Chapter 188 Kiss Sikong Xuanmei?

Sikong Xuanmei didn't deliberately stay in the hotel suite, there were other special things.

After all, Sakong Xuanmei wants to know the results of the top ten groups as soon as possible.

This matter is simply too important to their royal family.

Anyway, being next to Qin Feng means knowing many things at the first time.

"Cough, cough, whatever you want!" Qin Feng coughed, pointed to the West Room, and said, "Clean up the three of you, the house is quite big! Three people can live there. Or you can choose a room for each of you Anything is fine! Anyway, there are many rooms!"

"We each choose a room!"

Empress Sikong, including Li Zhien, including the General Secretary Li Zhihui, all spoke in unison.


Qin Feng suddenly had 1 question marks on his face.

What he said so casually.

Why did the three react so strongly?
Qin Feng was confused.

But soon the three of them bowed their heads shyly in unison.

"Cough, cough, that, Qin Feng, thank you very much! I'm going to make you a midnight snack!" Sikong Xuanmei coughed awkwardly, and they all said in unison that they would live in a separate room, which meant waiting. Want to be pampered?
Living in a room, where are the conditions?

It is impossible for Qin Feng to return three
"Mr. Qin, I'm going to make you a supper too." Li Zhizhi was also very shy, and turned to leave.

"Xuanmei, come back, talk to me for a while, let the two of them go!" Qin Feng shouted.

That Sikong Xuanmei stopped suddenly, and laughed awkwardly: "Well, okay, then I will chat with you."

After Sikong Xuanmei finished speaking, she sat on the sofa next to Qin Feng, smiled politely at Qin Feng, and couldn't find anything to talk about.

The long legs are close together.

Put your hands on your long legs.

Pretty and lively.

It's kind of crazy.

Could it be that Qin Feng saw so many beauties, the number one beauty in Korea, Sikong Xuanmei, really made Qin Feng have an urge to pounce on her, it was too damning.

Especially the No. [-] long leg in Korea.

Really invincible.

"Aren't you going to sit a little closer? So far away?" Qin Feng suddenly mentioned, now Qin Feng wants to verify whether he has conquered her.

If conquered.

Then the task is half done.

All that's left is for her to bring Goryeo to vote.

"Ah?" Sikong Xuanmei stared and moved slightly.

"Tell me, the three of you said in unison just now? Do you want to live separately? What do you mean?" Qin Feng naturally knew the answer in his heart, but at this moment he couldn't help but want to tease this pretty beauty.

"It's not interesting, it's too crowded to live together, so it's okay to live separately?" Sikong Xuanmei replied casually.

"Oh? Really? But the Westinghouse should be very spacious, right? It's 200 square meters, with a sofa, a balcony, and a bedroom! It's just a large independent suite!" Qin Feng knew that his hotel suite had very large specifications. High, just over 1000 square meters, it is surprisingly large.

"Why does this guy keep asking this question?" Sikong Xuanmei was speechless, she was so shy just now, this person kept asking.

"Since there are separate rooms, why do you want to live in one?" Sikong Xuanmei forcibly calmed down.

"That's right, if we live separately, I can go to Li Zhi at night!" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, "I'm her fan."

"Ah? Qin Feng, you..." Sikong Xuanmei felt sore all of a sudden, this guy, does he just like Li Zhi so much?
"Well, I just told Li Zhien that I will go to her at night, so she must ask not to share a room with you! Otherwise, how would I go to her?" Qin Feng laughed and said, "But Sikong Beauty, I don't know what you think?"

"What can I think, I'll live separately. If you want to find Li Zhi, you can go find him." Sikong Xuanmei pouted slightly. She is also a girl who has never been in a relationship. Completely blank, "I'm going to make you a midnight snack, you can wait for a while."

Sikong Xuanmei was about to get up.

But he was caught with one hand.

"Can't we let them do it?" Qin Feng easily caught Sikong Xuanmei and got into his arms smoothly.

"Tell me, are you thinking about it? I will find you later, so you have to separate a room? Although our relationship is not that far, but you always think about it? After all, we are under the same roof" Qin The straight man with a standard style smiled and looked at the number one beauty in Korea in his arms.

Of course.
At the beginning, Qin Feng was only a matter of mission for Sikong Xuanmei.

