Chapter 226 Luo Yu Can You Say Goodbye?
"It's nothing, I just thought of a plan, I don't know if it's feasible or not."

Qin Feng lightly propped himself up.

The plan in his mind.

In practice, it will be somewhat difficult.

There must be many people helping themselves.

"What plan? Tell me about it?" Luo Yu tilted his head slightly, looking forward to it.

"Little bitch, there are some things you shouldn't ask." Qin Feng gave her a blank look. How could Luo Yu know about such things? Of course, Qin Feng also knew that Luo Yu's words should not She would betray herself, but her heart of liking her money and appearance was completely conquered.

"Is there anything my sister-in-law can't know? Is she a bad brother-in-law?" Luo Yu originally belonged to his sister-in-law, but Qin Feng wanted to call her a sister-in-law, so he should call her brother-in-law?

In fact, whether in ancient times or modern times, if you are young but strong, you are the elder brother, and you are the elder sister.

For example, Luo Xiyan's status is too high, Luo Yu dare not call her sister.

Don't you hear that the emperor's elder brother knows to call himself the emperor's younger brother.

He's obviously an older brother, but he can't overwhelm the emperor.

"Why are you acting like a baby?" Lin Feng also gave her a blank look, "I'm immune to it all the time."

"You're not being coquettish, why don't you just say it normally?" Luo Yu rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you still dare to roll your eyes at me?" Lin Feng glanced at the things in the car, "If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't find the guy who beat you, would you believe that I would kill you?"

"I didn't bring the feather duster, do you want to buy it yourself?" Qin Feng had a whim.When I came to such a sentence, I also laughed, want to hit someone?Do people still have to buy it?
"Then I'll go." Luo Yu didn't dare to roll his eyes at Qin Feng anymore, but he narrowed his beautiful eyes slightly, squeezed his big eyes, and tilted his nose and mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

"I'm just joking with you. If I want to hit you, I'll just pull the belt, okay?" Qin Feng shouted immediately, this woman is really invincible, do you really want to buy it?

"Then why don't you smoke it, and I'll help you untie it?" Luo Yu said, and stretched out her white hand towards Qin Feng.

And really want to untie it for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't hide, just looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, and said: "I see if you dare to solve it."

"You let me explain it well, and now you blame me again." Luo Yu muttered again, gave Qin Feng a fierce look, and then retracted his hand.

"Really!" Seeing this, Qin Feng untied half of the belt and fastened it himself.

"I said Luo Yu, if you are so cute, maybe I still like you! But you just pretended, although it is not hateful, but there is something about that." Qin Feng thinks she is okay, Although playing routines, the routines played are so silly.

Like a retard.

"I'm just so cute. I didn't pretend. Besides, what's the matter with pretending? Isn't it only here?" Luo Yu continued, "It won't be like this at all in other people's places."

"Okay, okay." Qin Feng looked at her, and asked: "The group of people who accompanied you in acting just now? Are they from the local area of ​​the Golden Horde? How do you say? These people? Can you call them over again?" ?”

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do?" Luo Yu said it smoothly, so let's call him this in the future. It is very likely that Qin Feng likes this special address for sister-in-law.

Qin Feng didn't want her to be called this. From now on, Luo Xiyan's older sisters will definitely call him brother-in-law.

You can't call yourself brother-in-law.

I have a high status.

They can't afford to be a sister.

Luo Yu, this can be carried forward.

"You just call these people over, don't worry about other things, I want to use them." Qin Feng looked at her, "Come here."

"What are you doing?" Luo Yu leaned on the chair and crawled.

"Put your head out here." Qin Feng looked at her pretty face.

"Ah?" Seeing this, Luo Yu was extremely excited and happy. Could it be that Qin Feng is going to kiss herself?

Luo Yu must obediently stick her head over there.

But the next moment,
Qin Feng curled up his fingers, and his brain collapsed.

"I'll say this again, and it's over this time. Next time, I'll find some people to act. I know, and you won't see me again." Qin Feng hit her head hard, but not very hard. .

Anyway, she was in pain.



"Big man, flick me so hard!"

"It hurts."

Luo Yu immediately felt pain, and must have complained.

But Qin Feng raised his hand again, and said in a threatening tone, "Don't complain, do you want a second one?"

"Stinky bastard!" Luo Yu cursed secretly in her heart, and then said, "I thought you wanted a family, but it turned out to be like this. It's really boring."

