Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 209 The big group kowtows to admit their mistakes!Kneel down to the queen!

Chapter 209 The top ten groups kowtow to admit their mistakes!Kneel down to the queen!
"Yes, Young Master Qin," Li Zhien called out charmingly first.

"Young Master Qin!" Qin Feng rolled his eyes at her, "It's called the surname, which is the name of outsiders. My girl, just call him Master!"

"Yeah, young master." Li Zhi was almost drunk when he saw the white eyes cast by Qin Feng. I heard that the white eyes of girls, especially those of beautiful women, are indeed a kind of enjoyment, but the white eyes of boys , In fact, it's the same, but you must be handsome, and the girl likes you, to be lethal.

"Wisdom, tell me about you. In the future, you don't have to follow me back to the country! You are in Korea, just help Xuanmei!" Qin Feng chuckled, "But don't worry, I will often come to Korea to play Yes, after all, you don’t need to apply for a visa when you come out in the future!”

"Well, I'll listen to the young master's arrangement!" Li Zhizhi nodded and responded obediently.

"Yeah, eat well, and don't be so restrained! If you eat too restrainedly with me, I won't be full!" Qin Feng smiled and looked at the two of them.

"I'm not restrained!" Li Zhi replied playfully, and began to eat.

at the same time.

At this moment, the top ten groups set off from their hotel, and they all came to meet Qin Feng.

"Mr. Li, do we really have no other way!"

"In the current situation, there is only a compromise! What else can I do! I know you are very unwilling! But I am even more unwilling, I am the largest group in Korea!" Lee Sang Hyuk walked in front and stepped into an extended version Lincoln car.

Immediately, the entrance of the hotel was also full of many small businesses.

They are all small followers of the top ten groups.

"Mr. Li, in the current situation, Sikong Xuanmei and Qin Feng have great opinions on us. If we compromise, we will naturally not get any good treatment. It is very likely that the Sikong royal family will start to suppress us when they gain power! Why don't we bear the pain and part with each other?"


Someone came up with an idea.

"Oh? Reluctant to give up? Why do you have to give up?" Lee Sang Hyuk wanted to hear it.

"Now our situation is much worse than before. We no longer expect to have the previous rights in Korea! But we at least hope that Qin Feng and Sikong Xuanmei will not touch our top ten groups in the future!"

Now they don't think about the issue of power anymore, they just want to be a rich man.

The ridiculous thing is that at the beginning, they were not willing to let them be ordinary rich people. They didn't want to give up their transcendent status in Korea.

Before and after comparison.

It's really hilarious.

"Just tell me what to do!" Lee Sang Hyuk snapped.

"Our top ten groups! Collectively give up 50.00% of the shares to Mr. Qin! This is almost giving up half of Korea's economy to Mr. Qin! In this case, we are basically on the same boat, and he will never suppress us Group, right? And this time, we have also recognized Sikong Sunmi's royal status in Goryeo!"

"One of 5.00%" Lee Sang Hyuk was dumbfounded, if he did this, his assets would shrink by half. ,

But how?

At the risk of being suppressed, the group will wither.

It's better than this, right?

It works!
"I agree, but if this thing is going to be done! Thousands of shareholders of the top ten groups have to do it!" Lee Sang-hyuk continued, "In other words, those who have equity in the top ten groups have to sell half of their shares , and then to Qin Feng? They."

"Yes, I know, there must be those small shareholders who are unwilling to do this! But there is no other way now! Either wait for Qin Feng's revenge, or make the courage to survive with a broken arm!"

"No problem, I'll let you know about this! Let me tell a lot of stockholders!" After Lee Sang Hyuk finished speaking, he immediately released a big news for Goryeo.

Anyone who holds the shares of Korea's top ten groups in their hands.

We are all ready, and now we have to hand over half of the equity.

Then as a bargaining chip for Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng can accept this half of the equity, then their top ten groups will be able to keep it in the future.

They kidnapped Sikong Xuanmei's mother, and Qin Feng dotes on Sikong Xuanmei so much, do you still expect Qin Feng to be soft-hearted to their top ten groups in the future?

This is survival with a broken arm.

"What the hell!"

"Samsung's chairman? Do you want all of our shareholders to give up 50.00% of their shares?"

"My assets are about to shrink by half?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"I won't do it!"

"Come on, let's do it! Anyway, the big head is in the hands of the chairman of their top ten groups, and ours are all small stocks! Don't be afraid!"

