Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 139 Complete the mission!The heaven-defying reward has finally arrived!

Chapter 139 Complete the mission!The heaven-defying reward has finally arrived!
"What? 500 billion US dollars, no, no." Mr. Nangong could afford the money, but he had other plans.

"Don't tell me, old man, don't you have 500 billion US dollars? If one of my national treasures is counted, many things are worth tens of billions, right? It's simply a sky-high price."

Qin Feng hasn't finished speaking yet. ,
The old man Nangong said poorly, "I really can't produce that much cash flow for a while, let me show you a clear way, you go to the second girl, she has a building under her banner, although it is not a listed company, but it is simply There is a daily fortune, and she has been in business for so many years, and her assets are at the level of 30 trillion U.S. dollars!"

"Second girl? Nangong Chuxue, right? This second princess, I didn't expect to be a little rich woman?" Qin Feng recalled that she had all kinds of strange things on the Internet, and she would charge 50.00% for auctions. It is really not an exaggeration to say that the handling fee is making a lot of money every day.

"That's okay, old man, I'll try it." Qin Feng hung up the old man's phone, and immediately called Nangong Chuxue.

Although the first time.

Nangong Chuxue is indeed a bit annoying to Qin Feng.

But it seems that the subsequent exchanges.

This girl is very real.

She has already regarded Qin Feng as a friend.

Qin Feng also regarded her as half a friend.

This Lily is a kind of superficially cold, but in fact, as long as she is overpowered, she is easy to bully.

And this woman's figure and appearance.

It is the best existence that Qin Feng has ever seen.

It has completely reached a kind of Qin Feng's urge to pounce on it.

The number one beauty of the Dragon Empire, the Goddess of Chinese Manga, Medusa is a completely live-action version, that is no joke beauty.

"Lily, what are you doing? How about borrowing some money?"

Qin Feng dialed the phone.

Unexpectedly, the other party took 40 seconds to pick up.

Qin Feng thought that the other party was very busy.

But Nangong Chuxue saw Qin Feng's call for the first time, and then waited for 40 seconds before answering.

"I said skull, don't call me lily, your whole family has lily. Why do you want to borrow money? I'm very busy now, and I'm planning an auction tonight! By the way, I told you last time, I asked you to give it to me. "Mother-of-pearl and red sandalwood five-stringed pipa" will you give it away?" Nangong Chuxue was not very enthusiastic.

"I didn't tell you, those antiques are handed over to your grandfather, what can I do?"

"Then I won't borrow money anymore." Nangong Chuxue was furious. Obviously, Qin Feng could stay, so he would pay less and keep one for himself, but this guy just didn't agree.

It's time to borrow money, right?
Ask yourself, right?


Absolutely not.

"Oh, don't you really want to borrow it?" Qin Feng questioned.

"Definitely not borrowing! Absolutely not borrowing! There is no room for negotiation!" Nangong Chuxue said firmly.

"Okay then, since you don't want to borrow it, goodbye. No, there is no goodbye!" Qin Feng said, and was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute, how much money did you borrow?" Nangong Chuxue was naturally joking with Qin Feng. The other party was Grandpa's friend and the third sister's savior, so it would be no problem to borrow some money.

But even without these relationships.

Nangong Chuxue will also borrow money.

Because she is too rich.

"500 billion dollars! I'm of great use!"

"What? 500 billion U.S. dollars? So much?" Nangong Chuxue thought that Qin Feng was only borrowing tens of millions or hundreds of millions of money, but she didn't expect to ask so much.

"Don't say you can't get this lily out?"

"Skull, I said you have too much, how can I get it out?" Although Nangong Chuxue refused verbally, she had already ordered her subordinates to transfer funds.

Although 500 billion US dollars is a lot.

But for her, this cash flow is still available.

The cash flow in her hands is probably on the trillion-dollar level.

As the owner of the largest auction in the world, she must have a good cash flow.

"Then you don't want to borrow it?" Qin Feng didn't believe that she didn't, otherwise the old man wouldn't ask him to lend her money.

But what Qin Feng didn't know was.

The old man has other plans.

That is Nangong Mingyue is not good, then Nangong Chuxue.

There is a saying in the countryside that a chicken in a cage does not crow, but a chicken in a cage crows. It is a metaphor that as long as a son has more children, he will always be capable.

If these two beautiful granddaughters introduced them, there must be a trick, right?

Moreover, Nangong Chuxue is the most beautiful woman in the Dragon Empire. Although she usually seems to be very indifferent to boys, she must have high vision. The old man didn't know that his granddaughter was Lily.

Or both Qin Feng like it.

Grandpa Nangong could only give him two jewels.

"It's not that I don't want to borrow it, it's that I can't get it out." Nangong Chuxue showed a refusal look, but in fact she already planned to borrow it in her heart, and said secretly: "This guy, can't be soft, please ask yourself? Is the attitude of borrowing money so bad? "

"Your grandfather said that you have what you have. He asked me to come to you. If you don't borrow it, forget it!"


"So, tell your grandpa whether you want to borrow it or not." Qin Feng said rather threateningly, "It was your grandpa who asked me to come to you directly to get the money!"

Of course, Qin Feng lied, and Mr. Nangong just asked Qin Feng to find her.

It is not said that it is directly taking money.

"Is that so? That's fine." Seeing this, Nangong Chuxue could only borrow it. She originally planned to borrow it, but it was just to embarrass Qin Feng.

Unexpectedly, he moved out directly to grandpa.

