Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 163 Shocking the World!Coming to the ultimate mission?

Chapter 163 Shocking the World!Coming to the ultimate mission?
At the moment, in Qin Feng's box.

The lights were still on.

But Qin Feng and others.

Already out of the box.

"3000 billion dollars once!"

"3000 billion dollars twice!"

"3000 billion dollars three times!"

"make a deal!"

When a hammer falls.

Everyone's hearts are wide open.

That's it for tonight.

And at the same time!Here's the deal!It also shocked the world!

"Congratulations to the guests in the high-end box No. 1! You have won this hard-won rare earth at a price of 3000 billion U.S. dollars!"

"We give him the warmest applause! He is the biggest "winner" tonight!"

clap clap.

clap clap,

The applause was great.

But the scolding was more lively.


"The other side is obviously setting him up!"

"Still pushing up?"

"Yeah! It's obvious that the price was raised on purpose!"

"But the people in the sky-level box are not afraid. If they don't want to continue to increase the price? He can't take pictures?"

"Who knows, maybe the guests in the high-level box that day are not short of money."

Anyway, most of the applause was mixed with curses.

"Master Honda, I finally won the rare earth! The transaction price is 3000 billion!" Taikoo Ichiro quickly told the other party this "good news".

"You idiot, the other party must be playing with monkeys! But it doesn't matter! It's fine to take a picture, and everyone deserves a sigh of relief! The crown prince of Haogong is a bad breath! Wait for the war department to overtake the whole world for nine years." Fighters with advanced anti-radar technology, if a wing is produced, then it is time for our Sun Empire to shine!"

"I also know that the other party may be deliberately raising the price! I knew it from the beginning! But the other party is also very courageous, so don't you be afraid that I won't take it all at once?" Taikoo Ichiro was actually quite puzzled by Qin Feng's final bid. This time, he directly came up with an integer, but the last time, he just didn't.

This is a bit suspicious.

It was as if he had calculated that his expectation was only 3000 billion.

But it shouldn't be possible. Only a few people in the Sun Empire know about the 3000 billion funds.

Of course, Qin Feng can know all of this, all of which are high-tech small ball detectives, bugs sent by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng eavesdropped on their conversation and knew that they offered a price of up to 3000 billion.

"Miss Caitlin, I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight and talk about something, but I have something else to do now, so let's wait another day, I hope you forgive me!" Qin Feng greeted Caitlin at the gate, and looked at the The face value of her live-action version of the goddess Bibidong.

This girl is also pretty good.

I still owe money to others.

But Qin Feng didn't want to pay it back.

After all, no rare earth was photographed, so naturally the money in hand was not spent.

Develop your own industry first, and return the capital with interest later.

The other party also agreed.

Now Qin Feng is in charge of the situation: Caitlin's LV company: 90 billion US dollars.

Su Xinghe: 300 billion US dollars.

Zhuyeqing: 400 billion US dollars.

Nangong Chuxue: 500 billion US dollars.This is the first money invested in the arms company.

Mr. Stephen: $1000 billion.

Qin Feng now has a cash flow of almost 2500 billion US dollars.

Simply behemoth.

"It's okay, Mr. Qin, if you have something to do, just go ahead and call me anytime when you're done! I can do it!" Kaitlyn smiled sweetly, and raised the Zhengwang Pearl in her hand, Said: "Thank you for the gift, I like it very much!"

Caitlin hesitated for a moment, took off the necklace she was hanging around her neck, stepped forward, stepped on her toes slightly, and tied it around Qin Feng's neck.

"I like you, you can think about me! I'll go back first!" Caitlin whispered her heart to Qin Feng, then raised her head and shook her hair. She was not shy and walked away gracefully.

"I'll go, this Western woman is indeed more fierce than the Sun Empire woman!" Qin Feng felt the diamond necklace and her body temperature.

Didn't think too much about it.

I'll explain it later.

I am really not chasing her.

It's about her family's company.

I want to develop all walks of life.

At the gate of the auction, Taikoo Ichiro was preparing for the rare earth truck.

"Mr. Taikoo, do you need help transporting your 2 tons of rare earth?" Xia Zhu greeted Taikoo Ichiro.

