Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 227 Beautiful!Luo Yu's fragrant fruit is here!

Chapter 227 Beautiful!Luo Yu's fragrant fruit is here!

"What are you doing!"

Luo Yu was a little soft, and then pretended to be cute.

To tell the truth.

Luo Yu's pretense of cuteness is not really annoying.

It's disgusting to pretend to be so deep that people can see it and don't bother to talk about it.

Anyway, Luo Yu knows that you know, so I'm going to flirt with you.

"What do you say you want to do?"

"All day long, you just tease her and tease her." Qin Feng picked her up and put her on his lap.

"Hee hee, can't you bear it today?" Luo Yu giggled, putting his arms around Qin Feng's neck, "Can I kiss you?"

"What do you think?" Qin Feng pinched the cliff.

Luo Yu took a moment.

Immediately, he gave Qin Feng a blank look.

Now that Qin Feng has taken the initiative to hug her.

so natural.

Luo Yu also knew that Qin Feng had thought about it.

He tilted his little head slightly.

Then slowly approach.

The nose staggered a bit.

He kissed Qin Feng's thin lips.

Will Ke Luoyu
Still need the master to take the lead.

Lin Feng took a closer look.

The two embraced tightly.

After about ten minutes, they separated.

Luo Yu tidied up her clothes.

"Haven't you ever had a boy? I really didn't see it." Qin Feng held her in his arms and murmured: "Or did you do it on purpose? Pretending to be inexperienced, when you tease me, I'm thirsty I see you are very skilled."

Of course, Qin Feng just said that. In fact, although Luo Yu flirts with boys, he basically doesn't know how to flirt with them. He is like a novice. tease. ,

"You actually said that about me, this is my first kiss, okay?" Luo Yu rolled her eyes softly, pouted her small mouth, and then kissed her again, just a touch of water.

"Qin Feng, remember what I said, I am really innocent, and you can no longer question this question in the future." Luo Yu said with a serious expression, and said very seriously, "Although I do, I really like your money. , I like your strong strength. In the whole world, in today’s world, many empires want to give you face. I like a domineering boy like you very much, but I don’t just like your strength on the outside. Your people, I If you like it the same, I just want to be with you, so I follow you all the time, and then I look for opportunities to strike up a conversation with you."

"Okay, okay, don't go on, in fact, I gradually came to know who you are." Qin Feng said, he hugged her face, bit the crystal clear ear, and continued: " But in the future, you are not allowed to play any tricks. Girls, in China, 90.00% of them are money worshipers. It is almost impossible to find girls who do not worship money, so this is normal. From now on, you will be mine How about a special existence?"

"Special existence? What kind of special existence?" Luo Yu put his arms around Qin Feng's neck, looked at his handsome face, and asked curiously.

"How should I put it, I said it before, when I come out, you must accompany me." Qin Feng said, smiled, and continued, "Of course, it is completely different from the previous one. This kiss Before, what I wanted was that when there was no woman around me, you would come and accompany me to go shopping and pick out clothes. But after today."

Hearing this, Luo Yu smiled and said, "After today, when there is no one around you, make people warm?"

"On the bed." Qin Feng chuckled, "So, you can count me as a special woman, you can be regarded as a lover, you can also call me husband in the future, but you can also call me brother-in-law, or rather, don't Let Luo Xiyan and the others know. I have to tell them first. Only then can you confess."

"I see, I won't disturb your normal life!" Luo Yu leaned into Qin Feng's arms and said slightly, "Will you take me to take a bath?"

"En." Qin Feng nodded, which is really a favor to her.

Just tease yourself all the time.

It's not that I can't stand it.

But watching her work hard.

It can also relieve hunger.

Why not have the best of both worlds?

Two people came out from there.

Because there is no one, it doesn't matter what to wear.

They went to the small room over there again.

In the small room, there is naturally Simmons.

3 hour.

It wasn't until Linghu called that the two of them came out of the room.

But Luo Yu's words were basically half hugged.

No energy at all.

There is a kind of Concubine Yang, the servant is weak to support her.

"." Linghu looked at the actions of the two people, and began to think in his heart. Could it be that the relationship between the two has been confirmed?
These women of Qin Feng.

There is one more.

"Linghu, are things done?" Qin Feng sat on the sofa with Luo Yu's tender look in his arms, and she was not embarrassed.

Leaning slightly in his arms.

I think this is the safest place in my arms.

Also the best place.

"Mr. Qin, it's done. Those guns have been handed over to a few of them, and the money has also been given to them. When the time comes, I will do whatever you want." Linghu said.

"Okay, Linghu, you've worked hard, let's go down." Qin Feng and Luo Yu were tired of talking, and of course they didn't want anyone else here, so they sent them away.

"It's really useless." Qin Feng looked down at her like that, and poked her little nose pretending to be fierce.

"Husband, you are so bad, you actually said that he is useless." Luo Yu almost vomited blood, he was useless, he was really useful.

Just gritted your teeth and persisted, okay?

But also in other ways.

None of this makes this guy that good.

The man also blamed her for coming.

Really very speechless, okay?
"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you, can you still use your hands?" Qin Feng grinned.

"I can't!" Luo Yu was so angry that it was like this.
"Hahaha, it's okay, I'm just kidding you." Looking at her pretty face, Qin Feng still hugged her up, and then walked towards the room.

"Take a good rest and recover as much as possible." Qin Feng smiled harmlessly and closed the door of the room.

Of course.

In the past few days, Qin Feng can't leave here at all, and can't take any action.

Qin Feng waited for the last day.

When the earthquake comes.

At that time, Qin Feng plans to make a time difference.

If it is too early, it will be difficult to realize your plan.

At noon, Luo Yu went to sleep.

After resting for three to five hours, I got up naturally.

Seeing that Qin Feng actually cooked a table of delicious dishes, he felt a sense of happiness all of a sudden.

Qin Feng wore an apron.

And then still serving the dishes.

Luo Yu burst into tears.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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