Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 161 Three Big Brothers Joint Venture Qin Feng!Just do it!

Chapter 161 Three Big Brothers Joint Venture Qin Feng!Just do it!

"What? You're bidding for rare earth? So you're the one who bid 500 billion dollars? You're the one in Tianzihao box?" Mr. Stephen laughed and said, "It seems that little brother, are you here to discuss with me? Not to compete?"

"That's not true, there must be some different interests bound together between us, so we will definitely discuss it carefully, and it is impossible to be an enemy! Besides, isn't your enemy the Sun Empire? It destroyed a self Guards! They are our common enemy now! It is said that another bidder is likely to be from the Sun Empire!"

"It's not possible! That's it!" Mr. Stephen's information is naturally much better than Su Xinghe's.

"Sure enough, it's these beasts!" Qin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Then what shall we say? It's you who took the picture?"

Qin Feng naturally gave in first.

"This." Mr. Stephen hesitated for a moment. He had the technology in his hand, so he naturally wanted to quickly build an advanced anti-radar fighter jet, but the opponent was Qin Feng.

He is a man who can fulfill his dreams.

But you must not offend.

He wants to get stuck and not do the task.

Who to talk to?
"I won't talk nonsense! This time I will support you! Don't let the representative of the Sun Empire take pictures!" Stephen's hatred for the Sun Empire is completely deep in his bones. Now it is incompatible.

"Then thank you Mr. Stephen, I will write this down, and I will thank you very much in the future!" Qin Feng grinned.

And the other side.

Emperor Nahaogong was also shocked when he knew that the rare earth was sold for a sky-high price of 560 billion.

After all, the normal transaction price of this thing is only 150 billion to 200 billion US dollars.

It is directly three times the price.

Ridiculously high indeed.

But when Emperor Haogong heard that one of the bidders was actually a representative sent by Stephen, he was naturally very angry, and said, "Give me another 500 billion US dollars! Don't let this Stephen get rare earth!"

In the hands of Emperor Haogong, who has more than 9 years of anti-radar technology presented by Tian Jifu, there is a shortage of rare earths. Now that there is another big enemy, there is no reason not to grab rare earths.

Although Emperor Haogong wiped out Stephen, a self-defense force.

But his own royal guard was also knocked out by a third.


Here, Taikoo Ichiro naturally received a call and received 500 billion US dollars.

he's crazy again

"I know! I know Mr. Honda, I have 500 billion more dollars here, and I will definitely take this thing!"

After Taikoo Ichiro hung up the phone.

A smug smile appeared on his face.

"It's Stephen Martin's, isn't it?"

"There is also a mysterious person in the sky-level box, right?"

"Give me a good look at all of you!"

"Now watch me perform!"

"500 billion plus 500 billion!"

"That's 1000 billion!"

"I still don't believe it! Can you compete for rare earths for me?"

On the other side, the people Zhuyeqing sent to buy rare earths naturally withdrew from the auction at the $400 billion level.

But Zhuyeqing also sent Ye Meigui, one of the nine night angels, to the venue to find out the news.

Zhuyeqing needs to know who is the one who wants to get the rare earth.

Ye Meigui, one of the nine night angels, is naturally the second-ranked character, and she is also the representative she sent to shoot Rare Earth.

She is not the one to protect Qin Feng.

The person who protects Qin Feng is the spirit fox of the Nine Dark Night Hands.

"Boss, I found out! Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin Feng, is actually in the venue, and the person in the heaven-level box is Mr. Qin!"

"What? Qin Feng? He..." For this Qin Feng, Zhuyeqing actually has feelings in her heart that are not just tied to the system. She has been paying attention to this person. After all, she is also young and handsome, so it is hard not to show some other things.

"How did Qin Feng get rid of the spirit fox I sent to protect her? How did he do it? And after he got rid of the spirit fox? Did he go to the auction?" Zhuyeqing thought for a while, and continued to ask without saying anything. Said: "What about the other people? Have you checked out? Who are they?"

"Other people, most of them are some small forces, who want to pick up the leaks, basically withdraw from the auction when the price is 200 billion or more! And the one who participated in the 300 billion withdrawal is Su Xinghe's snobbery! Now the three parties are still competing , one is the world's number one arms dealer, one is the representative of the Sun Empire, and the other is naturally Mr. Qin!"

