Chapter 193 Oppa~Ouba~Ouba~!

"Qin Feng, what are you doing? You put me down!" Sikong Xuanmei blushed completely at this sitting position.

It can be said that the princess hugs or something.

Totally still barely acceptable.

But this sitting posture.

as if in.
It was so embarrassing.

Sikong Xuanmei also kept pushing Qin Feng's chest.
"Put me down!"

"Put me down!"

Then he punched Qin Feng's chest with small fists.

Seeing her like this, Qin Feng was unmoved, and smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that I just want you? Now I really want it! I didn't want it at first, but you keep talking about it, and I want it!"

"Qin Feng, I was wrong. You let me down." Sikong Xuanmei saw that Qin Feng seemed to be real, not joking, and panicked all of a sudden, she hadn't made any preparations.

"Is it enough to admit your mistake?" Qin Feng snorted, "Call me husband~ Otherwise, I really won't let you off today, and I will definitely kill you! Do you know?"

"I" Sikong Xuanmei really can't pronounce this title.

"Hurry up." Qin Feng snorted, "Don't call me? That's fine." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards her shoulder strap and pulled it slightly.

"Ouba~!" The dialogue between Sikong Xuanmei and Qin Feng has always been in their language.

Now comes such a sentence so crisply.

It made Qin Feng feel stupid all of a sudden.

This voice is too numb.

It's just killing people.

With Sikong Xuanmei's numb voice, are you sure she's not playing with fire?
What does Obama mean?
It is a transliteration word, from Goryeo.

It refers to girls calling older men Ouba.

But it doesn't have to be called by older people.

For example, the woman is older than Qin Feng, but he calls Qin Feng his elder brother. Not necessarily the woman is younger than Qin Feng.

It belongs to love brother.

Ouba is an honorific in Korean titles.

It is also a term of intimacy between young men and women.

Commonly seen in Goryeo TV dramas.

Generally, men in life cannot call a man Oppa, otherwise it will easily cause resentment from the other party.

Of course, in Qin Feng's impression, Ouba seems to be called uncle, right?

Qin Feng was immediately dissatisfied, and said: "What is this called? Am I the greasy uncle?"

"Ah?" Sikong Xuanmei was puzzled immediately, and said, "This is what we Koreans call men and women, and it's a couple's address. They're all called Ouba."

"Oh? Is that so?||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノミ|Ю!" Qin Feng made this expression, slightly proud.

"Of course, this Ouba is also used to address us Korean girls and male lovers, with ambiguous and intimate meanings!" Sikong Xuanmei said shyly, and then weakly said, "You can Let me down? It's really strange that we are in such a posture."

"No! I want to listen to Chinese!" Qin Feng will not let her go so easily.

"Chinese? I don't know it!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately shook her head.

"Are you holding on like this? Isn't your waist tired?" Qin Feng leaned back slightly when he saw her, and ordered, "Hold my neck."

"I don't want it!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately refused, and continued to lean back.

"If you lean back any more, you will fall!" Qin Feng was speechless for a moment, and slightly let go of the hand that was holding her long leg.


Sikong Xuanmei is backward because of it.

Qin Feng didn't grab her long legs either. ,

Naturally, it almost fell.

She was so scared that she immediately hugged Qin Feng's neck.

The distance between the two is also closer.

"Quick, I'll teach you how to pronounce it, call it Husband." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he added their language combinations in Chinese, "Follow me, Husband, this is what we call the man's lover over there."

"I don't want to learn!" Although Sikong Xuanmei put her arms around Qin Feng's neck, she turned her head slightly to one side.

"Hmm, small shoulder strap, do you have to slide it down again?" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again and pulled it down.

"Don't do this!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately lifted the shoulder strap up again.

"Then you are not obedient?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly.

"Husband~" Sikong Xuanmei said crisply, "Is it okay now?"

"My wife is good!" Qin Feng smiled knowingly and comforted, "Honey, sleep well, I will take care of things, don't worry, the affairs of the Sikong royal family will be my affairs from now on, you just need to sleep peacefully, and don't worry about the rest .”

"Qin Feng." Sikong Xuanmei looked at Qin Feng's confident look, and also saw that he really had herself in his eyes, and said in embarrassment; "Ouba, thank you, Ouba."

"Yeah, Ouba, Ouba." Qin Feng was speechless for a while, looking at her delicate face that was close at hand.

And this strange face-to-face embrace.

Naturally, it is a bit interesting.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Qin Feng asked.

"Of course, isn't it? It's so strange for you to ask?" Sikong Xuanmei replied without thinking.

"Then let me teach you?" Qin Feng's mouth raised a little.

But unexpectedly, Sikong Xuanmei nodded and immediately closed her eyes.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng was surprised.Maybe it was because he said he wanted to kiss her just now, but he didn't, and now she didn't refuse.

But Qin Feng thinks.

Play her words again.

Is it a bit too much.

Wei Wei leaned over.

Sikong Xuanmei immediately felt some breath coming from Qin Feng's mouth, and rushed toward her face.


Sikong Xuanmei's heart was pounding at this moment.

Take it easy.

Those lips are getting closer.

Sikong Xuanmei immediately felt his warm lips.

Qin Feng is naturally a veteran.

And Sikong Xuanmei didn't understand anything.

Naturally very dull.

But under the guidance of Qin Feng.

Sikong Xuanmei is also a quick learner.

The two of them savored for about ten minutes.

But there are also lulls.

That's it.

When it's over.

All I could see was Sikong Xuanmei exhaling continuously.

very tired.

Not tired either.

It's tense.

This is hypoxic.

And he tidied up the messed up clothes in a panic.

"How do you feel?" Qin Feng was not afraid of being shy, so he actually asked this question.

"Don't say it." Sikong Xuanmei didn't cast big eyes like the girls in China, but slightly hugged Qin Feng's thick back.

She continued to sit on Qin Feng's lap, looked affectionately at each other, and then leaned against Qin Feng's chest.

"Well, I won't say it." Qin Feng also put his arms around her back.

But Qin Feng knows.

Go on like this.

I really can't stand it anymore.

So let her down.

She was placed on the Simmons and lay flat.

"Go to sleep, I'm by the side, I'll go out after you rest." Qin Feng said softly, and kissed her on the forehead.

Then he took off the silver high heels for her.

"Ouba~ You can go to rest too, I promise you, I won't worry about those things anymore, I will take a good rest!" Sikong Xuanmei can naturally see that Qin Feng is also sleepy, but because he can't sleep, Qin Feng The wind is with me.

"Then you should have a good rest. I saw you fell asleep, so I went out naturally." Qin Feng sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking her smooth face, "You are so beautiful, I have you, I really love you." happiness."

"Ouba~! Me too." Sikong Xuanmei said, got up and returned a kiss, kissing Qin Feng's forehead.

keep falling.

Close your eyes.

Started to sleep.

Sikong Xuanmei looked beautiful with her eyes closed, Qin Feng turned off the desk lamp and looked at her quietly.

I don't know if this girl is pretending to sleep, or really fell asleep, anyway, she gradually calmed down.

For about half an hour, Qin Feng saw that she hadn't moved any more.

Only then did he leave the room.

But when Qin Feng walked to the door, with his strong perception, he naturally felt the sleeping Sikong Xuanmei move.

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(End of this chapter)

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