Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 251 The whole world is shocked!Manned landing on Mars!

Chapter 251 The whole world is shocked!Manned landing on Mars!

"That's it, Mrs. Sano!"

"If you have time! You should learn more from Sayuri Miyazaki!"

"Although he is just a fledgling, but he is very strong! There are so many skills that you don't overwhelm yourself."

Qin Feng hugged Sano in his arms with a smile.

I remembered many of Miyazaki's skills yesterday.

That was a big laugh.

And that Sano Hinako gave her a blank look, "I know, I'll learn more, and I also want to be more skilled!" Sano Hinako poked Qin Feng's head, "Every day, you know how to practice!" people."

"Because of ease."

Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, there are these superb beauties. ,
Really want to die at ease every day.

Soon it was noon, and Li Zhien also served many dishes.

Na Luo Xiyan hasn't returned home yet.

It was probably also left behind by Luo Yu.

But anyway, at one o'clock in the evening, he should be back.

When the time comes, tell Luo Xiyan that Miyazaki Sayuri and these girls are all female bodyguards arranged by Mr. Nangong.

Now the whole family gathers around the living room to eat.

Sano Hinako, Aurora Anna, Miyazaki Sayuri, Chiyo Sakurako, Li Zhien, Linghu.

The first three of them.

It has already been beaten by Qin Feng.

And the remaining three.

Of course, it was just bullying and kissing.

Of course, Chiyo Sakurako said nothing.

Qin Feng didn't intend to touch her either.

Neither of them showed any emotion.

She is just like Linghu, the driver.

"Is this table too small?"

"When you have time, you can order a bigger one!"

Qin Feng thought about it in his heart.

But the table is small, which also has the advantage of a small table. You can also eat tofu when you eat. After all, tofu mixed with shallots is clear and white.


It's green onions.

It's just beautiful.

"Sayuri is up?" Qin Feng and the others were eating in a soft, gentle way, but Miyazaki Sayuri came out from the bedroom.

She was wearing thin pajamas.

The mental head is a little poor.

A servant looks weak to help her up.

"Zhien, Qiandai Yingji, you two, don't you want to help Sayuri?" Qin Feng looked at the two girls with a slightly lower status and ordered.


The two walked over.

But Chiyo Sakurako murmured in her heart, "This master is really invincible, even Sayuri Miyazaki has studied systematically, and he is invincible."

Chiyo Sakurako knows.

They have learned this system.

Many boys can't stand it.

For example, a girl retired from the secret service, she is very good at it, and those boys basically can't last long.

Of course, there are more than a dozen agents, and basically none of them have released their fledglings.

Just a previously retired agent.

Therefore, an excellent agent like Sayuri Miyazaki can't beat Qin Feng. This shows how strong Qin Feng is.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, you worked hard yesterday, how do you feel?" Sakurako Chiyo supported Sayuri Miyazaki and joked about her sisters.

"You know how to make fun of me." Saiduri Miyazaki gave her a blank look, and then said slightly: "Sakura, how about, today, you and I can play poker with my husband?"

"Ah? I..." Chiyo Sakurako's expression immediately became unnatural. Although she had learned the system, it was all on paper, and she had never actually fought.

Of course, Chiyo Sakurako also likes Qin Feng very much.

But she wasn't ready at all.

"Sakura, my sister almost fainted from what she said yesterday. If you care about my sister, you can't back down from such a thing this time." Sayuri Miyazaki's tone was basically begging, mainly because she had suffered too much.

But Sayuri Miyazaki knew that she was too beautiful.

That's what husbands do.

I should be happy.

But no complaints.

"Well, Sayuri, this Mr. Qin is real, why is he so unsympathetic?" Chiyo Sakurako said leisurely, looked at the man at the dinner table who was still flirting with Sano Hinako, really wanted to go Say a few words to him, but dare not.

I still feel sorry for my sister.

"Sakura, you can't complain about your husband. My sister is voluntary. If you want to blame her, it's useless to blame her." What Miyazaki Sayuri said yesterday, Qin Feng also opened his mouth to show mercy.

