Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 180 There is Qin Feng behind my queen!What am I afraid of?

Chapter 180 There is Qin Feng behind my queen!What am I afraid of?
"What? What are you talking about?"


Li Xiangyu was stunned for a moment.

This Sikong Sunmi?

Are you thinking of retiring?
Where did she get her confidence?
Although Sikong Sunmi is the empress, the basic major affairs of Goryeo are all in the hands of the top ten groups, let alone him, the young owner of Samsung.

Sikong Xuanmei, who has always been submissive, did she take the wrong medicine today, or is there something wrong?
"Didn't you hear what I said clearly, do you need me to say it again?" Sikong Xuanmei now, with Qin Feng's help, has naturally gained a lot of confidence. She gritted her silver teeth and continued to say categorically: "I said I'm going to divorce! You understand it this time! I give an order as the empress, and our engagement is not counted!"

"Retirement? Hehe." Li Xiangyu smiled lightly, and said in a low voice, "Xuanmei, if I give you a chance, tell everyone that you are joking."

"I'm not joking! I am indeed retiring the engagement! Do I have to repeat it for the fourth time?" Sikong Xuanmei's eyes were full of determination. She wanted to change all this, and she wanted to regain the dignity of the royal family.

Following the Western Tigers here, with the top ten groups, they, Goryeo, are also subordinates of similar families.Her royal family didn't do much either.

It's better to talk to Qin Feng and the others.

Let yourself be detached.

In fact, there are two choices, Sikong Xuanmei just changed to a stronger elder brother, and then her royal majesty was consolidated.

After all, the truth of this is as simple as that.

"Your Majesty! Very good! You have done a good job!" Li Xiangyu saw that many people under his command started to chatter, and he naturally couldn't hold back his face. He let out a low growl and said, "My Lady, I hope The decision you made on this matter, you are at the end, don't regret it!"

"No regrets!" Sikong Xuanmei continued to tell the other party with resolute eyes.

"Huh!" Li Xiangyu snorted, his face was livid, and he had no choice but to step down from the stage. Today is considered a complete embarrassment.

"Sikong Xuanmei, when I want you to beg me on your knees! Don't think that you are arrogant here because you have joined the first consortium of the Dragon Empire! Your fantasies are all dreams!" Li Xiangyu knew that today Sikong Xuanmei seems to have received a person, this person was introduced by Su Xinghe, the first consortium of the Dragon Empire.

Sikong Xuanmei met this person, and then discussed with everyone in the meeting the plan to break away from the Western Tiger.

Then things are very simple.

Empress Sikong is supported by Su Xinghe.

"This woman! What is she talking about?"

"She is really inexplicable!"

"I heard that Sikong Xuanmei received the person recommended by Su Xinghe of the Dragon Empire's No. [-] consortium today? Could it be that some conditions have been met?"

"I think it should be! She just wants to get rid of the status quo that the royal family is restricted by the top ten groups. Over the years, she has been working hard to change the status quo, but unfortunately she has not been able to succeed!"

"It's just Su Xinghe, and it's just the first consortium of the Dragon Empire. Let's unite, don't be afraid!"

"But I heard that the current Su Xinghe, the number one consortium of the Dragon Empire, seems to have gotten involved with a mysterious person!"

"What mysterious figure?"

"It's Qin Feng. Haven't you heard of this person?"

"What? You mean that there is Qin Feng behind Su Xinghe. This is a bit tricky!"

"Don't worry everyone, maybe the relationship between Su Xinghe and Qin Feng is not so good! Let's see what happens then!"

The representatives of the top ten groups are chatting here.

Li Xiangyu, who came down from the stage with a dark face, came into the crowd.

"Li Shaodong's family? The Empress?"

"Sikong Xuanmei is embarrassing me in front of so many people, I will let her know the price! She is the queen that my Samsung and your top ten groups supported her to be, and now in the end, she played this kind of trick for me How can I tolerate her?" Li Xiangyu's face was dark, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Then Li Shaodong's family, what do we need to do?" The representative of Hyundai Motor Group asked.

"This." Li Xiangyu did not answer immediately, but paused and said: "Well, the first thing we have to do is to let go of everything, and now directly leave everything to Empress Sikong to do. Let's see how long she can last!"

Li Xiangyu's method.

It basically belongs to the people who lead the company and strike collectively.

