Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 182 The big group is in a hurry!Call Big Brother to help!

Chapter 182 The top ten groups are in a hurry!Call Big Brother to help!
"Representatives of the group, something is wrong! Now, on our side in Korea, Mr. Stephen has continued to sign the order for water oil to us in Korea."

"And the Rice Empire doesn't sign Korea's import and export orders! Now the Stan Empire in Asia, the Harder Empire, the Shy Empire, etc. have all taken these orders!"

"All kinds of materials that are urgently needed by Goryeo! The Dragon Empire is also willing to export them to Goryeo!"

In the hotel where the top ten groups gathered.

The news spread quickly.

"What? When did Koryo establish diplomatic relations with those empires in Asia? They actually ate all the orders that the rice empire deliberately did not sign?"

"Dragon Empire also exported some cutting-edge materials to them?"

"And Mr. Stephen? The world's number one arms dealer? Isn't he from the Rice Empire? How could he help the Sikong royal family?"


The representatives of the top ten groups were completely dumbfounded.

Did Sikong Xuanmei just hitch a ride with Su Xinghe?Why are you so awesome?

"Mr. Li, what should we do now? Can you make up your mind? There must be someone behind Sikong to help you!"

"Yes, Li Shaodong's family! You Samsung is the head of our top ten groups, and we all listen to you father and son!"

Li Xiangyu faced the chirping greetings of the nine major groups.

The heart is also extremely irritable.

And I really want to vomit.

Who did this Sikong Xuanmei know?

Can have so much energy?

Directly let so many empires in Asia?All of them help her eat these orders that the Rice Empire does not sign?
"Everyone listen to me!" Li Xiangyu said loudly, "I have analyzed the current situation. These empires in Asia are now basically headed by the Dragon Empire! Therefore, I guess that the people behind Sikong Xuanmei should The status in the Dragon Empire is very high! Or the Dragon Empire directly! So what we have to do now is to inform the Rice Empire about the things here!"

"Yes, yes, please ask the Mi Empire for help, and see what they say."

"That's right, it's impossible for them to let Gao Li just follow the Dragon Empire like this?"

"As long as the rice empire suppresses these things, our top ten groups will still belong to Korea!"

After the discussion on the top ten groups here.

They started to report all the things here to the embassy of the rice empire.

Let them inform the Western Tiger.

"Hello, Empress Sikong, I am a representative of the Stan Empire! Your orders for Korean oranges, apples, pears, grapefruits, and pomegranates. We can all eat them! The total order is 50.9 billion US dollars!"

The person who called Sikong Xuanmei was a representative of the Stan Empire.

Now the top ten groups have nothing to do.

Then these orders were all taken by the Stan Empire.

Korea's oranges are world-famous, and the main producing area is Jeju Island.This small island in the ocean can provide sufficient water for the plants on the island.Therefore, Jeju tangerines are loved all over the world, and the delicious tangerines are not only eaten raw, but also sold domestically and abroad as processed products such as marmalade, orange salad, orange jelly, orange sandwiches, and orange pies.

"Hello, Empress Sikong, the harder we are to conquer the empire, the many instant noodles you produce in Korea! They are very popular in the harder, we plan to eat all the instant noodle series products you produce throughout the year, with a total of 33.9 billion U.S. dollars! "

Korean instant noodles.

And kimchi.

The people of the Dragon Empire can be said to be very familiar with it, after all, the sales in the Dragon Empire are very good.

But the harder it is, the more people like to eat it.

However, because the previous price was too expensive, imports were rare.

"Hello, Empress Sikong, I'm Stephen Martin! Our company's water and oil will be sold to you in Korea at a super low price! At first, I received an order from the rice empire to prohibit the sale of water and oil to you, and I have no choice , but now, you can rest assured that our cooperation will always be effective and there will be no interruption period!"

"Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Stephen!" Sikong Xuanmei happily held the phone.

"You're welcome, we all listen to Mr. Qin! If you want to thank you, please thank Mr. Qin!"

in every way.

Basically, as long as it is the orders that the rice empire does not want.

Now all the empires in Asia are vying for it.

After all, the Dragon Empire has advanced weapons and water and oil, so it keeps supporting those underdeveloped empires in Asia. The plan is a global confrontation between the East and the West.

Just for a short while.

Such a big trouble was actually solved?
Simply incredible.

Sikong Xuanmei answered more than a dozen calls in a row before finishing her busy work.

"Xuanmei, are you done? Didn't I ask you to help knead the dough?" Qin Feng called out in the kitchen. He was wearing an apron and was making dumplings.

"Mr. Qin, I'm done calling!" Seeing this, Sikong Xuanmei told Li Zhizhi, "If you call again, you can answer it for me. I'll go and help Mr. Qin first."

