Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 195 Qin Feng makes a move!Go straight to the garrison!

Chapter 195 Qin Feng makes a move!Go straight to the garrison!
"Get up, brush your teeth and wash your face!"

Qin Feng stretched himself.

Stand up.

Looked out the window.

It was a sunny morning.

I put my feet into the slippers and looked at the closet. There was a set of clothes neatly stacked.

"Could it be that Li Zhi helped put it away?"

"Xuanmei, if no one disturbs her, she will sleep until eight o'clock and wake up naturally? After all, the sleeping pills without side effects are very practical!"

"Li Zhien, this girl, tell her to sleep well, don't wake up earlier than me!"

Qin Feng walked towards the closet slightly.

Get dressed.

Then he came out of the bedroom.

"Where is Zhien?" Qin Feng looked at Li Zhizhi sitting on the sofa, and then called out.

"Mr. Qin, Zhien, is she still sleeping?" Seeing that it was Qin Feng who woke up, Li Zhihui immediately stood up from the sofa and said respectfully.

"How about, Mr. Qin, if you need her to serve you? I'll just call her?" Li Zhihui complained slightly, "It's true for Zhien. You're all up, and she's still sleeping in."

"No, I told her not to get up before me!" Qin Feng looked in the direction of the bathroom, "Wisdom, help me prepare the cleaning supplies!"

"Oh~~~" Li Zhizhi agreed, wanting to go to the bathroom immediately.

But on the other side of Li Zhi's bedroom, the door opened.

"Mr. Qin, good morning, I'm up." Li Zhi smiled sweetly, "How about? I'll go and prepare it for you?"

Anyway, Li Zhi was very obedient, and Qin Feng told her not to get up earlier than him.

She pinpointed the time.

When Qin Feng got up, she came out.

In fact, she got up after six o'clock.

It never came out.

"You, you!" Qin Feng looked at Li Zhi's small appearance, not knowing that she was not sleeping well, Qin Feng walked over slightly, looked at this Korean female artist whom he liked very much before, and said softly: "Call you Go catch up on sleep, you will definitely not be able to fall asleep, no matter how you say it every day, you must maintain about 7 to 8 hours of sleep."

"Well, Mr. Qin, I know that En knows it's wrong." Li Zhi'en's heart almost melted, such a young master, such a Mr. Qin, is a life-threatening, caring too much for her.

I wish I could be with such a man.

But Li Zhi could see it.

The other party just thinks that he has a good personality.

Just stay by your side and take care of life.

But Li Zhien is also very content, if he can stay by Qin Feng's side, it will be very good.

"Go, go to the bathroom and prepare some cleaning supplies! I'll take a shower." Qin Feng paused and arranged: "You come in later."

"Ah? I..." Li Zhi lowered her head all of a sudden, feeling extremely shy.

What is Mr. Qin doing?

mandarin duck.

What kind of bath is that?

No, no, what are you thinking.

Mr. Qin is not such a person.

"This girl." Qin Feng smiled secretly, he wasn't that unbearable, but when he was at home, he basically took a shower and had Sano or Luo Xiyan to help him, so he didn't do anything.

There is a girl who takes good care of her.

But for Luo Xiyan, Qin Feng is basically two people together.

As for Sano, after all, he hasn't reached that point yet.

So every time Qin Feng wears big underpants.

Sano will then help with the massage.

Qin Feng just lying in the bathtub
Soon, Li Zhien went to work
Li Zhizhi went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After breakfast, Qin Feng went into the bathroom, still wearing a pair of big underpants, and lay down in the warm bath water.

"Come here, why are you staring blankly?"

"I'm dressed."

Qin Feng saw that Li Zhi was afraid to come in, and he was also very speechless.

"Oh" Li Zhi replied, and boldly glanced there, and sure enough
is covered.

Only then did she relax a lot and walked over.

Turn on the faucet on the bathtub and wash Qin Feng's hair first.

Qin Feng just casually leaned in the bathtub, closed his eyes slightly, and didn't have any other thoughts in his mind. After all, he had seen too many beauties, so he became immune. All he thought about was today's affairs with the big tiger.


After shampooing.

Li Zhi picked up the bath towel and helped Qin Feng take a bath.

All the way down.

Anyway, Li Zhi'en was basically blushing.

Half an hour later
Only then did the two come out.

Anyway, Li Zhien in the living room showed a strange look at the two of them.

After all, she didn't know what the two of them were doing inside.

But it didn't seem to hear any big noise.

