Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 160 Stephen's Fear!Qin Fengxing asked the teacher for the crime?

Chapter 160 Stephen's Fear!Qin Fengxing asked the teacher for the crime?
"My God! My God! 500 billion!"

"$500 million?"

"Directly upgraded from 400 billion US dollars to 500 billion US dollars?"

"The guests in my sky-level box said that your addition of 10 billion US dollars to 10 billion US dollars is really too slow. I want some excitement!"

"Damn, you are indeed the guest of the sky-level box, and you are indeed the person who is respected as the guest of honor by Wu Qi Bu You Lou! This is too scary!"

"I didn't expect that the person in the sky-level box would need this rare earth? Isn't this person here to take jewelry?"

"This person is definitely not someone from the imperial power? Ordinary people from the imperial power will only come to take pictures of what they need!"

The audience is boiling at this moment!It can be said to be the most exciting moment of the night.

Because the guests in the premium box were already the focus of tonight.

Qin Feng's 500 billion US dollars will be spent again.

Isn't that shining brightly?

"Mr. Qin, what are you doing?" Kaitlyn was also stunned as she sat on the side.

Of course.

She doesn't understand Chinese.

Naturally, I don't know about the conversation between Qin Feng and Su Xinghe.

It was only after seeing him raising a placard that he realized that Qin Feng actually needed rare earths?
"I'm bidding, what's wrong?" Qin Feng glanced at her and found that her face was full of shock.

"Whose mission did you come with?" Caitlin asked curiously, "It seems that only the empire and arms dealers can use this thing?"

"I own a weapons company, the Great Wall Industrial Weapons Production Company. I don't know if Miss Caitlin has heard of it." Qin Feng said flatly.

"Great Wall Arms Company! I've heard of it. About five days ago, this company? Didn't the market value rise from 300 billion to trillions? Are you the chairman of this company?" Caitlin was shocked again, no wonder she could Arranged by Nangong Chuxue to come to the sky-level box as the honored guest, it turns out that he is the figure that the old man Nangong of the Dragon Empire and the world's number one weapons dealer must cover up?

If you want to say that Qin Feng's weapons company is so good all of a sudden, it's all thanks to the help of these big guys.

It's done with relationships, attitudes, colleges, etc.

"So, I bid for this rare earth, of course it is for me to make weapons." Qin Feng smiled indifferently, "Let's not talk for now, I have to concentrate on watching the auction."

"Well, Mr. Qin, you shoot yours, don't worry about me!" Caitlin said, still looking at Qin Feng in disbelief.


This man is horrible.

"Damn it! Who is the person in the special box? Didn't you agree? Did you just come to take some jewelry? Why did you make a move on our rare earth?" When Taikoo Ichiro heard the other party's bid of 500 billion, it was almost an instant Almost died instantly.

He originally came here with only 500 billion U.S. dollars from the emperor.

Emperor Haogong is also full of calculations, and feels that the 500 billion US dollars is more than enough.

But I didn't expect that it was so fierce at the beginning, and then it became more and more fierce.

In the end, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway?

Directly 500 billion US dollars?
"Mr. Swire, what should we do now? Our maximum budget is 500 billion US dollars! It has been capped! We have no more assets!"

"I" Taikoo Ichiro doesn't know what to do, why don't you inform the Sun Empire?

"Forget it!" Taikoo Ichiro felt ruthless, and took out a bank check worth 10 billion U.S. dollars from his arms, and said, "I will pay another 10 billion U.S. dollars myself! Go and show it to the auctioneer to prove that We have $510 billion! We can ask for $510 billion!"

"Ah?" The subordinate was confused, and this operation?What a shame!

"Let's do it! It's possible that the guest in the sky-level box just disgusted us on purpose. After all, he doesn't look like someone sent by any empire! He doesn't look like some small force! And since he is Nangong Chuxue's distinguished guest, then Eighty percent of them are from the Dragon Empire! I dare say that he must be disgusted with me, knowing that we want this rare earth very much! Then we bid 510 billion U.S. dollars, and he will not bid any more!"

Anyway, Ichiro Taikoo simply analyzed it.

Whether it is true or not, there is no need to verify it.

The first bid is 510 billion.

If someone raises the price again.

