Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 184 Bull!Qin Feng's treatment is against the sky!

Chapter 184 Bull!Qin Feng's treatment is against the sky!
"Oh? The representative of the Hyundai Motor Group?" Qin Feng immediately understood, this is one of the top ten groups in Korea. Called, and then asked himself to go out for dinner?What does this mean?Could it be that.
Qin Feng probably knew it in his heart, but he couldn't be sure.

"Well, this is the representative of Hyundai Group! Is Mr. Qin free now?" The representative of Hyundai Motor asked weakly.

"No time!" Qin Feng immediately refused. If they want to invite themselves, there must be nothing good to do, so why go?
"Mr. Qin, don't be like this. I really want to discuss some important matters with you. I know that in the ancient times of your Dragon Empire, the overlord of Chu fought with Liu Bang. There was a festival. It was a grand feast, but we invite Mr. Qin to the banquet, your lord Don't worry, we are sincere, if you are not at ease, you can choose the location and control all the details! We will not participate! You can do whatever you want!"

The representative said respectfully, how dare they play Qin Feng's idea now?Don't mention them, even the Mi Empire said that Qin Feng can't do it at will, because there are too many people involved behind Qin Feng.

"Is that so?" Qin Feng saw that the other party wanted to find the location by himself, and then arrange the details by himself?In this way, it really doesn't look like a Hongmen banquet, does it?

How about listening to what the top ten groups have to say?
Qin Feng also has conditions to open it to them. After all, it is inevitable to remove their special status in Korea, but it will not erase all of their companies that have taken root in the world.

To put it simply, it is to eliminate power, not to suppress their industries.

Of course, all of this depends on whether they are obedient or not. If the one-sidedness is to have a detached status in Korea, then Qin Feng will not be soft-hearted.

"Okay, wait a minute. I just took a shower and I'm about to dry my hair. Let's talk about it later." Qin Feng said, and was about to hang up the phone.

But the representative of Hyundai Group on the opposite side said: "Mr. Qin, do you blow your hair? It seems that there is no one around you to wait on you?"

"You spy on me? Do you know that there is no one in my hotel?"

Qin Feng said sharply immediately. ,

It frightened the other party.

"No, Mr. Qin, your every move is mainly to destroy the world. There are people watching, and we didn't pay much attention to it. Empress Sikong and Li Zhizhi left. Aren't you the only one in the hotel?" Representative of Modern Group People are weak.

"That's all right, you don't need to wait, I can just blow dry my hair." Qin Feng walked out of the bathroom, wrapped himself in a bathrobe, and sat on the sofa.

"Mr. Qin, you have a noble status, how can you do it yourself?" The representative of Hyundai Group paused and said, "Why don't we? Ms. Li Zhi'en is also here, come and help you? Don't worry, just Simply help you take care of it, and then go out?"

After all, the last time I sent a girl group to please Qin Feng.

It's almost like sending a bunch of obedient girls over.

It was not sent out.

This time, I simply helped to dry my hair and take care of my clothes.

it should be no problem?

Didn't you keep saying that Qin Feng liked Li Zhi very much before?
"Ah? Li Zhi?" Qin Feng's expression changed slightly. When he was at home, his girlfriend basically helped him with his hair. Now that he is in Korea, there is indeed no girl around him.

It's not that Qin Feng can't take care of himself.

But now the other party is not here to deliver food.

Just a simple help to take care of clothes.

In addition, Qin Feng really liked the Li Zhi of Gao Li before. She is not considered beautiful, but she has an indescribably pure and lovely temperament.

Also in good shape.

Especially after watching one of her movies, the tennis clothes she wore to play tennis.

The dumpling.

Especially invincible.

But people's invincibility is not that kind of explosion, but a kind of explosion.
It's hard to describe the beauty.

"Okay, let her come over!" Qin Feng nodded, taking this opportunity, he can also see the artist he liked before he got the cheat.

Of course, Qin Feng just took a look.

Say you have any ideas.

Then think too much.

The girlfriend at home is really like a fairy.

"Well, okay, Mr. Qin, I'll call her over right away!" After the representative of the Hyundai Group hung up the phone, he looked at the beauties around him, and it could be said that a hundred flowers were blooming.

"Li Zhi, where are you?"

"I am"

In the crowd, a beautiful girl suddenly stood up. This girl had a displeased expression, but there was nothing she could do about it. In Korea, these female artists can be said to be of very low status.

To put it bluntly, it is basically the existence of these chaebols who come and go when they are called.

It's exactly like Jiaji's situation.

"You go to the Imperial Hotel, go to box 1503, Mr. Qin just came out of the shower, you go and serve him." The representative of Hyundai Group said.

"Ah? I just came out of the shower, this" Li Zhi said weakly, and he really didn't want to go, he didn't know what important person he wanted to meet by himself?Is it a client of the consortium?

In Li Zhi's case, in recent years, he has not been polluted by chaebols.

It's not that she's not pretty, or powerful.

But generally this kind of person keeps it as a good price tag.

Those female artists who are old fritters are basically polluted.

