Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 210 The overall situation has been decided!mission completed!

Chapter 210 The overall situation has been decided!mission completed!
"Huh? You can't do such a small thing? You don't want to talk to me!" Seeing this, Qin Feng sneered, "You have been disobedient, and dare to kidnap the Queen's mother? Such a thing should not be done. Kneel down to apologize? And in the future, when you meet the queen once, you kneel down for me once! This is the basic etiquette in the future!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he looked at Sikong Xuanmei and said: "I will give you Gaoli County, first change the rules, and in the future, all members of the top ten groups will have shareholders with more than [-]% of the shares, their nine clans! All their relatives have to kneel down and pay respects to the queen when they meet the queen! But others don't have to!"

"Qin Feng." Sikong Xuanmei softly called Qin Feng's name, such a man is really wonderful!

"What? You still don't agree?" Qin Feng chuckled, "Then we don't have to talk about it, just go wherever you come from! Zhien, see you off! Close the door!"

"Understood, Master!" Li Zhi replied, looked at Li Xianghe, and said, "Mr. Li, step back with your feet, I'm going to open the door!"

Li Zhi'an's voice fell.

Li Sang Hyuk, with a livid face, knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"I'll see Her Majesty Empress Sikong!"

This is expensive.

It was the most humiliating time in his life.

But there is no way, who told me to mess with Qin Feng?

These are all self-inflicted.

"I'll see Her Majesty Empress Sikong! Meet Mr. Qin!"

"I'll see Her Majesty Empress Sikong! Meet Mr. Qin!"

"I'll see Her Majesty Empress Sikong! Meet Mr. Qin!"

The people under the banner all knelt down when they saw the leader Lee Sang Hyuk.

They naturally knelt down one after another.

"Kneel well! You should kneel! You were also our territory hundreds of years ago, so you should know the ritual of kneeling?" Qin Feng stood up slightly and walked over.

The voice fell.

Those who do not bow down very dignifiedly.

He fell directly on the ground.

dare not look up.

"As far as etiquette is concerned, I think the people on the side of the Sun Empire are worth learning from. Their girls are very good at etiquette!" Qin Feng looked at them, "As for bowing down to me, you don't have to, because I just let you After you meet the queen, bow down again!"

Qin Feng looked at how obedient they were, looked at Xuanmei, and said: "Keep kneeling, or get up, you have the final say!"

"Well, get up!" Sikong Xuanmei said.

Those people naturally stood up.

"By the way, Mr. Li, you are here to admit the status of empress!" Qin Feng asked with a sneer.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we admit it! From now on, we will follow the lead of the empress!" Li Sang Hyuk said respectfully.

"That's all right, since you inherited it, you can go back, I have to eat!" Qin Feng smiled and walked to his own dining table.

"Mr. Qin, wait a moment, let's" Li Xianghe hesitated for a while, but did not continue.

"What are you?" Qin Feng asked.

"Our Top Ten Group, we are deeply sorry for what happened to Mr. Qin and the Empress, so we want to hand over 50.00% of the equity of the Top Ten Group, as a gift to Empress Sikong and Mr. Qin! I hope you can accept it! "

Lee Sang Hyuk finished.

Immediately kneel down.

"I beg the Queen and Mr. Qin to accept it! Otherwise, we won't be at ease!"

After Lee Sang Hyuk knelt down.

The rest of the top ten groups naturally also knelt on the ground.

Kneeling for the first time, then the second time, their kneecaps are not so hard.

"Hehe, Xuanmei, these people's thinking is very simple now. They want to be an honest rich man, but they are afraid that you and I will suppress their business! It's almost binding us to the interests of the top ten groups! "Qin Feng chuckled, "Thinking of what happened yesterday, they are still arrogantly wanting a detached position in Korea. It is definitely not bad for an ordinary rich person, but now, it is theirs to be an ordinary rich person. Extravagant hope!"

"Well, the contrast is too great!" Sikong Xuanmei nodded.

"As for the shares of your top ten groups, I don't want them! You can give them to the queen, that is, my wife! She is the same as me!" Qin Feng smiled lightly, "Xuanmei, accept it, and save money I will take action to destroy these small bastard groups! I will avenge you!"

"." Sikong Xuanmei was like dreaming. How long ago could she think of today?
The mighty top ten groups?

How could he kneel on the ground and beg like this?
And also offered the shares of Korea's top ten groups?
50.00% a?

That is to say, if Sikong Xuanmei accepts, then in the future, almost half of Korea's finances will be Sikong Xuanmi's personal money.

