Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 138 Borrow money to Mr. Nangong!The number is astonishing!

Chapter 138 Borrow money to Mr. Nangong!The number is astonishing!

"It's not a big deal, the Dragon Empire even allocated a few colleges to their company! It's really invincible! The private company's affiliated colleges are national schools, can you believe it?"

"Fuck! This operation is unprecedented!"

"Isn't this company acquired by the Su Group? How aggressive is the Su Group?"

"I heard that the Su Group transferred the shares to a mysterious person!"

"Gossip! This mysterious person is the one who donated those 105 national treasures recently! Regarding the national treasures, it should be possible to win the world's championship tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

"It seems that this person has a lot to do with the Dragon Empire! Is it the royal family?"

"Damn, it's gone up again, now it's 22 yuan a share!"

"Look! Good news! Great Wall Arms Company released 100 million shares at once!"

"Hurry up and buy!"

"Not in a while!"

"Fuck! I'm running out of hands!"

"I grabbed 5000 shares! The price is 23 yuan!"

"Damn it! Now the stock price has been released immediately by this wave, and it has risen to 30 yuan a share!"

"Doesn't that mean that I earned seven yuan per share? Five thousand shares is thirty-five thousand!"

"The stock market is really violent, more than 3 per second?"

And these small shareholders here.

Naturally very happy.

After all, I made money.

But Qin Feng here, when he first bought stocks, he only spent 150 billion, 18 yuan per share, and got [-] billion shares.

Now it has risen to 30 yuan a share.

The stock in his hand changed to 540 billion yuan in seconds.

Lie down and earn 400 billion in a few hours.

"Su Dong, congratulations, the stock in your hand is now worth 183 billion yuan!"

It was Su Bingqing's secretary who spoke, and she was also very happy. Naturally, she also had hundreds of thousands of shares in her hand.

"It's all thanks to Director Qin." Su Bingqing looked at Qin Feng affectionately, walked up, and made a cup of tea, "Mr. Qin, drink tea. Now in the stock market, our stocks are going up like crazy. I expect the market to close. It can reach 50 yuan a share!"

"50 yuan a share?" Qin Feng silently calculated, if it is 50 yuan, then the market value is about 1500 billion yuan.

It is still far below the level of the top three in the world.

Just like Su Xinghe's, any Ali or Penguin is a trillion-level enterprise.

They are not ranked first in the industry.

Not even close.

"I'm so tired today!" Qin Feng stretched his waist, went for a walk with Luo Xiyan at noon, and came here again in the afternoon to do a bunch of shit.

"How about I rub your shoulders?" Seeing this, Su Bingqing suddenly asked.

"Ah? No need?" Qin Feng stared slightly.

"It's okay, Director Qin." Su Bingqing's success today is all due to Qin Feng's blessing, so naturally he wants to repay Qin Feng very much.

Those subordinates saw this situation.

They also greeted each other.

Exited the office.

Don't disturb the ambiguity between the two of you at this moment.

There are only two people inside right now.

"Is the strength still appropriate?" Qin Feng didn't agree, Su Bingqing's soft claws were placed on Qin Feng's shoulders, and he squeezed gently.

"Well, that..." Qin Feng wanted to refuse, but her hands were really soft, especially the T-shirt Qin Feng was wearing, which was not thick and had a lot of experience.

"Qin Feng. Thank you for today's matter." Su Bingqing looked at Qin Feng affectionately from behind, her eyes were full of gratitude and admiration, she called Qin Feng's name instead of addressing Qin Dong, Naturally, a lot of different information can be seen from it.

"That, you're welcome, you can make it a little heavier. It's too light." Qin Feng is obviously a good, understanding man. If he refuses to rub his shoulders too much, the other party will be embarrassed and accept others. Benefits are obviously much better than rejection. Of course, you can't accept all benefits. A man can do something and not do something.

The other party asked to kiss, hug and hold high.

Qin Feng can't agree to these benefits.

Everyone has a girlfriend.

"Is the strength still light? But where did I get so much strength?" Su Bingqing acted like a baby, she was not a woman, but a woman who was extremely gentle in her bones.

"Fuck! F*ck!"

Qin Feng was drunk.

Sure enough, a man's good looks and low looks are really two different concepts.

That Taikoo Ikki, no matter how he rules her.

She just doesn't do it.

Can face Qin Feng?Can she give Qin Feng all the tenderness?

"Why are most of these women so coquettish?" Qin Feng has met so many girls, all of whom are extremely beautiful, but now he slowly realizes that women are actually very royal (the characters are all yellow).

Qin Feng heard before that girls actually like watching those small movies more than boys.

Qin Feng didn't believe it before, but it seems to be true.

And it is scientifically proven that girls are six times more attractive than boys.

It's all true.

Men are greedy for beautiful women's bodies.

Women are more greedy than men when they see handsome men.

Qin Feng was slightly enjoying the massage with that boneless little hand, and slowly, unexpectedly, he was about to fall asleep.

Su Bingqing's hands were sore.

But still did not stop.

