Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 260 The world is shocked!Return to Mars Landing Chapter!

Chapter 260 The world is shocked!Landing on Mars returns!
"Of course it is the largest private island in the world." Qin Feng looked at the little princess Dai Na, and hugged her in his arms like a child, "At that time, we will have fun on the island Play."

"The largest private island in the world? Is that Weddell Island?"

Elizabeth Dayna.

After all, the little princess of the West.

For these private islands.

She still knows.

[The world's largest private island: with an area of ​​2.658 million square meters, the islanders enjoy 618 million square meters per capita. 】

Some time ago, some people talked about the existence of Lanai Island, which was bought 98% by Oracle boss Ellison.

Many people may regard that island as the largest private island in the world.

But it's not.

The largest private island in the world is Weddell Island in the Falkland Islands. Although the area of ​​Lanai Island is much larger than that of Weddell Island, it is because Lanai Island is not completely private and cannot be considered in the true sense. Therefore, the title of the world's largest private island was given to Weddell Island.

This is an island with an area of ​​265.8 square kilometers.It is currently the third largest island in the entire Falkland Islands, second only to East Falkland and West Falkland, and its owner has been changing over the years. It was originally owned by the Williams family, but this The family did not always own the island, but handed over its ownership to the Hamilton family not long after. Since then, the ownership of the island has changed three times, and it is now owned by the Clifton family.

And as an island larger than many urban areas, it is only owned by one family. This kind of thing can easily make people feel that it is a plot in a novel.Some people may think that the area of ​​265.8 square kilometers does not sound very big, but if it is converted into square meters, it is very intuitive, because 265 square kilometers is equivalent to 8 million square meters. You must know that there are only 2.658 people living here. You may have seen a villa living in a thousand square meters, but here, 43 people enjoy an area of ​​43 million square meters, which is equivalent to an area of ​​more than 2.658 million square meters per capita. Have you seen it?

Although the place is really cold.

But there is a high-tech Qin Feng.

Don't care at all.

Live for a summer.

Change places again.

Totally fine.

Now Qin Feng, just choose private islands around, and just change places to live.

Of course, the first stop is to go to Pineapple Island in Hawaii.

It is more suitable to live there for this period of time.

"But Qin Feng, there are some residents living on this island. Even if you bought it, what will happen to these residents?" Princess Dai Na asked slightly, putting her arms around Qin Feng's neck.

"Don't worry about it. Just give them the best suite and some jobs, and they will definitely move." Qin Feng has money in his hand, are these problems?

Of course, Qin Feng still has this task.

That is to own 15.5 square kilometers of land.

Maybe acquire a little more private island.

Does that count?

It doesn't matter where they should be together, right?

Anyway, take your time.

After the unification of the world.

Qin Feng's task can also be completed.

And the reward is a planet.

It's pretty good.

But should I say it or not, the current Qin Feng really feels a little lazy in the gentle countryside.

But cheer up more in the future.

Don't have nothing to do all day, just have fun with the girls.

"Now everyone is starting to tidy up. In a few days, we will move to a new house!" Qin Feng looked at the beauties, then at Dai Na in his arms, and said with a smile: "Do you want to, my little princess, we Continue with today's radio gymnastics."

"I still can't, I really can't." How dare Dana promise, she was speechless yesterday.

"Qin Feng, are you going to live on Pineapple Island in Hawaii?" Nangong Mingyue was about to go to work. When she heard this, she naturally asked, "That's the territory of the Western Tiger. It's so far away from the capital. What if I go to work?"

"If you go to work, I'll get you a private jet, the express one, and it will arrive in a few minutes. It doesn't matter, just go and live together." Qin Feng patted Dana, motioned her to get up, and then stood up, Putting her arms around Nangong Mingyue, she said, "Don't worry, my wife. Although we are going to the place where the big tigers in the West are, they don't dare to do anything wrong. I can install the best security guards on the small island, no problem at all." .”

"Okay, you can arrange it, and I can do it." Nangong Mingyue lifted Qin Feng's hand, and went to pinch the small cliff.

the next morning.

It was almost noon.

Qin Feng and his beauties are watching TV at home, but today is a day of great concern to the whole world, because the spacecraft manned by the Dragon Empire to Mars has returned to Earth.

It is said that these astronauts also brought back a large number of rock and soil samples on the surface of Mars.

And it also proves a big point of view, that is, there used to be oceans on Mars.

Of course, this point of view has indeed been raised, but it is all conjecture.

The current Dragon Empire people have completely hammered this matter.

Of course, what the world is most concerned about now is whether there is life on Mars.

In this case, the astronauts really found a clue.

It should be under analysis and research, but there is no result yet.

Nangong Mingyue was also watching TV, and she couldn't help sighing, saying: "A few decades ago, our aerospace technology was not very developed. When the Western Tiger's Apollo returned to the earth, it gave more than 100 people all over the world. All the empires sent out moon rocks. The rest of the empires sent them at the kilogram level. Our empire alone only sent one gram, which is simply too bullying.

But there is no way. At that time, our empire was indeed a weak state, and it was normal for people to look down on it, but now, we can directly go to Mars to take a lot of fainting. "

Nangong Mingyue leaned happily on Qin Feng's shoulder.

She is in a family like Nangong's.

Naturally, the concept of empire is still very strong.

But now the empire is completely the pride of the whole world, the most powerful in the world.

But Nangong Mingyue knew that everything was brought by this little man.

"Yeah, at that time, we were really too poor, and our own people couldn't afford to eat. But now, we just got dozens of tons of Martian surface rocks back, which is much better than them. "Qin Feng also nodded, thinking of these things, he was very upset.


