Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 185 A Shocking Scene!Qin Feng's tough attitude!

Chapter 185 The Shocking Scene!Qin Feng's tough attitude!

"My goodness."

"What the hell is this?"

"Do you want to do this?"

Qin Feng was speechless when he saw the scene in the car.

Qin Feng remembers seeing a movie, that is the movie of Chinatown.

In that movie.

Isn't that the case?
In the second part, when Tang Ren went to pick up Lao Qin, the character played by that little fresh meat was also called Qin Feng.

Then Tang Ren got a car full of beauties in the car.

This scene is exactly the same.

But the difference is that all the beauties in this car have Asian faces.

Most of them have dyed yellow hair.

Qin Feng recognized them, they were characters from the two girl groups.

Among them, there are many Korean female stars that Qin Feng liked very much in the previous life.

All of them are high-waisted clothes and short shorts.

Delicate arms.

Long legs.

A hundred flowers bloom.

"Hello, Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Qin, please get in the car!"

The girls greeted each other.

That momentum was simply invincible.

All of them spoke Chinese in a delicate voice.

It seems that I don't know how to speak very much. It should be two sentences that I have learned.


"Guji Guji."


Later, they speak their own language.

Although Qin Feng can understand.

But pronounce the words.

It's this weird language.

"What's going on, why are there so many people?" Qin Feng didn't get in the car for a while, but looked at the representative of Hyundai Motor Group, Shen Yukun.

Shen Yukun smiled awkwardly and flattered him: "Mr. Qin, they are the most popular girl groups in Korea, and they haven't yet"

Shen Yukun didn't continue.

Anyway, it's not long since I debuted.

Most of them were born around 2000.

Almost all around 20 years old.

A group of people who do not use pesticides and are pollution-free.

Shen Yukun knows, what level is Qin Feng?Use something polluted.

That's not okay.

"Hehe, is it a beauty trick?" Qin Feng smiled coldly, these people really think too much, if he was defeated by a beauty trick so easily, he would have gged a long time ago.

those empires. ,

Isn't it crazy to send it?

"Absolutely not! Absolutely not. It's just that they admire Mr. Qin and insist on coming to pick him up!" Shen Yukun said politely, "Mr. Qin, please get in the car!"

"Look, why is Zhien's face so red?"

"What's going on?"

"Could it be? She was with Mr. Qin just now"

"Oh my god, did you come here in such a short time?"

"Mr. Qin here."

Those girls basically started talking.

They all looked at Li Zhi with strange eyes.

And they are all wrong.

But they are also envious of Li Zhi, a character like Qin Feng, even if he gets a little benefit.

It is also inexhaustible.

At this moment, they are all winking at Qin Feng.

With a pretty appearance, they all looked at Qin Feng.

I hope that I will be spotted by Qin Feng.

That just flew into the sky.

"You all sit inside! Sit over!" Qin Feng still planned to get in the car!I can stand on my own, and I am not afraid of so many of them. Go over now and discuss with the top ten groups.

If they are interested.

Qin Feng didn't want to do anything.

If you are not interested.

Then Qin Feng will naturally be impolite.

Qin Feng doesn't like the welcome of these girl groups, and these constant flattery, he still insists on supporting the Sikong family!

Qin Feng gave an order.

The female artists sitting in the extended version of the car hurriedly moved out of it to make room for Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng got into the car, each of them felt their hearts pounding.

After all, a character of this level is too good.

For them, the top ten groups are heaven.

For the top ten groups, Qin Feng is someone they respect so much.

Convert over.

That's oh my god.

Can they not have their hearts pounding?
"How much perfume do you wear!" Qin Feng smelled a lot of perfume as soon as he got into the car.

Although it still smells good.

But Qin Feng didn't like it very much either.

Li Zhien is better.

Although it also sprays perfume, it is relatively light.

"Then let's open the car window? Give Mr. Qin some air?" A female artist asked Qin Feng's meaning in a pretty way.

"No need! Don't open the car window. Others will probably think that I am a peerless person when they see the situation inside." Qin Feng did not continue, and ordered Shen Yukun in front of him, saying: "Drive, go to the place you have chosen That's fine, for the sake of your sincerity, I will trust you!"

Qin Feng naturally has his own strength, and he is not worried about setting up an ambush on the other side.

There is a high-tech presence on the body, which can scan many man-made dangers.

