Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 196 Deterrence!Just drive the big guy in for me!

Chapter 196 Deterrence!Just drive the big guy in for me!

"Get out of the car!" Qin Feng said.

Li Zhi'en and Li Zhihui got down first, and opened the doors for Qin Feng and Sikong Xuanmei from both sides.

Today's Sikong Xuanmei brought many royal guards of her own.

There are probably dozens of them.

Of course.

As a queen, she naturally has some royal guards.

But they are all like some bodyguards.

It is not at all like Emperor Haogong of the Sun Empire, with tens of thousands of people.

Because she was already empty.

Natural rights are not great.

"My lord, Empress Sikong!"

"I have seen Her Majesty Empress Sikong!"

Those guarding the meeting room building are some western soldiers from the big tiger's side.

They naturally greeted Sikong Xuanmei very politely.

But the disdain in his heart was all over his face.

In comparison, they respect the top ten groups more, and they don't take this queen seriously.

Besides, their commander-in-chief is the highest decision-maker in terms of force in this place.

Therefore Goryeo.
They themselves have no military power.

"Master Swinburne, Sikong Xuanmei is here, the person next to him? It should be that Qin Feng, right?"

In the hall of the meeting room.

There are many people sitting here at the moment.

Swinburne is the chief, the leader of the garrison sent by the big tiger.

They are all people with western faces.

"Is it finally here?" Swinburne smiled slightly. He naturally knew what Sikong Xuanmei was here for. He must have asked them to withdraw from Korea and not to be stationed here.

"Lord Swinburne, it's not a small thing to say, this Qin Feng dares to come to the place where we are stationed, why don't we?"

The people below didn't say anything.

Swinburne shook his head and said, "What are you thinking? This Qin Feng is not so easy to catch. This kid has a lot of tricks, don't fail to catch the fox, and make a fuss!"

Swinburne said, and continued: "Sikong Xuanmei wants to let us withdraw from the station, but Peter the Great said it, just refuse it! The newly sent ace naval warfare department, and the empty battalion 101! It's already on the coast !"


Outside the hall of the meeting room, there was a sound of high heels.

The sound of the high heels was the sound of Sikong Xianmei's silver high heels.

Many western men in the corridor kept looking at Sikong Xuanmei.

Although, in terms of aesthetics, Westerners prefer tall, hot, plump girls.

But I have to say that Sikong Xuanmei is also tall, but not fat.

It's the beauty of a perfect Asian woman with a protruding front and back.

For such a woman, Western men also have a strong possessive desire.

"Why is Empress Sikong still holding a man's hand? Who is this man?"

"Who knows? It doesn't look like the young owner of Samsung, the head of the top ten groups!"

This is an ordinary soldier.

How did you know about Qin Feng?
I don't even know what big things are going to be discovered today.

They are actually pretty good in Korea.

high status.

It is basically easy to pick up Korean girls.

The thing about being stationed here is actually pretty good.

But after today, any soldiers of the Western Tigers here will no longer stay.

"Mr Swinburne, hello!"

Stepping on those silver high-heeled shoes, Sikong Xuanmei walked gracefully to the door of the conference room and said hello.

"Oh? Empress Sikong? Hello!" Swinburne still politely stood up and said hello, and looked at Sikong Xuanmei in a waist-tight uniform and silver high-heeled shoes.

It was hot inside.

This woman is indeed the number one beauty in Korea.

She has been stationed here in Korea for seven or eight years.

Every day I look at the faces of Asian beauties, subconsciously, I basically like Asian beauties in my heart, but I don’t like the hot and plump Western beauties.

It almost means that the aesthetics have changed.

Therefore, he also likes a peerless stunner like Sikong Xuanmei very much.

But if you like it, you don't get it when you want it.

No matter what Sikong Xuanmei said, she is also a queen.

"Empress Sikong, please sit down! Come to our garrison headquarters today, what's the matter?" Swinburne asked hypocritically after seeing Sikong Xuanmei and Qin Feng seated.

"There is a big matter today, and I want to talk to Mr. Swinburne!" Sikong Xuanmei coughed, sat upright, and said boldly: "As the Queen of Korea, I decide... Your right to stay here shall be Cancel, within three days, your tens of thousands of people must withdraw from our Koryo!"