Missions must be completed to receive rewards.

But after getting along with her, I gradually realized that this girl is really nice.

She didn't want the Big Ten Group to continue like this.

And from the sympathy in her eyes for Li Zhi'en, it can be seen that she is really caring.

Or sympathy for each other.

Anyway, I was very worried about Li Zhi being beaten.

In other words, it was because of his appearance that he had a good impression at the beginning.

But now, it is the recognition of her character.

Anyway, for the sake of the task, in the end, it has to be my own woman.
Earlier, later, doesn't matter.

And how to say it?Don't play word games with the system.

As long as you don't complete the tasks it mentions, you won't get a penny of rewards.

"I, Mr. Qin, please respect yourself!" Sikong Xuanmei was caught in her arms and immediately struggled, but with Qin Feng's strength, how could she escape?
"Besides, I never thought that you would come to me later, so I lived alone in a room? It's just that I like to live alone!" Sikong Xuanmei continued to struggle, counting, this is the second time in Qin Feng in your arms.

The first time was when she fell, Qin Feng hugged her.

The second time, it was Qin Feng who took the initiative.

"Really?" Qin Feng looked at her delicate little face, and reached out to help her tie the strands of hair behind her ears.

"Of course it's true, I didn't think about that." Sikong Xuanmei's eyes dodged for a moment, and he looked around, "Please let me go, otherwise, it's really not good to be seen by Zhien and Zhizhi .”

"What's wrong! If I help you so much, you can't give me something in return?" Qin Feng smiled and continued to stare at her beautiful face.

"Repay you and me." Sikong Xuanmei was speechless. She mentioned this matter last time, saying that Qin Feng helped her so much, how should she repay her, but the last time Qin Feng said it was okay, it was cooperation anyway.

At that time, Sikong Xuanmei meant that she wanted to marry Qin Feng.

It wasn't that Sikong Xuanmei was so anxious to get married at that time.

Instead, she wanted to marry Qin Feng to win more benefits from Korea.

They are her people after all.

In addition, she also has a high opinion of Qin Feng.

"Huh? Aren't you going to repay me?" Qin Feng held her slender waist slightly, and stretched out his hand to grab her long legs.

Sure enough, it is Korea's biggest long leg.

Not just looking good.

The skin is also very smooth.

Just like tofu.

"Then please do what you want."

"Okay, let me kiss you, okay?" Seeing this, Qin Feng raised his mouth.

"Well, I can do it." Sikong Xuanmei saw this, looked at the handsome man in front of her, closed her eyes slightly, and didn't try to struggle.

But Sikong Xuanmei waited for a long time.

It seems that Qin Feng didn't move at all.

Sikong Xuanmei opened her eyes, only to see Qin Feng looking at her with a smiling face.

"Why don't you kiss?"

"I'm hungry, let's talk about it after supper later." Qin Feng giggled, this Sikong Xuanmei is too much fun, right?
That's it?

Then conquered?
Qin Feng wanted to try if Sikong Xuanmei was conquered by him, but he didn't expect that he would be completely successful after trying it. ,
It seems that my charm value is indeed against the sky, and coupled with such a sky-defying strength, it is completely the existence of "the princes are afraid when they are angry, and the world is extinguished when they live in peace" in the whole world.

So to conquer any beauty.

Make any beauty fall in love with you.

It's really easy.

It seems the mission is getting closer.

When all the top ten groups come to beg for mercy and take the initiative to surrender, this trip to Korea will be over.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he propped her up and said with a smile: "Go and help serve the dishes."

"I'm the empress, I'm not here to serve you food!" Sikong Xuanmei pouted slightly, protesting, how could she play tricks like this?You obviously want to kiss yourself, but then you don't?
It's not that Sikong Xuanmei is in a hurry to send out her first kiss.

But this Qin Feng is too hateful, right?
"Then if you are my wife? Can you serve food for your husband?" Since Qin Feng knew what she was thinking, from now on, she was also his own.

Qin Feng likes her.

But she liked Qin Feng even more in her heart.

Two people are done.

The charm value is against the sky, coupled with the strength against the sky, it doesn't take too long to conquer.

Stop talking about it.

