Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 233 Beautiful!The little princess's first kiss!

Chapter 233 Beautiful!The little princess's first kiss!

"Hey, Aurora Anna, what are you doing?"

"Why are you holding me!"

Qin Feng pushed her slightly.

But that Aurora Anna just hummed a little, and continued to lean on Lin Feng's chest, sleeping.

Anyway, like a well-behaved kitten.

"Does this really treat me as a pillow?"

Qin Feng looked at Aurora Anna's sleeping appearance.

Take a wild guess.

This ridiculously beautiful girl, I'm afraid she usually sleeps with a big bear in her arms when she's at home?
And when holding it.

that action. ,

Imagine for yourself.

It's an octopus.


Lin Feng was very helpless, he blew a few breaths into her ear, and then shouted again: "Hey, get up soon, or I will do it myself."

"It's so itchy! Mother, let me sleep more." Aurora Anna didn't open her eyes, but yelled a few times reflexively.

But when Aurora Anna slowly opened her eyes, she found that everything seemed wrong.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
"Qin Feng. Mr. Qin, why are you here?"

Aphrodite Anna for a moment.

I saw that in front of me, it was actually Qin Feng.

This is the great hero who has been admired since he learned the truth yesterday.

He not only saved the whole capital, but also his own savior. God knows, if there is no him, will Aurora Anna be crushed to death by something because of the earthquake?
"Why am I here? Didn't the two of us fall asleep side by side yesterday?" Qin Feng was speechless, this little girl, can't remember anything?

"Oh, I remember." Aurora Anna immediately remembered the earthquake yesterday. After all, the moment her brain just woke up, she was actually very confused.

"But, why are you sleeping together with me!" Aurora Anna couldn't understand again, how did she fall into her bad mood.

"How do I know... You're the one who hugged me!" Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and said, "So, now, you still don't let go? You've been hugging me all night, and you haven't hugged enough yet?"

"Uh..." Aurora Anna was extremely embarrassed at the moment, she really wanted to punch this guy, why did she always speak so bluntly.

There is no such thing.

Before leaving Qin Feng's embrace, Aurora Anna reached out and pinched Qin Feng's waist.

"." Qin Feng was speechless again, "Why are you pinching me?"

"You took advantage of me! You also said that I hugged you proactively, so I'll pinch you!" Aurora Anna knew that she had the habit of hugging a big bear while sleeping.

Maybe it was last night when the two fell asleep, but the rescue team came and set up a tent for the two of them.

It should be like this.

"I don't have one!" Qin Feng was speechless for a while, but who told the other party to be a girl, "All right, all right, I took advantage, it's okay, right?"

"It's not too bad!" Seeing this, Aurora Anna felt warm in her heart, after all, she obviously hugged him by herself.But they also admitted their mistakes.

Such a boy is too good, right?
Plus so handsome.

Peak value.

And the power and status are undoubtedly unparalleled.

It is simply the existence that any woman cannot but be attracted to.

"Why are you still hugging?" Qin Feng was drunk, did he like it so much that he couldn't move?

Like a boy who likes a beautiful woman.

Anyway, I can't get up in my arms.

This is the so-called gentle township, heroic town.

Aurora Anna didn't reply, looking at the handsome face in front of her eyes, she babbled.

Kissed Qin Feng's side face.

"Thank you for saving so many people in our Golden Horde capital."

"Reward you!"

Aurora Anna finished speaking.

Stand up immediately.

Arranged my clothes.

"This..." Qin Feng came to the Golden Horde Khan, but was secretly kissed twice in a row, the first time being that guy Luo Yu.

The second word.

It was the elf-like girl Avrola Anna.

The world's most popular game promotional female character.

"This woman won't like me again, right? She really has an invincible charm value. Wherever she goes, she is always a super-beautiful woman. You have to post it upside down." Qin Feng smiled and got used to it.

This way.