If you say yes, you don't want it.

But Sayuri Miyazaki persisted.

Because she knew that if a boy didn't finish playing a hand of cards, it would be very difficult for him to exist.

"Well, Sayuri, I want to help you too, but I need the owner's consent." Chiyo Sakurako's voice can be said to be getting smaller and smaller, and finally can't be heard.

Chiyo Yingko then said: "I guess, among the 12 agents, the master has his eyes on you, Sayuri, and the others are only used as bodyguards and servants. In my case, I just arranged to drive for the master. Like Li Zhien under Mr. Qin's banner, and Linghu, aren't they all just girls."

"You, you really don't know how to judge people. The two people you mentioned will sooner or later be your husband's." Although Sayuri Miyazaki came here not long ago, she can tell that Li Zhi and Linghu must be with Qin The wind is somewhat ambiguous.

that thing.

Isn't it just a matter of time?

"Don't talk about it yet, let's go have dinner with your husband." Sayuri Miyazaki smiled slightly, "I'll just help you tonight. Of course, it's not just me helping you, Sister Sano, and Sister Princess, will also help you." Yours, because they actually want a few more helpers."

"En me." Chiyo Sakurako nodded slightly, not embarrassed to talk about it.

They are Sun Empire girls.

It is indeed open.

But basically, only the beloved man.

As long as the relationship is in place.

In order to open their obedience.

"You haven't given me a positive attitude yet!" Miyazaki Sayuri said, "Are you willing to get along with our master? If you miss the opportunity, the master will have more and more "kittens" in the future. I can't get over it."

"Little Baihe, I would like to befriend Mr. Qin." Qiandai Yingzi still gave an affirmative answer. Although she has just joined this big family, she can also feel that the nine night angels, in fact, everyone looks at Qin Feng's eyes , all have some resentment. ,

Probably by the side of such a beautiful man, but cannot be loved by Qin Feng.

It is indeed a sin.

After all, it's like a beautiful woman by a man's side. She just helps with washing and cooking, but nothing else.

This is very distressing.

"Okay, since we, Sakurako, have agreed, then I will help you, and I will definitely let you and your husband as soon as possible." Saiduri Miyazaki did not continue, but smiled coquettishly anyway, and she will have an extra helper in the future .


We all finished our meal.

Qin Feng is pulling more than a dozen agents.

There are also nine night angels.

We came to the exercise room in the villa together.

This is a yoga studio. ,
There are many facilities in the place that was specially used to practice kung fu for the nine night angels.


Qin Feng just carried a large stack of books up.

This is the cheat book in all martial arts novels.

These are his loyal female bodyguards.

Qin Feng needs them to choose their own suitable martial arts cheats to practice.

In this case, their combat effectiveness will naturally increase to a higher level.

The female killers and agents basically chose their own cheats suitable for practice.

But most of them are some hidden weapon moves, as well as those within the lightness kung fu.

But Qin Feng recommended them to practice the Jade Heart Sutra.

This is good stuff.

at night.

Luo Xiyan also came back, and of course she was hugged lovingly by Qin Feng.

"Honey, why are there a few more girls in leather clothes and pants? To protect you?" Luo Xiyan, the former daughter of the school girl, has that delicate body.

Leaning in Qin Feng's arms, he opened his mouth with some resentment.

"Sister Xiyan, this was brought by my grandfather recently! It is said that my husband is secretly protected by the nine dark night angels, but on the bright side, he also needs some female bodyguards!" Nangong Mingyue sat on the side and was the first to make a rescue. .

"Is that so?" Luo Xiyan also knew that Qin Feng used girl bodyguards, naturally because there were too many girls in the family, so it was inconvenient to use male bodyguards.

Therefore, she has no objection to Qin Feng's use of a girl bodyguard.

"Tch, we Xiyan, you think I'm looking for a housemate?" Qin Feng, who is a thief, is still talking arrogantly.