Is it because Li Zhi is shy and suppresses her voice?

Anyway, Li Zhihui was already unconstrained, thinking wildly.

Dry your hair.

Change into clothes.

Qin Feng asked Li Zhin and Li Zhihui to watch TV in the living room, and Qin Feng walked to Sikong Xuanmei's bedroom.

There was a squeak.

Qin Feng opened the curtains in Sikong Xuanmei's bedroom. After all, it's good for your health to have more exposure to the sun in the morning.

When Qin Feng was at home, Luo Xiyan and him would open the curtains if anyone got up first.

This hotel has dozens of floors, and it is equipped with one-way glass, so don't worry, people outside will take a look at Sikong Xuanmei, the Sleeping Beauty.

The morning sun shone slightly on Sikong Xuanmei's pretty face, but the girl slept soundly and barely woke up.

Qin Feng just opened the window on the balcony, smoked a cigarette, and quietly waited for Sikong Xuanmei to wake up.

In order not to disturb Sikong Xuanmei's sleep.

Qin Feng contacts the people who need to be contacted through text messages.

"Bingqing, are you there?" Qin Feng sent a WeChat message.

Soon the other party sent a voice note.

"Don't send the voice note, just type, I don't want to listen here." Qin Feng didn't click on the voice note.

"Mr. Qin, did you get up so early? You want to ask about those weapons?" Su Bingqing sent a message.

"Well, it's almost there, isn't it?" Qin Feng asked while typing.

"In the first half an hour or so, I received news that I have successfully reached the coast of Koryo! But I have not entered their waters, just wait for your actions!" Su Bingqing sent a message.

"Very good! Now I just wait for my baby to wake up!" Qin Feng knows that Sikong Xuanmei plays an important role today, and everything needs her to be the starting point or fuse of this matter. Or the cause.

"Your baby?" Su Bingqing was puzzled immediately, and asked.

"Cough cough cough, I have an extra girlfriend." Qin Feng said a little embarrassedly. After all, he is really not a peerless person. It's just that the mission is like this. There is nothing to do, except that Nangong Mingyue is blocking bullets for himself. Qin Feng can't be sorry for her, the other three women are all due to missions.

"Then congratulations to Mr. Qin, you baby, who is it?" Although Su Bingqing said congratulatoryly, she couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart, seeing that her beloved man had a woman again, and this woman was not her. , Naturally sour.

Su Bingqing really wants to say something, since you have so many girlfriends, one more is not too much, right?

"That Sikong Xuanmei, you should know him. Although we didn't have a showdown or a profound confession, we are already together. But we haven't reached that point yet." Qin Feng really likes to chat with Su Bingqing about his girlfriends As for the matter, I found that chatting with her is very enjoyable. She is a few years older than me, and she feels like a caring big sister.Anyway, the other party followed him very well.They don't make petty tempers or make witty remarks, but they are very harmonious.

"So it's Empress Sikong?" Su Bingqing finally came to his senses, no wonder Qin Feng wanted to take those big guys' weapons to Korea, so he went to support Empress Sikong?


such a man.

It's really a bit of an ancient red face.

If one day, Qin Feng can do this for himself, even if he spends ten lifetimes as a pig and a dog, Su Bingqing is willing.

"Well, she's pretty good. As a queen, she's not aloof at all, but like your temperament, gentle and intellectual!" Qin Feng paused, "However, it seems that the position of empress is too aloof. No, it must be close to the people."

"Well, isn't that right? This is not the queen in fantasy novels, but the head of the people in the world. You must have a character close to the people." Su Bingqing paused, "She is very beautiful, and she is also suitable for you. That"

Su Bingqing wanted to raise some topics.

But I couldn't open my mouth anyway.

How do I match myself?

Just honestly help Qin Feng manage the company well.


Sikong Xuanmei, who was sleeping over there, turned over slightly, and hugged the pillow
The long legs under the pajamas.

Instead, it came out of the quilt.

It is indeed the longest leg in Korea.

This scene is really unbearable.

"Well, Bingqing, I won't talk to you now. Remember what I told you. When I come back, I will treat you to dinner." Qin Feng closed the chat dialog box with Su Bingqing, clicked in again, and added, "Don't be too tired, the body is the best capital."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng put the mobile phone on the glass table on the balcony.

"Qin Qinfeng" Sikong Xuanmei also slept soundly. ,
After all that drug goes down.

Totally deep sleep.

So about six or seven hours of deep sleep.

In fact, the human body can basically replenish a lot of energy.