"Thank you Mr. Qin for your trust!" Shen Yukun smiled politely and ordered the driver beside him to start the extended Lincoln.

Lincoln is the quintessential super large luxury sedan of the Mi Empire.

It has the following characteristic qualities: smoothness, tranquility, comfort, ample storage space and luggage Lincoln city volume.

The appearance design is dignified and elegant, the cabin is quiet and delicate, and it has many comfortable and convenient facilities.

In other words, this car is a small meeting place.

Basically, there is a wide space for doing anything in it.

even with them
That's enough anyway.

But along the way, Qin Feng didn't pay much attention to these girl groups.

A few boldly struck up a few words, and after being lectured by Qin Feng, no one dared to strike up a conversation.

Anyway, tell them to be quiet.

Along the way, no one dared to make a sound.Even Shen Yukun in front didn't dare to ask any more questions.

In fact, these girls are pretty good, and they are basically men's dreams.

But if it's a woman, it's too much.

If there is such a day, Qin Feng can hire him as a gardener to take care of the manor.

After all, when the nanny, gardener, and cook are all so beautiful, you should feel better, right?

But it's just an idea.

In the future, Qin Feng will live in his own big manor or private island. There are too many people who need to be hired to take care of him, so he must find someone with good character.

Of course, some time ago, Qin Feng was rewarded with a private island, but Qin Feng didn't even go to see it.

The two main tasks now are to have our own land of 15 square kilometers.Almost proclaiming himself emperor.

There are 30 billion people in the world learning Chinese.

So far, these tasks are all in progress.

The thing that rewards a planet.

Qin Feng has always been thinking about it.

But Qin Feng also knows that general side missions exist to assist the main mission.

So this Goryeo followed them.

Naturally, they can also learn Chinese.

At that time, the goal will go further.

Soon, a five-star hotel will arrive.

The extended Lincoln was parked in front of the hotel.

Qin Feng looked through the car window.

The entrance of the hotel was full of people, probably dozens of people, all wearing suits.

Qin Feng knew a few of them, and they were the helmsmen of the top ten corporations in Korea.

For the rest, most of Qin Feng didn't know each other.

But Qin Feng guessed that the top ten groups in Korea should all come to welcome him.

"Hello, Mr. Qin!"

"Mr. Qin, please get out of the car!"

It was the boss of the Samsung Group in Korea who opened the car door for Qin Feng himself.

That is, Lee Sang-woo's father, Lee Sang-hyuk.

Although the two look like brothers.

But it's actually father and son.

Because in Goryeo, there is no such thing as a family name.

"Mr. Qin, welcome to your visit! We, the top ten Korean companies, are overjoyed! I heard that you can understand our language! Then I didn't hire a translator, Mr. Qin, forgive me!" Li Xianghe opened the car door, Said respectfully.

As for Li Xiangyu, standing behind, he did not come forward.

He is young, he wants to save face.

Of course not so humble.

But Li Xiangyu himself knew that now must be the time to be humble.

"It's okay, then let's start discussing quickly!" After getting out of the car, Qin Feng was wearing sunglasses.

Soon surrounded by many people, Qin Feng entered the hotel.

After entering the hotel, there is a large conference room.

And Qin Feng's position is set at the front.

It's almost the place where the chairman sits when those companies hold a general meeting of shareholders.

Moreover, the top ten groups also selected some of the most beautiful women's groups, and came to bring tea and water to Qin Feng.

Left and right a sister.

On both sides, it looks like a girl holding an umbrella beside the dragon chair of an ancient emperor.

One of them is naturally Li Zhien.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Qin Feng also saw through high technology that there were no other ingredients in the tea, so he naturally took a sip and coughed twice.

Start talking.

"Since everyone invited me here! You must have your own ideas. Let me first tell you what your top ten groups think!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he asked again: "But the first thing I need to know is whether your top ten groups have the idea of ​​surrendering. If you don't have this, we have no premise to talk about at all!"

Qin Feng finished speaking.

Waited for about three to five seconds.

Qin Feng didn't speak any more.

Then the people from these top ten groups began to speak.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, our top ten groups all agree on this issue!"

"We are willing!"

"Yes, we would!"

"We will all learn Chinese culture in the future! We will join in!"

Hearing that they all said in unison, Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Alright, since this matter is agreed, then we can continue talking."

Qin Feng's level.

Basically, it can be cut first and played later.