He also has no money.

I can only inform the Sun Empire, what to do.

"What the hell, why is there another one?"

The representative of the arms dealer was also dumbfounded now. He originally thought that only the Sun Empire was a competitor.

Now there's another one?
"This Qin Feng? He actually held up a $500 billion sign? What is he doing?" Nangong Chuxue was also surprised, not because he was worried that Qin Feng would not pay, but because at this price, buying two tons of rare earth was really a loss up.

"I'll offer $510!" Taikoo Ichiro bid.

"Old man Su, someone is shouting for 510 billion dollars again!" Qin Feng felt aggrieved, and while talking on the phone with old man Su, he bid for the auction, "I only have 500 billion in cash now!"

"It's okay, let's call for another 550 billion US dollars! I can still squeeze out 50 billion US dollars for you!" Old man Su is also aggrieved, this shit, how much money does this rare earth have to be photographed before he is willing to give up?
"Thank you, old man Su!" Qin Feng himself is already at his limit here, and he can squeeze out another 50 billion US dollars from the account of the weapon company and the Swiss bank.

Plus the 50 billion US dollars squeezed out by Su Xinghe.

Anyway, 600 billion US dollars.

It is Qin Feng's upper limit.

"Oh my god! The guest of the sky-level box! Another bid!"

"He bid 550 billion U.S. dollars! He raised another 40 billion U.S. dollars! The funds for every skyscraper, our landlord, has earned it again!"

Auctioneer Monica joked.

The price of 40 billion U.S. dollars was raised, which proved that Nangong Chuxue could get 20 billion U.S. dollars.

20 billion US dollars.

That is 120 billion Huaxia coins.

If that's not a skyscraper, what is it?
"This is Monica." Nangong Chuxue was not funny when she heard such a joke. It would be fine if someone else bid, but Qin Feng's bid would be different. She didn't want to earn Qin Feng's money at all, "I don't know this guy So why are you so anxious for this rare earth?"

"550 billion US dollars! Is there a higher one? My God! Today's auction will be on the international news tomorrow, right?" Monica said excitedly, and looked at the boxes of the three competitors again. direction.

"560 billion U.S. dollars! My God! The guests in the mid-level box bid again!" The person sent by Stephen bid.

"One billion more! This auction! It's not over yet! There are still three guests competing!" If Monica were an elderly person, she might have a heart attack right now.

"Damn it! Damn it! This is a representative of an arms dealer! A mysterious man in a special box! What are they going to do!" Taikoo Ichiro was helplessly furious, and could only slap the table and smash the glass fiercely.

This 500 million US dollars is enough to buy rare earths that double the market price.

But now there are still people who keep raising prices.

"Mr. Honda, please inform the Emperor, my side."

Taikoo Ichiro did not continue.

The other party's Honda arrived: "What? 500 billion US dollars? It hasn't been photographed yet?"

Honda's expression and tone are like the Jade Emperor in Journey to the West.

how?One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers?Unexpectedly, it is difficult to subdue the monster monkey?

This breath is exactly the same.

"Yes, Mr. Honda, I have a representative of Stephen Martin Company here, and a mysterious person named Nangong Chuxue as the guest of honour. Now we are three-legged! No one will give way to the other, but if you don't give me any funds, I will become the Shu Han who perishes first!"

As for the Empire of the Sun, it is natural for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to be very fanatical.

It can be said that they like it more than Chinese people.

Those who don't believe it really don't believe it, this is the truth.

"Mysterious figure? Who could it be?" Honda thought for a while.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be the representative of the Dragon Empire. After all, if it is the representative of the Dragon Empire, Nangong Chuxue is the second princess of the Dragon Empire. She got the rare earth, so she doesn't need to put it in the auction, and can directly trade with the original owner."

"That's right, that's definitely not the representative of the Dragon Empire." Honda thought for a while, and said, "I'll inform His Majesty Emperor Haogong here, and you can suspend the auction for a while! Wait for my news in 5 minutes." !"


The auction was immediately suspended.

After all, they have reached this level.

Anyone of the three parties is qualified to stop for a short time.

However, the auction must be at the level of more than 10 billion US dollars before it can be called a suspension.

Obviously, the rules have long been exceeded.