As soon as Sikong Xuanmei said the words.

A lot of people in the meeting room.

They all started talking about it.

After all, these subordinates don't know too much inside information.

"Empress Sikong? What is she talking about? Is she crazy?"

"I thought she was here today for what? So that's what she brought up?"

"They Korea, if it weren't for our help, would they be where they are today? Let us go now?"

"Hehe, okay, let's go, but will the top ten groups agree?"

"And many high-level officials in Korea, will they agree?"

"Yes, we are stationed here, which can save them most of the military expenses, and we can use this money to vigorously develop the economy!"

"There are as many as 170 empires in the whole world where we are stationed!"

"A lot of small empires wish we could be stationed here and spend money to develop the economy!"

"I really don't understand, what is this woman thinking, to propose?"

Of course.

Some people may not believe it.

It is said that the big tiger has people stationed in more than 170 empires.

If you don't know something, don't think it is fake, look up more information.

In gain about: 6 people.

In Italy is about: 1 people.

In Great Britain about: 1 people.

Etc., etc
It has to be said that the big tiger is really rich.

So why, in these places, do you agree to the big tigers stationed?

There are roughly three situations.

One is a small place like Djibouti with few people, no resources and an important geographical location.

Unable to take advantage of their favorable geographical advantages, they simply give their land to the big tigers in exchange for rent, which stimulates local employment and industries.

The second is that some people do not want the big tigers to stay in the country, but the big tigers just refuse to leave.

The third is that some armed forces are weak, and the relationship with neighboring countries is not good
The big tiger needs to provide an umbrella.

Most of these three reasons exist at the same time.

Or at least two.

As for Korea, it is to save the military expenditure and develop the economy.

Moreover, in the early days, Koryo could not compete with North Korea, so it naturally needed the protection of a big tiger.

Now some people don't envy some empires, the gdp is high, right?
In a small place like Korea, to be honest, if the big tigers help out casually, the economy will basically improve.

As for the dragon people, their own place has the final say.

Develop yourself slowly.

No camping is accepted.

This is toughness.

"My lord Empress Sikong, you are so humorous. You made such a big joke just after we met!" Swinburne laughed, and said these nonsense hypocritically.

"Mr. Swinburne, I don't think I'm joking with you. I'm telling the truth!" Sikong Xuanmei's expression was very serious. She had buried this sentence in her heart for many years, and now she finally said it. According to Qin Feng, it is estimated that she will not be able to do this in her whole life.

The power of the top ten groups.

Will it end today.

Sikong Xuanmei was not [-]% sure.

But she still believed in Qin Feng.

"Oh? Empress Sikong, are you sure you're not joking?" Swinburne chuckled.

"I'm sure, Mr. Swinburne, please stop questioning this question!" Sikong Xuanmei smiled coldly, "Everyone understands people, so don't talk too much around the corner.!"

"Very good!" Swinburne smiled faintly, "Then, Empress Sikong, do you know that if this matter fails, then your position as empress will probably be lost, right?"

Swinburne's words naturally frightened her.

If you can, you will be so intimidated.

That would be great.

But he also knew that the other party, Sikong Xuanmei, had Qin Feng's help, so he probably wouldn't be able to scare her.

"Let's talk about the future!" Sikong Xuanmei continued, "Today I also brought it up to Mr. Swinburne. In three days, I would like to ask you to leave our place, if not."

"If not, so what?" Swinburne's expression changed slightly, and his tone became a little colder.

Swinburne's words had just escaped his lips.

Qin Feng, who had been sitting next to Sikong Xuanmei, stood up and said violently: "If you don't quit, then you can figure it out! The Nangong family and I will help the neighbors!"

"Xuanmei, let's go, the words have been brought!" Qin Feng said, and took Sikong Xuanmei's slippery little hand, "This is the application document, and it can be regarded as an official notice to you! And this document will be announced to the public. All over the world!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he dragged the somewhat dull Sikong Xuanmei out of the conference room.


Sikong Sunmi is good at everything.