"This guy, doesn't he like me? Why didn't you talk to me?" Su Bingqing was very aggrieved. He obviously helped him all the time, so he must like him, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Su Bingqing really hoped that Qin Feng would ask her about her marriage.

Then I can say that the useless husband has not touched my affairs at all.

"Okay, Miss Su, you're tired too! Don't massage now!" Qin Feng stood up, shook his shoulders, and looked out the window.

"Dong Qin, just call me Bingqing, I don't want Miss Su anymore."

"En, Bingqing." Qin Feng didn't care about the title, and continued: "The stock price is hyped up now, but there must be something substantial, right?"

Qin Feng acquires a weapon company.

Not just to get things done.

Another is to build a super fighter for your own empire.

I have more than 500 years of anti-radar technology in my hand.

At that time, the fighter jets produced can basically be sold to other empires.

But Qin Feng must sell fighter jets with over 100 years of anti-radar technology, and the most advanced fighter jets must be in his own hands.

"Qin understand, what do you mean? Want to increase the scale? Buy advanced equipment?" Su Bingqing saw that Qin Feng seemed to be coming from the window to get a cigarette, so he handed it over and helped to light it.

And Qin Feng wanted to smoke, so he ran to the window to smoke.

This made Su Bingqing feel a little more fond of this man.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and said, "In our company, most of the fighter jets are subcontracted, right? Can we produce fighter jets ourselves?"

"It's possible! But this convenient technology is not very advanced! They often produce fighter jets with outdated technology and sell them to small empires!" Su Bingqing continued, "However, our company's military supplies are all high-quality goods in the world. Industry, that is, those compressed biscuits, quilts, sapper shovels and so on."

"This is not possible! We have to import a little more advanced equipment, mainly to build fighter jets, reconnaissance planes, battleships, armed helicopters and other big guys."

Qin Feng hasn't finished speaking yet.

Su Bingqing shouted: "Dr. Qin, this is a big project. If there is no tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars will be thrown down."

Those little things like rifles, sniper rifles, and launcher equipment naturally don't need any advanced production equipment and materials.

And these big guys.

That would be too expensive.

"It's okay!" Qin Feng threw a half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray, sat on the chair, and then took out the phone, saying: "Are you the acting president of Swiss Bank?"

"Mr. Qin, do you have any orders?" The acting president on the other side immediately respected Qin Feng when he saw the call.

"I have a big project here, how much cash flow can my bank get me?" Qin Feng naturally knows that although his shares in Swiss Bank are 15 trillion, they are dead shares. It can only share a profit of 900 billion yuan.It is not realistic for Swiss banks to spend most of their cash flow at once.

"Mr. Qin, what big move are you making over there? Last time you supported the Su Group to burn money, and this time you only took 300 billion cash flow transfers to the Su Group! Now our company can only About 500 billion in cash flow can be produced!"

Qin Feng listened to what the other person said, and sure enough, no matter how big the family business is, it can't stand burning money by himself.

"That's fine, I'll keep the Swiss bank for my own use of the cash flow, and I'll think of a way!" Qin Feng hung up the phone, originally wanting to get some money for the Su Group.

But think about this company.

Recently, it seems that a lot of money has been invested in mobile phones, and the industry on the side of the Sun Empire has been suppressed. In fact, it is not very rich recently.

"By the way! Mr. Nangong, I only donated 105 good things. Isn't it difficult to borrow some money?" Qin Feng called immediately.

own arms company.

The main purpose is to produce some big gadgets.

It's meaningless to make a fuss.

Qin Feng plans to invest 500 billion US dollars in one go.

"Did Qin Feng call just now? Is it the acting president of the Swiss bank? My God, it looks like the acting president of the other party, and he still respects Qin Feng? And Qin Feng said that he called the Swiss bank his own bank? Then Qin Feng Is Feng the owner of this bank? Or the largest shareholder? Otherwise, is he qualified to say that the bank is his own?" Su Bingqing listened to the phone at the side, and saw a new understanding of Qin Feng, how much is his new boss? Awesome existence?
"Hello, Mr. Nangong."

A few words spit out from Qin Feng's mouth.

Su Bingqing was shocked again.

"Master Nangong? That supreme celestial being?"

"Then it seems that Qin Feng can call the other party directly?"

"And the tone is not the kind of low-pitched one?"

"Is the tone of the two people equal?"

Su Bingqing was dumbfounded again.

How terrible is Qin Feng?
"Brother Qin Feng, what's the matter?" Mr. Nangong said.

"It's nothing, the weapon company, old man, are you supportive? You have sent a big order and a lot of colleges." Qin Feng said with a smile, "Borrow some money? Let me develop everyone in the weapon Partner?"

"The big guy in the weapon?" Mr. Nangong also understands it very well. I'm afraid Qin Feng is going to get fighter jets, warships and other things.

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"Not much, with 500 billion US dollars invested, I think batches of advanced weapons will be manufactured soon!" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly.

[Kneel begging for a monthly pass!Kowtow bang bang bang!Three rattles: ▄██ ▄██ ▄██]

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Thank you very much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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