"Oh..." Li Zhizhi, the secretary, was a little skeptical about life. One could imagine how important the call was today?It's all from representatives of those Asian empires, right?It's all about negotiating some import and export matters, right?

And now Sakong Xuanmei?But let Li Zhizhi answer these calls?And she?Or to help Qin Feng?Are you making dumplings?
If you want to tell this matter, no one will dare to believe it.

But it actually happened.

But Li Zhihui also knows that the current Qin Feng is the future of Goryeo, the future of the Sikong royal family, and what Qin Feng says is the imperial decree.

What's more, it was agreed just now that Sikong Xuanmei is going to help out in the kitchen.

You can't let Qin Feng work alone in the kitchen, can you?
Or Sikong Xuanmei asked a chef to help Qin Feng?Then it is a little disrespectful to Qin Feng.

The queen and Qin Feng cook together, which is the identity match.

"200 grams of high-gluten flour! 20 grams of milk powder! 6 ml of dry yeast, 40 grams of sugar, appropriate amount of salt, 20 ml of salad oil, one egg, and 90 grams of water!" It is very familiar to make these things, and when Luo Xiyan and Luo Xiyan are alone at home, they are also Qin Feng's chef, and Luo Xiyan is the next step.The things Qin Feng made were all delicious.

"Mr. Qin, high-gluten flour? And low-gluten flour? Is there any gap between them?" Sikong Xuanmei has never cooked in her life. Before, she didn't know what high-gluten and low-gluten flour were. Today So I asked.

"I said Xuanmei, you are really a natural queen, high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour? Can you tell the difference?"

Qin Feng was speechless for a while.

Immediately began to explain.

"We ordinary people usually use medium-gluten flour to make steamed buns. High-gluten flour is better for making dumplings. The dumplings made are chewy, resistant to cooking, and not easy to break. If you use medium-gluten flour, the dumplings are not easy to cook for a long time. And it’s easy to stew.”

Flour is a powder made from wheat.According to the protein content in flour, it can be divided into high-gluten flour, medium-gluten flour, low-gluten flour and gluten-free flour.

High-gluten flour: darker in color, more active and smooth in itself, not easy to form a ball when grasped; it is more suitable for making bread, and some puff pastry, such as Danish pastry.In western cakes, it is mostly used in muffins (thousand-feuille) and cream hollow cakes (puffs).In terms of cakes, it is limited to use in fruit cakes with high ingredients.

All-purpose flour: the color is milky white, between high and low flour, and the body is semi-loose; it is generally used in Chinese snacks, such as steamed buns, steamed buns, noodles, etc. (Note: Generally, commercially available flour without special instructions can be used as medium-gluten flour. And this kind of flour is usually marked on the package, suitable for making steamed buns, dumplings, steamed buns, and noodles)
Listening to Qin Feng's explanation, Sikong Xuanmei heard these little knowledge for the first time, but she, a goddess who does not eat fireworks, listens very seriously now.


Sikong Xuanmei rolled up her sleeves and started kneading the dough.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much. You have solved all the problems that the top ten groups have asked me. Xuanmei doesn't know how to repay Mr. Qin!" Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

"You help me now and cook for me, that's repayment. And didn't you agree? I'll help you raise the supremacy of your royal family in Goryeo, and you Goryeo will follow our Dragon Empire!" Qin Feng smiled lightly He smiled, and continued to put condiments in the basin. This is the mutton stuffing for making dumplings.

The next thing to do is naturally mutton dumplings.

"Although that's what I said, it's actually not a small matter to fight against the Mi Empire, and only you and the Dragon Empire are willing to take action!" Sikong Xuanmei's eyes grumbled, "Without you, our Sikong family would be in Korea's I am afraid that the status of the royal family will always be controlled by the top ten groups. Or in a short period of time, this pattern will last for more than a hundred years, and it may not be a thousand years."

"Forget yours, just call me by my name! You are too polite!" Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"Well, that's good, Qin Feng, thank you." While kneading the dough, Sikong Xuanmei carelessly brushed the hair in front of her forehead, and immediately her face looked like a little cat.

Qin Feng turned around and took a look.

Suddenly want to laugh.

Queen of Goryeo?
It looks like this?

But Qin Feng obviously held back his smile, wiped his hands slightly, took out his mobile phone and said, "Xuanmei, how about I take a picture for you?"

"Take a picture, what are you doing?" Sikong Xuanmei was puzzled for a moment.

"It's nothing, it's mainly the empress kneading dough. This is very rare, I want to commemorate it!" Qin Feng's grinning expression hides "treachery", and then he said: "Stand up, I'm going to start taking pictures."