"Aren't you interested in them?" Luo Xiyan rolled her eyes, "That one named Sayuri Miyazaki, isn't she too pretty? Where can I find such a powerful agent, won't he lie to me?"

"Xiao Baihe, quickly show your mistress your hands." Qin Feng smiled lightly, knowing that Luo Xiyan would not believe it.

Followed by.

Sayuri Miyazaki started to perform.

Not much to say about the details.

Anyway, Luo Xiyan immediately believed that Sayuri Miyazaki was not a beauty brought in by Qin Feng under the guise of a female bodyguard.

But a really capable female bodyguard.

But just at this moment, some big news appeared on your TV.

Today, the eyes of all mankind are stuck here.
Because this is Qin Feng's last reward, that is, the reward he got when he went to the Golden Horde to rescue the earthquake: a spaceship that manned a manned landing on Mars.

It is currently live broadcasting around the world.

Of course, this is not what Qin Feng and his wives are looking at. ,
In the whole world, basically 80.00% of people watch it.

And about 98% of the people in Qin Feng's own empire!

Today's day can be said to be a great leap in human history. Many office workers and company bosses have given their employees a holiday at this time, and asked them to watch the live broadcast of Dragon Empire's manned landing on Mars.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's a live broadcast from any media: Xiaoyu TV, Big Fish TV, Xiaohu TV, Beijing TV, or station b. ,

There is no place on the whole network.

Don't broadcast it live.

More than 60 years ago, almost no one in the world has ever landed on the moon.

Of course, except for those people from the Western Tigers who went up there more than 60 years ago, human beings have not broken through the bottleneck of manned landing on the moon.

Not to mention direct manned landing on Mars.

This is a pioneering work in human history.

It can be said that the popularity of live broadcasts is even higher than that of the five Olympic Games in the whole world.

The TV station that Qin Feng and the girls watch is Beijing TV Station.

Now on TV.

Qin Feng could see that there were two very beautiful hostesses, and they started talking.

"Hello everyone, this is Beijing TV Station. The time is xx, xx, 25th, 15:29 in the afternoon! Now we are Dragon Empire's QF super space manned rocket. It will perform its first The launch mission. The following is the live broadcast for everyone!"

Of course.

This QF manned rocket.

Naturally, it is named after Qin Feng.

After all, this was made by Qin Feng's reward.

But when Mr. Nangong told the whole world, he always said that Qin Feng invented it.

Naturally, Qin Feng's name should be used as the rocket's name.

Many foreign inventions are generally invented by whoever invented them, and then they named things.

In the live broadcast, I naturally saw Mr. Qin talking on it.

There are also some sons of Mr. Qin.

Those pilots who were about to go to the sky saluted Mr. Qin.

And Mr. Qin also saluted them back.

"Excuse me, Mr. Nangong. On such an important occasion today, the scientist who developed this rocket is Mr. Qin, your son-in-law? Why didn't he come to the scene?"

this problem.

This is a question that many journalists want to ask.

The whole world is watching this scene today.

Qin Feng didn't come.

It's a bit unreasonable.

Anyway, everyone knows that Mr. Nangong, the son-in-law, is very mysterious, so mysterious that he can't see the end of the dragon.

I can only know that this person is very good, but people can't see it very much.

"Old man, my son-in-law is naturally the most important scientist in our Dragon Empire. He is usually busy, so he himself is not willing to come out on such occasions. He said that he wants to build some better science for our empire." Things come out! Just leave these matters to the old man." Nangong old man said, but he didn't know, what is this Qin Feng doing now?

Mr. Nangong called Qin Feng in the morning.

It is said that it is the meeting of manned landing on Mars today.

Qin Feng is needed.

But this guy said that he couldn't win, and he was doting on women.


Anyway, it's weird.

Mr. Nangong has no choice but to say that Qin Feng is busy developing new weapons when the reporter asks.

But where is Qin Feng developing new weapons?

Instead, weapons are being used.

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(End of this chapter)

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