Isn't it basically like this?
But I have to say, Western girls are more courageous, how long have you known each other?Without 24 hours a day, the little princess Aurora Anna kissed her directly.

It must have been her first kiss.

The first kiss was sacrificed.

Not really a first kiss though.

Kissing on the side of the cheek is generally not considered a kiss.

In other words, it was a superficial touch on the lips. ,

Logically speaking, it doesn't really count.

There are only two people who are really devoted to it, savoring it carefully for a long time.

That's the real first kiss.

Just when Qin Feng was full of thoughts, Aurora Anna turned her back to Qin Feng, a little embarrassed.

But outside the hood, a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes walked in.

This little girl is wearing a white coat and looks very beautiful, she should be a nurse or something.

The girl's name was Brenda Miranda. At this moment, she actually saw the little princess kissing Mr. Qin's side face just now, and she was extremely happy.

"Well, Mr. Qin, Princess Aurora Anna, are you awake?" Brenda Miranda stepped forward to greet her.

"Well, I woke up. Last night, we fell asleep, and then the rescue team came at night, didn't they, and then set up a tent for us?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, I wanted to wake you up, but I saw that you were too sleepy, so I didn't have the heart to wake you up." Brenda Miranda said, looking outside the tent, "Mr. Qin, ah Princess Flora Anna, I made some millet porridge for you. The conditions are poor, so let’s just make do with it? I heard that the two of you haven’t had a bite of food since yesterday afternoon. "

"Well, thank you Brenda Miranda, then go and get it for us, I'm really hungry." Qin Feng rubbed his belly, really wanting to croak.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, I'll get it for you now." Brenda Miranda said, immediately turned around, went to the stove by the tent, and quickly brought over some tender millet porridge.

Qin Feng's words, because he was really hungry.

Nature immediately turned into gluttony.

Cooking people, cooking soul. ,

A bowl of porridge was almost eaten by Qin Feng.

"I said Brenda Miranda, let's have some dry food. I really don't feel it. You have too much water." Qin Feng complained, he is not an old man, he likes gruel, but he still likes to do it.

"There's too much water." Brenda Miranda was silent for a while, knowing that the other party was not driving, but there was something wrong with her words.

Brenda Miranda didn't think much of it either.

Continue to bring Lin Feng a few big bowls.

Aurora Anna, because she was also hungry, ate three bowls.

As for Qin Feng, boys naturally ate more, and they ate six or seven bowls.

"I'm so full!" Qin Feng was so full for the first time in his life after eating this time.

"Give you a tissue! Can you eat like this?" Aurora Anna was also funny when she saw Qin Feng like that. Although she ate three bowls, it was basically gruel.

This guy wants something.

But basically almost seven bowls of rice.

It is conceivable how edible it is.

But what they don't know is that Qin Feng is a genetically modified, high-tech little devil robot, who helped Qin Feng find a lot of genetic potions.

It's perfectly normal to eat a little more.

"What's the matter? Men, they work a lot and eat a lot." Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, showing a row of big white teeth, and touched his nose. This is a small car.

"Uh" Aurora Anna, although she is a pure elf girl who has never had a boyfriend, but now that the Internet world is so developed, why doesn't she understand that Qin Feng is driving.

Aurora Anna gave Lin Feng a slight look. After all, the former fighting nation divided the future empire. She retorted: "It doesn't have to be eating a lot, just do a lot. Some boys eat a lot, a little bit There are things that don’t work.”

"Ah?" Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled lightly, "You are right, there are indeed people who just eat and do nothing, but are you sure you are talking about men? I think it is about you women? You women When did you do something?"

"You bastard!" Aurora Anna rolled her eyes again, "We should enjoy it, and you boys will be fine with that."

She is indeed a western girl.

Even if it's not that kind of old scumbag.

Talk without fear.

"Cough, cough, yes, yes, I think so, lying down quietly is the destination of a girl!" Qin Feng laughed, and the two of them didn't chat too much.

