Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 234 The Empress Bestows a Marriage!Married a little princess?

Chapter 234 The Empress Bestows a Marriage!Married a little princess?

Qin Feng gave an order, and soon, many robots were taken down from the truck.

These robots are basically half a meter in height.

There is no mechanical arm, only a pulley underneath instead of a foot.

These pulleys are almost like those boss chairs, but they are quite flexible anyway.

"Li Mingyao, turn on these robots for me and start them up." Qin Feng gave an order.


Then Li Mingyao pressed the button on the top of the robot.

【Ding!Great Wall's version 1.0 search and rescue robot is now launched! 】

【Ding!Great Wall's version 1.0 search and rescue robot is now launched! 】

【Ding!Great Wall's version 1.0 search and rescue robot is now launched! 】

【Ding!Great Wall's version 1.0 search and rescue robot is now launched! 】

These robots all made sounds in unison.

Anyway, the little princess Aurora Anna likes these gadgets very much, but she doesn't know how to search and rescue them?

Of course, Princess Aurora Anna, she naturally knows that Qin Feng's company is very good, and high-tech things emerge in endlessly.

As long as it is Qin Feng's stuff, it should be a very good existence.

: "Hi, hello, this soldier of the Golden Horde."


Qin Feng went up to say hello.

This is a western man.

Wear some orange rescue team outfits.

He turned to look at Qin Feng.

Naturally, he doesn't know Qin Feng's identity.

And I don't know Aurora Anna either.

"Sir, do you have something to do?" The soldier called Aldington Greg, looked at Qin Feng, and persuaded: "We are here for rescue, for your safety, you still have to go to an open place That's good."

"What's your name?" Qin Feng said, "I'm here to help you rescue!" Qin Feng said, pointing to the robots he brought, and said: "This is a robot developed by our company. The new product is a robot that can help rescue teams search and rescue."

"Oh? A robot?" Greg Aldington looked at Qin Feng, "So you are a company that came to help the disaster area, right?" Greg Aldington knew the identity of the other party.

"By the way, my name is Aldington Greg!" Aldington Greg continued.

"Well, it can be regarded as helping your disaster area." Qin Feng nodded.

"All right, your stuff? How can you help us?" Greg Aldington asked.

Qin Feng looked at Aldington Greg and smiled.

There was no reply.

Instead, the search button on the top of the search and rescue robot was activated.


Qin Feng pressed down.

Everyone looked here.

【Ding!147.222 meters due east, there are signs of life, preliminarily determined to be human!Please go to the rescue immediately! 】

【Ding!144.222 meters due south, there are signs of life, preliminarily determined to be a dog!Please go to the rescue immediately! 】

【Ding!114.222 meters due to the west, there are signs of life, and it is initially determined to be a dog!Please go to the rescue immediately! 】

【Ding!115.222 meters due north, there are signs of life, preliminarily determined to be a dog!Please go to the rescue immediately! 】

The search and rescue robot made multiple beeps in succession.

It also made Aldington Greg stunned.

I don't know what to believe.

Still don't believe it?

"Quick!" Qin Feng immediately looked at Greg Aldington, "Go to the east, believe me, there must be someone there, saving people is the most important thing!"

"This..." Aldington Greg was a little unbelievable, can this work?
You know, some life detectors of their rescue team can only detect people at a distance of about 3.2 meters.

But this robot?

Good guy.

More than 100 meters directly.

The farthest can be more than 500 meters.

This made Aldington Greg a little unbelievable.

"Hurry up! Greg Aldington! You trust me once, and I won't waste your time, right?" Qin Feng urged again, did these people not watch the news?My ground penetrating bomb has shocked the world. Does it mean that no one believes in this little technology?
Really speechless.

Seeing this, Aldington Gregg saw that Qin Feng had started to become fierce, so he didn't hate Qin Feng, but chose to believe it once.

Immediately, Greg Aldington shouted: "Come on, come with me a few people, let's see if there is anyone over there!"


Aldington Greg took a few soldiers and headed towards the location designated by the search and rescue robot.

And here.

It seems that under the ruins, there is really a little boy of the Golden Horde Khan buried.

The little boy kept conserving his strength when he heard no movement from above.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard that someone was coming, and immediately became happy. He kept beating the nearby steel, making a dang-dang sound, and began to shout.

Of course, as I said before, although Qin Feng’s plan allowed 90.00% of the Golden Horde people to successfully withdraw, there are still some people who are sleeping, or people with hearing impairment, or elderly people , or the disabled.

They can't run.

Therefore, there are really thousands or tens of thousands of people in the capital of the Golden Horde Khan with a population of about 100 million, and there is no way to withdraw.

But there is no other way, who is the queen of their empire, who doesn't believe Qin Feng's words?

If it weren't for Qin Feng, the casualties might have been even greater.

"Listen, it seems that there is really a little boy calling down here?" Greg Aldington listened to the ruins, and the knocking sound was obviously caused by humans.

"Quick! Move these ruins away! Get this man out!" Aldington Greg ordered.

But soon.

Qin Feng looked at Aldington Greg, and persuaded: "Aldington Greg, don't lead others to do it, let me analyze it for you first."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he pressed another button on the search and rescue robot.

It's a green button.

Greg Aldington didn't know what Qin Feng was going to do.

But the strength of the search and rescue robot that Qin Feng showed just now is already very strong, and he thinks it is right to listen to the other party.

This robot is simply awesome.

If it is a hundred meters away, there is generally no instrument that can detect life.

But Qin Feng's machine is very good.

But what they didn't know was that the robot Qin Feng used a low-frequency conduction technology of the heart.