"Haha, thank you, Lily." Qin Feng was overjoyed when he saw that the big thing was done, and was about to hang up the phone, but he hesitated for a while, and said: "Lily, do you really like the mother-of-pearl red sandalwood five-stringed pipa? "

"Well, this cultural relic is not only of high value, but also the craftsmanship is very good, and the workmanship looks very beautiful! I want to collect it." Nangong Chuxue asked, "Why mention this all of a sudden? Didn't you give it all to my grandfather?"

"Although that is the case, I will try to tell your grandfather to see if he can give it to you." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he added, "But I don't know if it will work out or not."

Qin Feng saw that the other party borrowed money.

Naturally there should be some feedback as well.

"Ah?" Nangong Chuxue was taken aback by the sudden benefit, "Are you that good? It can't be some kind of trap, right?"

"Do you want love!" Qin Feng was about to hang up the phone.

Nangong Chuxue immediately shouted: "Yes~~~"

And the sound dragged on for a long time.

"Fuck you! Hang up, thank you for borrowing 500 billion U.S. dollars!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

As soon as Qin Feng hung up the phone, he could only see Su Bingqing looking at Qin Feng with a stunned look.

"Qin Dong, 500 billion US dollars? Do you have a clue?"

"Well, that's not it, it's easy to get it done!" Qin Feng smiled indifferently, and in just a few minutes, 500 billion U.S. dollars was at his fingertips. Maybe he is the only one?
"Uh..." Su Bingqing became a little numb, and then looked at Qin Feng with resentful eyes, "Mr. Qin, who did you call just now? Is your girlfriend? Your fiancée must be a super chaebol, right? Otherwise, it won't happen." Take 500 billion U.S. dollars at one time."

"Girlfriend?" Qin Feng laughed, "She and I are just friends, not even friends."

"Oh~~~~" Su Bingqing couldn't believe it, the tone of the two of them just now didn't look like they were enemies, but rather young couples who were quarreling.

"Don't get it wrong, that person is Nangong Chuxue, the number one beauty in the Dragon Empire." Qin Feng laughed and said, "But it's a pity, it's not useful, Lily is one."

"Huh? The number one beauty in the Dragon Empire? Nangong Chuxue?" Su Bingqing was dumbfounded again. The cheats in Qin Feng's novels aren't that awesome, are they?Talking to the direct granddaughter of Mr. Nangong?Still look condescending?

And is this girl Lily?
It's a bit reckless.

Su Bingqing met Nangong Chuxue by chance. Basically, girls want to get close to such a beauty. It's just that this woman's character is a bit cold and unkind.

"Okay, Bingqing, with the funds in hand, you can start building my company in all aspects. Now our company is going to put aside those ordinary items! We specialize in advanced weapons. Those technologies and equipment, as well as Talent, I will help you find a way to get it done!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stood up, "I have to go back to the villa, and I will leave the major and minor matters of the company to you in the future. In the same sentence, you should stop managing the company with your previous personality. There is me behind, and the whole Company, you treat yourself as the emperor, go boldly, they are all your subjects."

"I know Director Qin." Seeing Qin Feng stand up, Su Bingqing took the initiative to open the door.

Qin Feng's Spyker was also driven to the door of the office building.

And Su Bingqing also called Qin Feng a driver.

"By the way, tell the entire weapon company that all foreigners will learn Chinese for me. If you learn Chinese well, your salary will be 30.00% higher! And you can also drive people around you to learn, and if you bring one out, there will be rewards. Then I will set up The relevant managers are here to take care of this and give rewards to everyone."

He naturally remembers one of Qin Feng's main missions.

But these are drop in the bucket.

What Qin Feng wants to do is to make the military weapons of the Dragon Empire unshakable. When the whole world respects the Dragon Empire, then the Chinese language will be promoted.

With a day or two of fermentation.

The identity of the major shareholder of Qinfeng Swiss Bank was not known by whom, and the stock rose sharply again.

In addition, Qin Feng dropped 500 billion US dollars in one breath.

Then the stock of Qin Feng's company exploded completely.

Directly to 440 yuan a share.

The worth of Qinfeng Arms Company has reached 14080 billion yuan!

A market value of 1.4 trillion yuan.

It's like Apple.

You know, a few days ago, this stock was only eight yuan a share.

This is crazy.

And it was the second day after Qin Feng acquired the weapon company.

The whole world is boiling.

Because those national treasures were directly announced to the world by Mr. Nangong.

Mr. Nangong also endured these pressures.

Those gringos kept clamoring for the return of the national treasure.

But the old man said, "You snatched this, and now it's back, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Anyway, ignore them at all.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, you have completed the level of building the world's third weapon company! 】

"Fuck, is the mission completed?"

Qin Feng thought that he had to work harder to achieve it.

But Qin Feng immediately learned about the top ten weapons companies in the world.

This Stephen's weapon company is really outstanding, completely far ahead.

In fact, the weapons companies after that are not so strong.

The No.2 weapons company has a total market capitalization of only 2 trillion yuan.

Qin Feng's market value of 1.4 trillion yuan.

It has exceeded No. 42000 trillion.

No wonder.

There are so many bigwigs in the world who all treat Qin Feng's company as their own son.

It was completely smashed out.

"What about the reward? Didn't you say it last time? It's hundreds of thousands of tons of mysterious items?"

Qin Feng is very curious.

【Ding!The reward is.]

 [Kneel begging for a monthly pass!Kowtow bang bang bang!Three rattles: ▄██ ▄██ ▄██]

(End of this chapter)

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