Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 187 Dare to Hit My Idol?You never died?

Chapter 187 Dare to Hit My Idol?You never died?
"Mr. Qin, why are you back?" Shen Yukun said tremblingly, his expression already frightened.

Because Shen Yukun also saw Qin Feng coming over with a dark face.

this moment.

Shen Yukun felt that it should be Qin Feng who saw and beat Li Zhi, right?

Otherwise, why would you react like this?
Anyway, Li Zhi was also the one who served Qin Feng before blowing his hair.

And isn't Qin Feng the score of Li Zhien before?She is his idol.

But would a person of Qin Feng's level get angry because of Li Zhi'en?

"Mr. Qin" Li Zhien covered his face when he was beaten, crying and crying, very pitiful.

"Come here!" Qin Feng pulled Li Zhi, and walked behind him.

"Mr. Qin" Shen Yukun said silently, now he was very sure that Qin Feng came here with a dark face, it was indeed because of Li Zhi.

"What are you afraid of?" Qin Feng chuckled, revealing a strange smile.

"I'm not afraid of anything, I'm quite normal!" Shen Yukun forced himself to calm down, "Is there anything else Mr. Qin has to do when he comes back?"

"It's nothing!" Qin Feng's expression changed, "It's just that you said you're not afraid? You're not afraid of me at all?"

"No, I'm afraid." Shen Yukun was a little speechless, this Qin Feng, if you want to clean up, do it yourself, what the hell are you playing?

"Oh? Are you afraid? Why are you afraid of me?" Qin Feng asked again, his voice was very cold.

"I hit Li Zhi! She belongs to you," Shen Yukun said in a squeak.

"Heh, she's not who I am, but she's so cute, why are you beating her? Give me a reason!" Qin Feng took out a cigarette, and Empress Sikong lit it with her own hands.

It also made Shen Yukun a little speechless.

The queen lights a cigarette.

Really TM cow.

"I hit her because of her." Shen Yukun was also speechless.

"Oh? What is it? Tell me. If she deserves a slap, I can slap her a few times!" Qin Feng chuckled and looked at Li Zhi.

Seeing this, Li Zhi was startled, and called out, "You, Mr. Qin."

"She, she." Shen Yukun is not a fool, he naturally knows that what Qin Feng said is ironic.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know she was accepted by you. If I knew, I wouldn't dare even if you gave me ten guts!" Shen Yukun is just the representative of Hyundai Motor Group. It can be regarded as the president, or some kind of boss.

Even the bosses of the top ten groups.

Now Qin Feng is terribly afraid.

How dare Shen Yukun?

"I'll say it again. I didn't accept anyone. Give me a reason to beat her. Why did you beat her? Don't play these old tricks for me! If you beat her for no reason? Isn't it a bit presumptuous? "Qin Feng said sharply.

Seeing this, Shen Yukun could only hunched over and said: "Mr. Qin, I was wrong, I was wrong, I hit her when I lost my temper."

Shen Yukun immediately stepped forward to apologize, and said, "Miss Li, calm down, please slap me and give me a slap."

"I" Li Zhi squeaked, how dare she do such things?This is their superior.

"What are you still squeaking about? With me here, it's over if you call back? From now on, they can no longer show off their power in front of you!" Qin Feng glanced at Li Zhin, and urged: "Hurry up! I I just like happy enmity! Why hit him?"

"I" Li Zhien still didn't dare to make a move.

"Then I'll do it for you!" After Qin Feng said, he slapped him with a slap, and he put in three points of strength.

Because Qin Feng's force value is very high.

This three points of strength.

It directly threw Shen Yukun's fan to the ground.

His face immediately swelled up.

"The labor and management tell you to be so dark at every turn! Take others as people, right? The labor and management status is much stronger than yours, and I haven't dared to do this before!" Qin Feng cursed, looked at Shen Yukun, and said: "This is Li Zhi , whose banner is it?"

"Mr. Qin Qin, Ms. Li is under the edam company! It can be regarded as a subsidiary of our Hyundai Group!" Shen Yukun covered his face, the pain was too great, Mr. Qin has exerted all his strength to eat milk, right?
But what he didn't know was that Qin Feng was required to hit him with all his might.

Can slap him out of a concussion.

"Well, I'll take this person away, do you have any objections?" Qin Feng chuckled, "Of course, I will pay all liquidated damages!"

