Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 181 Qin Feng makes a move!The big group started to panic!

Chapter 181 Qin Feng makes a move!The top ten groups started to panic!
"Did the top ten groups do something? What did they do?"

Sikong Xuanmei's face was immediately filled with worry. ,
While she was talking, she could only look towards Qin Feng who was beside her, and cast a look for help.

After all, she also knew that if she wanted to break the situation where the top ten groups controlled the royal family, she would definitely be attacked by the top ten groups.

"The people of the top ten groups have completely let go of everything now! For example, the orders signed by other empires with us have been temporarily suspended! And all kinds of scarce raw materials imported from the big tigers in the West! They have also been suspended!"

"In just half a day, according to customs statistics, the estimated import and export volume of our Korean goods is US$7835.3 billion! It is expected to drop by 17.4%. Among them, exports are US$4061.0 billion, a decrease of 19.8%; imports are US$3774.2 billion, a decrease of 14.7%. Trade The surplus was US$286.8 billion, down 47.3%.”

In simple terms.

The top ten groups went on strike together.

It's just Gory's nightmare.

All these imports and exports will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this is just an estimate. As long as these people let go for a few months, then these data will become true.

Or it will get worse.

"The Dragon, the Western Tiger, and the Sun Empire are the top three empires that we import from Korea."

"Among them, the Western Tiger is the second! It accounts for 24.6% of Korea's total exports!"

"And now, because of the role of the top ten groups, the Western Tigers have returned a lot of orders! It's only 13.5%!"

"This all of a sudden! Let our Goryeo be hit hard!"

Listening to Secretary Li Zhizhi's narration, Sikong Xuanmei also began to panic in her heart. The entrance and exit were basically contained.

"Besides, the big western tiger is also uniting with Great Britain, France and other western empires! Boycott our import and export of Korea!" Li Zhihui continued, when he wanted to continue.
Qin Feng opened his mouth and said: "These people are really shameless. They are also from Korea. Are they actually using this to threaten the Queen? In the Dragon Empire, this is a typical eunuch like Zhao Gao, who disregards the interests and future of the empire. , but also to fight for your rights?"

"Mr. Qin, what should we do now?" Sikong Xuanmei also couldn't understand why eunuchs are not supervising, so they have to find a way to solve it now, right?
"It's okay! Isn't it just an order of hundreds of billions?" Qin Feng smiled lightly. Sure enough, the market for Goryeo is not big. With such a small amount of money, the Queen of Goryeo is in such a hurry.

"Mr. Qin, there is one more thing that needs your help." Li Zhizhi said, "Mr. Stephen from the Western Tigers stopped importing those water oils! We are in short supply of these things! After all, I heard that water After the invention of oil, our Korea stopped importing oil projects! The current industry cannot do without water and oil!"

Of course, the reward for Shuiyou was not mentioned earlier, which does not mean that Qin Feng was the only one who got it.


Bamboo leaf green.

Qin Feng.

All three were rewarded.

And Stephen is the power of the Western Tiger, so the water and oil imported by Korea must of course be obtained from the Western Tiger.

On the other side, the representatives of the top ten groups gathered in the hotel, and they all secretly watched Sakong Sunmi's reaction. The suspension of so many orders can be said to be a heavy blow to Goryeo.

I don't know how long Sikong Xuanmei can resist?

Presumably, within a few hours, you will come to bow down and ask for peace, right?

Does the Su Group with the Dragon Empire behind it have the backbone?No matter what the Su Group is, it is an outside force. How can it wrestle with the top ten groups?

"Water oil! Just say hello! I can provide Korea!"

"At present, the only people who have water and oil are Stephen and Qin Feng! Just consider these two aspects!"

"Although this Qin Feng has a good relationship with the Su Group! But our top ten groups are willing to throw an olive branch! Let him leave these things alone!"

"Choose a few girl groups first! Send it to Qin Feng! It is said that this guy has a lot of women in his family, so he must be a womanizer!"

"Gossip, Qin Feng is Li Zhien's fan? This girl, let her prepare and send it to Qin Feng!"

Of course, what Li Zhien said was that Qin Feng liked a Korean female star when he was a college student, but not now.

Anyway, if the top ten groups want to say that they have a sure chance of winning, they don't have any. What they are most afraid of is hearing that Su Xinghe knows Qin Feng.

If you can get Qin Feng done.

Then Sakong Xuanmei is here.

There is absolutely no need to worry.

Must be beaten into submission by them.

"Well, I'm already in contact with Luo Qiuxia! There will be news later!"