"Don't do that, last time I sent you directly to Mr. Qin, he even refused, what are you thinking?" The representative of Hyundai Group smiled dismissively, "You are not qualified to serve beside Mr. Qin , but there is no one around Mr. Qin now."

The representative of Hyundai Group saw Li Zhin stunned there, and said sternly, "Hurry up, Mr. Qin will have to wait for a long time, I think you will stop singing in the future."

"Okay, I'll go." Li Zhi could only agree.

Some young people may not believe that the Korean girls and actresses they like are like angels, how could it be so easy?Called to go?But the current situation in Korea is really like this, you really don't believe it.

By the way, those female artists in the Dragon Empire actually worship money, and the status of the bosses is also very high, but they don't talk about being slaves at all, right?


Qin Feng's doorbell rang.


"I'm grateful." A girl outside the door said nicely.I was constantly worried in my heart, what kind of character is this?is ugly?handsome?Is it old?Is it less?It won't be a disgusting uncle, and if you have any other thoughts about yourself later, what should you do?
Li Zhien didn't believe what they said, saying that this Mr. Qin gave him away for nothing at first, but he didn't even want it?
So many people like me, why don't I?
"Li Zhi? The speed is really fast, less than 1 minute before and after? These people will not be downstairs?" Qin Feng muttered, and pressed the remote control switch on the coffee table.This remote control switch can control all electrical appliances and doors and windows in the house, which is very convenient.

It was Sikong Xuanmei who taught him how to use it.

"Come in!" Qin Feng yelled as he pressed the switch.

"Oh" Li Zhi replied, and then pushed the door, only to find that the door was pushed open, obviously the people inside opened the door.


Li Zhin pushed open the door slightly.

in a half-covered state.

She looked in, scanning the room.

No one was found.

But soon.

Sitting on the sofa under the floor-to-ceiling windows was a man wrapped in a bathrobe. It seemed that he had just washed his hair, and his hair was still wet, or he had just come out of a bath.

But now he only saw the back of that man, not his face.

"Isn't it a young man?" Li Zhi made a guess in his heart, "This figure must be a young man, with a tall and straight figure, thin and strong."

Anyway, I looked at the back.

Li Zhien judged that as long as this man's face is not too ugly, he can basically be considered handsome.

"Come in! What are you doing standing at the door?" Qin Feng suddenly turned his head and saw Li Zhiying coquettishly outside the door, so he yelled.

"Ah?" The moment Li Zhi saw Qin Feng turn his head, his beautiful big eyes widened. This man, isn't he too handsome?
Star-like eyes.

A pair of sword eyebrows.

Nice light red lips.

Sharpened cheeks.

The skin is also surprisingly good.

The facial features are as delicate as fresh meat.

He is an extremely handsome man.

However, there was something indescribable about him that forced him to have a high affection for him.

Li Zhi did not know what this mysterious attraction was.

For the first time in so many years, her heart was beating so wildly.

It can be said that such a boy is completely like a male pig's feet in movies and a perfect male god in TV dramas.

She has been in the entertainment industry, and she has met many beautiful Korean men, but none of them can match the heart-pounding feeling that Mr. Qin gave her.

"Still coming in? Are you going to invite you?" Qin Feng was a little speechless, and urged again.

If you don't have a system yet.

Seeing this Li Zhien, I was afraid that he would go up and say, "Zhi En, Zhi En, I want an autograph."

But now it's different, Qin Feng doesn't need to see her to be excited, if Qin Feng thinks about it, Qin Feng may be able to come to any artist in the world at a glance.

"Well. I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I'm a little distracted." Li Zhi said apologetically, and then walked up quickly, and at a trot.
while running.

Then the dumpling.

Jumping around.

In her case, she was wearing a tennis uniform.

That is tennis clothes.

The same style as in the movie.

A tight white sweater.

And that white miniskirt.

The long legs are very creamy.

This is her famous scene clothes in the movie, I don't know how many domestic nerds have been conquered.

Although her appearance is not that delicate type.

But that indescribable girlish and simple temperament is her magic weapon to attract fans all over the world.

If you are interested, you can search, which drama is Li Zhien playing tennis, and you can see it immediately.Her tennis uniform really kills everything, in my opinion. (Of course, to type her name correctly, it is a homonym in this article)

"It's actually the tennis uniform in the movie?" Qin Feng's eyes lit up slightly, the clothes are really short, and the hair is really white.


It's because the face is so white and big.

The hair is really short.


It's a really short skirt.

Anyway, that's what it means.

"It seems that these top ten financial groups are willing to put a lot of thought into it! I know that most people in the Dragon Empire know her because of her tennis uniform." Qin Feng said secretly.


Then Li Zhien walked over.

He looked at Qin Feng's wet hair.

Picking up the hair dryer next to her, she said bluntly, "Then Mr. Qin, why don't I give you a haircut first?"

"Well, okay, I'm sorry, Miss Li." Qin Feng smiled politely, and didn't feel nervous or anything. Qin Feng, no matter what his status, was not a little nervous when he saw their queen, let alone her.