"I'll kiss your brain." Qin Feng gave her a fierce look, "Do you have any money in your bag? Go and get me 1000 million dollars."

Of course, Qin Feng didn't spend her money in vain.

After all, Qin Feng is too lazy to spend money.

For a small matter like 1000 million US dollars, of course, you can find any woman to do it.

"Yes, what are you doing?" Luo Yu asked curiously.

"If I tell you to pick it up, you can pick it up." Qin Feng paused, and said, "If this matter is done, and I go back, your family can represent a lot of cooperation, and it will become a tens of billions of families. It's a matter of one sentence, you know, little bitch."

"You're a bitch." Luo Yu pouted slightly, looked at Lin Feng's side face, and kissed Lin Feng.


Immediately open the door and get out of the car.

"I'm going to get you US dollars." Luo Yu stepped on the silver high-heeled shoes and black silk, and trotted away immediately.

Because it's high heels.

That trot movement is also quite funny.

"This green tea sneaks up on me in one day, and it shines brightly with a little sunshine. I have to buy a feather duster." Qin Feng touched the side of his face, which was a little bit cold, saying that this woman has a good figure, Do you want
Forget it.

It's too much.

Anyway, if this little girl seduces her again, there will be no one around Qin Feng to take care of her.

It was her own hot upper body.

Anyway, don't blame Qin Feng.

In about twenty minutes, Luo Yu came over with a big box on his shoulders.

$1000 million in cash flow.

There are still dozens of catties.

Luo Yu was weak, so naturally he couldn't handle it very well.

"Aren't you going to help others?" Luo Yu was speechless enough, and carried the box into the car, and bought a feather duster along the way.

"Why did you buy this thing?" Qin Feng was speechless for a moment.

This girl?
Could it be that there is a tendency to be abused?
Of course.

Every time Qin Feng hits her, he will not hit her hard, but just teach her a little lesson, so that no injuries will be left.

"Let you hit me, didn't you just couldn't buy a feather duster?" Luo Yu smiled, anyway, she was infinitely satisfied with what Qin Feng wanted to do to her.

Qin Feng likes to call her sister-in-law.

What a bitch.

Like to hit her.


He's just happy.

"I'm really convinced by you, I've never seen you like this." Qin Feng saw that she was carrying a box, but he still propped himself up and took it.

Open it up and take a look.

Sure enough, it was a neat dollar bill.

"1000 million U.S. dollars, I wrote it down!" Qin Feng looked at the money, and there was no disturbance in his heart. After all, it was all small money, and to Qin Feng, it was worth nothing.

"Why do you write it down? My money, and my family, it's fine if you don't order anything." Luo Yu's current words are naturally the most powerful person in the family, nothing else, after all, some time ago, it was Luo Yu After Yu and Qin Feng stayed in Sun Empire for a while, they asked for one billion investment for their family.

Therefore, Luo Yu enjoys the admiration and respect of his family members very much.

This is also the reason why she really wants to hook up with Qin Feng.

Of course, this is also one aspect, and she also likes Qin Feng's people, and she even loves them.

In fact, people with Luo Yu's personality are the most real.

The kind of person who desires nothing and wants nothing is completely impossible to exist.

Several women of Qin Feng.

It is also impossible to ask for nothing.

This is so fake.

No one is a saint.

"Are you being impolite? I can order your family casually?" Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"That's not it, I'm not related to you anymore?" Luo Yu smiled and showed her small canine teeth, and put gold on her face again.

"The relationship between me and you is not that good, is it? I told you, it's just to let you go shopping and help choose clothes and things when there is no one around you." Qin Feng paused, and then said, "Could it be related, you Not enough?"

"I know, I know." Luo Yu laughed, "Then what do you do with the money?"

"You take it and find those people you hired to act just now, and ask them if they dare to take 100 million US dollars. If they dare to take it, they will follow my work. If they dare not take it, I will go to another person. .” Qin Feng murmured.

"Okay, I'll go find some more of them. These people are not considered desperadoes, but if the money is in place, I think they might agree." Luo Yu looked at Qin Feng, "Aren't you coming with me?" ?”

"Just go and handle this matter." Seeing this, Qin Feng naturally knew what she was thinking, pulled away and picked up a small note, "If you want to do something, put it on the top, show them, and see if they dare to do it. Safety If there is a problem, you don't have to worry, I will send a woman to follow you, and you will have no safety issues at all."