None of the guests in the ordinary seats left the venue because of the timeout.

They are all waiting for who will win this rare earth auction.

"Old man Su, can you help me find out what forces these two people are?" Qin Feng paused and said, "When I was at the door, I saw a representative of the Sun Empire call his superiors! But I'm not sure if this person has given up! Is he still bidding! After all, there were seven or eight forces bidding for rare earth at the beginning!"

"I know who one of them is! It's the representative of Stephen Martin, the world's number one weapon dealer! I'm not sure about the other one! Maybe it's the representative of Empire of the Sun!" Su Xinghe was also wondering whether Qin Feng was related to Mr. Stephen Is it good?The last time the Sun Empire came back, he was the one who helped Qin Feng resist the Royal Guards of the Sun Empire, why are they still competing now?

But what Su Xinghe didn't know was that Qin Feng had high technology, so he got rid of the people sent by these big bosses to protect him, and sneaked into the auction by himself.

If Mr. Stephen knew that Qin Feng also wanted this rare earth.

Just give up if you don't say anything.

The two of you will definitely have a good discussion.

One ton per person?
Or whoever wants it all.

"Another person from the Empire of the Sun? Another one was actually sent by Mr. Stephen!" Ever since Qin Feng knew that Mr. Stephen was following him, he naturally wanted to contact him.

But recently there is no free time.

Now is a good time.

Qin Feng immediately called the headquarters of Stephen Martin's company.

"Hi, hello, are you the front desk phone number of Stephen Martin's headquarters?" Qin Feng spoke fluent English.

"Yes, sir, do you have any weapons to order?" the customer service lady said respectfully.

"It's like this. I want to contact your chairman, Mr. Stephen!" Qin Feng knew that if he did this, he might be rejected by the other party, so he quickly said: "If you say I am Qin Feng, naturally he will Answer the phone!"

"Qin Feng? Alright, sir, wait! The chairman will reply later, and he will naturally call you back!" The customer service lady was very polite, but she didn't believe it in her heart. Anyone can make Mr. Stephen call back?
Also said to report the name?

Sir Stephen will call back?

But in a company of this level, the customer service lady must be very polite.

And it will also help Qin Feng.

She immediately made a call to Mr. Stephen's office.

"The front desk?" Stephen was watching the fierce auction live through the sent representative, and answered the call from the front desk impatiently, saying, "What's the matter?"

"Hi, hello, Mr. Stephen, we received a call from a person named Qin Feng at the front desk. It seems that I have something to ask you!" The customer service lady smiled lightly, "I have already politely agreed, sure It's just someone who wants to build a relationship."

"Qin Feng? It's Qin Feng? Why did he call? At eight o'clock in the evening, the female bodyguard I sent to protect her informed me that she was lost! This Qin Feng has not been found yet! "Stephen immediately yelled softly: "What are you talking about, this is my friend! You tell me the phone number of the other party, and I will call him back!"

"Ah? You..." The front desk lady was speechless. Are you really the boss's friend?

Here Stephen Martin made a call back to Qin Feng.

"Brother Qin Feng, hello, first call!" Stephen Martin spoke fluent English.

"Hello, Mr. Stephen, as for why you keep helping me, I won't ask any more questions!" Qin Feng knew, and it was useless to ask. It may be related to his own system, and it may be what Mr. Nangong said. , there is an existence stronger than the empire, and he said hello and asked the big guys to take care of Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng believes that they help him because it is related to the system and tasks, but Qin Feng doesn't know what kind of relationship it is.

"Last time on the high seas of the Sun Empire, I relied on Mr.!" Qin Feng sincerely thanked him.

"It's nothing, it's just a small problem!" Stephen helped him that time, but he obtained over 80 years of anti-radar technology, and he made a steady profit. Although the system said that over 1000 years has become over 80 years, it is true. A little speechless, but it's okay.Over 80 years of technology is also the world's leading.

"Then I won't talk nonsense. May I ask your representative, is he here to bid for rare earth? I want to confirm this matter."

"How do you know?" Stephen wondered for a moment.

"Because I got rid of the bodyguard you sent me, and I came to bid for rare earth! Your people! Now they are fiercely competing with me!"

———————off topic———————————————

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(End of this chapter)

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