Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 192 Armory!Directly allocate weapons!

Chapter 192 Armory!Directly allocate weapons!

"Of course it will be allowed!" Qin Feng chuckled, the queens here are all here, although they have no rights, but this is like the emperor's edict in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it is reasonable and legal.

The empress asked Qin Feng to come over with a weapon?This makes perfect sense.

"Anyway, you just listen to my work!" Qin Feng paused, "I will immediately fax a copy of my fingerprints and signature, and you can open the arsenal!"

Qin Feng knew.

own arsenal.

It's not something Su Bingqing can mobilize.

There are guards over there.

Only when Qin Feng goes there in person, or verifies fingerprints and signatures, can the weapons be released.

After all, those are some heavy big guys.

Of course, those who manage those heavy-duty big guys basically have Qin Feng's robots.

That is, the simulated administrators that the robots pretend to be.

Robots are naturally loyal and very suitable for these important positions.

Qin Feng's arsenal, of course, must ensure foolproof security.

"Mr. Qin, it's such a big deal for you." Su Bingqing really wanted to know what Qin Feng was going to do, but since the other party didn't say anything, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Then I'll go to work!" Su Bingqing still nodded.

And immediately he was holding the phone.

While going to the bedroom to change clothes.

She was a little sleepy.

In order to do things for Qin Feng, he lost all sleepiness.

"Well, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner when I come back. Where do you want to go?" Qin Feng was also moved for a while, and he had to trouble her again at night.Naturally, I want to invite her to dinner to make up for it.

"Really? Qin Dong, are you treating me?" Su Bingqing felt like a chicken blood when she heard this. She silently decided not to go to bed today. The emergency work that came out was handled well.

"I can't lie to you, I'll ask you where you like, and we'll go." Qin Feng paused, and then said, "Just the two of us."

Of course, Qin Feng thinks, when he goes back.

There should be a showdown.

is to add her.

Or tell her not to be so obsessed.

Qin Feng always has to say something to others.

It's not a problem to hang people all the time.

Qin Feng didn't think about this matter.

How to choose.

But 80.00% of my heart wants to choose the former.

After all, Qin Feng was really touched by her efforts.

"Two people going?" Su Bingqing shyly said, "No problem, I will choose the location, and I will wait for Mr. Qin to come!"

"Oh? Then you have to give me a warm welcome~!" Qin Feng smiled, this girl is really fun.

"That's definitely welcome."

"It's not a welcome, it's a warm welcome! Welcome!" Qin Feng joked again.

"Well, enthusiastic, enthusiastic." Su Bingqing also felt strange, "Mr. Qin, why do you keep saying this idiom today?"

Su Bingqing also began to feel something was wrong.

Is it.
Su Bingqing didn't think about it.

I feel ashamed.

Stinky Qin Dong.

Drive again.

"It's nothing special. I know few idioms, so I use them a few more times." Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, "Okay, let's go to work quickly!"

"Well, Director Qin!" Su Bingqing hung up the phone, feeling really good.

Qin Feng comes to the company every time.

Or call her.

It can make her feel better all day.

If Qin Feng doesn't come to the company for a few days, or doesn't call her for a few days, it will make her feel depressed.

After all, Qin Feng's charm value is like that, infinitely attractive, there is no way.

To know this early.

Qin Feng is not willing to add charm value at all.

It doesn't mean that Qin Feng is a good boy when he is cheap. If it weren't for his charm, would these girls like Qin Feng so easily?
But what Qin Feng thinks is that he has the skills and tricks, and he likes to slowly conquer the girls he likes.

It's not this kind of invincible charm value, just a few encounters will make girls like it.

Once or twice is ok.

But if there are too many, I always feel very irritable.

"Who are you calling?" Sikong Xuanmei saw that Qin Feng had finished the phone call, and asked Li Zhin to call over to wash his feet, and said, "It seems that what are you talking about? Mobilizing fighter jets? Battleships? They came to Korea." matter?"

Sikong Xuanmei finished speaking.

He took the basin of water that Li Zhien was holding.

Squat down slightly.

Put it at Qin Feng's feet.

"Master, can you cooperate with me? Lift your feet!" Sikong Xuanmei was also speechless, this Qin Feng was really just like the uncle, he even got someone to wash his feet, and even squatted down.

Can't you cooperate and let me change his shoes for him?