Qin Feng thought of a fun thing.

Immediately, he made a call to Mr. Nangong.

And hugged Nangong Mingyue in his arms, dialed this number and went out.

The current Qin Feng basically doesn't have a delicate body in his arms, so he is not used to it.

Anyway, holding a beauty all the time.

"Master Nangong, are you at the planetarium of our empire? Look at the stones and soil brought back from Mars?" Qin Feng held the phone and gently stroked Nangong Mingyue's long leg.

Seeing Qin Feng on the phone, Nangong Mingyue also attracted his attention, and didn't pay attention to the bad hand's movements at all.

"Well, isn't that right? The rocks and soil brought back by Mars. Although I am old, I am very interested in these space things." Mr. Nangong said with a smile.At the same time, I am very happy from the bottom of my heart that the current empire is so powerful.

"So old man, we can now bring back so many rocks and soil from Mars. And other empires just launch drones to take pictures? Shall we send some to every empire? How about showing the power of God? I Although I don’t pay attention to any important affairs of the empire, I am very clear that after the Western Tiger landed on the moon, he sent lunar meteorites to more than 100 empires, didn’t it show the power of a space technology?”

When Grandpa Nangong heard this, his face became serious, "Xiaofeng, you are right, we want to give some to the rest of the empire to show the power of the sky. Many elders are discussing this matter."

"Well, you can give more if you want. Anyway, if we go to Mars, it's as easy as going to grandma's house."

"Ah? Go to grandma's house?" Mr. Nangong twitched his mouth when he heard this metaphor, but although the words were crazy, they were indeed true.In the current Dragon Empire, it is really not difficult to go to Mars.

"If you have discussed the matter of sending meteorites, I won't participate in the discussion no matter how you send them, but there is one thing that must be done." Qin Feng smiled, "That is the big western tiger, and it was only one gram when it was sent to us. The meteorite on the moon is really a bit disgusting. Now, let’s be generous and give him more than 900 kilograms? How about it?”

Qin Feng is not afraid of what they can research on these meteorites.

After all, the research came out.

They can't go up either.

Anyway, technology will not be able to catch up with Qin Feng's plug-in in a lifetime.

It does not matter.

"More than 900 kilograms? Why send so much? We only got back dozens of tons." Nangong asked a little confused.

"Don't be stingy, old man, we've already brought in dozens of tons. It's such an auspicious number to give someone 911 kilograms." Qin Feng grinned, believing that the people on the Western Big Tiger's side, for this number , must be very familiar.

"Hahaha, my husband, you are so awesome, you are completely murderous." Nangong Mingyue, who was sitting in Qin Feng's arms, couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Really invincible.

"Xiaofeng, you are really talented. You can come up with such a good idea. You are indeed my good grandson." Grandpa Nangong laughed.

"Then don't you want to give me more? They gave us a gram back then, but now we are repaying grievances with kindness, and it is entirely to promote traditional virtues." Qin Feng laughed.

"It's okay. I think this matter is feasible. Let's make a decision like this. We will send them 910 kilograms of Martian meteorites." Mr. Nangong said with a smile, "At that time, the rest of our empire will only send a few dozen kilograms, and we have taken special care of it." They are big tigers in the West, can they still say that we are not?"

Mr. Nangong is naturally not afraid of the temper of some big western tiger.

he knows.

There is Qin Feng, a cheating boy.

own empire.

The world will be unified.

At that time, you can go to the whole world to set up the province.

"Also, Xiaofeng, the task is that you can own your own land of 15.5 square meters, and you also have your own currency, your own self-defense force. This task is to reward a planet, and you still have to eat." Mr. Nangong also had to speak a little harshly, "During this time, Ruanxiang, you are indeed a little lost, hurry up and do something serious."

"I know, I know, in fact, I was reflecting on myself just now." Qin Feng didn't complain that the old man's words were ugly, and he was really a bit wasted during this time.

"By the way, Mingyue and you haven't acted yet, have you?" Grandpa Nangong suddenly asked, "Although she said she was busy all the time, if you didn't touch her, you still have to find time."

"Hahaha, old man, just last second you were saying that I am too gentle, and now you have to sell your granddaughter again, right? It's okay, I'm going to the bridal chamber today." Qin Feng smiled, and found Nangong Mingyue in his arms, He began to bow his head slightly, feeling a little shy.

"Well, be careful yourself, don't let your women eat that thing after you're done." Mr. Nangong's meaning is very clear, that is, let Qin Feng try to have children as much as possible.

But what Qin Feng wanted was to enjoy more of their beauty.

That is, after giving birth.

naturally beautiful

Not so comfortable.

After Qin Feng hung up the phone, he naturally looked at the kitten in his arms, "What? You were shy when I told your grandpa about you? Did you look at me with a happy face just now? What happened tonight? explain?"

"How should I say? You can do whatever you want, I'm afraid you won't do it?" Nangong Mingyue pouted slightly.

"Hahahaha, okay, that's what you said, then let's pick one out, no one should participate, and see who is afraid when the time comes!" Qin Feng snorted.

"No, why don't I call two helpers?" Although Nangong Mingyue hadn't done it once, she had heard Sano, Luo Xiyan and others complaining about it all the time. This Qin Feng was really unbelievably strong.

She's busy anyway.

Qin Feng only gets up at noon and afternoon every time.

She really doesn't have much time to spend with Qin Feng.

"Then tell me, who do you want to be your helper?" Qin Feng laughed.

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(End of this chapter)

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