Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 170 Things Revealed!Xu Fengnian started to panic!

Chapter 170 Things Revealed!Xu Fengnian started to panic!
"What? Those killers caught?"

Qin Feng heard the news.

Naturally, his eyes lit up.

Now that Nangong Mingyue has taken high-tech drugs, she must be fine.

Then Qin Feng will start to deal with this person who wants to kill him.

In fact, there is a 60.00% possibility in Qin Feng's heart that he thinks it is Xu Fengnian.

But maybe I guessed wrong, what if it is the other three of the four major families?
"Since these killers have been caught? Then where are they?" Qin Feng walked up and asked.

"There are five killers in total, called the boss, the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth. Among them, the fourth, fifth, and second have been killed by Miss Nangong's secret guards during the pursuit. The remaining two were taken to the old man's villa for custody."

As soon as the bodyguard's words came out.

Qin Feng got up suddenly.

The target must be the villa where Mr. Nangong lives.

"Who is it when I ask? If it's really Xu Fengnian! I promise to make him regret his life!" Qin Feng is not the Holy Mother, and he still has a mission. He will never tolerate such a person who wants to kill himself.


Qin Feng quickly walked down the stairs from the hospital corridor.

"Xiaofeng, don't act impulsively." Grandpa Nangong shouted, but Qin Feng didn't even turn his head.

The old man knows Qin Feng very well.

After all, Qin Fengruo found out who did it.

There must be some action.

After all, Qin Feng has a mission, which is to kill the mastermind behind the scenes.

But this matter can't be random, you have to plan.

"Father, according to Xiaofeng's character, will it be?" Nangong Zhuhua slightly looked at Qin Feng's back.

"We still have to wait for Mingyue's situation to decide on this matter!"

It was Mr. Nangong who spoke.

In fact, everyone in the Nangong family knew that if Nangong Mingyue was really dead, and Xu Fengnian did the thing, then the death of a future empress would be enough to kill Xu Fengnian.

And if Nangong Mingyue hadn't died, then Xu Fengnian would have committed an unforgivable crime.

But anyway, Xu Fengnian's family is the head of the four major families.

As the royal family, the Nangong family has too many things to weigh.

To put it simply, if Nangong Mingyue dies, Xu Fengnian must die, and the Xu family will not jump out and say anything.

As for Nangong Mingyuehuo, if Xu Fengnian was killed again, the Xu family would definitely object.

That's when things get serious.

The Nangong family is not cowardly, it is the rationality of the superiors and the necessity of weighing many things.

And what if Qin Feng blatantly seeks revenge?If this matter is caught by the Xu family?The Nangong family will come out again to protect?Is this reasonable?Totally unreasonable.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​old man Nangong on the surface. In his heart, the old man wants to plan to complete it secretly. After all, the reward of water and oil is still very attractive. He must help Qin Feng to kill the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Boss, you two stay here and watch the bright moon." Grandpa Nangong arranged: "Second, third, and fourth. Come with me to the villa, and don't let Qin Feng do stupid things."

Grandpa Nangong gave an order.

It is also closely following in the footsteps of Qin Feng.

Headed towards his own villa.

On the other side, Qin Feng drove to the villa of Mr. Nangong in a hurry.

Parked the car at the door.

He went straight into the villa.

"Who are you? You can't trespass here!"

"Didn't you hear?"

The two royal guards guarding Nangong's villa, of course, have never seen Qin Feng, and they still have the guy in their hands.

"Stop, do you hear me? Otherwise we'll be rude!"

The two guards immediately pulled the trigger.

This place is like no other.


It is possible to shoot.

Seeing that the two of them followed the rules, Qin Feng naturally didn't have trouble with each other, but said coldly: "I'm Nangong Mingyue's man, can't I come to her mother's house?"

"What? You belong to Miss San"

The guards were stunned.

But one of the guards immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible, how could you be? The third lady can only marry one of the direct descendants of the four major families! And you are obviously not one of them. The young masters of the four major families often come to the house! I seen!"

