Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 169 Heaven-Defying Rewards!the whole world is crazy

Chapter 169 Heaven-Defying Rewards!the whole world is crazy

"Dog system!"

"Give labor and capital out quickly!"

"Why do you still say no?"

"Come out! Repeat the mission just now!"

Qin Feng was also speechless.

But there are many calls.

Looks like the system is finally .

【Ding!Considering that when the host takes over the task, there is an emergency!Didn't hear clearly! 】

[The system will say the task again! 】

[The next one is not an example! 】

"Isn't it an example? I hope there will be no next time! The bullet is coming at me? You send me a mission?" Qin Feng couldn't help but spit out.

【Ding!Post a new side mission!Ask the host to find out who is behind the killing of Nangong Mingyue!And kill! 】

"Ah? This mission!"

"I don't want you to talk about labor and management!"

"Even labor and capital will not let this person go!"

Qin Feng's thought was that if Nangong Mingyue really disappeared, then this person would definitely be executed by Qin Feng.

If Nangong Mingyue can still come back to life, it doesn't mean that Qin Feng won't execute him.

It can only be said that there is a chance not to execute.

But the probability is [-] percent.

However, the appearance of the system task, the [-]% probability, was obliterated.

Who doesn't want to do tasks?

[The reward is: a new energy formula that is a thousand times more advanced than Ori oil: water oil! 】

[Recipe: 1% oil + 95% water + 4% other sundries = water oil (or pseudo-oil)]

[To put it more simply, it is to use oil and water plus the rest of the sundries!Create a chemical reaction!Make counterfeit oil!This fake oil has the same effect as oil, and in some respects it is even stronger than oil! 】

[This is water oil that is a thousand times more advanced than Ori oil! 】

[In short, the cost of 100 yuan!Can create 1 ton of water oil! 】

"Fuck! Is this new energy?"

"A new energy formula that is [-] times more high-end than Ori oil? Water oil?"

Qin Feng is a graduate student after all.

Where do you not know what ori oil is?
In 1998, Venezuela partnered with British Imperial Oil.

Successfully developed the technology and method of emulsification mining of super heavy crude oil.

That is to say, injecting additives to dilute super heavy crude oil downhole and extract it from the ground, and then send it to an emulsification processing plant to form a new non-Newtonian product containing 70% super heavy crude oil and 30% emulsion, called orim oil for short.

Orim oil has been mainly used as fuel oil since it was successfully emulsified. It is easy to burn, has high thermal efficiency, low price, and has wide application prospects.

In other words, this ori oil is 70.00% oil, and the rest are some sundries, and then it has the effect of oil.

And Qin Feng's formula is even better.

That is, only one percent of oil is needed.

So at a cost of 100 yuan, can one ton of fake oil be produced?

How much profit is this in the end?
Or how much is 1 ton of oil worth?

"That is to say? Make a ton of oil for 100 yuan! Just sit and earn 4300 yuan?"

"It's fucking! It's totally profiteering!"

"Of course, in terms of money, I have a lot of money, but I don't think it's too much!"

"But more importantly, mastering this kind of energy can basically contain the whole world!"

"too frightening!"

"Simply invincible!"

Qin Feng felt that he had to find a time to let Mr. Nangong sell a lot of oil.

This thing is no longer fragrant.

In the past, oil was called the blood of industry, and it was something that modern development cannot do without.

And now?
As long as Qin Feng's water and oil come out, the price of oil will drop again and again.

【Ding!System Repair 10%! 】

"Huh? Finally repaired [-]%?"

Qin Feng smiled speechlessly.

How many days has it been?
Just repaired?

And the global leaders at this moment.

Also started to get very excited.

Su Xinghe: "Damn, this kind of reward! It's almost against the sky! With such a reward! Labor and capital will not do other industries! Specialize in this!"

Grandpa Nangong: "If this kind of energy can be controlled by the Dragon Empire! Then in my lifetime! I can see this sphere with a surface area of ​​5.1 million square kilometers, filled with Dragon Empire flags!"

Stephen: "The reward is a good reward! But I haven't gotten the reward several times in a row! Has this system abandoned me?"

Mysterious grandpa: "The rewards of this system are getting stronger and stronger!"

Yuda Norio: "It seems that the price of oil is going to drop! But I just don't tell Emperor Haogong, alas, just for fun, let him import a large amount of oil. It's time to contact Qin Feng! Think about my business! "

After listening to the system's tasks and rewards at the entrance of the hospital, Qin Feng gradually calmed down.

The most important problem now is that Nangong Mingyue has to survive.

Wait for the little devil to send the robot to deliver the medicine, take the medicine, and she will be fine.


Outside the corridor of the emergency room, a large group of people hurriedly came.

Old and young, men and women.

