Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 252 Li Zhi's Cantaloupe?here now?

Chapter 252 Li Zhi's Cantaloupe?here now?
And on the news.

Manned landing on Mars.

In preparation for launch.

Now ten astronauts in white spacesuits are naturally at the launch base, greeting everyone.

After saying hello.

The astronauts naturally sat on the space chairs in the rocket cabin.

They're doing some post-flight preparations.

It's not clear.

It's like warming up before exercising.

Followed by.

The display station said that the physical condition of the several astronauts was completely fine.

"Astronauts are in good physical condition!"

"You can apply to take off!"

"Do you want to apply for takeoff!"

"take off!"

A command to go down.

Soon the base can be heard.

There was the sound of a loudspeaker.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!"

"Three two one!"

"take off!"

There was a sound of taking off.

The super rocket in the base also ejected gas from its tail, and began to propel the super rocket into the sky.

this moment.

It's a moment the whole world is watching.

Of course, for ordinary rockets, when they take off, flames will be ejected from the tail, which is hydrogen.

But the rocket technology rewarded by the Qin Feng system is nuclear kinetic energy, so the tailbone uses some gas to recoil.

After the rocket took off, at the take-off base at the scene, only the roar of the rocket could be heard, which was also extremely harsh.

Of course.

In the live broadcast video, there are split screens, a total of 15 split screens.

The five split screens are what the rocket looks like when it takes off from five directions.

The other ten split screens are what 10 astronauts look like at the moment.

The current astronauts are all sitting in space chairs, looking very serious and excited.

They are actually very uncomfortable, and now they represent the entire empire.

The whole world is paying attention to them, and they must show a dignified appearance.

The rocket took off quickly, and it was tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground.

Break through the atmosphere.

Everything took off and developed very smoothly.

"Is this the technology of their Dragon Empire?"

"(⊙o⊙)... Isn't this too surprising?"

"Did the rocket break through the atmosphere so quickly after takeoff?"

"The military strength of their empire now! And the technology! It really is an existence that no one in the world can match!"

"Now in space? There is still such a clear live broadcast? And the voice of the astronaut? How can it be so clear? It is said that going to Mars? It can be broadcast live? How does this transmit information?"

Anyway, these crooked nuts are very suspicious.

these technologies.

It is completely incomprehensible to human beings.

Of course, after the rocket ascends into space, it will not reach Mars immediately.

Because the distance is still very far.

The distance from the earth to the moon is about 40 kilometers.

And to go to Mars, that is more than 100 times.

So why has it been so many years, only the rice empire manned the moon a few decades ago, and no one has done it since then?
Moreover, it is said that the Mi Empire sent people to the earth in the first place, but it was also questioned as false.

Mars, which is a hundred times away, is really a problem that humans cannot break through. If it weren't for Qin Feng's plug-in rewards, it is very likely that humans will not be able to overcome such difficulties after 1000 years.

According to the speed of manned spacecraft to the moon, it will take four or five days to go to the moon, and then to Mars, it will definitely take more than 500 days.

But Qin Feng's rocket is different.

It only takes three days to go to Mars.

Of course, during the three days to Mars, the life of the astronauts was still broadcast live.

People all over the world are watching.

And people all over the world are also watching whether the rocket developed by Qin Feng can reach Mars smoothly, because if it doesn't go well, the whole world will laugh at it.

In other words, ten astronauts can only go and never return.

Of course, the journey to Mars is broadcast live all over the world?
This is the first time in history.

How terrible do you think the traffic on the major platforms is?
Totally overcrowded.

Those online readers who read novels no longer read novels, but watch live broadcasts.

Those who watch TV don't watch it at all.

All major platforms and servers are going to be overcrowded.

Basically, the popularity is the best in the world, and no one can surpass it.

But now on the Internet, some people also question why the empire wants to broadcast Mars live for the crooked nuts to watch?It is said that there are many secrets on Mars, what if the gringo finds out?There is new energy or something on it.

And Qin Feng said that they just look at it casually.

their technology.

Can't catch up with Qin Feng's tail at all.

Just let them jump around.

"Everyone, let's eat, don't watch any live broadcasts, what's so good about Mars?"

Qin Feng is at home.