"Korea is out of water and oil! And the order for oil has stopped now, and there is not much oil in the country! The industry can't continue to develop! When the time comes, Sakong Sunmi, don't panic!"

"Orders from other Western Big Tigers! Tell the Western Big Tigers to stop importing and exporting goods from Korea!"

"Block the sea area! Let Goryeo directly become an inland empire relying on the sea!"

The top ten groups are planning in a hurry
On Qin Feng's side, he took out the phone and called.

"Hey, Mr. Stephen?" Qin Feng really wanted to have a showdown with the world's number one weapons dealer, but now is his chance.It depends on how the other party chooses.

"Mr. Qin Feng? Is it you?" Stephen smiled brightly, "What a coincidence, you and I have both developed water oil, and it has been selling well in the world recently! Basically, the cost price of this thing is very low, right? Price positioning Half of the oil is also very profitable! But Mr. Qin, don’t worry, I won’t grab your business! I’m too busy here, so I can also give you an order to sell!”

"Okay, Mr. Stephen, there's no need for us to hide like this! You know I have a system, right?" Qin Feng naturally has no one around now, and there is no possibility of monitoring, he continued, "My Many tasks are shared by you, you need to help me complete the tasks, right?"

"Ah?" Mr. Stephen was stunned for a moment, how could this guy know?

"Don't be surprised, I have already had a showdown with Mr. Nangong! He said that he has a system in his mind, and he has been helping me complete the task!" Qin Feng smiled lightly, "Now, I will open the skylight and speak honestly. How do you choose between the Big Western Tiger and my side?"

"This..." Stephen couldn't answer for a while. After all, he is the weapon company of Western Tiger.
"Mr. Stephen, I know that you are a member of the Western Big Tiger, and you need to consider a lot of things. But there is one thing I can tell you! My system is being repaired. It seems that it has been repaired by 10%! And Su Xinghe Over there, I checked, and he didn’t receive a reminder of the new mission! That is to say, after [-]% of the restoration, there will be more bosses leaving the stage of the shared system in the future! Although the restoration time is very slow! But I just need to get stuck on the task and never do it! Wait three to five years, and the system will be completely repaired! By then, you will have no rewards!"

Qin Feng smiled lightly and continued: "As for now, if you choose to rely on me, then the rewards issued by the system will be yours. And one day, the system will be completely repaired! Then I get the benefits, I eat Meat, I will also give you some soup! As for you guys, I know that you all want to live forever. The emergence of this system undoubtedly gives you hope! But if you don’t choose to stand in the right team today, I dare not Guaranteed, your hope will not come true, it will be shattered!"

"Mr. Qin" Stephen also became entangled in his heart when he heard what Qin Feng said.

"It's okay, I will give you time, after all, you have helped me, we have nothing unpleasant, but when it's time to stand in line, we have to make a choice!" Qin Feng continued, "And I won't let you All of a sudden, I have a complete falling out with the big Western tiger! Take your time, as long as you are mine, I will arrange it for you!"

"Since Mr. Qin said so, then I, Stephen! There is no reason not to join you!" Stephen took a deep breath, "From now on, I will just follow the lead of Mr. Qin!"

Stephen's dream.

But it cannot be broken.

I want Qin Feng's system to be really repaired.

That's it.

Or Qin Feng stuck not to do the task, which is also bad.

The initiative can be in Qin Feng's hands.

Fortunately, Stephen has never offended Qin Feng.

Otherwise, Qin Feng would not have asked him to make a choice on purpose.

Instead, choose to abandon it directly?
"Very good! Then from today onwards, you and Goryeo will continue to communicate with me normally! Weapons, water and oil are indispensable!" Qin Feng laughed, of course, he also has water and oil, Stephen will not give it , then Qin Feng will sell it.

But what Qin Feng wants to see is to let these top ten groups know who Stephen will support!

Let them know the current global trends.

After Qin Feng hung up the phone, he naturally began to contact other things further.

"Empress Sikong! The matter is completely settled! The Western Tigers will not import your goods! I will take all these things for you! I will help you find a channel! The Western Tigers will not export to you Korean products, I, Qin Feng Also help you find the source of goods!" Qin Feng chuckled, anyway, from now on, he and the Western Tiger have completely turned against each other.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin, Xuanmei really doesn't know how to thank you!" Sikong Xuanmei clasped her hands together and bowed slightly.

Qin Feng also from this angle.

Saw some good stuff.

"Cough cough cough. Empress Sikong, you're welcome. Didn't we agree? I'll help you uphold your royal status in Korea. All you need to do is surrender!" Qin Feng smiled and had to Said, the figure is really good.



really big.