Moreover, Mr. Nangong also explained some conditions.

At this time, Lee Sang-hyuk, the boss of Samsung, stood up and said into the microphone: "Mr. Qin, although we are willing to join, but what we want is to focus on our top ten groups! To put it simply, if you Accept this place, then our top ten groups will still enjoy the previous status!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Qin Feng smiled lightly and understood what the other party meant, that is, the other party wanted to leave the Sikong royal family aside.

In other words, it is like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty beating the Huns back then.

One tribe of the Huns surrendered.

There are two chiefs in the tribe.

One of the leaders killed the other.

Bring all the men and horses to surrender, so that he can enjoy the benefits of surrendering in full.

To put it simply, it is to recognize the eldest brother, and it is also their top ten groups to recognize.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, the meaning of our top ten groups is very simple, that is, you and the empire behind you are our heaven! We still control this place!" Li Xianghe asked what Qin Feng meant, and said: "No Knowing Mr. Qin, is such a decision feasible?"

"Hehe, as the people of the Sikong Royal Family, have you always been thinking about these issues and never thought of being loyal to the Royal Family?" Qin Feng's face changed slightly, and it was naturally impossible for him to agree to the other party's conditions.

After all, the task has already been hinted, and that is to conquer that Sikong Xuanmei.

Let her bring Gao Li to vote.

This must have Sikong Xuanmei's share.

Not the Big Ten.

And even if there were no such requirements for the mission, Qin Feng would naturally not continue to let their top ten groups have such a detached position in Korea.

These groups of them really look like local rich people.

This is not acceptable.

If Sikong Sunmi takes control of everything, the situation will be much better.

Besides, is it better for Qin Feng to keep Sikong Xuanmei alone than to keep ten people?Much better, right?

"Mr. Qin, we naturally need to be loyal to the royal family, but decades ago, the royal family had no ability. If it weren't for our hard work, where would there be such improvement in this place?" Li Xianghe said slightly, "Therefore... what I want to ask is, Does Mr. Qin intend to accept the surrender of our top ten groups? What is needed is the Sikong family?"

"Of course it is!" Qin Feng calmly replied with a few words.

And the people of these top ten groups under the banner.

Then began to be restless.

None of them spoke.

But the heart has begun to scold the mother.

"What the hell do you mean? Our top ten groups have come to negotiate with good intentions, but they are so firm?"

"Is this guy greedy for Sikong Xuanmei? If so? We can give her to you too! Why bother to help her?"

"I really don't understand Qin Feng. It's the best to cooperate with our top ten groups, right? Why do you want to help a waste royal family?"

"To put it bluntly, he, Qin Feng, will save a lot of trouble if he cooperates with our top ten groups! And if he cooperates with the Sikong family, which does not have much power, he will need to deal with a lot of troublesome things! After all, as long as the conditions are negotiated, ten The big group can grasp everything immediately!"

they mean.

Actually, to put it bluntly.

Comparing them to a city, the top ten groups can easily mobilize the entire city to surrender.

The Sikong royal family does not have this power.

Who is better to cooperate with?
This is obviously obvious, right?
"Mr. Qin, do you want to stop thinking about it?" Li Xianghe's face was a little ugly, but he still squeezed out a smile, "If Mr. Qin is interested in Sikong Sunmi, I and the rest of the nine major groups can help Mr. Qin handle it." Yes! Sikong Xuanmei will be obedient."

Lee Sang Hyuk didn't say anything.

But Li Xiangyu next to him.

That is his son.

Then his face darkened.

This is his fiancée.

But now, in front of so many people, his father said that he gave this girl to Qin Feng.

What a shame.

But what can be done?
Now their top ten groups really have a hard time going.

"Mr. Li, I don't think you need to go on. What I mean is that the Sikong family should be the mainstay in Goryeo!" Qin Feng paused and said, "If you cooperate well, this place will only develop your company. Make money honestly, and of course I won’t embarrass you! If you still think about the idea of ​​the top ten groups controlling everything, I advise you to put away these crooked thoughts! Because I don’t allow such things to exist!”

Qin Feng finished speaking decisively.

You can only see the people below chattering and starting to discuss.

"Mr. Qin! You have to think twice! How about this?" Lee Sang Hyuk said again, "Our top ten groups give up [-]% of their profits to you every year? I just hope you can keep our position in Korea unchanged! "

(End of this chapter)

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