Qin Feng took out a card and said: "Is one hundred million enough? There is one hundred million cash in this card! The password is six six!"

Qin Feng doesn't want to owe any favors to the top ten groups.

After all, if you owe a favor, you have to help out.

Qin Feng is not stupid.

"Come with me! Don't go back to this wolf's lair for now! After I clean up these things, you can go back!" Qin Feng said, took Sikong Xuanmei, and Li Zhien, and walked towards The Audi got on.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin, did you let me leave the company?" Li Zhi's heart was also beating wildly. This man is so domineering, it's almost against the sky.

"Oh? Do you want to stay in the company?" Qin Feng chuckled.

"No, I just feel that this matter came too simply! It feels like a dream!" Li Zhien himself also wanted to leave this company, and then change jobs to other companies. I heard that those who signed contracts with Dragon Empire are very good.Don't be so mean and have no status!But just can't quit.

"That's it? This time it's slow!" Qin Feng smiled calmly, let alone a female artist, even if you want the whole place. It's not very fast, but there are too many things to deal with, so take your time Well, don't worry.

If you can fight without bloodshed.

That's the best way.

"Zhien, was this taken away?"

"She was actually paid liquidated damages by Mr. Qin? Poached?"

"This Zhien is indeed a fan of Mr. Qin, and now Mr. Qin directly made a move for her!"

"What a domineering man! I like it so much! Can I be a maid beside him! I am willing too!"

"Does this kind of man really exist in this world?"

A few female artists were on the side, they were almost dumbfounded.

But soon.

Only then did they notice the beaten Shen Yukun.

"Mr. Shen? Are you okay?"

One of the female entertainers was about to squat down and pull him up.

But Shen Yukun reflexively said Dagon.

And to scold people.

After all, in a fit of anger.

But in an instant, he thought of the lessons learned from beating Li Zhi just now, and said politely: "Don't help me, I'm fine!"

This is probably the first time for these financial groups to be so polite to these girls, right?
Even those female artists feel that the consortium is so polite, is it dreaming?
In fact, they all began to look forward to it. If the royal family can really control this place, maybe they don't have to be like this, right?
"Look quickly? That man? Why do I look so familiar?"

"Isn't this the CEO of Hyundai Motor Group?"

"Oh my God, he seemed to be beaten by a man just now! A handsome man wearing sunglasses!"

"Beside that handsome man, there is a long-legged girl with a super punctual figure! I would like to call it Korea's number one long-legged girl!"

"Isn't Koryo the most long-legged, Sikong Xuanmei?"

"Could it be that the person standing next to the handsome man in sunglasses is the number one beauty in Korea, our empress?"

"What are you thinking? The Queen's people? Dare to hit Shen Yukun?"

"That's true! Although the queen has a high status, she basically won't touch people from the top ten groups!"

"Who is this? It looks like an Asian face, dare to hit Shen Yukun?"

"Anyway, if it's a western face, if it's a big tiger, I think it's justified to hit it. After all, aren't these top ten groups the lackeys of the western big tiger? But Asian faces, I can't figure it out!"

Passers-by chattered.

He is also very confused about Qin Feng's identity.

Shen Yukun naturally wanted to save face.

Shen Yukun brought a few female artists back to the conference room of the hotel.

In the conference room of the hotel, many people, that is, people from the top ten groups, are discussing what to do about this matter.

"This Qin Feng, what is the situation? Why doesn't the water come in? You must engage our top ten groups, right?"

"He's really weird! I'm afraid no one will refuse the price we offered, right? You should know that the position of the president of the headquarter of the top ten Korean conglomerates has a veto power, so it's basically God's God! Conditions, can you still refuse?"

"Yeah! If you want to say that Qin Feng is not short of money! He doesn't care about the [-]% of the profits that our top ten groups distribute every year, so that's fine, but isn't he tempted by this transcendent status?"

"What should we do now? If Mr. Qin insists on doing something, we really have nothing to do!"

"Our top ten groups, if we lose this transcendent status, we will simply be fat sheep. In the future, the royal family will do whatever we want? Will our life be easier then?"

"It can't be like this! It can't be like this!"

"Let's not try again! Ask somewhere else?"

"How about Sun Empire? Change to this big brother?"

"Our relationship with their empire. Have you ever thought about it? It's basically impossible!"

"Hey, why don't you compromise?"