Just take care of things.

It just feels too shivering.

A few simple words can explain clearly.

Just want a lot of words.

But Qin Feng knew that, as a queen, she must have her procedures.

"Uh..." Sikong Xuanmei was held by Qin Feng's hand dully, and she was also speechless in her heart. After talking for a long time, how could it be better for Qin Feng to say a strong word, and the matter is over?

Sikong Xuanmei thought that she should talk for more than ten minutes, right?
"Damn it! What are you dragging?" Swinburne looked at Qin Feng's back, and Sikong Xuanmei who was being pulled by Qin Feng affectionately.
I really feel bad.

Such a beauty is probably already under Qin Feng's control, right?

"Do you think we big tigers are afraid of you?"

"Now we have anti-radar technology of over 100 years in our hands! It is the same as your anti-radar technology! And we also have water and oil!"

Of course.

Why did he say that there are over 100 years of anti-radar technology?
Because the anti-radar technology that Qin Feng and Mr. Nangong showed to the world is 100 years old.

Although Qin Feng has more than 500 years of anti-radar technology in his hands, he has not shown it. Instead, he sold anti-radar fighter jets to those surrounding Asian places, all of which are more than 100 years old or less.

That's why the other party thinks that they have the same anti-radar technology as Qin Feng.

Swinburne went on to complain:
"As for the high-tech pistols produced by Qin Feng, they are indeed world-leading in some respects! But in this era, are guns still the world? Not anymore! The current force value."

Swinburne chuckled, "The current force value. Isn't that what nuclear weapons have the final say on?"

"It's ridiculous. After a little invention and pioneering work, you start to be complacent?"

"At first, we backed down on the Koryo matter, but it was because of the water and oil matter. Qin Feng and the Nangong family are the only ones in the world. Since they are no longer the only ones, who is afraid of whom?"

Swinburne complained a few words.

Immediately, the news here was notified to Peter the Great.

In the capital of Goryeo, the big tigers stationed on the coast are also preparing their troops.

Everything is waiting for Qin Feng's arrival.

"I heard that Qin Feng, from the Great Wall Company, went down the river to the East China Sea, and got a lot of big guys over!"

"Have you found out clearly, these big guys? What are they?"

Swinburne asked.

But not too worried.

"Back to the boss, I don't know for the time being, because these big guys are all transported by some large transport ships!"

"As for the larger aircraft carriers, they are disguised as ordinary aircraft carriers!"

"Therefore, we don't even know what level of big guys the other party drove here!"

The subordinates were talking.

Na Swinburne also nodded, and said: "It's okay, it's so mysterious, I guess it's just pretending to be powerful! It's just to scare people."

"By the way, Stephen Martin? I'm afraid he has already left the Rice Empire and gone to their side?" Swinburne thought of this Stephen, and he was very disdainful. This kind of person is a traitor, a person who has no concept of family and country at all. .

"For Stephen Martin, he proposed to hand over these two things in exchange for the freedom of him and his family. The emperor naturally chose to agree. And if he repents, it will be really disadvantageous internationally! So definitely He was let go!" The subordinate replied.

"Don't let this guy appear in our territory, or I will definitely deal with him! I don't know what's so good about Qin Feng? Just follow him like this?" Swinburne said, still with a slightly appreciative tone, "But this Qin Feng Feng is also a talent, I heard that his scientific research team is very powerful, all these things developed by him are made by his scientific research team!"

Swinburne glanced at the ceiling slightly, "If our empire can get these scientific research teams, then it will definitely soar into the sky. Our supremacy in the world will last at least a thousand years."

"Lord Swinburne is right. It's a pity that such a team is in the hands of Qin Feng! It can't be used by our empire! It's a pity!"

The two chatted for a long time.

As for Qin Feng, he brought Sikong Xuanmei to the downstairs, and soon left the area and stepped on the Audi car.

Li Zhien and Li Zhihui are waiting.

Opened the car door.

Invite Qin Feng and Sikong Xuanmei to board the car.

After Qin Feng got into the car, he immediately took out the phone and said, "Linghu, give me an order to let those big guys drive directly into Korea!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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