Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 200 What is the Earth Penetrator?I go straight to the heart of the earth!

Chapter 200 What is the Earth Penetrator?I go straight to the heart of the earth!

"This is the latest research and development by Big Tiger, the B-15 stealth bomber!"

Many people from the top ten Korean groups who were watching the situation on Ziyue Island in front of them exclaimed.

It was Lee Sang Hyuk who spoke.

He is the chairman of Samsung.

Naturally, I still know some things.

On the Western Tiger side, the idea of ​​the B-15 began in 1995.

At that time, the "Advanced Planning Bureau" to which Big Tiger belonged released a project code-named "Harvey" and implemented it to the Air Warfare Department.

The XST (XST means experiment, stealth, combat) plan was derived.

In this plan, Big Tiger proposed for the first time the idea of ​​applying the ultimate stealth technology to the aircraft.Lockheed, which has rich experience in developing fighter jets, was the first to win the development contract of Big Tiger, and soon produced two full-size XST prototypes, initially proving the feasibility and effectiveness of stealth technology applied to aircraft.

The development of the B-15 has always been the top-secret weapon of the Big Tiger. Since the original Manhattan Project, no weapon system has been placed under such strict protection like the B-15.

In other words.

over the years.

The secrecy of this fighter jet is very high.

But on an occasion like today, I still took it out.

It is enough to prove that the big western tiger attaches great importance to this matter.

It’s not that a place like Goryeo,

What super value can there be.

Rather, today's opportunity is an opportunity to show the strength of both sides.

As long as the opponent is compared, the opponent will not make any big moves.

The big tiger is still the No.1 force value in the world.

As a person, many people with higher status, or people who pay attention to the situation in the world, only know that the big tiger is researching a very good fighter jet, but no one will know the specifics.

Swinburne on Ziyue Island began to order his own fighter wing to attack the ground on Ziyue Island.

Of course, this is not bombing one's own territory.

Because it is a no man's land.

used for exercises.

That is to show the other party how powerful their weapons are.

Immediately afterwards, the B-15s in the sky that day all opened the cabin at the bottom of the plane and dropped something unknown.

But it should be the bomb.

Or something else.

It can only be seen that after the bomb was dropped, it did not explode immediately, but drilled deeply into the ground.
"Mr. Qin, this is a ground penetrating bomb!" Li Qingshan also observed the situation ahead through the binoculars. As the old man of Nangong, he came from the war department, so he naturally knows a lot of professional knowledge.

"Oh? Drilling bombs?" Qin Feng didn't know much about it. Although he was covered in high-tech, it was basically little devils working on it.

But listening to the name, it is not difficult to understand.

It should be a kind of bomb drilled underground, right?

"That's right, Mr. Qin, the ground-penetrating bomb is a ground-attack bomb. It consists of a carrier and a penetrating warhead. It carries a ground-penetrating warhead (also known as a penetrating warhead). Fortify targets and underground facilities for attack."

Li Qingshan continued to explain:
"Ordinary bombs will explode as soon as they touch the ground, but the ground-penetrating bomb has its own unique trick: when it hits the ground, it will not explode immediately, but will continue to drill down until it reaches a certain depth. , so as to destroy the target deep underground. In other words, if it is an air-raid shelter, it will still hit the bottom! Therefore, the opponent’s air-raid shelter must be dug a little deeper!"

Listening to Li Qingshan's explanation, Qin Feng also understood a little bit, and asked: "This kind of ground penetrator? Is it very advanced?"

"Earth penetrating bombs are not very advanced. They have been used since around 1990! But..."

Li Qingshan paused, and then said: "The technology of the ground-piercing projectile lies in how many meters it can penetrate the ground! Ordinary ones are only tens of meters to 100 meters! The most advanced in the world is only 150 meters! Similarly It was developed by the Big Tigers! But looking at the ground penetrating bombs they threw today, although I can’t see how many meters they penetrated into the ground! But according to the calculation of time, at least not less than 300 meters to 400 meters!
You know, this ground penetrating bomb is a bomb. If it cannot withstand the pressure during the ground penetrating process, the bomb will explode.Therefore, the required technological components are very high.

The penetration depth of the ground penetrating projectile is closely related to its weight, the shape of the head, the angle and speed of hitting the target and other factors.The shell of the ground penetrating bomb is generally made of high-strength material, and the inner and outer surfaces of the shell are covered with a heat-resistant layer.In this way, when the high-speed ground penetrating projectile reaches the ground, its shell will not be cracked, and the ground penetrating projectile will rely on its own huge kinetic energy to continue drilling down along the direction of the sharp bullet. "

After all, it took so long for the penetrator to explode underground.

Li Qingshan also understands the speed of ordinary ground-penetrating bombs, so he simply calculated that it should have penetrated more than 300 meters underground.

"It really is Zeng Jin's number one force value in the world!" Qin Feng appreciated it a little.


Qin Feng contacted the little Teemo robot in China through the communication device, and asked: "The big tiger on the other side has made a move, using a ground-penetrating bomb. Do we have such technology? If so, give it to me." He came up with a stark contrast! If not, show them some other fighter jets' performance against the sky!"

Seeing this, the little devil laughed, "Master, the first batch of Dou Po Cang Qiong-1 fighter jets developed by your Great Wall Company are equipped with some drill shells. You have always been a shopkeeper, and you don't know anything. .”

"What? Drill case? This is." Qin Feng was confused, what kind of written language is this?is it possible
"Master, you have a good idea. This ground penetrating bomb is basically a product of tens of thousands of years after the development of science and technology! It is something to conquer aliens. It is called a drill case bomb, which can drill deep into the earth's crust. It is about 17 About a kilometer!" The little devil robot said plainly.

"Is it so awesome? My God." Qin Feng was speechless, and he was complacent about the 500-meter ground penetrating bomb he developed.

The current Qin Feng?
Straight into the crust?

"And is it because the technology is advanced that you can make a core bomb? Drill directly into the center of the earth?"

Seeing this, the little devil robot replied: "Theoretically, it can be developed, but it is not necessary, because no matter how advanced the technology is, human beings can only live at a place more than ten kilometers away from the earth's crust!" It is not suitable for human survival!"

"Okay, I got it! But you can drill more than ten kilometers underground?" Qin Feng asked again.

"That's not enough, it's only about 10 kilometers! That's [-] meters!" The little devil robot was embarrassed, "The little devil just thinks that it has reached the crust of the earth, and it can barely be counted as a drill shell After all, on our planet, the super-superb technology is in the hands of the people above, and in my big database, there are only some outdated weapon information!"

"That's fine! Just show them to me!" Qin Feng chuckled, these big tigers are simply idiots.

How many hundred meters?
Then compare it with tens of thousands of meters?
Let them see what the technology gap is.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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