It was Mr. Nangong who brought his family over.

Mr. Nangong hurriedly walked in the middle.

Followed by Nangong Qinghua, Nangong Zhuhua, Nangong Shenghua, and Nangong Lihua, the four brothers who "celebrate victory".

Behind that is the daughter-in-law of the four brothers.

There are also two little lolis with twin tails.

Natural beauty.

Height around 165.

But still can grow the body.

It should be around 173 in the future.

The body is also very slender.

The prototype of a complete beauty emerged.

At the end of these people, Qin Feng saw a beautiful woman who was about 25 years old, and she was also slim.

Delicate face.

The hair is blond, but definitely not foreign, but dyed.

But those eyes and eyebrows were deeply worried.

It was as if the world was unfair to her.

She is the older sister of Nangong Chuxue and Nangong Mingyue, Nangong Wanqing.

"Is it Qian Renxue?"

"Why is it so similar?"

"Especially the frowning look! It looks like the whole world is sorry for her! It's exactly the same!"

Qin Feng doesn't need to ask.

This goose factory always finds real beauties to do modeling, Qin Feng has long been used to it.

Anyway, a lot of Guoman goddesses can find live-action versions in reality, and they are exactly the same.

This kind of girl is often a hundred times more beautiful than those big stars, this is the master among the people.

At this moment, Nangong Wanqing was wearing a professional suit.

But even so, it couldn't hide her perfect figure.


She was definitely a beauty at the level of Nangong Chuxue.

But it's a little bit off.

In other words, in Qin Feng's aesthetic view, the temperament of Medusa, the goddess of Guoman, is better.

Although the goddess of Guoman Qian Renxue is very beautiful, she is not so good.

"The three Nangong sisters! Known as the three beauties of the Dragon Empire! It really wasn't built!"

Qin Feng can only praise secretly.

Not sure what a beautiful couple is.

Just gave birth to three beautiful babies.

However, the parents of the three sisters are middle-aged and still have handsome and beautiful faces
Especially the mother of the three Nangong sisters. Although she is 42 years old, her appearance is basically that of a lot of young people, looking at beautiful young women who are interested.

But forget about Qin Feng's words, there are some delicate ones in the family.

"Xiaofeng, how is Mingyue?"

Grandpa Nangong asked anxiously.

Still the same sentence, the old man called Bai Wuchang to ask, Nangong Mingyue's lifespan is almost gone, and he can only wait for special variables, but he does not have this ability, so he can only look at that Qin Feng.

"Old man, I don't know yet, but the doctor said that the heart was not hit! But because of excessive blood loss" Qin Feng did not continue, his eyes were slightly anxious.

"Didn't you hit your heart?" Nangong Zhuhua was instantly relieved when he heard this.

"Ah!" Nangong old man sighed, but he knew that even if the heart was not hit, Nangong Mingyue would not be able to live, and the life span checked by the psychic phone is generally not false.

"Are you Qin Feng?" Nangong Wanqing walked over slightly, narrowed her eyes and looked at Qin Feng's face and perfect body, no wonder Sanmei liked her lifesaver so much, she really was the best in the world.

Such a man, with this appearance.

Instantly captivates a woman.

"Are you just Qin Feng? It's so pretty!"

"Is this the Qin Feng that grandpa often mentions?"

Two little girls, Nangong Yunji and Nangong Yingji, came over to say hello to Qin Feng.

The two little beauties who are in love at the beginning of love, seeing such a handsome guy.

Naturally, I have my own thoughts.

After all, 15 years old is not too young.

In the past, they all have children.

"Yunji, Yingji, don't be rude, how can you call them by name?" Grandpa Nangong saw this and shouted, "Brother."

"Oh, brother? Is it brother or brother-in-law?" Nangong Yunji was a little naughty, sticking out her tongue and making a face for Qin Feng.

After all, I heard that my sister didn't have a heart attack. Everyone in the family said that if she didn't get a heart attack, she would be fine.

The two little sisters are also in a much better mood.

"Hello, sisters-in-law!" Qin Feng coughed, and with such an attitude, he naturally admitted Nangong Mingyue's identity, and Luo Xiyan and Sano Hinako would have one more sister in the future.

A woman can block the gun for Qin Feng.

Die for Qin Feng.

No matter what happens to such a woman, Qin Feng will never let her down for the rest of her life.

"Huh? How are you, sister-in-law?" Mr. Nangong's eyes brightened instantly when he heard this address. Does this mean that Qin Feng has admitted Nangong Mingyue's identity?It seems that no matter how much I secretly contribute to the flames, I can't compare with Mingyue who sacrificed her life.Qin Feng agreed to accept Nangong Mingyue, and it was Mingyue's own credit.

But Mr. Nangong changed his mind.

Now Nangong Mingyue is almost dead.