But if Sikong Xuanmei accepts, she will naturally spend the money on the common people.

"Get up, I accept your shares! In the future, you must develop the top ten groups! Because the top ten groups are the entire economy of Korea! Of course, my husband will also help you! It depends on whether you will What kind of bad thoughts will there be! As long as you don’t have too many thoughts, then be a rich man down-to-earth, and Qin Feng and I can completely move you!”

Sakong Xuanmei finished speaking.

The top ten groups knelt on the ground.

It was a relief.

"Thank you, Her Majesty Empress, for not forgetting the past!"

"Thank you, Her Majesty Empress, for not forgetting the past!"

"Thank you, Her Majesty Empress, for not forgetting the past!"

The people below shouted in unison.

Sikong Xuanmei's heart was surging, it was the first time she felt the dignity of being a queen.

Of course, it's not because they kneel on the ground that they have dignity.

But from now on, the other party began to regard her as a queen.

From then on, the words of Goryeo were no longer dictated by the top ten groups.

It was her, Sakong Xuanmei.

"Zhien, do you still want to develop your acting career?" Qin Feng suddenly looked at Li Zhi who was sitting at the dining table and eating. She looked obediently, and looked at Sikong Xuanmei dealing with these things Man, it's so cute.

"Ah? Me?" Li Zhi was taken aback for a while, "I won't go, I just follow the young master from now on!"

Now, Li Zhinen doesn't have any thoughts of being an actress or winning a prize at all.

Compared with these, it is very happy to be by Qin Feng's side.

She can have nothing.

"Of course it's you, you're the only artist in the room, what do you think?" Qin Feng smiled, "Being my girl will naturally not hinder your acting career. Basically, you can exchange what you need! You can run on both sides at any time! And you are in our place, and you have a lot of fans, so you can stay in domestic TV dramas and movies for a long time!"

Qin Feng paused, and then said: "I know a lot of film companies and TV drama companies. When the time comes, I will tell you and promise to make a big movie for you. It will definitely become popular."

"As for when you go home, just come to my house directly!" Qin Feng arranged it well, without delaying her career or her "nanny job".

"Of course, I know you. As an artist, you like singing and filming very much. Of course, I can't delay you!" Qin Feng continued.

"Then I...then I will listen to the young master's arrangement!" Li Zhi nodded, it would be great if it could be like this.

But Li Zhi knew that from now on, if she was filming, she would never have any physical contact with any man again, not at all.

Kissing is out of the question.

Although never before.

Anyway, I will find a substitute in various ways in the future.

Maybe the people in the crew, when they know that they are Qin Feng's "woman", probably won't say that they are playing big names.

And even if it was a kiss, no one would dare to make a kiss scene with Li Zhien.

Isn't this what a mouse touches a cat? Are you looking for excitement if you have nothing to do?
"Well, then I will let you go back to your original economic company! It turns out that when the top ten groups have not been settled, I will naturally fish you out! When the time comes, they will handle the specific things!" Qin The wind arranges.

"Okay, you dozens of people, don't stand in the hotel anymore! Get out!" Qin Feng looked at these people, "Now that the matter is settled, your queen is also very magnanimous, you have to remember For this point, just make good money, don’t have other ideas! You can have what you deserve, and you can’t take what you don’t deserve, and don’t even think about it. This is your hope of survival !"

"Yes, Mr. Qin! We know!" Lee Sang Hyuk lowered his head, said something, and led everyone out of the room.


Qin Feng received a call.

It was Li Qingshan calling.

"Mr. Qin, the self-defense force of our Great Wall Arms Company has now completely landed on Ziyue Island! They have settled down now!" Li Qingshan told the situation over there.

"Very good! Then you can stay there temporarily! I will inform Mr. Nangong! Let him send someone to take over!" After all, Qin Feng is only doing things for Nangong's family, or doing things for himself, so he is stationed here. Of course, Mr. Nangong sent someone over.

However, no matter whether it is the old man Nangong or Qin Feng, they are almost his own people, there is no difference.

"By the way, I will tell Mr. Nangong that he will allocate 20 billion U.S. dollars to build the base on Ziyue Island again! The funds should be in place soon!" Qin Feng hung up after finishing speaking. phone.

Then, while eating, he took out his phone.

Because it is more difficult to hold a mobile phone.

The considerate Li Zhi went to find a Bluetooth headset.

That way, you can eat while talking on the phone.

And there are also a few girls who keep picking up vegetables for Qin Feng.

"Hey, old man, what are you doing?" Qin Feng naturally wants to inform old man Nangong of the news here.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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