Holding Sayuri Miyazaki in her arms.

I saw Luo Xiyan coming.

It also made her get off her own leg.

Then pretend it's okay.

Call everyone to eat.

But everyone ignored Qin Feng.

Even Luo Xiyan didn't see Qin Feng hugging Sayuri Miyazaki, because his eyes were all watching the live broadcast on TV.

"Sayuri, get up! It's time to eat." Qin Feng saw Sayuri Miyazaki hugging his neck, turned his head to the TV, and called out to her himself.

There is no response?
Then Qin Feng could only pinch the small cliff.
"Yeah, husband, what are you doing?" Sayuri Miyazaki felt a little pain, so she made a soft voice.

"I said Xiao Baihe, what are you looking at? Xi Yan is in front, and you are still sitting in my arms?" Qin Feng just said.

Sayuri Miyazaki was startled immediately, Luo Xiyan really came out of the kitchen.

But his eyes turned to the live TV.

Didn't find them hugging at all.

"Wait, Xiyan seems to be attracted by the TV, we can ignore her for now." Qin Feng smiled brightly, seeing that Luo Xiyan didn't turn his head back, he grabbed Sayuri Miyazaki who was about to get up.

Then he turned her head around, saw those delicate red lips, and planned to kiss her.

But Sayuri Miyazaki tilted her head, "Husband, don't make trouble, I'm watching the Rocket live broadcast."

Sayuri Miyazaki watched the TV and said, "When the live broadcast is over, Sayuri will give her husband some benefits. Let's watch the live broadcast first."

"I'm going." Qin Feng was a little speechless, what the hell is this, are these women so rare about this live broadcast in space?

But Qin Feng also thinks it is reasonable.

After all, no one has ever seen what it looks like in space.

If it goes to Mars and then broadcasts live, it will probably be more attractive.

"Oh, it's all my fault! I made the rocket!" Qin Feng was speechless. In the past, at home, he was the focus of all the women. His every move, every frown and smile were all their attention.

But now.

These feelings of happiness are completely gone.

They were all attracted by this rocket.

Even Luo Xiyan didn't see Sayuri Miyazaki being hugged by her husband.

"This husband" Sano Hinako was on the side, also staring at the live broadcast, but seeing Sayuri Miyazaki being hugged by Qin Feng, even watching the live broadcast was restless.

Hinako Sano was glad that she was not the one being hugged.

Otherwise, how can you watch the live broadcast with peace of mind?

Snap it.

Qin Feng didn't care about it, and hit Sayuri Miyazaki on the cliff.

Saiduri Miyazaki immediately called out again.

"Husband, what are you going to do? You make trouble on your own, and you can do it yourself. They don't hinder you, I just watch TV." Sayuri Miyazaki looked at Qin Feng resentfully.

That means.

You don't want to.

Others give.

But don't disturb people watching the live broadcast.

"I said it's time to eat, didn't you hear? Don't look!" Qin Feng was speechless, and looked at Li Zhi who was next to him, "Zhi En, go and put all the food on the table, don't you like it?" eat!"

Saiduri Miyazaki also knew that her husband was a little unhappy.

Immediately watched the live broadcast reluctantly, and then followed Li Zhien to the kitchen to serve the food on the table.

"Everyone is eating, don't look at it, my husband is upset." Sano Hinako also saw Qin Feng's expression is not good, and immediately pulled the little princess Aurora Anna beside her.

Then everyone went to the restaurant.

Qin Feng likes holding Sayuri Miyazaki very much. In the past few days, almost as long as Luo Xiyan is not by his side, she is in his arms.

A few times, directly on the couch.
Anyway, it's weird.

while eating.

Luo Xiyan actually came out and suggested that she put the food in and eat it in the living room.
Qin Feng didn't care about her either.

After all, the eldest wife, the first woman is the hostess of the family.

Qin Feng still dotes on this beautiful top-quality school belle.

But other women have to eat with Qin Feng in the restaurant.

Everyone seems to be absent-minded, all they think about is the appearance of the rocket live broadcast.

Because at around [-]:[-] p.m., the rocket is about to land on Mars, which is even more beautiful.

They have to watch the live broadcast.