"It's actually the world's number one arms dealer? And the Empire of the Sun?" Zhuyeqing paused, isn't this Stephen on good terms with Qin Feng?
"Boss, I sneaked into the venue and overheard that Mr. Qin seemed to be short of money! Borrow money from Su Xinghe. But I was caught while eavesdropping, so I quickly slipped away!"

"What? You were discovered?" Zhuyeqing was stunned. The second of the nine night angels was actually discovered?
Today Linghu followed to protect Qin Feng, but was also thrown away?
This is not accidental, is it?

Could it be that there is a new master around Qin Feng?

But they don't know, it's just high technology.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"Since Qin Feng wants to win the rare earth, let's help him. Isn't he short of money? I will give him all my 400 billion US dollars!" Zhuyeqing naturally didn't want to see the people of the Empire of the Sun get the rare earth, after all, he Although he broke away from the nationality of the Dragon Empire, he is still a Chinese.

"Well, in what name do we give him money?"

"It's okay, let's use my name, he already knew about us!" Zhuye Qingxia continued, "I can only help him so much, and I have to keep the remaining 100 billion US dollars to take care of the sect."

dong dong dong.

The door of Qin Feng's box was knocked quickly.

"Who is it?" Qin Feng wanted to stand up and open the door.

But Miss Caitlin beside her stood up and said, "Let me do it!"

After the door opens.

It's a beautiful woman in a dress.

She has a hot body.

This is the beautiful Linghu who has been following and protecting Qin Feng.

She is the head of the nine dark night angels, so she naturally came to send a check to Qin Feng.

Zhuyeqing must hand over such an important job to his confidants.

"Mr. Qin, hello, I heard that you are short of money. This is a kindness from our boss, Qingzhumen!" said the beautiful woman in a beautiful dress, and handed over a check, "This is a check from the Royal Bank of Canada! It contains 400 billion U.S. dollars! You take it!"


Absolute shock.

Caitlin on the side saw the amount on the check.

Almost fainted.

Is this a check for $400 billion?

Then look at the other person's body language?Did it mean to give it to Qin Feng?

What is Qin Feng's identity?

Did someone just send 400 billion US dollars?

"Thank you, boss, Zhuyeqing! Thank you very much, I have written this down!" Qin Feng chuckled, glanced at her beautiful figure, and walked around her.

Linghu turned around and faced Qin Feng, "Mr. Qin, what do you see me doing?"

She has been following to protect Qin Feng, but she is also attracted by Qin Feng's handsomeness. After all, the overflowing 85 points of charm are not covered.

Pretty sure.

She likes this man.

So much so that when she was lost today, she was very worried.

"You are the spirit fox? The head of the nine night angels? Is it you? You have been protecting me for a long time! You helped me with many things along the way, right?" Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"You know me?" Linghu stared slightly for a moment.

"Ever since I found out that your boss, Zhuyeqing, was helping me secretly, I have observed your sect, so I naturally know something about the Nine Night Angels! Together, the nine of you will be able to assassinate the patriarch of the royal family of the United States! Very powerful!"

"Since I was recognized by Mr. Qin, what I want to ask is, how did Mr. Qin get rid of my stalking? How did he recognize it?" Linghu was curious. As far as stealth is concerned, the whole world is afraid that only My boss, no one can be better than me.

How did Qin Feng find out?
"Of course I rely on some means, but I can't tell you!" Qin Feng admired her explosive figure again, and had to say that a woman with a good figure, wearing a strong outfit, has a different style, "You Don't tell me, the fox spirit in Crossfire, are you the original again?"

"Ang, yes, Mr. Qin, the goose factory has approached us! And paid the fee!"

"I knew it!" Qin Feng chuckled, "Then let's do this first, the protection thing is unnecessary! I have my own ability to protect myself now."

"No, this is the task the boss entrusted to me!" Linghu refused.

"That's fine, you'd better not be caught out by me next time, and I'm going to do something private! I'll try to get rid of you!"