"Then you take a picture, do you want me to pose?" Sikong Xuanmei didn't put on any poses, but continued to knead the dough. She is very beautiful, so she is very confident, a 360-degree fairy beauty with no dead ends, so Qin Feng can naturally go Photo slightly.


Qin Feng took many photos in succession.

It is full of photos of the queen cooking and kneading dough.

And that face is like a little cat.

It was so funny.

"Qin Feng, show me? How is the photo taken?" Although Sikong Xuanmei is confident in her appearance, she also wants to see her photos. After all, these photos are in Qin Feng's mobile phone, so they have to be beautiful.

"Don't you look at it? You are so beautiful, there must be no need to modify it when you take a photo, just those big beauties at the P level!" Qin Feng did not hand over the phone.

The relationship between the two is getting closer because of cooking together.

Qin Feng is getting closer and closer to completing his goal.

Qin Feng discovered that the girls who the system asked him to complete the tasks were actually existences with impeccable character and appearance.

The system looks really good to Qin Feng.

"It must be ugly, right? I want to see it," Sikong Xuanmei saw that Qin Feng didn't show it to him, and immediately suspected that Qin Feng had taken an ugly photo of her.

"Can your photo be ugly? Are you so unconfident about your appearance?" Qin Feng pursed his lips.

"." Empress Sikong was a little angry. Is it okay to do such a small thing?He lowered his head and continued kneading the dough.


Sikong Xuanmei pretending to be angry.

It was Qin Feng who saw it.

"Okay, can I show you? It's really stingy." Qin Feng chuckled, "But after reading it, don't you get angry again?"

"I'm not angry, I've never been angry." Sikong Xuanmei replied, "Show me?"

"Okay, then you look after it." Qin Feng opened the mobile phone photo album, and then put it in front of Sikong Xuanmei.

"Mr. Qin! How could you do this without reminding me!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately pursed her sexy lips. These photos are all photos of herself like a little cat, with a lot of flour on her face.

"What's wrong with me? Am I not taking pictures normally?" Qin Feng laughed, "Queen Xiaohuamao, if I want to show this photo to others, I think I will die of laughter, right?"

"Then you are not allowed to send it out. I am the empress. How bad it is for people to see it!" Sikong Xuanmei has never been in a relationship, and it is basically blank. She doesn't know it herself. That aspect is gone.

"Just kidding, of course I won't show it to others, so I'll keep it in my collection, is it okay?" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he took the phone back so that she wouldn't snatch it and delete it later.

"Why are you collecting this? If there is something good to collect, delete it."

Sikong Xuan gave Qin Feng a white look, and immediately stretched out his hand to wipe his delicate cheeks.

But she doesn't know.

Rub more and more.

"Don't wipe it, let me help you deal with it?" Qin Feng saw that she was an idiot. She had never cooked or done chores in her life. Nangong Mingyue was also the future queen. It was the first time Qin Feng took her with her. Her cooking is actually as funny as Sikong Xuanmei.

Not sure about the amount of soy sauce and vinegar.

Don't know the difference between flour and baking soda.

Is this the natural royal family?
Comes with a funny aura?

Qin Feng found a tissue, and instead of handing it to her to wipe it, he did it himself.

Carefully wiped it away.

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

Sikong Xuanmei, who was standing quietly at this moment, asking Qin Feng to help her wipe the flour on her face, had her heart beating wildly.

She found out slowly.

The situation between himself and Qin Feng is a bit wrong.

Is this the feeling of love?
But isn't this too fast?

She is a queen, and she fell in love with a man so quickly?
What is so attractive about this man?

"Okay, it's done! It's very clean, don't touch your hair with your hands anymore!" After wiping, Qin Feng gently brushed the hair on her forehead behind her ears.

If you want to be the old Qin Feng, naturally you won't be so intimate with a woman you've only known for a day.

But helpless.

Mission to be accomplished.

Today Qin Feng took the initiative to hook up with the queen.

As I said before, Qin Feng's charm value is 85 points, and he attracts girls infinitely. Not to mention that Qin Feng took the initiative to hook up, even if those girls spend more time with Qin Feng, they can basically fall in love with them.

If Qin Feng took the initiative to hook up, then what girl wouldn't be intoxicated?

Therefore, it is perfectly normal for the empress to be a little girlish now.

"Let me show you! It's much cleaner!" Qin Feng immediately took out the phone and used it as a mirror for her.

"Thank you." Sikong Xuanmei blushed slightly at the moment, looking at her beautiful self in the mirror, her thoughts began to wander.

And the other side.

The top ten groups naturally notified the rice empire of all the things here.
What decision did the empire make?
Please listen to the next breakdown.

[There are a lot of things these days, and the content is indeed a bit watery!Don't worry everyone, the follow-up will be fine! 】

(End of this chapter)

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