"Sano, Anna, you two are here today, we will play poker."

After Qin Feng finished his meal.

I invited two people myself.

But Sano said: "Husband, I still feel a little unwell, let's forget about it today!"

"Me too." Anna echoed.

It's not that they are in poor health.

It's that they are reluctant to part with today's live broadcast.

It's literally the whole world waiting to see.

Only Qin Feng may not care too much.

"Then, Xiao Baihe, is it just you today?" Qin Feng smiled, and we will do it secretly later, so that Xiyan won't find out.

Anyway, this villa has arrived very well.

Qin Feng has many rooms.

For a while, Luo Xiyan wanted to find the gentle fragrance of the two of them.

Not sure yet.

"Husband, let Sano and sister Anna, I can't do it." Miyazaki Sayuri naturally refused, she had to watch the live broadcast.

"Play mahjong today!"

"Oh shit!"

Qin Feng looked at the way they pushed me and I pushed you.

Even more speechless.

Got angry.

He grabbed a few people and left.

Leave Li Zhien and Linghu behind, and help Luo Xiyan cover here.

The three of them were also aggrieved and couldn't watch the live broadcast of Mars. ,
But participated in another kind of "live broadcast".

Regarding the treatment these days, Qin Feng really wanted to call Mr. Nangong and just stop the live broadcast.

But for my own comfort. ,
Letting people all over the world not see the live broadcast of Mars is a little hard to do.

at night.

Another cool night.

Of course. ,
Cool is next.

The key is cool. ,
When I wake up at eight or nine in the morning.

Qin Feng turned over.

I found that there was no one around me.

Immediately, he saw Li Zhin beside him helping Qin Feng sort out a suit of clothes.

"Zhien, where are these people? Where did they go? Get up so early?"

Qin Feng was puzzled.

Usually, after playing mahjong at three o'clock, at least sleep until noon, right?

Why is it so early today?
"The three older sisters all went to watch the replay." Li Zhi said helplessly.

"Fuck! This is crazy!" Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and said, "Changing clothes."

"En." Li Zhien responded and stepped forward.

It didn't matter that Qin Feng didn't have equipment.

After all, although the two of them have not reached the final step.

But the rest of the rights that can be exercised have all been exercised.

Qin Feng, who was sitting in front of the mirror, put Li Zhi in his arms after getting dressed.

She tasted her red lips carefully.

On the other side, Hinako Sano, Sayuri Miyazaki, and Princess Anna dragged their exhausted bodies and naturally turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast.

"Keep your voice down, my husband hasn't woken up yet, it's not good to be heard later! Let's finish watching the live broadcast and go back to sleep!"

"Well, I guess this stinky husband hasn't woken up yet! Let's pretend to go back and rest!"

"Isn't Mars barren? There's nothing there?"

"This is a serious live broadcast, it's not like the synthetic video made by those sci-fi movies in the past!"

On Mars at the moment.

Streaming some of the surface of Mars.

There are deserts and Gobi everywhere.

But just because of such deserts and Gobi, people all over the world can see it with gusto.

The landform above is almost the desert landform in central Asia.

"Huh? Has my husband woke up? Why is there some movement in his room?"

Sano Hinako glanced slightly towards the room.

"It seems to be! Turn off the TV, let's go back secretly?"

The women knew that Qin Feng hated them for just watching the live broadcast and ignoring him these days.

So I quietly turned off the TV.

and go back.

When the time comes, it's good to say that it's time to come out and pee.

And Qin Feng's side is naturally Li Zhi'an and him.

Just forget about the kiss.

"Is it hard?"

After parting.

Qin Feng asked slightly.

"En." Li Zhi nodded honestly.

"It's about time, Luo Xiyan watched the live broadcast all night yesterday, so she probably won't wake up until very late today."

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"I'll carry you to the bathroom."

Because the room has separate.

There are also bedrooms in the bedroom.

Qin Feng hugged Li Zhi up.

Time to do this little girl some favors
[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of the past few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after this month, the content will be better, because the author's home is being renovated!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support!Thank you so much everyone!Everyone, please help to vote!Thank you everyone! !Thanks!

I beg everyone!Please don't give up!Don't give up!real!The author begs! 】

(End of this chapter)

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