"What do you want? Help me wash my feet?" Qin Feng was a little surprised, and immediately refused, "Just let Zhien come?"

Before Qin Feng came to this place, he was at home, either Luo Xiyan helped wash his feet, or Sano.

Really never did it.

So she also thought about letting Li Zhi come.

After all, the character passes the test.

Take care of your own life from now on.

But definitely not a woman.

Qin Feng still feels good about having a favorite female artist before he got the system as a nanny.

But Qin Feng did not delay his acting career.

And help her too.

Of course, Qin Feng knew that from the moment she decided to leave the original company and follow Qin Feng, she should agree to this matter.

But he didn't ask her.

"Yes, Lord Sikong, shall I come? You." Li Zhi was also speechless. What kind of status does this Empress want to wash Qin Feng's feet?Although it is said that Qin Feng does have this qualification, is it too that?
"Then Zhien, come here!" Seeing this, Sikong Xuanmei pouted slightly, stood up, turned around and went to the bedroom, "I'm going to rest!"

"Xuanmei!" Qin Feng shouted.

"What are you doing?" Sikong Xuanmei turned around and looked at Qin Feng resentfully.He couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart, "We both agreed, the relationship between the two of us is like this, I'll wash your feet for you, why not? Still call Zhien? Really speechless."

"Didn't you ask me just now? I called to mobilize a lot of fighter jets, warships, etc., and then I came to Korea, why?" Qin Feng saw Li Zhi squatting down, and started to wash his feet.

Naturally, he waved his hand and let Li Zhi get up first.

Not going to wash her.

"By the way, I almost forgot." Sikong Xuanmei was also pissed off by Qin Feng just now. Such an important question has not been answered by Qin Feng yet.

Qin Feng looked at Li Zhi, this girl should be loyal to him, so he said: "If I say, those weapons are sent here to help you, these big guys are all here to help you! When the time comes you Propose it directly to the big tiger, let their tens of thousands of garrisons go away! You want power! If you don’t leave my stuff, it’s just helping the scene.”

"Ah?" Seeing this, Sikong Xuanmei also stared slightly. She actually knew that Qin Feng would probably do this in her heart, but now she was shocked when she heard Qin Feng say it herself.

"Qin Feng, I don't think it's necessary until this point! How about? Put this matter aside for now?" Sikong Xuanmei really didn't want to see this scene.

"It's okay, as I said before, when the time comes, it must be a show! Although they are big tigers, they can't bear the responsibility of causing the battle!" Qin Feng smiled confidently.

"This..." Sikong Xuanmei didn't say anything after hearing Qin Feng's confident tone again.

"So." Qin Feng giggled, "Be good, I was wrong just now, come and wash my feet."

"Wash your feet." Li Zhi was speechless for a moment. This dog food was sprinkled again?

"I'm not going to wash your feet." Sikong Xuanmei didn't want to lose face just now, and she didn't consider her status as a queen in front of Li Zhin, so she wanted to wash his feet, but this guy still didn't want to, now , she would not do it.

"Xuanmei, can't I be wrong? I'll wash it for you every day." Qin Feng joked with a harmless smile.

"Who washes it for you every day?" Sikong Xuanmei's heart warmed up. This was the first time she heard Qin Feng apologize to someone. Maybe only Qin Feng's woman is qualified to accept his apology.

Thinking of this, Sikong Xuanmei stopped making temper tantrums.

Still walked over.

Squatting down again, "Master, lift your feet?"

"Well, thank you wife." Qin Feng smiled.

"Smelly, you're not even married yet. Where's your wife? Don't call her that." Sikong Xuanmei pouted, pinched Qin Feng's ankle, changed her leather shoes, and took off her socks.

Then he handed it to Li Zhi who was beside him.

Li Zhien quickly found the slippers and put them aside.

"How's the water temperature?"

When Sikong Xuanmei squatted down.
Her big and small legs overlap.

Anyway, everyone who knows knows it.

This kind of beauty, especially a woman with long legs and invincible.

When squatting.

The long legs bend and overlap, which is a visual feast.

"Well, it's okay!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the water temperature.

I even enjoy the little boneless hands washing my feet.

"Don't look around!" Sikong Xuanmei suddenly raised her head and saw Qin Feng's gaze.
It actually went straight down.

Look at the mountains and ravines.