The number one beauty in the Dragon Empire?How is Nangong Chuxue?It's still a lily, but in the follow-up, Qin Feng actually knows that she has a crush on him, but this woman is very strong, so she won't say it at all.Or it might be difficult to speak because Nangong Mingyue is inside.

"Who said I want to be your wife?" Sikong Xuanmei was extremely nervous at Qin Feng's words, "I heard that Mr. Qin has several girlfriends in China, so I don't."

"Then you closed your eyes just now? Why? Waiting for someone to kiss you?" Qin Feng smiled brightly, and secretly said: "As expected, women are always duplicity. They obviously approve of me, and they are still pretending to be indifferent."

"Don't you want me to repay you? I don't have anything else to repay, so I will let you do whatever you want!" Sikong Xuanmei made an excuse, but it was very appropriate.

"So it's like this?" Qin Feng wanted to say something, but looked at Invincible under her uniform, and asked, "How old are you?"

"I..." Sikong Xuanmei followed Qin Feng's gaze and said with difficulty, "36, what's the matter, don't look at me."

After Sikong Xuanmei finished speaking, she even raised her collar.

"36 years old?" Qin Feng pretended to be confused.

"What the hell is 36 years old? Qin Feng, are you asking me how old I am? Or,,,,,," Sikong Xuanmei was so angry after finishing speaking, "My age is 25!"

"25? How do I feel that you are the same as those teenage children in our Dragon Empire! You are so pitifully stupid!" Qin Feng laughed, not telling lies, this Sikong Xuanmei is really blank feelings.

"." Sikong Xuanmei couldn't refute anything, rolled his eyelids, and ignored this guy, "I'm going to serve you food."

"Tch, isn't the empress not serving food?" Qin Feng joked.

"I like it, is it hindering you?" After Sikong Xuanmei finished speaking, she twisted her invincible long legs, and went to the kitchen over the invincible cliff.

And Li Zhien a few minutes ago, and Li Zhizhi.

Naturally, chattering discussions began.

"Sister Wisdom, look at Mr. Qin and Her Majesty, where do you put dog food!" Li Zhi lay on the door frame of the kitchen, and secretly looked into the living room outside.

Logically speaking, if they entered the kitchen, they would not be able to see into the living room, but if they lay on the door frame, they could see it.

And Li Zhien really saw everything in his eyes.

"Okay, Zhien, don't peek, after all, it's Her Majesty's personal business! Although we are girls, it doesn't matter! But it's always good to avoid suspicion!" Li Zhizhi was thinking about that person while cooking .

None of the three girls can stand Qin Feng's charm.

"Oops! The empress turned around!" Seeing the empress approaching, Li Zhi retracted his head and started cooking.

"Both of you saw it secretly?" Sikong Xuanmei walked over and said slightly.

"Ah? No!"

"Not really!"

The two said in unison. ,
"If you see it, you will see it! Wisdom, Zhien, the matter between me and Mr. Qin, you can't talk nonsense! After all, I am also the queen! And in the future, he will be my man! You must treat him as the emperor's son-in-law! Be loyal to him, Just be loyal to me, the Queen of Korea!" Although Sikong Xuanmei fell in love, she was not stupid, and she could tell that the other party had already recognized her.

Two people are tacit understanding.

"Ah? Your man!"




Simply invincible.

The queen has known each other for a few days, and it is her man.

As far as Li Zhien is concerned, she is a female artist in the first place, and there is nothing wrong with liking a good man. It is not a shame to fall in love with her within a few hours.

But the other party is the queen.

I really can't figure it out.

The supper was arranged.

While Qin Feng was eating supper, several beautiful women also took good care of Qin Feng and picked up vegetables one after another.

Qin Feng enjoyed a treatment that he couldn't enjoy at Nangong's house.

When eating at Nangong's house, basically the two Yun Ji and Ying Ji would sit next to her and annoy her.

But here it is different.

Totally obedient three.

After supper, everyone was watching TV in the living room, Qin Feng was sitting on the sofa, only Sikong Xuanmei would be sitting next to him, and the other two girls were kneeling on the carpet.

One is sitting on a small stool.

It feels like two people are the mistress and the master.

And both of them look like servants.

Anyway, I dare not sit higher than Qin Feng and Sikong Xuanmei.

But at this moment, Sikong Xuanmei received a piece of news, and suddenly became distraught.
[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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