"Mr. Qin, if it weren't for you, to be honest, our Sikong royal family would never have this chance! Because no one dares to challenge the supremacy of the Western Tiger!" Sikong Xuanmei hesitated for a moment, then said again, "By the way, Mr. Qin, don't call me Empress Sikong or anything, just call me Xuanmei from now on!"

"Cough, cough, okay, Xuanmei!" Qin Feng coughed and continued, "Then let's wait for the reaction from the top ten groups, aren't they waiting for you to surrender? We are waiting here They surrendered!"

"Okay, is Mr. Qin hungry?" Seeing that Sikong Xuanmei also came to the meal time, "I also said that I would invite Mr. Qin to dinner! But now there are many things, we will eat in the hotel, and then wait for various calls That's good. After all, this box is full of my people inside and out! If the top ten groups want to come, they won't be able to get in for a while!"

"Well, let's eat here." Qin Feng glanced at her slightly, and joked, "But does Empress Sikong know how to cook? I wonder if I can be lucky enough to eat what you cook yourself?"

"Well, Mr. Qin, our empress can't do it. How about I do it for you?" Li Zhizhi didn't know that Sikong Xuanmei didn't know how to cook at all. Such a royal family has never done these things since childhood.

"Wisdom, it's okay. Since Mr. Qin wants to eat, then Xuanmei can do anything!" Sikong Xuanmei said, and whispered, "Find me the recipe. You teach me."

"No need, I'm just joking." Qin Feng smiled and said after a pause, "Why don't you, Secretary Li, go find some ingredients, as it's almost New Year's time in our Dragon Empire ! I plan to make dumplings from our Dragon Empire for your empress to eat! Also, Xuanmei, help me."

Of course Qin Feng has his own mission.

That is to regain this Sikong Xuanmei.

Cook and eat together.

work together.

That's sure to be a great way to join the relationship.

Moreover, Mr. Nangong also specifically explained that only when the Queen becomes his own person can the relationship be truly stable.

Qin Feng had no choice but to "sacrifice" himself for the sake of Mr. Nangong's orders and for the mission.

"Dumplings from the Dragon Empire? In fact, we also have them in Koryo! After all, our Koryo has a lot of food culture, which is similar to that of the Dragon Empire! After all, for thousands of years, Koryo has been part of China for the most part!" Sikong Xuanmi smiled slightly.

"That's right, when the time comes, you Goryeo will come here! Celebrate our Dragon Empire's festival, use our Dragon Empire's things, and speak our Dragon Empire's words! Use our words."

Qin Feng is very clear about one thing, that is, if he wants to conquer a place, it does not mean that the military power is in place and the place is occupied.

It completely conquered here.

What is needed is integration.

That is to say their habits, language, characters, customs, spirit, beliefs.All of these things must be integrated to be truly integrated.

Just like the Great Yuan Dynasty back then, although there were many territories laid down, there were actually not many places that were actually conquered.

Only the Central Plains area is a real nation, because they all have similar food cultures, similar beliefs, speak the same language, and celebrate the same festivals.

Those people in foreign countries have said that the Dragon Empire is a civilization disguised as an empire.

What do these words mean?

That is, Huaxia is not like an empire, but more like a civilization.

This is the cohesion of China, and it is the great contribution of Emperor Qin, Han and Wu. It is hard to imagine that an empire with a population of more than one billion, and the people of other peoples, can have such similar customs, beliefs, values, characters, languages, and so on.

Dragon Empire is not actually the "we are dragon people" we mentioned,
It is "Dragon Man (beginning from Yao and Shun and the future generations)"

"Mr. Qin, that's natural. Since we choose to join, I will take the people of Goryeo to learn and integrate into everything about the Dragon Empire! By then, our Goryeo people will become the second largest ethnic minority under the Dragon Empire! Or In your Dragon Empire, there is no such thing as ethnic minorities, because in fact, the life of many ethnic minorities is the same as that of the Han people, they are the Han people!"

"I didn't expect Xuanmei, you still know our empire very well." Qin Feng smiled slightly, "Secretary Li, let's prepare some ingredients, I'm really hungry, you come too, let's eat dumplings together. "

"Understood, Mr. Qin, I'll do it right away!" Li Zhizhi looked at Qin Feng's handsome face, and began to think in his heart, why did Mr. Qin ask her to eat?Could it be
On the other side, the hotel where the top ten groups gathered was like ants on a hot pot at the moment.

Totally messed up.

It was a mess.

Qin Feng's operation made them react instantly.
(End of this chapter)

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