Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 201 Black technology keeps up!Qin Feng made a move!

Chapter 201 Black technology keeps up!Qin Feng made a move!

On the other side at this moment, in the conference room of the top ten groups, they were watching the video coming from the front.

Watching the Western Tigers throwing ground penetrating bombs for exercises.

Naturally, with a smile on his face.

After all, the stronger the strength displayed by the Western Tigers, the more it means who will win today.

"This ground penetrating bomb seems to go deep into the ground. It's very deep. It's a distance of 300 meters to 500 meters, right?" A well-informed student said inconceivably, "Such a b-15 fighter jet, matched with The ground penetrating bomb, I estimate that the weight of the ground penetrating bomb itself is at least 3 pounds! That is 13650 kilograms! Otherwise, the mass is not large, so it will not go deep into the ground too much!"

"Yeah, they are indeed the big tigers of the West! Their technology is amazing!"

"The most advanced ground penetrating projectile in the world was also made by their big tiger. It is about 150 meters away!"

"It's just that he broke his own record again! He went directly to more than 300 meters!"

"It's just such a technology! If it is paired with some anti-radar technology fighter jets, it will go deep into the hinterland of an empire quietly, even if you live in an air-raid shelter, it won't work, right?"

"That's not right! Ordinary air-raid shelters are only tens of meters underground! But that's all in the past! Now the air-raid shelters are also at the level of [-] meters! But when you encounter this kind of ground-penetrating bomb? How can you defend against air?"

The top ten groups looked at the big tiger's artifact in the video complacently.

And that Swinburne is always on top, smiling slightly, very proud of the latest high technology of his empire.

He slightly picked up the parameter list of the b-15 fighter jet and looked at it.

Captain: 21.03 meters

Machine height: 5.18 meters

Wingspan: 52.43 meters

Wing sweep angle: 33 degrees

Empty weight: 45360-49900 kg
Maximum weapon load: 18144 kg
The maximum amount of fuel in the machine: 81650-90720 kg
Normal take-off weight: 152635 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 170550 kg
Approach speed: 259 km/h
Practical ceiling: 15240 kilometers
Range: (one refueling in the air) greater than 18520 kilometers
Combat range: (with 8 short-range attack missiles, 8 B83 bombs, 2 ground-penetrating bombs, weapon weight 26919 kg),

Performance characteristics: Penetrating attack missions, capable of penetrating into enemy territory to carry out various attack actions including throwing nuclear weapons.The full-wing bomber not only combines various low visibility technologies and high-efficiency aerodynamic design, but also can carry a large amount of payload, making its performance far ahead of all previous bombers.Its low visibility design allows the B-2 to fly freely at high altitudes to increase the effective range of its sensors and combat range.

Completely the most advanced fighter jet in the world.

Complete black technology.

This is the high-tech fighter jet used by the ace air combat department sent by Peter the Great.

And Qin Feng's words.

It is to say hello to Sikong Xuanmei first.

"Xuanmei, our fighter jets have to enter your Ziyue Island in Koryo! After all, to demonstrate the power of the ground penetrating bomb to the other party, it can't be used at sea, right?"

Qin Feng smiled lightly, as long as he said hello anyway.

Go into Ziyue Island by yourself.

The other party wants to do something?
Sorry about that.

Queen's land.

I said hello?
Why can't you go in?
"Well, you can decide for yourself." Sikong Xuanmei smiled lightly, but she was looking forward to it. How much stronger is Qin Feng's high-tech ground penetrating bomb than the other party's?

This mutual display of the two sides.

It's a fight without a fight.

Sikong Xuanmei bit her lip and said, "In this place from now on, what you say is what I say. You don't need to tell me."

Qin Feng looked at Sikong Xuanmei who was full of affection, and he didn't care that there were people like Li Qingshan beside him.

Slightly hugging her slender waist.

in my arms.

Put it on your lap.

Sitting on the sofa.

"Xuanmei, we will develop our Koryo County well in the future, and I will tell the old man to apply for more benefits, so that your common people can live well." Qin Feng looked Holding the beauty in his arms, he was naturally moved by being treated like this.

Of course, Qin Feng would not say that no brain is good for them.

Your own empire is number one.

But if Sikong Xuanmei said, Qin Feng would naturally protect her and treat her well.

"Thank you, Ouba, Xuanmei is so happy to meet you." Although Sikong Xuanmei was sitting on Qin Feng's lap, and there were so many people around, she was indeed a little embarrassed, but she was still generous. Fang put his arms around Qin Feng's neck.

Declare that she is Qin Feng's woman.

Of course, Qin Feng called Goryeo a prefecture, and now Sikong Xuanmei has no idea.

As long as it can end the darkness of the top ten groups.

She can accept it.

"However, Ouba, your Great Wall Arms Company's fighter jets are equipped with ground-penetrating bombs, can they beat tigers in the West?" Sikong Xuanmeigui is an empress, and she still has a good understanding of some technologies.The 300-500-meter ground-penetrating projectile on the opposite side is actually against the sky. Although she does not develop her own Koryo, if she wants to develop it, she may only be able to develop it for tens of meters. The gap is too big up.

"I still don't believe you, Ouba, do you?" Qin Feng gently attached his ear, biting the crystal-clear ear and said, "Wait a minute, take a good look, and see how I can kill Shi Xixi in a flash! And it's not an ordinary flash kill ! It’s ten times twenty times the instant kill!"

"What? Ten times instant kill? What does this mean?" Sikong Xuanmei didn't understand for a moment, but soon understood, and asked, "Ouba, you mean that the ground penetrator on the opposite side, It can reach 300 meters to 500 meters, and the ground penetrating bomb you developed can reach thousands of meters underground?"

"My baby, Xuanmei, is really smart. That's what my husband means." Qin Feng shook his legs slightly, held her little head in his chest, patted her on the back, and said, "I will meet you in the underground later." If there is a big movement, don’t be shocked. It’s better to hide in your husband’s arms.”

"Am I that timid?" Sikong Xuanmei stood up and looked up at Qin Feng's handsome face, "But even if I'm not afraid, I'm willing to hide in your arms for the rest of my life."

But Sikong Xuanmei didn't believe that the ground penetrator could go down several thousand meters. Maybe Qin Feng didn't understand technology, so he was just bragging?

"Well, then I will protect you forever." Qin Feng whispered into her ear.

Then he took her little head and hugged her chest.

"Cough cough cough" Li Qingshan was also speechless, he is a person from the war department, when did he come from the war department?Have to eat dog food?
But Li Qingshan is also very polite.

I didn't go to see them.

Know do not see evil.

Li Zhien and Li Zhihui, who were carrying fruits and pastries in the back, felt overwhelmed, and they were so affectionate.

As a result, they don't want to be Qin Feng's woman all the time, when the time comes?How happy it is.

Soon, Qin Feng asked Li Qingshan to give the order, and said: "Zhou Weiguo, you are driving the Doubreaking Cangqiong-1 fighter jet, first drive directly to Ziyue Island, find a deserted area, and try our drill Show them the ground bomb! Remember, if they dare to block or dare to do something! You come back first! We will follow immediately!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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