"Thank you, brother-in-law." Luo Yu giggled, showing a row of big white teeth, and then, maybe on purpose, twisted her upturned little cliff, and left.

Seeing her leave, Qin Feng naturally knew that "Zero" among the nine dark night angels was secretly protecting her.

Also very relieved.

Drive back to the hotel.

I also agreed to Luo Yu, to do things well and come to the hotel to meet.

Of course, it doesn't mean that.

But if this little dog licks, he has to come back to his life, no, Qin Feng can't wait for her here all the time.

When Qin Feng went back to the hotel, there was no one around him. Linghu was the most personal female driver. Sometimes Qin Feng wanted to drive, and she would secretly protect him. If he didn't want to drive, Linghu would be the female driver.

At the moment, there is no one around, but she started to help Qin Feng cook and pour tea.

After all, she is also a female killer, and she often has to pretend to be a waiter. Naturally, she basically knows how to cook and take care of men.

Qin Feng only needs one sentence.

Linghu can lie down obediently.

After all, she had already lost the bet with Qin Feng, so she had accepted the master, and the words of the other nine night angels were naturally arranged by Zhuyeqing after she surrendered.

Ding Dong!

Ding dong!
Qin Feng was drinking tea here and eating some local snacks from Jinzhanghan when the doorbell rang.

No need to guess, Qin Feng knows that Luo Yu came back after doing a good job.

"How is it, Xiao Luoyu, how is the matter going?" Qin Feng put his feet on the coffee table, pointed at the cigarettes on the table.

Luo Yu walked over quickly, opened the cigarette case, handed it to Qin Feng, and lit it.

"In terms of things, they were a little afraid at the beginning, but then I directly offered the price, saying that I would give them ten people $30 each! The last $70! I will pay when the work is done."

Luo Yu said, put the cigarette lighter on the table after lighting the cigarette, and pinched Qin Feng's foot on the coffee table, she continued: "This Golden Horde is a very poor place, so the words , These people are not crazy when they see 30 US dollars. After discussing for a while, they decided to agree to this matter, and they also believe that as long as you are here, they will be fine."

"En, well done." Qin Feng snapped his fingers, "Linghu, go and send the prepared firearms to these ten people." Qin Feng paused, then said: "Tell the other nine Big Night Angel, let them act separately. Three points and one line, everything must be done! Divide into two groups of people, and finish those two places! I will take these 10 or so people to take care of one place."

Qin Feng quickly divided the work.

"Understood, I'll inform them right away." Linghu agreed, and she would naturally protect the master every step of the way, and leave it to the other sisters to do it. ,

Linghu knew that Qin Feng had no choice but to do this, and he also wanted to save the people in the capital.

Moreover, after the incident, Qin Feng will definitely not be blamed by anyone, because how to put it, she believes that Qin Feng said that the earthquake is coming, and it will definitely come. Unfortunately, the queen does not believe it and does not evacuate people.

"Qin Feng, what are you going to do with these dozens of people to the Earthquake Bureau of Jinzhanghan?" Luo Yu asked while pinching Qin Feng's legs.

"Big plan, for you, when we take action, then quickly fly out of the capital of Golden Horde Khan." Qin Feng looked at her, there was going to be an earthquake here, so naturally it was impossible to let her here.

"No, I want to stay by your side." Luo Yu knew that the other party might do something big, but she was not afraid.

"Are you stupid? Why are you still staying in this place?" Qin Feng was speechless, "Your skin is itchy, isn't it? You don't listen to me anymore? And it's not telling you to leave now, but five days later , within 120 hours of the countdown, you must leave here."

"Oh, that's it, I thought I was leaving now." Luo Yu squeezed Qin Feng's leg, and suddenly leaned on Qin Feng's thigh, and said with his face close: "I can't bear you, I finally found you here." you."

"Where did you go?" Qin Feng was really speechless, hooking up again, right?

He rubbed his face.

"What's wrong? There's nowhere to go." Luo Yu pretended to smile blankly.

"Are you really going to play with fire? I don't have a woman around me right now, I..." Qin Feng didn't go on talking, and enjoyed it a little.

"What are you? Keep talking." Luo Yu raised his head and looked at him affectionately.

"You coquette!" Qin Feng immediately pulled her into his arms.
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(End of this chapter)

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