqing understood immediately.

It turned out that Qin Feng wanted to start from today, from these three slaps, to become an iron-blooded president.

Su Bingqing took a deep breath.

The expression on his face was slightly cold.

"Gao Kang, stand up for me."

"Su Dong~!"

Gao Kang stood up.

Su Bingqing just slapped him, "I gave you too much tolerance in the past, but today it's all due to this slap!"

"And you two! Lu Ping! Tong Tianlong!"

Su Bingqing slapped each other again.

She hit someone for the first time in her life.

There is really a different feeling.

"Not bad!" Qin Feng secretly nodded his praise, I believe that after this time, this woman will not be so obedient, right?As the chairman of a business circle, if everything is weak and innocent, it is obviously not good.

In fact, this company has been defeated and retreated like this for a few years. Most of the reasons are because of Su Bingqing's weakness, and then he was emptied by these shareholders.

Leading to a major decision-making error in the company.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think? Why don't you just join the company?" Gao Kang's face was a little hot, this Su Bingqing could really strike, the slap was too painful.

"Hehe!" Qin Feng ignored him at all, but looked down at the other two shareholders, "Don't think that you can stay in the company after doing this. Let me tell you the truth, it's not that you offended me , but your character, in order to fight for power, in order to evade the chairman, you have messed up the company? People like you are like ancient eunuchs, the root of chaos!"

Qin Feng said a word as soon as he said it.

The three major shareholders panicked all of a sudden.

Isn't that okay?

And they leave the company?

"Mr. Qin, please don't do this, we already know we were wrong, and we will follow you well in the future!"

"Yes, we will definitely support you and Director Su to make Great Wall Arms Company the number one arms company in the world!"

"Mr. Qin, we were all instigated by Gao Kang. In fact, we didn't want to do this."

"It's useless to say more. If you think that if you stay in the company, you can come and fight with me for your 20.00% shares, then do whatever you want!" Qin Feng chuckled, "Now I will give you two choices. First That is to go bankrupt, and the second is to sell your shares to me at a price of 300 billion multiplied by 20.00%!"

Qin Feng didn't think he was going too far.

Such a black sheep.

Why stay in the company?

They can use Su Bingqing to derail Su Bingqing at the expense of the company's interests. This kind of character must never be kept.

"Miss Su, let's enter the company!" Qin Feng still got out of the car.

Su Bingqing immediately changed his words: "Director Qin, welcome home."


Qin Feng entered the company's office building just like the stars were holding the moon.

"Gao Kang, what to do now is all your fault. Why are you offending Mr. Qin?"

"Can you blame me? Even if I don't offend Mr. Qin, he won't let us go! It's all because we made the company a mess!" Gao Kang knew very well that if he was loyal to the company, then even No matter how offended Qin Feng is, the general superiors will use such a person.

For example, the emperors in ancient times were not afraid of offending their loyal ministers. They were very open-minded, and the last thing they saw were those who were not loyal to the group.

"Then what shall we do?"

"What else can I do, sell the shares at the price Mr. Qin said! If you stay in this company, you will only be eaten away by Mr. Qin!"

Gao Kang made a decision with three people.

That is the price tag of 60 billion.

They sold their shares to Qin Feng.

To put it simply, they don't want to eat the dividends from Qin Feng.

"Damn it, how many times this company is going to double in the future! It's really unlucky!"

"That's right! Back then, I shouldn't have messed around with Gao Kang, or the shares in my hand would have reached tens of billions in no time!"

"Mr. Qin, this office will be your private area from now on. If there is anything you want to improve, just let me know." Su Bingqing led Qin Feng to the office and said respectfully.

"It's okay, it's fine, in fact, you can keep this office, I don't come to the company often!" Qin Feng paused, then looked at Li Qinghu, "By the way, do you have something to tell me? ?”

"Yes, Mr. Qin, if there is any need for your weapon company, you can transfer talents or equipment from Dragon Empire No. [-] Weapon Company at any time!" Li Qinghu knew that Qin Feng was donating those People who belong to the national treasure also have a deep connection with the Nangong family. These things are quite normal.

"Thank you so much!" Qin Feng paused, looked at Su Bingqing, and said, "How is the stock market going now? My Great Wall Arms Company, after such a commotion, the stock price will take off anyway, right?"

Su Bingqing replied, "Dr. Qin, you are right. Now our company still has less than [-]% of the shares. In the hands of the loose stock, the shares in their hands have multiplied many times immediately! The shareholders of the Su Group's acquisition of shares seem to have a lot of complaints, they say that this is a capital game or something."

"What kind of capital game, if I didn't join? Can this company rise? Do I have to support this company first? Then I will spend a lot of money to buy it?" Qin Feng laughed. These shareholders are purely Just overthinking.

If you have the ability, when the Su Group acquires, don't you fucking sell the shares?
Now go back and say that Qin Feng is playing capital games?
"Dr. Qin is right, but now there are complaints about our company in the stock market. They can't buy our company's stock, because you own 60.00%, and I own 19%. The stocks in the hands of the three shareholders, plus It’s still less than 21%! As I said before, the stock in the hands of scattered stocks is less than [-]%.”

Listening to Su Bingqing's narration, Qin Feng nodded and said: "Then throw out the shares of these three shareholders to the stockholders for speculation! Remember, you have to release them little by little to hype up the market value of my company." higher!"

Qin Feng knew.

If the equity is not speculated.

Then the market value will not be large.

The market value is not large.

How to do the world's third largest arms company?
"Mr. Qin, I know how to operate it!" Su Bingqing paused, and asked tentatively, "Then the shares in my hand? You, Mr. Qin."

After all, Su Bingqing knew.

She did take advantage of it.

In other words, these orders brought by Qin Feng?Are these prestige free?
If it were other businessmen, they would definitely negotiate the conditions first and dilute Su Bingqing's shares.

"It's okay, just keep it! I still want to ask you to help me manage this company well. I told you just now that I don't come to the company often, so don't be as temperamental as before. You have to be ruthless when you should be ruthless! With me behind you, just go forward boldly!"

Qin Feng does not care about this little money, mainly because he is too lazy to take care of it. Su Bingqing should feel at ease if the company is handed over to Su Bingqing. From a preliminary point of view, this woman's character is not bad, but in the future, I don't know. No problem, it's okay to deal with her when the time comes.

Anyway, give grace to let her know how to be grateful.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Su Bingqing blushed slightly, the other party was too kind to him, right?Isn't it because you want to chase yourself?

over the years.

I really have never been tempted by any man.

If Dong Qin can take a fancy to her.

Su Bingqing didn't mind.

She likes the arrogance of this little man.

At this moment, Su Bingqing felt that she was not worthy of Qin Feng, but she really wanted to jump out and say, "Actually, my good-for-nothing husband never touched me."

But how can you say this kind of thing?
Anyway, she is willing to hand over such a man for the first time.

I don't know what it's like.

I have never experienced it.

In the stock market at the moment.

A dark horse stock for today.

That is the Great Wall Industrial Weapons Company.

It can be said that since Su's Group acquired this company, these stocks began to rise slowly.

Later, I heard about the big order of the Dragon Empire.

Really grow taller.

"My family, what's going on with the Great Wall Arms Company?"

"How come it only costs 8 yuan a share at the opening! Now it's 20 yuan a share?"

"And it's still rising?"

"You all don't know, this company has been taken over by a big shot! It's a $20 billion order from Dragon Empire! We're full!"

(End of this chapter)

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