Those who suffer from insomnia, don't look at him sleeping for a long time, in fact, the quality of sleep is not good at all.

"Xuanmei, are you up?" Qin Feng stood up and walked slightly towards Sikong Xuanmei.

Soon, Qin Feng sat on the edge of the bed.

"The hair is so messy from sleeping. Come on, let me comb it for you." Qin Feng said, not forgetting to joke, "By the way, are you full of sleep? Don't you want to continue to sleep?"

"Of course I'm full of sleep! You're in good spirits!" Sikong Xuanmei propped herself up, and the dumpling popped out of the quilt immediately, "I don't know why, but after I woke up today, I felt very refreshed, as if I had slept for a long time It's been a long time, and I haven't woken up at night! By the way, what time is it?"

"07:30 only!" Qin Feng replied.

"Huh? It's only 07:30?" Sikong Xuanmei thought it was at least nine o'clock, right?

The quality of my sleep this time was really good.

"Since I'm full of sleep, I'll get up soon!" Qin Feng didn't care too much, and hugged the girl up.

Qin Feng is very powerful.

Even if she doesn't hug Qin Feng's neck.

Qin Feng can also hug her horizontally.

But Sikong Xuanmei knew that if she didn't hug him, it would be very heavy to hold him like this, so she immediately put her arms around Qin Feng's neck.

A feeling called happiness arises spontaneously in my heart.

"Ouba~ It's good to have you." Sikong Xuanmei was quickly placed in front of the dressing table by Qin Feng, and she yelled numbly, she was so happy.

Crack cack.

Qin Feng dragged another chair in the bedroom, and the friction between the chair and the floor was rattling.

Immediately, Qin Feng sat on the chair.

It's almost behind Sagong Xuanmei.

"Sit down, I'll comb your hair for a while, take a shower later, and I'll take you to the royal meeting hall!" Qin Feng picked up the comb and helped her comb her hair slightly.

"En." Sikong Xuanmei knew why she was going to the royal conference hall.

That's today's thing, and it's time to start taking action.

Sikong Xuanmei's hair is done.

Through the mirror, she looked at the face of the handsome boy combing her hair behind her, and she couldn't help smiling.

Turn around.

Just kissed him on the lips.

It was so superficial.

But Qin Feng is not willing to let her go.

Holding her slender waist and supporting her head, people began to respond enthusiastically.

do not know why.

The better the other person is, the more beautiful they are.

Just kissing feels good.

To put it bluntly, beauty and ugliness are both the same mouth?

What's the difference?

But the other party is beautiful, but it feels different.

It was wonderful.

The two tasted it for seven or eight minutes.

Sikong Xuanmei's hair was messed up again.

After parting.

Qin Feng combed him again.

After tidying up her pajamas, Sikong Xuanmei followed Qin Feng out of the living room
Breakfast, shower, finished in about an hour.

Now Qin Feng has gone downstairs with Sikong Xuanmei
The target is the royal ceremony hall.

Here, it is basically a very important place in Goryeo.

Next door is the head of the big tiger garrison here.

In the Audi car, the driver is Li Zhihui, and the co-pilot is Li Zhien. Qin Feng put his arms around the nervous Sikong Xuanmei, and comforted her along the way, not to be too nervous.

"Xuanmei, according to my words later, give the head of the big tiger garrison and tell them to get out!" Qin Feng grinned, "It doesn't matter whether they agree or not, anyway, as Korea's Orthodox, you have already stated your attitude, and leave the rest to me."

"Well, I know what to do." Sikong Xuanmei leaned on Qin Feng's shoulder, slightly adjusted the position of her little head, and attached her ear canal, "Ouba, thank you."

Sikong Xuanmei's movements were very close.

Basically look. ,
It's like biting Qin Feng's ear.

"It's so itchy." Qin Feng gave her a white look, "Don't be early in the morning, just play with fire like this, okay? Me."

Qin Feng didn't go on.

slapped her cliff.

Anyway, so again.

Qin Feng called Li Zhihui and drove back to the hotel first.

Then do what needs to be done.

Let's talk about other things.

"Slightly slightly." Sikong Xuanmei stuck out her tongue mischievously, and buried her head in Qin Feng's chest.

Ten minutes later.

The place is finally here.

From Qin Feng's eyes, this is a building with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

There is an empty dam.

There are seven or eight storey buildings around.

On the square of Nakongba, there is a flag of Taiji Bagua erected high.

But that's not the only flag.

There is also a red and white checkered flag next to it, which is the big tiger flag.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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