"Mr. Qin, you are too polite." Li Zhien immediately smiled knowingly. This man is not only handsome, but also so polite. If I had known that he was such a well-behaved boy, she would have come here. What to do for a long time.


Soon the hair dryer was buzzing.

Li Zhi first put his hand on the blower outlet of the hair dryer to test the temperature.

This is a hair dryer with ten temperature levels, which can adjust many temperatures to achieve the most suitable one.

It seems that Li Zhi also blows the hair of her sisters a lot, and knows the most suitable temperature.

She raised her slender hands tremblingly, straightened Qin Feng's hair, pointed the hair dryer at Qin Feng's hair, and said, "Mr. Qin, is the temperature okay?"

"Well, yes, it's very suitable." Qin Feng felt the temperature of the hair dryer, and it was really a very suitable wind, a very gentle wind.

And Qin Feng also felt that there was a scent of flowers on her body.

And she's nervous.

His hands trembled slightly.

Hu Hu Hu.

Hu Hu Hu.

The wind from the hair dryer kept blowing.

The more to the end.

It felt like Li Zhi was getting more and more nervous.

The hand she held Qin Feng's head was very gentle, unlike the barber shop that Qin Feng went to when he had no money, those barbers completely treated Qin Feng's head as a pumpkin
After all, even if Qin Feng didn't get the system later, he would be a rare handsome guy with his good looks.

Those male barbers must be envious of Qin Feng's handsomeness.

Slightly closed his eyes, not to look at her dangling in front of his face.
Anyway, Qin Feng didn't watch it.

About three to five minutes later, Li Zhin said kindly, "Mr. Qin, it's alright."

"Where is your bedroom? May I help you choose some suitable clothes?" Li Zhin continued, his eyes swept the room.

"Over there, thank you. After you choose it, you can put it in the bedroom, and then I can wear it myself!" Qin Feng really didn't think about asking her to come over to help dress and wash her face, and simply blow dry her hair.After all, Qin Feng hasn't blown his hair for a long time. He has a girlfriend at home, and during the time he went to the Sun Empire, he was also taken care of by Erika and Sano Hinako.

But when there is no substantive relationship, Qin Feng will not let the other party dress himself.

Luo Xiyan is the one who dresses herself at most.

That's right, she needs to change clothes every day.

"En, good." Li Zhien nodded, feeling once again that this is a gentleman, and when she was drying his hair, her eyes were not aiming at random, and she really kept her eyes closed. ,

Li Zhien lamented that the other party was a gentleman, and at the same time began to guess wildly. Could it be that he is not beautiful enough to attract people's attention?
I'm not that kind of plastic surgery face, if so, my face can be more refined.

It's her pure and lovely face that fans like.

About 2 minutes.

Li Zhien in the bedroom picked out a set of clothes and shouted, "Mr. Qin, I've picked out for you."

She then quietly left the bedroom.

"Thank you, Miss Li." After thanking Qin Feng, he wrapped himself in a bathrobe and headed towards the bedroom, closing the door.

A handsome suit came out.

"Mr. Qin, why don't you wear a tie?" Li Zhi immediately noticed the difference in Qin Feng's clothes.

"Is it necessary to wear a tie?" Qin Feng smiled disapprovingly, "I don't want to wear Western suits, but many famous brand clothes in the world are suits, so I can't help it. But tie? It's just a decoration for Westerners You don't need to wear it, do you?"

Qin Feng was very dissatisfied.

Why wear a suit without a tie, in high-end occasions?Is it impolite?

Who TM stipulates that it is impolite not to wear a tie?
As long as you dress modestly, you'll be fine.

Clothes accessories that Westerners like, it is impolite not to wear them, right?
How can there be such a reason?
Anyway, in Qin Feng's future clothing companies, there will be no tie, and Qin Feng will object to everything in the West.

Anyway, Qin Feng is just an angry youth.

I love it so much.

Labor and capital are nothing more than Christmas.

Labor and management hate it.

What can you do?

If you don't accept it, come and kill me.

"No problem, Mr. Qin doesn't wear a tie, so there's nothing wrong with anyone." Li Zhi smiled politely, and also felt that this man had a special kind of fun.

But in fact, in her heart, she doesn't think it's necessary for men to wear ties.

Do you have to get a tie ball in front of your clothes?

The two went out quickly.

Got off the hotel.

What's more surprising is that when Qin Feng took the elevator in the hotel, he didn't see a single person. Could it be that these top ten financial groups wiped out all the passers-by?
Is this the treatment that the emperor only received when he went out?
"A Lincoln Stretch?"

Qin Feng looked at the entrance of the hotel, and there was one of this car parked at the entrance of the hotel. After a guess, it should be the car that picked him up, right?

"Mr. Qin, hello! I am the representative of Hyundai Group, Shen Yukun!"

The man came up to greet him politely.

And also helped Qin Feng open the car door.

Bow slightly and invite Qin Feng to get in the car.

The moment the door opens
Qin Feng immediately stared.
(End of this chapter)

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