Hearing what Qin Feng said, Linghu was a little unconvinced. Could it be that his own hiding technique is something that others just throw away when they want to?

She didn't know what trick Qin Feng used to find her this time.

But she believes that as long as she is careful, there is no possibility of throwing away a second time.

"It seems that you are not convinced? Do you think that as long as you are careful, I can't get rid of your stalking again?" Qin Feng is naturally not a master of psychology, but Linghu has everything written on his face.

"I really think so!" Linghu didn't deny it either.

"Well, how about we make a bet? If you are caught by me seven times! You promise me one thing! You will be my female driver in the future! I will pay you [-] million U.S. dollars every year!" Qin Feng smiled wickedly.

Of course.

Qin Feng never thought of eating this super beauty.

Just want a female driver.

After all, I already have too many beauties.

And Qin Feng also needs such a powerful female bodyguard.

Especially if there are women or male bodyguards around me, sometimes it's too much.

"Being a female driver for you? This matter." Linghu didn't agree for a while.

"What? Are you not confident in your hidden skills? Or is there any rule in your sect that you never leave your school as a teacher?" Qin Feng asked.

"I don't want to stay out of the teacher's school for the rest of my life, that's right! You can go out whenever you want!" Linghu looked at Qin Feng's disdainful eyes, and said in disbelief, "Then I will agree to Mr. Qin's request, but if Mr. If you can't catch me, you have to promise me a request."

"Okay! I'll answer everything, I can answer your request!" Qin Feng said curiously, "But I want to hear what this request is!"

"We'll talk about it when the time comes!" Linghu smiled slightly, "I wish you good luck, get me out early!"

"Okay! Then you go to work first! It seems that the auction has been suspended! It has started again! I have to shoot my rare earth! Thank you boss! I have time to call her to Huaxia, and I will treat her to dinner."

Qin Feng bid farewell to Linghu.

In that venue.

The exciting moment came again.

"I bid 600 billion U.S. dollars!" Taikoo Ichiro received the blessing of funds, and naturally began to bid!

"$600 million!"

"Guests from Premium Box 1! Haven't you given up yet?"

"After he called a timeout? He started bidding again!"

"The competition for rare earths today! It's not over yet!"

"Is this a rare earth! Or an elixir of life!"

Monica is simply incredible.

Waves of shock.

Simply can not stop.

"Arms dealer! The dog in the sky-level box! You two come! Bid for labor!" Taikoo Ichiro chuckled, "Aren't you crazy? Why aren't you crazy now?"

"650 billion US dollars!" Qin Feng bid again!
"700 billion U.S. dollars!" Taikoo Ichiro refused.

It's too intense!The auction is still going on!
But the representative sent by Stephen has withdrawn from the auction!After all, Qin Feng called him, and they naturally withdrew.

battle now.

It's just this representative of Qin Feng and Sun Empire.

"Who is this dog in the sky-level box? If it is not a representative of the Dragon Empire, why is it so obsessed with rare earths?" Taikoo Ichiro never expected that the other party has not given up on chasing from 500 billion to 700 billion US dollars. ?

This is already more than three times the market price.

"Give me 800 billion! I want this dog to see our attitude!" Taikoo Ichiro directly added 800 billion to the price at one time.

He wants to let the other party know that he is bound to win.

Let the other party retreat.

"Damn it, these days! It's really hard to deal with!" Qin Feng said badly, now he has Su Xinghe plus his own 600 billion US dollars, plus the 400 billion US dollars from Zhuyeqing, and some want 1000 million. billion dollars.

I think I've got my luck.

But unexpectedly, is the other party still insisting?

Qin Feng didn't care about it, and directly called for a price of 1000 billion!
"Damn it! Come on! Labor and management are not short of money anyway! Those hundreds of thousands of tons of high-tech in the labor-management maintenance factory can make money from all walks of life! For me, this little money will not take long. I earned it back! Labor and management just won’t let you take pictures!”

Qin Feng's little devil robot, the big database inside is simply not too rich, will Qin Feng lose a way to make money in the future?
Becoming the richest man in the world is just a matter of time.


Absolute shock!
1000 billion price!

Naturally, the audience was overwhelmed!

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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