Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 162 Shocking the audience!sky-high price!Absolutely sky-high price!

Chapter 162 Shocking the audience!sky-high price!Absolutely sky-high price!



"I'm going to Nima!"

"$1000 million?"

"Add 200 billion dollars directly?"

"Is this money blown by the wind? Is it made like this?"

"Then Bill Gates only has assets of more than 900 billion U.S. dollars? Now? A Bill Gates asset? It's all spent on this rare earth!"

"It's terrible! It's terrible! Come on! The amount here is too scary! I'm going to have a heart attack!"

People in the audience.

That can be said of all of them.

All were stunned.

Like a dumbass.

The mysterious person in the sky-level box is simply jaw-dropping.

"What the hell is Qin Feng doing? Does he need this rare earth so much?" Nangong Chuxue was almost pissed off by Qin Feng. Money is not such a waste, is it?It is five times the market price!

"What the hell! This dog in the sky-level private room! Who the hell is it? Sincerely working against our Sun Empire, right?" The 500 billion new appropriation that Taikoo Ichiro was about to come over was instantly squandered by him.

I thought it was stable.

But I didn't expect to be suppressed.

What should we do now?
"My asking price is 1010 billion US dollars!"

Taikoo Ichiro still used the old method.

I have 10 billion US dollars.

Keep adding.

I can do it again.

"I will give 1100 billion!" Qin Feng naturally has no money, but Caitlin beside him said that she is willing to help 90 billion US dollars, which is also the limit of their family.

A big guy like Qin Feng.

Who doesn't want to curry favor?
The energy is terrifying.

Seeing that Caitlin helped, Qin Feng didn't say hello to the arms dealer.

After all, Stephen said that if he supports himself, he will help.

"What the hell, why are the guests in the high-end box? It's called timeout again?"

"Do you want to play or not?"

"I can't afford it, I don't have any money, so let's give it to the guests in the sky-level box! I'm really speechless!"

These audiences off the court, they just want to watch a good game.

Hence the distaste for pauses.

It's like watching a League of Legends professional game. The sudden pause is naturally very uncomfortable.

Generally, the party who calls for a timeout will be scolded.

"What? Taikoo Ichiro? Continue to allocate 500 billion US dollars to you? Haven't you taken the rare earth yet?"

"Yes, Mr. Honda, the other party is too fierce! It looks like you are not short of money at all! We are out of money again! There is no proof of funds in the auction, so we can't increase the price!" Taikoo Ichiro told the matter very aggrieved, " And the world's number one arms dealer withdrew from the auction!"

"May I ask Mr. Honda, who is the guest in the sky-level box? Can you find out who it is?" Taikoo Ichiro asked.

"I don't know. I went to tell the emperor about this matter. Emperor Haogong said he would investigate. Let me ask and tell you about it casually!" Honda hung up the phone and cursed: "What a shame! It’s crazy, this rare earth was auctioned for 1000 billion yuan? It’s obviously 200 billion yuan!”

As soon as Honda called, he called Emperor Haogong.

There was a burst of cursing.

"The guest in this sky-level box is actually that dog!"

"Qin Feng!"

"It's him!"

"This dog thing is really everywhere!"

Emperor Nangong is very hot at the moment.

He has his son Hao Miyamoto by his side.

They all had angry eyes, like a volcano erupting.

It can be said that the relationship between the Haogong royal family and Qin Feng is worse than that of Stephen, and they are already in a state of endless death.

The international pressure on Mr. Nangong.

People also don't let people go.

Send someone to assassinate.

Looks like it can't be done.

Around Qin Feng, there seems to be a copper wall and an iron wall.

Impossible to drive a fighter jet, go straight?

"Dad! I'll take out 1000 billion U.S. dollars under my banner! It's over! Anyway, we also need this rare earth, let alone the other party is Qin Feng!" Hao Gongben gritted his teeth fiercely, "What he wants from Qin Feng, I, Hao Gong, have fought for my little estate of the prince! I want to get it back!"

"This is not the time to be arrogant!"

"Could it be father? You don't plan to bid anymore?" Hao Gong asked essentially.

"It's not about not bidding, but to be rational! After all, the auction is owned by Nangong Chuxue! Although it is impossible for them to smash the signboard of her auction! If we get something, we will definitely give it to us! But she wants to charge half of the handling fee. Don't you want to give her money?" Emperor Haogong decided: "Just 3000 billion U.S. dollars! Give it to Taiko Ichiro to operate! If the other party wants it, then give it! Anyway, we have over nine years of anti-radar technology in hand , it may not be a while, but rare earths can be found in other channels!"

"That's the only way to go! 3000 billion U.S. dollars! It's enough for him to drink a pot! The other party really wants to fight us! He can't get it right! After all, the price of 3000 billion U.S. dollars exceeds the market price by more than a dozen. It’s doubled!" Hao Miyamoto chuckled, "If we win, we will gain face, but if we lose, he will have to pay a certain price!"