"No! Absolutely not! If this is the case, you might as well let me die!"

Big Ten people, for things like this.

I can't accept it at all.

From the day of Goryeo.

Turned into an ordinary fat sheep.

This is really hard for anyone to give up.

"Shen Yukun, what's wrong with you? Why was your face beaten?" Tian Shengyu, the director of Hyundai Motor Group, looked at the CEO of his subsidiary, the left side of his face was swollen, and he was also confused.

"Didn't I ask you to send Mr. Qin off? Could it be that Mr. Qin beat you?" Tian Shengyu immediately felt his back sweating, "You bastard, why did you provoke Mr. Qin? How did you provoke him?"

The CEO of Hyundai Group, in Korea, there are not many people who can slap him in the face.

In addition, he sent Qin Feng to the hotel.

Naturally, Tian Shengyu could easily think that it was Qin Feng who beat him.

"Mr. Tian, ​​I, I." Shen Yukun was a little bit embarrassed about his own affairs.

But he still opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Tian, ​​we can't just sit and wait for death. We should oppose it to the end. This Qin Feng is too inhuman!"


Another slap.

"You oppose it to the end! You risk your life to oppose it?" Tian Shengyu was also very angry, "How dare you speak ill of Mr. Qin here?"

"Quickly tell me, why did you offend Mr. Qin?" Tian Shengyu continued to ask.

"I just hit Li Zhin, and I don't know how to send her to Mr. Qin to comb her hair. Mr. Qin has already taken her in." Shen Yukun said speechlessly, "Mr. Qin, please vent your anger on Li Zhin's behalf. and also said"

"And what else did you say?" Tian Shengyu was really furious, at this juncture?Why is Shen Yukun making Qin Feng unhappy?Everyone is so determined, the top ten groups are finished, and they still want to make Qin Feng unhappy?
"Mr. Qin told Li Zhin that the era of our top ten conglomerates is coming soon," Shen Yukun said with difficulty.

"You trash! You are really worse than a dog!" Tian Shengyu slapped him again, anyway, all the anger in his heart was poured on him.

"Okay! Stop making trouble! What should we do now! Let's make up an idea!" Li Sang Hyuk, the boss of the top ten groups, stood up and growled, "Get this Shen Yukun out first! Look! It really hurts the eyes!"


A representative suggested, "How about we go to Sikong's villa? Sikong Xuanmei's mother is still here."

"You mean? Use this as a price tag and negotiate conditions? Will Qin Feng make concessions for Sikong Xuanmei?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"Anyway, we don't force it. Just let Sikong Xuanmei worry, and let her beg Qin Feng!"

"Can this matter have a good effect?"

"No matter what the effect is, is there another way for us? The Western Tigers can't control it, who else can control it? We can only try it ourselves!"

"That's fine, tell people to act immediately!"

As for Qin Feng, after he left here with Sikong Xuanmei and Li Zhien, he quickly returned to the hotel.

Enter the hotel.

Sikong Xuanmei first poured a glass of water for Qin Feng, and when he saw Qin Feng sitting on the sofa, he passed the water over and said, "Qin Feng, drink some water, um, what did the top ten groups say? They obeyed arrangement?"

After Sikong Xuanmei finished speaking, she looked at Li Zhien beside her, and said, "Zhien, come over for some supper, Mr. Qin may be hungry."

"Hehe, of course 1 of their top ten groups are unwilling! But I don't have much time for them! If they don't reply for an hour, I'll let them see how the flowers are so popular!" That's what Qin Feng told them when he left anyway.

It all depends on their consciousness.

If the top ten groups do not want to exist.

It is not difficult for Qin Feng to destroy it.

It's just that Goryeo is about to suffer a lot.

But everything is not a problem.

It will be good to support again at that time.

Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Qin Feng still hopes that they will be a little bit enlightened, and don't make it too ugly.

"These people really have been sitting for a long time. It's really not easy to let them fall from the sky!" Seeing Qin Feng drink up a glass of water, Sikong Xuanmei took the empty glass and handed it to Secretary Li Zhizhi next to him. past.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xuanmei, don't worry, it will start tomorrow morning at the most! They have to come and beg me together!" Qin Feng said lightly, still can't subdue your top ten groups?

"Well, let's just wait quietly!" Sikong Xuanmei looked around, "Mr. Qin, why don't I stay at your hotel today?"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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