Then this company, can it not be chaotic?
Can the chairman of this company not compromise with them?
"Li Shaodong's family! This decision is very good! Then you can inform your father. If he has no objection, then we will start!" The representative of Hyundai Group naturally also considered that Li Xiangyu was just a young boss. The decision of the matter still depends on his father.

"I have already informed my father! My father also agrees! Sikong Sunmi wants to take Gao Li to change to a big brother, and break away from the control of the top ten families. This is what my father does not want to see!" Li Xiangyu said here, Originally, I was humiliated by Sikong Xuanmei just today, so I was in a bad mood.

Now he continued dissatisfied, "Besides, I am the young owner of Samsung. My father said that I can make decisions about Samsung's big and small things. You have to ask my father for everything? You don't take me seriously. right?"

"Li Shaodong's family, that's not what I mean. Sorry for the slip of the tongue." The representative of Hyundai Group is definitely not as high as Samsung's Shaodong's family. In fact, what they want to say is, what is Li Xiangyu's father's attitude towards this matter.

After all, only when the principals of Korea's No. [-] Group Samsung speak up and do things, can they move forward boldly.

Li Xiangyu's father.

In fact, it is the top ten groups that have the most say.

He is also the most energetic person in Korea.

"Okay, then listen up. From now on, we will leave everything to Sikong Xuanmei, and we will just wait for her to come to our top ten groups to make peace!" Li Xiangyu snorted, and said: "When the time comes, I want her to know that she will never escape the shackles of the Big Ten."

"That's right! We were the ones who set up the royal family! Why should we give orders? We can set up the top ten groups, and it's not difficult to get them!" The representative of the Modern Group laughed.

the other side.

Sikong Xuanmei walked out of the conference room with her head held high and her chest held high. She has been a queen for three to five years, and there was no time when she would talk to these top ten consortiums in such a tone.

Today is the first time I feel elated.

The heart is very excited.

And also worried.

After all, even with Qin Feng, she has no idea. Although Qin Feng is very powerful, the top ten groups have the support of the Western Tigers.

The Big Tiger of the West controlled the Koryo royal family by mastering the top ten consortiums.
"Hello, Your Majesty the Empress!"


Outside the gate of the meeting room, a sports car appeared.

On the sports car, a gorgeously dressed but ordinary-looking young man from a rich family came down.

The rich young master came over and greeted Sikong Xuanmei.

"What are you doing here?" Sikong Xuanmei changed her previous gentle attitude and said sharply.

She knew that this ordinary-looking young master was the No. [-] cosmetics brand in Goryeo, the young owner of Sulwhasoo Company, and his name was Lin Kun.

And this Lin Kun.

She has been crazily pursuing Li Zhizhi, the secretary beside her.

The appearance and figure of this secretary can be said to be at the level of a fairy, and she is known as the top ten beauties of Korea.

And Li Zhihui can be regarded as the daughter of Goryeo.

People who can follow Sikong Xuanmei, like a personal maid, and like sisters, are naturally not ordinary people.

"I'm here to find Li Zhizhi!" Lin Kun was stunned for a moment, why is Sikong Xuanmei so fierce today?Don't you respect them when you meet these big imperial consortiums?Although Sulwhasoo Cosmetics cannot be included in the top ten groups, at least it can be ranked in the top twenty, right?

"She doesn't like you, so you should stop harassing her in the future!" Sikong Xuanmei glared at the other party slightly, looked at Li Zhizhi who was looking a little sad behind her, and said, "Zhizhi, let's go!"

"My Lady Queen." Li Zhizhi was still quite timid in her heart. Today, she couldn't figure out why Her Lady Queen wanted to turn against the top ten financial groups, but if she did so, it was very likely that the position of the queen would be replaced by the top ten financial groups.

"Don't be afraid, do you like him?" Sikong Xuanmei has been enduring her secretary being harassed by this Lin Kun, but now she must be tough.

"I don't!" Li Zhizhi replied without thinking. How could she like this kind of dude? At first, she rejected him, and her family was suppressed crazily. In the end, she could only agree to go out with him for dinner every time.

But basically innocent.

Li Zhizhi has been guarding.

Their family is actually on the side of the royal family.

Even if the top ten groups are very good, their family has not forgotten that their own family was raised by the royal family.

It is equivalent to the fact that the royal family is weak, so they have to support their new forces.

But these supporting forces are still too small compared to the top ten financial groups.

"Since you don't like him, then..." Sikong Xuanmei looked at Lin Kun and said, "Did you hear that? She doesn't like you, so you can stop looking for my secretary in the future?"