"Well said, son, 3000 billion U.S. dollars can't shake the foundation of our empire. It's just a superficial amount. If it's more, it won't be worth it."

Emperor Haogong finished speaking.

Immediately told Taikoo Ichiro the news.

In Qin Feng's box, Qin Feng took the time to go to the bathroom, and took out a high-tech detective ball the size of a glass bead from his bag.

"Little glass ball, go! Go find out what that Taikoo Ichiro is going to do!"

Qin Feng wants to use high technology to know what this person is doing all the time.
Just shoot a rare earth.

Has been suspended twice.

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Feng heard the reply of the miniature glass ball in the earphone.


Qin Feng threw the small glass bead away.

It rolled down the stairs.


He rolled to Taikoo Ichiro's room in the premium box downstairs.

"Now Emperor Haogong has given you an additional budget of 2000 billion US dollars! You must take it!"

"Understood! Master Honda!"

Taikoo Ichiro simply heard the most beautiful gospel in the world.

Anyway, it's not your own money.

You can pretend to be infinite again.

Enjoy the exclamation of the piece below.

It was so exciting.

"I heard that the people in the heaven-level box are the ones who robbed the princess? You bastard! Labor and capital beat you to death with money!"

"Bid me! Directly 1200 billion US dollars! I will directly add another 100 billion US dollars!"

"Let him know! What my Sun Empire likes, he can't take it away!"

The expression on Taikoo Ichiro's face was very ferocious.

The auction is not over yet.

"The timeout is over!"

"Guests in the high-end box! Another bid of 1200 billion U.S. dollars!"

"Tonight's auction! Unexpectedly, it is not over yet!"

"It's already 10:45!"

"Presumably many guests are already hungry, right?"

"But it doesn't matter! Our auction is already making supper for everyone! All are world-class high-quality ingredients! Everyone can eat for free!"

Monica is so tired.

Standing for three hours today.

From eight o'clock to now.

Isn't it almost three hours?
It took only 2 hours and 20 minutes for the previous dozen or so auction items.

This one auction.

It took a full 40 minutes.

Of course.

It wouldn't have been that long if it hadn't been paused a few times.

"I'm fucking going to faint!"

"These two are never finished!"

"Just add 500 billion at once! Then it will be over in a few rounds!"

"I'm sleepy!"

"It's awesome! What are the identities of these two people?"

"Now it's directly 1200 billion U.S. dollars! Let's guess? How much is the cap?"

"Who knows, no one stipulates how much the auction will cap!"

"Anyway, today's auction! It has already broken the highest auction price in the world! It's so exciting!"

"Emma, ​​the midnight snack is finally here!"

"It's the first time for me to eat supper here in Wuqibuyoulou!"

"Yeah, today the hostess of the beauty made a lot of money! 1200 billion US dollars! She made 600 billion US dollars! Didn't she make a lot of money?"

"In one night, he earned the money of the richest man in the Dragon Empire? It's really comfortable to lie down and make money!"

"I have a bad appetite, and I want to eat soft rice from the beautiful landlord, but she gave me steak instead?"

"This steak has top-notch ingredients! It's so fragrant! It's so delicious!"

Just when these people in the audience were discussing.

Qin Feng was surprised in his private room, and said, "I never thought that the people from the Sun Empire would not give up yet?"

Qin Feng is not someone who can give up just by giving up.

Fight again!

"Mr. Stephen! You can lend me another 300 billion US dollars! I will directly bid 1500 billion US dollars!"

Qin Feng is not used to people from the Sun Empire.

It's going to burn money, right?
When Qin Feng's projects are completed, Qin Feng will be able to pay back the money at that time.

And what about their Sun Empire?

Even for the entire empire, this amount of money is nothing, but it is enough to cause a deep wound.

Qin Feng is a hacker, are you afraid that you won't be the only one?

What about the imperial family?
Not enough lessons from last time?

And this moment.

Just when those ordinary guests were still eating and drinking.

Monica exclaimed again.

Because Qin Feng bid 1500 billion US dollars!

"$1500 million!"

"The guest of the sky-level box! Breaking the world record again!"

"The highest auction price! 1500 billion! It's refreshed again!"

"Is this money still money?"

In fact, Monica has already begun to doubt life.

It looks like money in other people's hands.

It's not like money at all.

TM those little empires.

I am afraid that an empire a year will not be able to earn a GDP of 1500 billion US dollars, right?
And what about them?

Burning so much money here?
"Pfft, another $300 billion increase?"

"Fuck! The people in the sky-level box! They are the ones who don't write! Just do it and you're done!"