If there is no special case of transcending the world.

She can't live at all.

"Sister-in-law" Nangong Wanqing felt a sudden pang in her heart when she heard this address.

She was originally the eldest sister of the family.

But because it is a concubine.

The status has not been high.

No matter how capable he was, Mr. Nangong didn't even look at her.

After long-term observation, Nangong Wanqing knew that this Qin Feng must have a special secret, or a value against the sky, that's why the old man pushed the third sister to Qin Feng.

If she gets Qin Feng and makes Qin Feng her man, then her status in the Nangong family will definitely rise in a straight line, and the position of future empress may belong to her.

"Qin Feng, my name is Nangong Wanqing, and I am the eldest sister of Mingyue and Chuxue!" Nangong Wanqing had a face that fascinated everyone, but how should I put it, her expression was always sad, and she must have suffered a lot.

When I smile, I always feel that it is not so sunny.

It's a wry smile.

"Hello!" Qin Feng responded lightly, and found that this woman was a little enthusiastic, so he greeted her twice in a row, but she has a really good figure. Qin Feng still has feelings for the goddess of Guoman, Qian Renxue, but he has an idea If you have an idea, there are still a lot of delicate things in Qin Feng's family.

too busy.

Why bother?
"Qin Feng, what's the matter with the blood on your hand? Why don't you deal with it? Third sister's blood?" Nangong Wanqing asked.

"Well, it's hers, it's all right."

"Here, tissues." Nangong Wanqing immediately took out some wet tissues from her bag and handed them over.

"Thank you!"

Qin Feng has a new feeling again, this woman wants to hook him up, but Qin Feng is not sure, maybe it is really passionate?
You have to observe again to know.

While wiping the blood, Qin Feng also began to recall what happened today.


Qin Feng recalled an important detail.

Suddenly realized.

I also probably know who sent people to assassinate.

"I'm sorry, old man. In fact, I must have harmed Nangong Mingyue." Qin Feng suddenly mentioned.

"It was you who killed Mingyue? How do you say that?" Mr. Nangong frowned slightly.

"That's right! Listen to my analysis!"

Qin Feng stood up, and while recalling the situation during the assassination, he said:

"At that time, the first shot was indeed shot at me! But I dodged, and the second shot hit me! But I didn't hide, and Mingyue blocked it for me! Just when Mingyue was shot, I saw those killers with regretful expressions! And the person who got out of the car scolded: "Is this woman crazy?Why block it? ", anyway, it gave me the feeling that they came to assassinate me, not Nangong Mingyue! And after they injured Nangong Mingyue, they didn't even have the idea of ​​killing me! They still had a chance to shoot! But they didn't. gun!"

Mr. Nangong listened quietly. He was also very smart, understood the twists and turns, and said, "What do you mean? The person who sent the killer has an order? Can't move to the bright moon?"

"It is very certain that there must be such an order! Otherwise, how could they beat Mingyue Empress? Are they so regretful?" Qin Feng chuckled, "It's not difficult to analyze! I'm dead? And Nangong Mingyue is alive, for Who benefits?"

Qin Feng hasn't finished yet
Grandpa Nangong said, "Is it the four major families? One of the young masters of the four major families? Did they do it?"

After Qin Feng died, Nangong Mingyue could only marry one of the four major families.

"That's right! But I'm just inferring! When those killers are caught, just interrogate! Everything is known!" Qin Feng said, with a trace of fierceness in his eyes. I won't let it go, this task must be done.

The only thing waiting is to catch those killers.

"Four big families! You guys are doing great! No matter who did it, I want him to die!" Mr. Nangong didn't just talk about assassinating a future empress?Once this person is caught, he will definitely end up dead.

This can be described as a heinous crime.

Let me ask, did the prince be killed in ancient times?
What crime is this?

I'm afraid Zhulian Jiuzu is not enough.

"Mr. Qin, there is a man in black looking for you outside! That man in black is very strange, and his tone of voice is very strong!"


A beautiful little nurse came forward.

She also had a scheming moment and turned her job card face up.

I want Qin Feng to remember her name, her figure and face.

After all, this little nurse is also at the level of a goddess.

"The man in black?" Qin Feng paused, and immediately said, "Let him come over!"

Qin Feng knew.

It's the robot sent by the little devil.

There are emulation technologies that exist.

These robots are not suspected of being robots at all.

"Mr. Qin, the medicine you want." The robot in black lowered its head slightly and presented the medicine box up.

"Thank you, go back!" Qin Feng ordered.

"Understood, Mr. Qin!" The man in black said nothing, turned around and left.

"Brother-in-law, why does that person speak so strangely?" Nangong Yunji also saw some clues, but no one doubted that it was not a human being.

