Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 207 The Victory Has Been Decided!The world shook!

Chapter 207 The Victory Has Been Decided!The world shook!
"Come back to the labor and management, don't be ashamed of being there! It's completely incomparable! It seems that we have been in the number one position for too long! After returning, we must all increase our efforts to develop technology!"

The emperor simply left a word.

Immediately hung up the phone.

Now for the matter of Goryeo.

Naturally, they won't make more shots.

Listen to the beeping busy tone on the phone.

Now Swinburne took a deep breath and gave an order: "Everyone evacuates immediately, and after arriving on the battleship, go home directly!"

Been here for seven or eight years.

It can be said that Swinburne also has feelings for this place.

But at the moment.

They knew they couldn't stay here any longer.

The world is so big, from now on, the pattern has changed.
That place has risen.

And Ziyue Island.

As Qin Feng fired a lot of cooling shells, the temperature on the island gradually dropped.

After the magma is extinguished.

It feels like being in winter.

Many trees above have frost on their surfaces.

Complete black technology.

Don't make any sense.

In the sky, Qin Feng's loudspeaker naturally began to speak!

"Swinburne! Although we have caused you some trouble by exploding the ground-penetrating bomb! We will compensate for all losses! But one yard counts for one yard, and you have no way to legally station on Ziyue Island. Yes! Because Empress Sikong, my future daughter-in-law, she has already said, let you go out and let us take over! Regarding this matter, I want to know Mr. Swinburne's attitude!"

Qin Feng chuckled.

Asking each other hypocritically.

"Mr. Qin! Since Her Majesty Empress Sikong doesn't need our presence, we naturally withdrew!"

"For some losses on the island! I don't think it's necessary!"

Swinburne gritted his teeth hard.

He doesn't want to be soft, but what can he do now?
And do you want other people's money?
Do you want it?
This amount of money, after compensation, is at most a billion dollars, but if you ask for more money, the people who lose it will be big.

"Thank you Mr. Swinburne for your cooperation! Then you evacuate as soon as possible, my people will land on the island after you evacuate!" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly. Already!"

"Damn it!" Swinburne's heart was bleeding when he heard Qin Feng mention this matter again.

No words were returned.

Because all that has to be said has been said.

"Qin Feng. Is the matter settled?" Sikong Xuanmei stood on the battleship, looking at the distant coast. Most of the tiger soldiers are boarding the ship at the moment, and they are leaving here forever.

"And Qin Feng, you announced to the world that you are my man?" Sikong Xuanmei heard this just now, she almost died of happiness.

"Isn't that right? Even if I don't say it, everyone in the world should know the relationship between you and me!" Qin Feng held her slender waist slightly, and the two of them leaned together, admiring the seaside where the tiger soldiers retreated. Scenes.

Qin Feng suddenly said: "But now, the matter is not over, because the top ten groups have not yet agreed to this matter."

"That's right. As for the top ten groups, they had to compromise without the help of the big tiger at first! But the big tiger helped them again! They started to jump again!" Sikong Xuanmei looked up at Qin Feng slightly, "But now they Without any backing, there is no problem."

"Well, it depends on whether they come to beg for mercy, or wait for me to deal with them!" Qin Feng put his arms around her slightly and stood on the deck, seeing that there seemed to be no one around.

Embrace this peerless stunner.

They started kissing.

It took about seven or eight minutes to sample.

The two saw someone passing by.

This stopped.

Sikong Xuanmei kept arranging her clothes.

"Xuanmei, let's go back to the hotel! It's not very good here, the sea is very windy." Qin Feng slightly hugged Sikong Xuanmei, and told the people under his banner, "Prepare a yacht for me, I'm going back! Tell Li Qingshan, Warships and fighter jets, just wait for them to leave and land on Ziyue Island! From now on, Ziyue Island will be our base here to protect my wife’s foundation!"

"Thank you Ouba!" Sikong Xuanmei smiled happily. Now that she has her husband to protect her, everything is better.

"Thank you just with your mouth? I remember Xuanmei you said that you will give me a big surprise." Qin Feng smiled wickedly and scratched her cliff.

"I know, I won't break my promise!" Sikong Xuanmei felt slightly embarrassed, thinking of what was going to happen, she was really a little shy.

The luxury yacht will be ready soon.

The two of them took a yacht.

Back to the hotel where I stayed at the beginning.

On Li Qingshan's side, seeing that the big tigers had retreated, he immediately led his warships and fighter jets to land.

Everything here was partially destroyed by magma.

Need money to take care of it.

Then build up again.

However, the highest point on Ziyue Island now has a red flag.

The hotel where the top ten groups are located is like ants on a hot pot again.

Dozens of them are all here observing the video ahead. ,
I was thinking of an invincible big tiger.

Will not be afraid of Qin Feng.

The current big tiger directly quit Ziyue Island and went back to his hometown.

"Mr. Swinburne, do you want to discuss it with the emperor again? You come forward? Discuss with Qin Feng again? We really don't want to"

Lee Sang Hyuk didn't say anything.

Swinburne, who was on the other side, roared: "We can't control this matter, you can figure it out yourself!"

Swinburne finished.

Hang up the phone directly.

"Mr. Li? How do you say it? Mr. Swinburne's attitude is ../"

The people around immediately asked about the situation.

"Mr. Swinburne can't control it anymore! Now our place is completely stationed by Qin Feng!" Li Xianghe's face was completely disheartened.

"What should we do now? We kidnapped Sikong Xuanmei's mother, which offended Qin Feng in the first place, and later turned against Big Tiger!"

"All said, Qin Feng won't let us go!"

"Once Empress Sikong's rights are taken back, our top ten groups will be suppressed crazily!"

The current top ten groups have no support at all.

Because no more miracles will happen.

"Everyone, come with me! Let's go to the hotel together and meet Empress Sikong and Mr. Qin!" Li Sang Hyuk issued an order, planning to bring the top ten groups to visit the Empress together.

But not so much paying homage to the queen.

It might as well be paying homage to the new big brother.

They don't have any choice.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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