Naturally, he gave her a blank look.

But she didn't lift the collar either.

Anyway, it's all about it.

Just watch it.

"I didn't see it, it's right in front of me, why don't you let me look up at the ceiling?" Qin Feng grinned.

"Don't be so talkative, tomorrow I'll just have a high neck collar!" Sikong Xuanmei said angrily, and continued to lower her head to wash Qin Feng's feet. With a little strength, she squeezed Qin Feng's toes to show her baby. mood.

"Don't be wrong, don't be mean! Continue to lower your collar! Why do you have a high collar and a scarf?" Qin Feng was speechless, and a high collar is meaningless.

Watching the two flirt.

Li Zhien really hit like a [-]-point crit.

But the heart is still happy for the Queen.

Perhaps only Qin Feng could be worthy of Sikong Xuanmei's kindness and beauty.


After washing your feet
Sikong Xuanmei asked Li Zhin to bring over a towel and put Qin Feng's big feet
Put it on her plump long legs, and began to dry off the water stains on them.

Followed by.

He even picked up the slippers next to him and put them on for Qin Feng.

Then Wei Wei stood up.

Went to the bathroom to wash my hands.

"Qin Feng, tonight, I feel like I won't be able to sleep no matter what! Why don't you go to bed first." Sikong Xuanmei felt sleepy at such a tense moment, wishing that the time would be faster.

Waiting for tomorrow.

Waiting for the contest between Qin Feng and the big tiger.

What is the result.

But I still worry about Qin Feng in my heart.

"What can't you fall asleep? What's the big deal?" Qin Fengyun smiled lightly, "How about I tell you some bedtime stories?"

"I don't want it! I'm not a child anymore! What bedtime stories do you want to tell?" Sikong Xuanmei immediately refused, throwing a coquettish white eye.

"Yes, yes." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stepped forward and hugged Sikong Xuanmei.

That Sikong Xuanmei was startled immediately.

"What are you doing, Qin Feng, let me go."

Sikong Xuanmei became worried.

This is to be direct.
Although she recognized Qin Feng, she never thought that tonight
"Hold my neck, you are going to fall, don't blame me~" After Qin Feng said, his hands were slightly unsteady, and he threw her down, trying to scare her.

Seeing this, Sikong Xuanmei raised her slender hand and hugged Qin Feng's neck tightly.

"That's good." Qin Feng smiled and sent her into the room.

"Wow! What a man! Do you want to be hugged directly by the princess?" Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and he liked a man like Qin Feng a little bit. If he wants to be domineering, he can pamper girls.

It can be salty, sweet, beautiful, milky or wolf.

A complete treasure, hubby.

A small suite in the hotel suite, this is the bedroom chosen by Sikong Xuanmei for her rest today, not Qin Feng's big bedroom.

The princess hugged her Qin Feng and arrived here soon
"Qin Feng, what are you doing? Let go of me quickly." Although Sikong Xuanmei didn't struggle, she kept shouting.

"What are you yelling for? It's like someone is going to rape you." Qin Feng was really speechless. Since the girl recognized herself, what else did she care about?

But Qin Feng thought of Luo Xiyan back then.

The difference is that you recognize yourself.

But that thing.

I never thought about it.

As for the girls from the Sun Empire, as long as they agree, they are basically willing to take the initiative to mention that matter.

But in terms of Goryeo, the style of these girls, although not very conservative, is not so trendy either.

That matter is not a casual issue.

"Then why are you bringing him in?" Sikong Xuanmei was hugged in her arms, looking slightly at Qin Feng's sharp chin.

"Didn't I say it? You can't sleep, so I'll come to coax you to sleep?" Qin Feng said seriously, but he really coaxed her to sleep well, and there was really no other meaning.

But Sikong Xuanmei snorted: "I don't believe it, you just miss me"

Put her to sleep?

This excuse?

Sikong Xuanmei didn't believe it.

"My God!" Qin Feng was really powerless to complain.

"Okay? Since you think so, then I'm not going to be polite!" Qin Feng pretended to be fierce.

Then sat on the edge of the bed.

But he didn't let down Sakong Xuanmei who was holding him horizontally.

Instead, let her sit on his lap.

And sit face-to-face.

Think about what pose this is.

Anyway, it's weird.

Seeing this, Sikong Xuanmei was speechless
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(End of this chapter)

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