"Yes, they are going to curry favor with Mr. Qin, why are they dragging us!"

"The top ten groups will pay for this money themselves!"

"But the chairman of the top ten groups, many people can't afford half of the shares!"

"That's right, many of these top ten group chairmen only hold about 20.00%!"

"The chairman of Samsung only owns 30.00% of Samsung's shares.!"

These shareholders.

Especially small shareholders.

Nature is not happy.

With the mentality of having less equity, I like to do what I want.

But Lee Sang Hyuk was not happy, and released a message: "Listen to me! The top ten groups are all prosperous, and all are hurt. Now we have to join forces and hand over half of the benefits to Qin Feng! In the future, our top ten groups The group will be safe and sound, and even the roots will be gone! You will all be finished! And if 50.00% of the shares are in the hands of Qin Feng, then he will definitely support our top ten groups! Now we just want to be honest Be a rich man! No expectations!"

Lee Sang Hyuk's strong attitude.

Denied them again.

Also let them compromise.

As for the small shareholders, of course, it is not that they are scared, but what Li Xianghe said, following Qin Feng, it is very likely that half of the equity in their hands will also appreciate in value.

That's why they compromised.

In other words, for a company with a market capitalization of 100 yuan, they hand over half of it.

The rest is 50 yuan.

But this company is in the hands of Qin Feng, and it is likely to be three hundred yuan in the future.

Then the equity in their hands is 150 yuan.

Counting back and forth, although they handed over half of the money, they actually earned 50 yuan.

They believe that Qin Feng has this ability!
"It's still Mr. Li who is superb, he can deal with these ordinary stockholders in a few words!"

"These people are all talking about their interests. As long as they see the interests, they will agree!" Li Xianghe laughed, and he was right. If the top ten groups became Qin Feng's own enterprise, then not only would he not Will suppress, but also work hard to support.

Coupled with their full recognition of Sikong Xuanmei's status, Qin Feng will [-]% agree to this matter.

Who doesn't want the money delivered to the door?

On Qin Feng's side, he was taking three beauties to dinner.

At this moment.

There was a banging knock on the door.

"They are here?" Sikong Xuanmei looked in the direction of the door.

"The top ten groups? Are they coming to compromise?" Qin Feng smiled lightly, and said that he had finished the meal and cleaned them up properly, but he came over directly unexpectedly.

"Zhien, go and open the door!" Qin Feng was also speechless, interrupting himself to eat.

"En.!" Li Zhien responded, and then opened the door.

Outside the door of that room.

At this moment, they are standing, and there are dozens of people.

Most of the people are wearing some kind of suits.

And stood respectfully outside the door, not daring to make any mistakes at all.

"Hello, Mr. Qin!" Li Xianghe raised his head slightly, looked inside, and found that Qin Feng was eating with three beauties.

What a fitting scene.

"Oh? Li Xianghe? Mr. Li?" Qin Feng smiled indifferently, but did not stand up to welcome them, because they are not qualified to welcome Qin Feng.

"You came to my place, what's the matter?" Qin Feng laughed a little, "Could it be that you haven't eaten? Do you want to have a meal? Shall I arrange a table for you?"

"Mr. Qin, you're welcome!" Li Xianghe said awkwardly, and then looked at Sikong Xuanmei, "My lord, we kidnapped your mother because we had no choice but to do so. I hope you can forgive me. Now your mother has returned safely. We are sorry for this matter!"

"I'm sorry and I'm done? Since you are the queen, shouldn't you kneel down?" Qin Feng looked at them coldly. Although Sikong Xuanmei was the queen, the etiquette of kneeling and worshiping is gone in this day and age.

But Qin Feng just wanted to vent his anger on Sikong Xuanmei.

Who said that these top ten groups have been oppressing the royal family before?
And dare to tie her Sikong Xuanmei's mother?
Qin Feng knew that with Sikong Xuanmei's temperament, he would not say such a disgusting mouth, but Qin Feng would come to this "wicked person".

"Kneel down." Li Xianghe's face was full of embarrassment, but he didn't dare to go against Qin Feng's intention.

It's just that he has never bowed his knees in his life.

It's a bit embarrassing.

After all, Lee Sang Hyuk is considered a respectable figure in Goryeo. Although kneeling to the queen is not ashamed, kneeling to Qin Feng is not ashamed.

But it can't be done at all.
[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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