"The people in the high-end box add 100 billion to 200 billion US dollars every time, it's really inscriptions!
"You don't have a back pain when you stand up and talk, right? Are you capable of spending a hundred million dollars? Do you have the nerve to laugh at others?"

Anyway, many of those who ate were choked.

This is a one-time addition of 300 billion US dollars.

Bidding has reached a new peak.

"Give me a price increase! 1600 billion US dollars!" Taikoo Ichiro roared again. Although he really wanted to add a little more at once, after all, he had been warned just now.

Don't misrepresent the empire's money.

Spend as little as you can.

"Have the guests in the high-end boxes not given up yet? Add another 100 billion!"

"It's so fucking long-winded! 100 billion dollars is too much!" Qin Feng didn't regard bean buns as dry food at all, "Hold up the monitor! Bid directly for 2000 billion dollars!"

"Oh shit!"


"The people in the Tianzihao box feel much richer than the people in the high-end box! Nima directly added another 400 billion!"

"I'm the only one who doubts? Is this like a novel? I don't think it's realistic!"

"Are the two sick? Spending so much money?"

"Is this TM2000 billion? Can you believe it? Or is it in US dollars?"

"This has already caught up with the Yuenan Empire! One year's GDP! Are you really sick?"

"This is not a secret rivalry between the two empires!"

"Back then it was rare earth, and it was also an auction between two empires! But last time it wasn't so high!"

And in Taikoo Ichiro's box, his face was ashen at the moment, what does the other party mean?
Is there really that much money?
Is this a matryoshka?
He began to doubt.

"Qin Feng, why didn't this guy reply to the message!"

Nangong Chuxue was dying of anxiety.

With a price of hundreds of billions of dollars, it's terrible!

Although she is worth tens of trillions of dollars.

It can be said that most of the assets of the Nangong royal family are managed by her.

But I can't afford to make it like this.

After all, she never thought of taking Qin Feng's money from the beginning.

"Qin Feng."


A big beauty appeared at the door.

It was Nangong Chuxue.

She saw that Qin Feng did not reply to the message.

Straight down from the sixth floor.

"Qin Feng, don't add any more. It's not worth it to pay so much money!" Nangong Chuxue has the authority to directly close the bidding card in Qin Feng's hand, but she didn't do that, but Come down and discuss with Qin Feng in person.

"Why do you care about me? Don't you care about mine?" Qin Feng is still a little angry. She begged her just now, and she has to be sincere, this girl is really that.

Qin Feng half-jokingly said: "Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to pay you?"

"Qin Feng, now that the matter has come to an end, I don't care about it anymore! No matter how much money is taken, I won't ask for your money! But if you do this, you are really at a loss! Money is not made like this!" Nangong Chuxue is very rational at the moment, that is, Qin Feng cannot continue.

"Did you hear that! Don't continue to shoot any more! I'm talking to you, and I'll forcibly close your bid card! Believe it or not!" Nangong Chuxue said, and was about to inform his subordinates.

"Leave me alone, I have my own plans! Can you trust me?" Qin Feng shouted.

"Do you have plans? What plans do you have?" Nangong Chuxue said, "Anyway, I won't allow you to take any more photos! Someone is here!"

"Shut up for labor and management! Get out!" Qin Feng was angry, he had said it all, he had his own plan, and he was still chattering?
Qin Feng is not angry at her.

Instead, I want to take a tough attitude and let her stay out of it for the time being.

Qin Feng really has his own plan.

Don't ruin it in this woman's hands.

Although Qin Feng knows that she cares about herself.


For an instant.

Nangong Chuxue felt like crying.

I care so much about him.

He actually scolded himself.

"I don't bother with you! Do whatever you want!" Nangong Chuxue said with a livid face, as if she was really angry this time, and left the auction without looking back.

And I didn't even feel like watching.

returned to her residence.

That is, a small courtyard house next to the auction building.

"Master, tissues?"

Qiuyue looked at Nangong Chuxue with a dark face, and heard Qin Feng scolding her just now.

Sitting beside the bed in Nangong Chuxue's boudoir bedroom.

Want to comfort her.

"Why did you hand me the tissue? Did I cry? I didn't!" Nangong Chuxue swore that he would never talk to this kind of man again, it was really boring.

Kindly treat it as the liver and lungs of a donkey.

"." Although Qiuyue was aggrieved, she still handed over the tissue, "Master, don't be sad, just ignore her! Let's take care of him."

When Nangong Chuxue heard this, she was still worried, "Ask the people in the auction, what price did you get?"

"Second miss, you?" Qiuyue was speechless again, as expected, she was still thinking about Qin Feng.

How is this Qin Feng so lucky.

It can be seen that the pavilion master doesn't like Qin Feng anymore, I'm afraid only a song by Jieda can describe it.

This is love love love love.

