Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 208 Three Beauties Gather!Then.....

Chapter 208 Three Beauties Gather!Then.

Qin Feng came to the hotel.

Li Zhien opened the door of the room.

Li Zhizhi also walked to the front first and picked up two pairs of shoes from the shoe rack.

The first is to squat down and change Qin Feng's shoes.

Qin Feng raised his left foot slightly, and put on his shoes.

Over there, Li Zhizhi changed his right shoe.

Followed by.

They had to change Sikong Xuanmei's shoes again.

But Qin Feng immediately said: "There is no need to change it for her, the silver high heels, I look good."

Qin Feng smiled harmlessly.


Such long legs, such shiny silver high-heeled shoes, seem to be a kind of temptation.

Why do you need to change into slippers?

High heels are better.

"Stinky Qin Feng, just torture me!" Sikong Xuan rolled his eyes at Qin Feng. He didn't like wearing high heels when he was at home, but for Qin Feng's sake, she was willing.

My man likes to watch it.

That's it.

"Hmph, you dare to call me stinky Qin Feng, right?" Qin Feng pretended to be fierce, "See if I don't scratch you to death, if you want to call me stinky, you have to stinky husband too, right?"

"Ah, stinky husband, I got it, I'm calling you a stinky husband, stop scratching me!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately backed away, and unknowingly, Qin Feng took advantage of her a lot.

"That's about the same." Qin Feng smiled slightly, put his arms around Sikong Xuanmei's slender waist, and the two came to the sofa.

Qin Feng immediately hugged Sikong Xuanmei in his arms.

sat on his lap.

Sikong Xuanmei put her arms around Qin Feng's neck and looked at her affectionately, "Do you like the way I wear high heels?"

"En." Qin Feng nodded his head heavily, "Your long legs are basically against the golden ratio, plus this waist uniform, it is very beautiful! And I prefer such silver shiny high heels."

"Got it, Ouba, from now on, I'll wear more clothes for you to see!" Sikong Xuanmei put her arms around Qin Feng's neck, leaning slightly on his chest.

Immediately, Sikong Xuanmei glanced at Li Zhien and Li Zhihui who were obediently standing behind them, "Stop watching, Qin Feng may be hungry, hurry up and make something to eat."

"Well, I got it, Her Majesty Empress Sikong!"

Li Zhien and Li Zhihui responded in unison.

The two went to the kitchen.

"Stop, Zhien, don't peek any more!" Although Sikong Xuanmei's expression was stern, her voice was gentle, and she didn't mean to punish her. Instead, she was making out with Qin Feng. This little girl, why do you keep peeping.

"Ah?. I see, Your Lady, last time I was careless." Li Zhi was so ashamed that he wanted to find a place to turn in.

The last time, it was discovered by Sikong Xuanmei.

But now, this matter was brought up in front of Qin Feng.

She was even more embarrassed.

"This girl!" Sikong Xuanmei also snorted when she watched Li Zhi hurried into the kitchen.

"What? Send them away? Do you want that formula again?" Qin Feng smiled wickedly, shook his feet, and looked at the beauty in his arms.

"No, I'm just worried that you're hungry and ask them to cook? How could I have such dirty thoughts? I thought it was you?" Sikong Xuanmei said, poking Qin Feng with her soft finger The tip of the nose and the white eyes are also thrown over.

Seeing this, Qin Feng grabbed the Qianqian finger that was on his nose, held it tightly in his hand, and said with a smile: "How can you say that about your husband? And the husband's French style? That's a dirty thing? I remember A certain person agreed? Give me a big surprise, this big surprise, can't it be some dirty thing?"
"Sikong Xuan rolled his eyes at him, pulled out the finger held by Qin Feng, and put it on Qin Feng's thin lips, "Don't say that everything will be dealt with when the time comes, and when everything is quiet, I will fulfill my promise. And it will make you well"

Sikong Xuanmei did not continue.