"Maybe it's weird to talk! There are so many strange people in the world." Qin Feng laughed, looked at the medicine box in his hand, and had to let Mingyue take it immediately.

"Xiaofeng, what is this? Medicine?" Mr. Nangong suddenly became nervous, or is this a variable?When the factor of transcending the world arrives, it can change the fate of Nangong Mingyue's death in a few hours.

Grandpa Nangong knew that only Qin Feng had this ability.

Because there is a one-time reward.

It is hundreds of thousands of tons of mysterious items.

The old man didn't get it.

What are these things.

Only Qin Feng knows.

"Well, this is a prescription for an ancient secret technique! As long as the current Nangong Mingyue has not completely died, this medicine will go on." Qin Feng paused, and said: "There should be a very high chance of survival."

Of course, Qin Feng can say that as long as she doesn't lose her breath, she will definitely live if she eats it.

But that would be too confident.

Others will be suspicious.

I can only say that there is a chance.

"Then hurry up!" Mr. Nangong said excitedly.

But Mingyue's father beside him came: "Father, this medicine!"

It's not that Mingyue's father doesn't believe in Qin Feng.

It is impossible for Qin Feng to harm Mingyue.

But this muddle-headed medicine?will you eat it
You can't go to the doctor in a hurry.

"Qinghua, believe it! Believe in Qin Feng!" Mr. Nangong could only choose to believe. According to Mingyue's lifespan, if there were no variables, she would die.

"But." Nangong Qinghua didn't say anything more, since his father said so, then choose to believe it.

"It's not good! It's not good! Miss Nangong's situation is a little critical now! Hurry up and activate the cardiac resuscitator!"


A female doctor at the door shouted.

It made the whole Nangong family tremble.

Seeing this, Qin Feng naturally walked towards the ward quickly.

"Sir! Miss Nangong is under treatment now, you can't go in!" The female doctor stopped Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng lifted her away immediately.

Not much beeping either.

Take the medicine yourself, and it will be fine immediately.

There is no need for anyone else to save it.

After Qin Feng entered the emergency room, he saw that Nangong Mingyue was still lying unconscious on the hospital bed with a pale face.

The wound has been healed.

Put on a hospital gown.

Qin Feng walked over, carefully raised her body, and leaned against the cushion.

He took out the pills of living heart stem cells that were taken orally.

It's a green pill.

The size of a peanut.

Qin Feng slightly parted her purple lips due to blood loss.

Trying to get the pills in there.

But people in a coma can't swallow anything at all.

Seeing this, the female nurse next to her immediately stopped her and said, "Sir, you can't save people like this! People who are in a coma cannot be given anything!"

The little nurse was right.

For comatose people, it is clinically forbidden to take anything.

Because a comatose person has no swallowing function at all,
This will choke people instead.

In many TV dramas, giving medicine to comatose people is a kind of wrong teaching.

But Qin Feng naturally ignored the nurse's advice.

After all, it will be good if you eat it.

What is now considered is how to make Nangong Mingyue take the medicine.

"Do you want to feed it with your mouth?"

Qin Feng thought about it, anyway, the first time he fell into the water to save her, he had already given her artificial respiration once.

Not bad for a second time.

Qin Feng took a sip of warm water in his mouth.

But didn't swallow it.

Instead, Wei Wei leaned over and gave her the medicine and water.

Slightly lifted her chin.

With the help of warm water, the medicine can be taken smoothly.

"There is also a medicine for external use! What is it called? Body coagulation protein ointment? It seems to be used to treat trauma!" Qin Feng opened the box again, and inside was a tube of ointment that looked like a small toothpaste.

Opened the lid.

Squeeze out a little ointment.

Qin Feng looked at her dumpling.

He hesitated.

It was still opened.

Then when the wound was opened, he couldn't help complaining: "What a good thing, I was shot."

Followed by.

Qin Feng applied medicine to her wound.


"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!"

"Who is this man?"

The little nurse was stunned.

This is the future queen.

Being kissed by this man again?

Then it opened up the other people's place again.

It's not part of it.

is the whole.

All opened.

Then take medicine?

No one came up to stop the key family, the Nangong family?
Is this man the queen's man?

This is probably the direct young master of the four major families, right?

It is said that Nangong Mingyue, the future empress, can only choose one of the young masters of the four major families.

It sure is.

But isn't this guy called Qin Feng?

None of the four major families is surnamed Qin?

Anyway, the nurse was confused.

This empress didn't even arrange for a male doctor to come and treat her. This person is here, so blasphemy?
"So soft"

After Qin Feng applied the ointment, knowing that she was fine, he was naturally in a good mood, and made a joke in his heart.

And applied a few more times.

Take advantage of it.

"Master Nangong! Those killers are caught now!"


There is a subordinate.

He reported this matter to Mr. Nangong.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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