To put it simply, the human heart emits some very weak low-frequency bands, which are the only unmanned existence on the earth, and robots can sense these bands.

But a dog's heart is different.

The low frequency band is slightly different.

It is these subtle differences that the robot can feel, whether it is a human or a dog.

After Qin Feng pressed the switch, a camera-like thing appeared on the top of the search and rescue robot.

The robot first scanned some of the ruins as a whole.

Then take advantage of the pick-up status system.


On the dashboard of the robot, a 3D simulation of a waste pile appeared.

"Aldington Greg, this is another function of my robot. It can analyze which buildings you demolish first and which buildings you demolish later, so that the whole pile of ruins will not collapse."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he saw that Aldington Greg was a little confused.

He continued to explain: "In other words, it is a messy pile of matches. My robot can analyze which match to remove first without the whole pile of matches collapsing."

"This..." Aldington Greg was a little speechless. Isn't this kind of technology too awesome? It's simply unimaginable.

Since they were so awesome just now.

Believe it or not.

"Mr. Aldington Greg, you first remove the No. 1 ruin object, which is a large stone slab! After dismantling, there will be No. 2 ruins on it." Qin Feng looked at Aldington Greg and found him He has already started to take action, and continued, "Greg Aldington, don't remove the wood under this big stone slab, because the search and rescue robot has marked it in red. This is a dangerous ruin, and it is likely to collapse if it is removed. It will crush the little boy below."

"Okay." Greg Aldington agreed, and soon began to act again.


Aldington Greg took a few soldiers and successfully rescued the little boy.

"Sir, this thing of yours is really miraculous." Greg Aldington wiped his sweat, "If we had your thing, we would be able to rescue it, and it would be much easier!!"

"Aldington Greg, you are welcome, you should!" Qin Feng said, looked at Aldington Greg, and said: "You should also use this thing? Now I will give it to Here you go, try to teach the people under your banner so that they can use it, in this way, the progress will be much faster!"

"Thank you sir." Greg Aldington thanked sincerely, "I never thought that you, who are not from our Golden Horde, can help us in this way. We are really touched."

"It's okay, you go quickly!" Aldington Greg was a little embarrassed to see him being too polite.

"Sir, why don't you leave a name here? If I say it, I will report your matter!" Aldington Greg said.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking.

Aldington Greg stared immediately.

Because from behind Qin Feng, he saw the face of a person he needed to respect.

"My Lady Queen? My Lady Afro Labella?" Aldington Greg greeted immediately.

"Is Her Majesty the Queen here?"

The people around were not only Greig Aldington saying hello.

Many, many people said hello.

"Queen AfroLabela?" Qin Feng turned around and looked at a beautiful young lady! ! !
"Mr. Qin" Afro Labella was a little ashamed, walked over quickly, and said with some shame: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I, Afro Labella, are incompetent. You obviously let me evacuate people, but I still didn't listen to you. If I had done what you said a few days ago, then the thousands or tens of thousands of people who have not been evacuated now would not have to be unable to get out, and all of them would have been rescued. .It's all my fault."

Afro Labella is simply regretful.

But now AfroLabela already knows that all of this is Qin Feng's plan. It was Qin Feng who took people to kidnap the Queen and the people from Qin Tianjian. Here are 100 million people.

"Mother, you don't have to be like this. I also blamed Mr. Qin wrongly at the beginning, and now I apologize, and he is very generous." Aurora Anna walked forward with a smile.

"Yes, Queen AfroLabela, no one would believe it, but I would rather believe it or not." Qin Feng grinned.

"Oh, stop it, Mr. Qin, it's all because I don't have the courage!" Queen Afrolabella blamed herself again, but she didn't continue.

"Queen AfroLabella, the first thing to do now is to rescue these people as soon as possible. But it's okay, the robot I provided is very high-tech, and now, it can be rescued successfully at a very fast speed! Because everyone's position can be found very well!" Qin Feng smiled, looked at Afro Labella, and found that she was very haggard.

But a beautiful face.

It's really beautiful.

It is said that she was the number one beauty in the Golden Horde Khan back then.

"Anna, were you with Mr. Qin the whole time yesterday?" Queen AfroLabela also saw her daughter, looking at Qin Feng as if she was her lover.

she knows.

A man like Qin Feng.

Not to mention her own daughter Aurora Anna.

Even the queen herself.

They all act secretly.

If her daughter likes Qin Feng, Queen AfroLabela would rather be beautiful as an adult.

"Mr. Qin" Empress AfroLabela suddenly looked at Qin Feng and let out a cry.

"En? What's the matter? Queen AfroLabela?" Qin Feng was puzzled.

"Well, Mr. Qin, in order to express my gratitude this time." Aurora Bella paused, hesitated, and then said: "I am willing to give my little princess Aurora Anna to Mr. Take it as a thank you from our Golden Horde Khan, and also as our friendly exchange with Mr. Qin."

Queen Aurora Bella said, and continued: "Of course, I know that Mr. Qin already has many girlfriends, but I believe that my precious daughter Aurora Anna will be very good. Is it? Anna? "Queen AfroLabela looked at her daughter.

"Mother...I..." Aurora Anna was completely speechless, but she liked Qin Feng very much.

But how can I be embarrassed.

"Stop talking, mother knows what you're thinking." How could Afrorabella not know the current situation in the world, her precious daughter is a popular elf girl all over the world, and men all over the world, how many people think about this Beautiful body, and that face.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of this matter?" Afro Labella asked.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of these few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after these few days, the content will get better, because the author is sick!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support! 】

(End of this chapter)

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