"Aurora Anna, come with me, let's go see how the rescue is going." Qin Feng walked out of the tent slightly and called Aurora Anna.

"En." Aurora Anna nodded, and naturally followed Qin Feng out.

That was the little nurse, Brenda Miranda, but she quickly shouted: "Mr. Qin, little princess Aurora Anna, where are you going? The eldest prince told me about it, and he took great care of her." You guys. Although the earthquake is over now, there may still be aftershocks, so you must not go near the ruins."

"Ah, that's fine." Seeing this, Qin Feng stopped for a while and said, "I have something good, which can be used by your rescue team!"

Qin Feng is not worried about any aftershocks at all.

Because Qin Feng has a high-tech hidden armor on his body.

It can completely resist the smashing of those buildings.

She can also protect Aurora Anna well.

"Good thing? What good thing?" Brenda Miranda couldn't figure it out either, but Qin Feng couldn't stop him from going to see the rescue.


Qin Feng took Aurora Anna to the road.

On the current kilometer, there are naturally collapsed waste objects everywhere, a piece of ruined walls.

But because of the efforts of the rescue team.

Basically, a kilometer with a width of 5 meters has been cleared to about 2 meters.

After all, there is such a thing as an earthquake.

Rescue must be the first priority, and then the most important thing is to rush through the traffic arteries inside and outside the city. ,
"Hey, Mr. Qin, look, a super big truck is coming over there. The text on it seems to be the text of your empire?" Aurora Anna looked towards the road, and it was indeed Chinese characters, but it was written in Chinese. What it is, she is not so clear.

Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at the place Aurora Anna was looking at. Sure enough, there were many large trucks, and the words on them were of course Qin Feng's own Great Wall Arms Company.

"A difficult one, P Plus support."

"Materials sent by the Great Wall Arms Company to the capital of the Golden Horde!"

"Aurora Anna, this is my Great Wall Company, some materials sent over, and the good baby I just mentioned." Qin Feng smiled and looked at Aurora Anna.

"What? Your Great Wall Company is here? Is it so fast? They are driving trucks!" Aurora Anna was speechless and confused.

"I told you that this earthquake, I would rather believe it or not, and then save you. I also ordered my Great Wall company to prepare in advance. If you don’t come, just go back the same way.”

Qin Feng said so.

But Aurora Anna was very moved, and said: "Thank you, Mr. Qin, you are too considerate of our Golden Horde."

"Then you were aggressive with me just now? You pinched me, it hurts." Lin Feng pouted, and said, "I was thinking, when you pinched me, at least it was a red bump, it really hurt."

Seeing this, Aurora Anna immediately worried, "Does it really hurt? Let me see, sorry, did I use too much force?"

As Aurora Anna said, she took the initiative to open Qin Feng's T-shirt.

Then I want to open it up, is it really red?

"Huh? There's nothing!" Aurora Anna remembered that the place where she pinched was her left waist.

"." Qin Feng blushed for a moment, the plan to deceive the little princess failed, but Qin Feng did not expect that the little princess would directly lift off the T-shirt to check the injury.

This is too unexpected for Qin Feng.

"You big liar, me." Aurora Anna raised her foot, wanting to talk to her again.

But I held back.

At any rate, he was the benefactor who saved his empire.

"I didn't lie, what I said just now may have turned red. Maybe some internal injury? It really hurts." Qin Fenggui said.

"I believe you ghost!" Aurora Anna pouted fiercely, and would never believe Qin Feng's nonsense again. I was so worried about him just now, did I really have heavy hands?

"Hi, Mr. Qin, I'm Li Yaoming, the general manager of your Great Wall Company." Li Yaoming stepped forward and said, "I have basically brought all the treasures that I want to bring here this time, and I'm just waiting for this big show!"

"That's good! Bring my baby up! Let everyone see your strength!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of these few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after these few days, the content will get better, because the author is sick!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve! 】

(End of this chapter)

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