"Hehe, the four major families?" Qin Feng gritted his teeth when he heard this word. Now he is looking for the four major families, but he doesn't know which family did it.

Although it is very likely to be Xu Fengnian's Xu family.

But it can't be [-]% sure.

"Yes, you are not from the four major families, and you dare to say that you belong to the third lady! You are presumptuous!"

Miss San is such a nice person.

future empress.

But let this man blaspheme.

"Put your guy away! It can't hurt me! Get out of the way!"

Qin Feng still has three basic views.

You can't bear a grudge just because someone stopped you without knowing it.

It is his duty to defend Mr. Nangong's villa.

"Xiaowen, Xiaowu, you all get out of the way! Put that thing away! How dare you point it at my son-in-law?" Mr. Nangong's car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and he saw two guards holding a pair of guns. Looking at Qin Feng, he was also taken aback.

And Qin Feng naturally called Yunji and Yingji sister-in-law.

That is to admit the relationship with Nangong Mingyue.

Then call me uncle.

It is also a matter of course.

"What? Auntie"

"Is this man really the third lady's man?"

"No way? Didn't you agree on the marriage of the third lady? Can you only choose one marriage among the young masters of the four major families?"

I don't understand.

Totally do not understand.

If it is said that Qin Feng is the man of the second and eldest misses, they will believe it too.

This third lady is the future queen.

In other words, Mingyue can only choose one of the top four families in the entire Dragon Empire for marriage.

As for the second lady, you can choose the top twenty.

For the eldest lady, you can choose the top fifty.

The status and identity are different, and the level of choice is different.

The three girls are actually going to marry.

Their birth determined their fate. They are the royal family, but they also have to take on the task of protecting the royal family.

The eldest lady was born as a concubine, and her status in the Nangong family is not high, so the person who marries her will also have a much lower status.

"Why are you still standing there in a daze! Put the guy away! Didn't you hear me?" Grandpa Nangong yelled again when he saw that the two were still in a daze.

"Yes, old man!"

"Hi sir! We don't know! Please forgive me!"

"Grandpa, please come in!"

Two little guards.

Naturally, he was afraid of offending the son-in-law of the Nangong family.

have apologized.

Qin Feng naturally didn't care about it, and after he quickly entered, he went to the room where the killer was held.

On the other side, about half an hour ago.

In the villa of the eldest son of the Xu family, which is the independent villa where Xu Fengnian lives.

Xu Fengnian was already panicking.

Because the people he sent out to kill Qin Feng didn't return for a long time, and they didn't give any news.

Did the assassination succeed, or did the assassination fail?
This kind of anxious waiting is the most frustrating.


A report from a subordinate.

Xu Fengnian almost fainted.

"Master, it's not good. The people we sent to assassinate Qin Feng seem to have failed!" The subordinate was a little trembling, after all, knowing the young master's temper, he must be angry.

"What? Failed? What's going on? How did it fail? Wasn't the plan very careful? Isn't Nangong Mingyue's hidden guard tens of meters away? This can't be successful?" Xu Fengnian was at a loss when he heard the news. When he got up, he spoke very fast, and his speech was a little unclear.

"Master, we don't know the exact situation now, and we can't contact Zhao Tiezhu (boss). According to passers-by, Qin Feng's car passed through the Zilan community, and Zhao Tiezhu's van rushed out of it, and then hit Qin Feng's. The car, the two sides got off immediately. The moment Qin Feng got off the car, the second child fired a shot, but this guy seemed to be a Lianjiazi, so Qin Feng dodged the first shot! And when Qin Feng grabbed the second shot, Qin Feng She didn't hide anymore, but Miss Nangong Mingyue came out to block the shot! Miss Nangong was sent to the hospital at this moment! Her life and death are unknown! The location is Ren'ai Hospital near Zilan Community!"

Xu Fengnian listened to his subordinates' narration.

Immediately went berserk.

"What a fool!"

"A few trash things!"

"I've said it over and over again, don't hurt Nangong Mingyue!"

"Now they actually beat Nangong Mingyue to death?"