"My lord empress." Lin Kun was immediately overwhelmed by Sikong Xuanmei. What's going on?Today's empress is so tough.

"Get out of the way! Didn't you hear?" Seeing that the opponent was still standing in front, Sikong Xuanmei went straight up and slapped him.

"Stay out of the way? You can block the way of my empress?" Sikong Xuanmei was really furious. As the empress herself, even the young owner of such a group ranked [-]th in Korea is so arrogant?
"you you."

Lin Kun was directly slapped.

It won't work again.

Completely speechless.

Just bewildered.

The queen felt like a different person.

A docile little sheep is directly a big tiger.

"Wisdom, let's go, ignore him!" Sikong Xuanmei pulled her secretary's hand, then walked into the elevator of the hotel and went downstairs.

Now that the matter has been notified to the top ten groups.

Then I have to go back and tell Qin Feng.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates don't understand! Why did you turn against the top ten corporations today and make trouble with these chaebols? You must know that the entire income of Goryeo's empire today basically comes from these chaebols! And behind them is the power of the big western tiger." ,you."

Li Zhizhi was in the elevator, seeing that there was no one around, he also began to ask out of curiosity.

Li Zhizhi guessed, the person Sikong Xuanmei met today?Looks like it was recommended by Su Xinghe?Did she reach an agreement with the First Consortium of the Dragon Empire?

Of course, Li Zhihui didn't know that the person Sikong Xuanmei met with today was directly Qin Feng, who was on the cusp recently.

"In terms of things, it's very simple. A person who can change the status of my royal family in Korea appeared!" Sikong Xuanmei thought of Qin Feng, her handsome face, and his eyes that didn't take any empire seriously , a bit of a little daughter's attitude bursting.

Such a man is actually the male god in his dreams.

Not only is he handsome in appearance and domineering in speech, but also has super strength.

Maybe such a man is called a man.

She likes such a man.

I want to take care of her all my life.

take care of her.

"The person who changed the status of the royal family appeared?" Li Zhizhi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is that the gentleman you met just now, Your Lady? He"

"That's right, it's him, he is Qin Feng." Sikong Xuanmei said indifferently, "That Qin Feng who created many endless things, that Qin Feng who has an absolute status in Nangong's family."

"It's him?" Li Zhizhi was stunned for a moment, no wonder, no wonder today's Sikong Xuanmei dared to directly confront the top ten financial groups?
Is that so?
"If we change to another elder brother, at that time, in Goryeo, my royal status will not be bullied by anyone! And you, the secretary next to the empress, will not have the same status as before. Any young master of the consortium will not be able to bully you." I can make up my mind!" Sikong Xuanmei is also angry, she is the queen, the secretary next to her?What level is this?That is the secretary-general of the entire Korea.To be pursued by the young master of the consortium?Still threatening?

"My lord, no matter what decision you make, our Li family will support you unconditionally! Without the royal family, our Li family is just an ordinary small business!" Li Zhihui, as the secretary next to the queen, is the person in charge of the Li family. , naturally has the ability to represent the entire Li family.

"Thank you! Wisdom!" Seeing how loyal the Li family is, Sikong Xuanmei naturally smiled knowingly, and then said, "Your choice can't be wrong. I believe that in a short while, our dark night will end, and the dawn will finally come. It will come!"

"Your Majesty, you are welcome. We are loyal to the royal family. This is a matter of course." Li Zhizhi also likes Sikong Xuanmei very much. Of course, this is not because of his liking, but because he likes her kindness and thoughtfulness.

This is a respectable queen.

It's a pity that it has always been emptied.


Sikong Xuanmei brought her secretary Li Zhihui to the box where Qin Feng was.

"Mr. Qin, you sit down, you don't have to be too polite!" Sikong Xuanmei saw Qin Feng standing up to say hello, she was polite for a while, and then extended her tender little hand to shake it.

"Empress Sikong, have you been notified of your affairs?" Qin Feng smiled lightly, "I think their reaction should be very fierce, right? After all, with the top ten consortiums, those who have been in power for so many years, once they are gone, They won't agree."

"The reaction is naturally fierce. I'm used to being a master, and suddenly I want to lose so much, it must be" Sikong Xuanmei didn't finish her sentence.

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

From the outside, it was Li Zhizhi who came in.

"It's not good! It's not good! Her Majesty, the top ten groups have started to attack!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it, I hope you can give me some, the author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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