"No need, we have applied for people from the embassy! And we have also applied for a team for the Dragon Empire!" Taikoo Ichiro smiled lightly, how could such an important thing be entrusted to them?The safest is in your own hands.

Of course, it is no problem for the representatives of the Sun Empire to apply for a little protection for the Dragon Empire.

In the same way, people from the Dragon Empire can apply for work in the Sun Empire.

"Okay then, if you don't help with the delivery, you have to sign for us, and we won't be responsible for any safety issues!" Xia Zhu said.

"Well, no problem! Nothing will happen!" Taikoo Ichiro invited a team of Dragon Empire's own to help escort him, what's wrong?Isn't that a slap in the face of Dragon Empire itself?


Taikoo Ichiro began to direct the rare earth to get on the car.

As for Qin Feng, he quickly left the auction site secretly, and came to the repair shop that only Su Bingqing and himself knew. It was full of high technology.

"Little devil, is there anyone approaching this repair shop recently?"

[Back to master!In three days only a buggy appeared!One passerby, three wild dogs! 】

[Security robot, put on a simulated skin!Pretending to be a security guard, watching at the door every day! 】

[Everything here has been discovered by no one! 】

"very good!"

Qin Feng said it.

So I called Nangong Chuxue.

Although I have always hated this woman.

But she was scolded by himself just now, and Qin Feng saw her crying.

It's not that Qin Feng doesn't explain it to her, but it's because it's hard to say.

To expose one's own strength.

The phone rang for 40 seconds.

The other side didn't pick up.

Qin Feng wanted to hang up.

But the phone went through.

"Why are you calling?" Nangong Chuxue said fiercely.But she also knew that Qin Feng did not take pictures of Rare Earth in the end.

It seems that I am nosy again?

But how did Qin Feng know?The other party won't suddenly want it?

If he asks for 2800 billion yuan, the other party doesn't want it?what to do?
"I want to ask you something. Is your auction obligated to protect the items and send them out? That is, if something happens to the item during the auction, it will be your fault?" Qin Feng asked.

"Yes, why? You don't want it..." Nangong Chuxue seemed to understand what Qin Feng wanted to do, "That's a team of the Dragon Empire, you have no chance!"

"What do you mean? They themselves applied for the power of the Dragon Empire to help transport it? Didn't they let you transport it?" Qin Feng was ecstatic in his heart. He originally thought that the auction of Lily would be responsible for returning it safely, so he could only go to the Sun Empire to rob it.

But now.

no more.

You can do it directly in your own empire.

"That's right, they said they applied for a team of the Dragon Empire and signed it. Whatever happened, it's none of our business!" Nangong Chuxue still persuaded, "Don't have any wrong thoughts, really, No chance."

"Why do you seem to be a different person?" Qin Feng found that this Nangong Baihe was much gentler?
"What's wrong with me? Anyway, you love to listen all the time, so I don't care." Nangong Chuxue groaned.

"Also, the things you took, the seven-colored emeralds, and the pink diamonds, do you want me to send someone back to you?" Nangong Chuxue asked again, "This is the rule of our auction."

"That's fine, thank you." Qin Feng saw that her attitude had improved a lot, so he naturally didn't want to piss her off like before, and said, "Next time I have a chance to treat you to supper! There is something wrong this time."

"You won't really go. As I said, there is no chance! Are you robbing such a few tons of things? If you want to steal it, how can you steal it?" Nangong Chuxue was speechless.

"Lily, don't worry about it, just wait for the good news! But you have to keep the secret, don't let your grandpa know!"

"I didn't ask you to tell me this, you said it yourself." Nangong Chuxue said.

"If you keep the secret, I won't hate you in the future. How about we get along in harmony?" Qin Feng suddenly suggested.

"Get along in harmony?" Nangong Chuxue paused, "That's what you said, don't call me Lily in the future, I'm not Lily, I really am not"

At least not now anyway.

"Well, I don't want to call you Lily!"

"You still screaming?" Nangong Chuxue said sharply.


After Qin Feng finished talking with Nangong Chuxue, he naturally began to say to the little devil:
"Little devil, prepare me a perfect theft plan, I want to steal back the rare earth that Taikoo Ichiro took away!"

But at this time!
The system prompt is coming.

[Congratulations to the host!Get the ultimate mission! 】

(End of this chapter)

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