"What if Mingyue disappears? Who should the Nangong family replace as the heir? I have to go after another one again?"

Xu Fengnian did not first consider the consequences of this matter.

Instead, consider your own interests.

But soon.

He started thinking about it.

"If the Nangong family knows that I did it! Then I will be miserable!"

"Nangong Mingyue, a future queen, is dead. If I die, my father will not take it seriously, and he will not be able to refute it at all!"

"If Nangong Mingyue hadn't died, as the young master of my four major families, the Nangong family would not have killed me! But they would have been in for ten years or so!"

Can't say.

Xu Fengnian's analysis was right.

This is actually a choice that the Nangong family will make.

Still the same sentence, the superior thinks too much.

But Xu Fengnian was still very worried.

Now my life and death are completely placed on that Nangong Mingyue. ,
However, he has not realized a serious problem, that is, the anger of Mr. Nangong is completely inferior to that of Qin Feng.

Mr. Nangong needs to think too much.

But Qin Feng doesn't need to think about it, he is a lunatic if he is in a hurry.

I won't care so much.

Besides, there are tasks.

"Xiaohong, hurry up to the Ren'ai Hospital and find out about Nangong Mingyue's situation first." Xu Fengnian began to make arrangements, and then said, "What about Zhao Tiezhu? Why haven't they heard from them yet? Where did they go? Did you leave me?" Arrange their route abroad?"

Zhao Tiezhu is naturally the boss of these people.

A desperado who was raised under the banner of the Xu family.

"Young master, there is no news about Zhao Tiezhu and others. You originally arranged for them to gather at the Nine Heavens Hotel and let them go abroad! But the people at the Nine Heavens Hotel have said that they have not waited for their arrival!"

It was the housekeeper in Xu Fengnian's villa who spoke.

It's called Hebber.

"Haven't you gone to the place I arranged? How stupid are they? Even if the assassination fails? Have to go to the hotel to gather? Then I arrange for them to go abroad?" Xu Fengnian became more and more anxious. These people can't be caught, catch them When you arrive, you will have to interrogate yourself.

"Master, Zhao Tiezhu and the others should not dare to gather at the hotel you arranged. After all, they hurt Miss Nangong. You ordered it. If you hurt Miss Mingyue, they will all die!" Uncle Hei continued, "They probably are their own. I ran for my life! But I don’t know if I was caught or not!”

Of course.

Zhao Tiezhu and others naturally thought so.

Anyway, it fell into Xu Fengnian's hands, and the only thing waiting for them was death.

Why not run for your own life?
"Damn it! Damn it! What a waste!" Xu Fengnian yelled a few times, "Go and find out where these wastes have escaped to! If you can find out! Just silence me first! Airport Definitely can't send it out!"

Xu Fengnian's voice fell.

At this time, someone came in to report.

"Master, something is wrong! Zhao Tiezhu and several people were arrested! And three of them died during the pursuit! Now only Zhao Tiezhu and the third child are alive!"

"What? Got caught?" Xu Fengnian seemed drained of strength for a moment, and even more anxious, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Master, don't worry, Zhao Tiezhu and others have been raised by you in the Xu family for so many years. Even if they are dogs, they know how to be filial to their masters. I don't think they will betray you." It's a kind of comforting meaning, in fact, Uncle Hei knows very well in his heart that Zhao Tiezhu and others are not that kind of hard bones, and they are not loyal to protect the Lord.

"Are you telling me a joke? How many of them? How tough can they be?" Xu Fengnian sneered, does he look like a fool?Need subordinates to use this kind of words to comfort?
And right now.

Outside Xu Fengnian's room, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Master, it's the master who is here!" Uncle Hei said tremblingly.


The door of that room was pushed open.

When Xu Fengnian saw Xu Botong coming, he was naturally more anxious, and with an unnatural smile on his face, he shouted: "Father."

Xu Fengnian did this.

He didn't let his father know at all.

After all, although the Xu family supported Xu Fengnian in marrying Nangong Mingyue, they did not let him take such a risk.

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(End of this chapter)

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