"What about me! Call me and ask! I just care about how much money I've made! I really hope to make a trillion dollars. Is it okay if I just sit and make 5000 billion dollars!" Nangong Chuxue snatched the tissue , wiped the corners of his eyes.

Since meeting this guy.

She has been wronged a lot.

It's okay to bicker before.

This time it was really wronged.

"Yes!" Qiuyue immediately took out the phone, asked, and replied: "Pavilion Master, after Mr. Qin bid 2000 billion U.S. dollars, the other party bid another 2100 billion U.S. dollars! But Mr. Qin bid 2500 billion U.S. dollars again!"

"This guy." Nangong Chuxue frowned suddenly, "Forget it, let him make trouble, no matter what the result is. I will bear it."

"Second Miss, do you like him?" Qiuyue also boldly asked this question. She knew that she would definitely be scolded, but she would definitely not be punished.

"I like him? Hehe, in the next life! How stupid are you to think that I will like him? But it's just my third sister's savior." Nangong Chuxue smiled indifferently, "If I don't help him, grandpa will."

"Second Miss, I think so! If you like it, then just change your attitude. If you are always like a hedgehog." Qiuyue didn't go on, anyway, it's good that the other party understands.

"Get along with a different attitude?" Nangong Chuxue surprisingly didn't scold Qiuyue, but murmured, lost in thought.

But she is the number one beauty in the Dragon Empire.

The second princess of the Nangong family.

The owner of the building is full of surprises.

It is always others following oneself.

There is no one who follows others.

Do you want her to be humble and get along with others?

On the other side, the wonderful auction is still going on.

Qin Feng bid 2500 billion US dollars!

"Guests in the sky-level box! Once again broke the record! Raised the price of rare earths to 2500 billion U.S. dollars!"

"Can the guests of the high-end box continue to bid!"

"We'll wait and see!"

Monica almost died instantly.

Let alone two parties.

She was very nervous.

This is so exciting.

"Labor and management bid 2600 US dollars!" Taikoo Ichiro bid.

"Is tonight's competition over?"

"No no!"

"It's not over!"

"Guests in the high-end box! Another bid of 2600 billion U.S. dollars!"

"My God! It's already eleven o'clock!"

"This auction is not over yet!"

According to the usual off-duty time, Monica had already asked Nangong Chuxue and two people to make trouble.

And they all rested.

Her today.

But it is still standing on the auction stage.

My feet are sore.

"Give me 2800 billion US dollars!" Qin Feng shot again.

"$2800 million?"

"The guests in the sky-level box this time! I didn't mention an integer at once!"

"Are you asking the other party to make up the whole number?"

Monica began to doubt.

Could it be that the guests in the sky-level box are starting to get tired?

And at the moment in Qin Feng's box.

Mr. Stephen called hastily,

"I said, brother Qin Feng, are you being too unkind? I told you that the price you bid is not enough. I will borrow the money. You have done it directly to almost 3000 billion US dollars! What is the GDP of a small empire for a year?" Stephen was very speechless, how could this be 3000 billion US dollars?
He worked hard for a year and only earned 1000 billion U.S. dollars.

"Mr. Stephen, don't worry! Anyway, I will pay back the money you borrowed from me!" Qin Feng smiled faintly.

"It's not a question of not paying it back, it's that I can't give you 2000 billion U.S. dollars to make up for 3000 billion U.S. dollars at once!" Stephen said aggrievedly.

"It's okay, there is the owner of the auction! It means I only pay half of the money? What am I afraid of fighting against the other side?" Qin Feng chuckled.Of course, Qin Feng's plan is not like this.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I can only give you 1000 billion US dollars! I can't do anything about the rest!" Stephen also needs to develop recently. He was knocked out of a self-defense force and needs money.

"Thank you!" Qin Feng hung up the phone!Anyway, I have paid 2800 billion US dollars.

Depends on what the other side said.

"Damn it, this Chinese monkey is really going to die with us forever!"

"But it doesn't matter! Emperor Haogong explained that the cap is 3000 billion U.S. dollars!"

"This time I'm directly calling for a price of 3000 billion U.S. dollars!"

"If you win, let's win! If you lose, you have to pay the price too! At least you have to pay half of the original owner's fee, right?"

Taikoo Ichiro took a deep breath and said, "Show me the card! I will offer 3000 billion US dollars! I don't care about the rest!"

Taikoo Ichiro raised his sign here.

Immediately there was another round of cheers and turmoil off the court.

"Friends from Premium Room 1! Bid again!"

"This wonderful auction! It's still going on!"

"Is this the final transaction price?"

"We can only turn our eyes! Let's leave it to the guests in the sky-level box!"

Monica's voice fell.

The audience.

His eyes were only looking in the direction of Qin Feng's box.
(End of this chapter)

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