Qin Feng quit.

"Hurry up and let me take care of something."

Qin Feng just wanted to hear such a beautiful woman say it herself.

That's what makes it interesting.

"Shu Tan has already said it, don't say it." Sikong Xuanmei is not as conservative as Luo Xiyan, nor as open as Sano.

Totally a purist.

What a coward.

In fact, I have to say that such a person is better.

Because if you are too conservative, it will be too troublesome.

To be too open is to feel too easy.

"I'll just say it! I'll just say it!" Qin Feng smiled and teased her, "So the big surprise for me was those nasty things."

"I told you to stop talking!"

Sikong Xuanmei was also angry and ashamed.

He directly leaned his little head over.

Blocked Qin Feng's thin lips.

See what this guy said.


Qin Feng stared slightly, and asked for a kiss again?

But Qin Feng is not polite either.

Wei Wei began to respond.

The two sat together for about half an hour.

The food was also served.

Li Zhien and Li Zhihui kept bringing some of Qin Feng's favorite cuisines from the kitchen, probably Shandong cuisine.

Then also combined with some local delicacies of their Goryeo.

About seven or eight plates.

As for why they cook Lu cuisine in Korea.

Of course, we have to talk about where Lu cuisine is popular.

That must be the ancient state of Qi.

It goes without saying where the ancient state of Qi was.

And the place of ancient Qi State happened to be across the sea from Goryeo.

Therefore, some people in Korea actually like to eat Lu cuisine.

Of course Li Zhien will do it.

1 Jiuzhuan large intestine
2 fried kidney
3 sweet and sour carp
4 Braised Sea Cucumbers with Scallions
The above four cuisines.

It is the Lu cuisine in Qin Feng's place.

And the rest.

Bibimbap, Ginseng Chicken Soup, Stir-Fried Rice Cake, Korean Cold Noodles, Miso Soup, [-]% Off Plate, Korean BBQ, Shinsen Stove, etc.

It is their own Korean cuisine.

Because Qin Feng gave orders just now.

One-third of the cuisines are from Qin Feng's own place.

And two-thirds belonged to Korea themselves.

After all, there were three Korean girls at the dinner table, so Qin Feng naturally couldn't just embarrass three such well-behaved girls because of what he wanted to eat, right?
"Mr. Qin is really kind too! Arranging to cook so many Korean dishes is all about us!"

While serving the food, Li Zhi glanced at the two people on the sofa, holding hands, seemingly looking at each other's palms?

"Well, Mr. Qin is really considerate, we just follow Mr. Qin well in the future!" Although Li Zhihui is the secretary-general of Empress Sikong, in Korea, if the status of the royal family is high, her status is naturally high.

But basically, now she also regards herself as Qin Feng's person.

Of course, not that kind of woman.

Instead, follow the class.



"Let's go, let's go to the table for dinner!" Qin Feng looked at the dining table, the sumptuous dishes were all on the table, pulled Sikong Xuanmei, and the two of them went to the table.

Soon Li Zhien and Li Zhihui handed over the bowls and chopsticks respectively.

"It smells so good! I didn't expect the two of you to have such cooking skills?" Qin Feng took a deep breath, "It's fine to cook delicious breakfast, but you can also cook the main dishes like this. They are completely delicious."

"Mr. Qin praised, most of these are done by Zhien! I just help out!" Although Li Zhizhi's family is not very rich, but in short, he is considered a daughter, and he is not good at cooking.

As for Li Zhien, before his debut, his family was actually quite ordinary.

It's a good dish.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Qin Feng looked at Li Zhi, "Sit down and eat!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng looked at Li Zhihui and Li Zhin, and said, "In the future, you don't want to take Mr. Qin's one at a time, but change your name!"

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "Then just call me Young Master!"

Qin Feng's operation.

The status of the two of them is completely determined.

That is, the girl under Qin Feng's flag.

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(End of this chapter)

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