Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 261 The Luxury Yacht Has Arrived!Go to the private island!

Chapter 261 The Luxury Yacht Has Arrived!Go to the private island!
"Just Sano and Aurora Anna."

Nangong Mingyue sat in Qin Feng's arms. ,
At the moment, I can only scratch my head.

bowed his head down.

I'm a little embarrassed.

No way, this is the first time she has accepted such a thing, and she is indeed a little embarrassed.

And she also symbolically chose two she is more familiar with.

The first Sano Hinako was of course Qin Feng's earlier girl.

Aurora Anna in the back, although it took a lot of time to come later. ,

But because of dealing with the relationship with the Golden Horde Khan, the two of them interacted more.

Naturally, the relationship is much better.

"Okay, don't be shy, there will always be such a day. It just so happens that you are on the weekend. I mentioned it today, and it is considered a good day. You are always busy and always empty. You are not a problem, are you?"

Qin Feng said this.

Nangong Mingyue was stunned, as if she was thinking about something, and finally, after thinking about it, she said, "Husband, my sister, what do you think about her?"

"Your sister? Which sister?" Qin Feng naturally knew that whether it was Nangong Chuxue, the number one beauty in the Dragon Empire, or the eldest sister, they all liked Qin Feng very much.

Who made Qin Feng's charm value so high?

"Of course it's Nangong Chuxue. My second sister's words are sincere to you. Although she did meet you because she was bickering or something, I know that you have always liked her, right?" Nangong Mingyue is not a fool After such a long time, of course it can be seen that Qin Feng likes Nangong Chuxue more than any other woman.

For example, Nangong Chuxue was the one who really moved her.

It's not because Nangong Chuxue is the number one beauty in the Dragon Empire, prettier than everyone else, but because of the mutual love between the two.
Anyway, who can say clearly about love?

"She didn't make it clear to me, what can I do?" Qin Feng smiled, but he just said that, thought for a while, and said, "When I have time, I will find a chance to visit her Well, let's talk about it later."

"En." Nangong Mingyue saw that her affairs were settled, and then she talked about the elder sister, and said: "Eldest sister is a concubine, and sometimes she just looks at you with a snobby eye, and then wants to hook you up, and then let her be in the family. Her status has improved, but she is actually not a bad person."

"My God, how many times do you want to sell in a row? To have a sister like you? They are also a blessing." Qin Feng couldn't help joking.

"They all look like you don't want to marry. If I don't help them think about it, will they be widows?" Nangong Mingyue said angrily, pinching Qin Feng's nose.

"Yes, yes, but I will find time for Chuxue's words, and for your elder sister's words, let's let it go for a while. I don't have much contact with her, and I don't have much cold for her." After Qin Feng's words, the other party's Nangong Mingyue obviously had nothing to say. Now, even if she is the queen in the future, she can't force Qin Feng to have sex with anyone.

After Nangong Mingyue saw that the matter was settled, she brought up the matter just now, "I didn't say, husband, you gave the meteorite on Mars to the big western tiger 911. They were indeed insulted, but I How can I think that they are secretly laughing? After all, this thing is so precious."

"Didn't you hear the phone call between me and your grandfather just now? As I said, let's go to Mars now, it's as simple as going to grandma's house. So what can we do if we send a few tons out? Nothing wrong It’s worth it. The key is to let people all over the world see it, to show our heavenly power. And it also hit the big tiger in the West.”

Qin Feng was talking.

He saw Nangong Mingyue's hand.

It was put there without knowing it.

Of course, Nangong Mingyue didn't do it on purpose, so the two hugged each other.

Just let go of your hand.

just went there.

Totally unnoticed.

"Your hand is too good at putting it?" Qin Feng couldn't help but started joking, and said again, "Should I put it in directly, and it will still be warm."

"Ah? Me?" Nangong Mingyue noticed her hand, put it in an inappropriate place, immediately took it away, then gave Qin Feng a blank look, and stretched out her hand as if to slap it down.

"You bastard, someday I'll give it to you..." Nangong Mingyue didn't continue, just compared a pair of scissors.

"Hahaha, wife, it's wrong, don't worry about it, don't do this, if you lose it, you will suffer more than a dozen people." Qin Feng said.

Then Nangong Mingyue's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said in surprise, "You have more than a dozen now?"

"Uh, that seems to be it." Qin Feng said.

"Uh, well, let me do the math for you. How did you get here?"

After Nangong Mingyue finished speaking, she leaned into Qin Feng's arms and stretched out her fingers to start counting.

"Me alone. Luo Xiyan, Sano Hinako, Luo Yu, Uesugi Erika, Aurora Anna, Sikong Xuanmei, Li Zhien, Linghu, Lin Zhizhi, two little British princesses. Who else? Me I can't count them all."

Nangong Mingyue counted, and immediately patted Qin Feng, "There are really more than ten. I still remember that there are only seven or eight."

Don't count, don't know, count and startle.

It's really weird.

"I can't help it, I'm too capable, I can only do this, I have rejected many princesses from Southeast Asia who were sent to marry me, because I don't like girls with darker skin, and the girls there are not good-looking. Of course, it may be because of my personal preference. They are probably good-looking in the eyes of their empire. I just like our own girls in the East. Especially Goryeo has the best appearance. Sun Empire They are the most obedient. The western ones belong to the British Empire, and the imperial ones are the best, and the Tsar’s ones are also fine.”

Qin Feng said slightly.

Nangong Mingyue also carefully wrote down these preferences of Qin Feng.

It's time to tell grandpa.

It can make grandpa directly reject those girls from Africa, Southeast Asia, or Australia.

Anyway, Qin Feng wants these places.

Of course, tonight.

It was a special day for Nangong Mingyue.

She bid farewell to Girls' Generation completely.

When she woke up in the morning, Nangong Mingyue had already put her hair up, recalling what happened last night, Qin Feng didn't know why, so he took special care of her.

Maybe it's because she is the queen and needs to work.

Then many other difficulties were assigned to Sano Hinako and Aurora Anna.

"Why did you put your hair up? Isn't it nice to put it down?" Qin Feng also got refreshed, glanced at Aurora Anna and Sano Hinako who were still resting, and ignored them. Let them rest well, after all, they were the ones who worked hard yesterday.

"Husband, don't you know? In ancient times, when a woman tied her hair up, she became an adult. Since the Zhou Dynasty, when a woman is over 15 years old, if she has married, she has to hold a ceremony, braid her hair to the top of her head, and insert it with a hairpin. If you are 15 years old, even if you are not married, you can also perform the ceremony. The mother is the host of the ceremony. The guests are abstained three days before the ceremony, and the guests stay on the day before the ceremony. The guests choose relatives Among married women, those who are virtuous and courteous will be in charge."

Nangong Mingyue said it was a lot.

As expected of a high school student.

Not only does he know how to manage people and how to control his subordinates, but he also knows so clearly about ancient things.

"Honestly, baby, when you put your hair up, it doesn't look as plump and flirtatious as it is on your shoulders. Don't do it in the future. My husband will look more sensible." Qin Feng just mentioned it casually, Mingyue If you don't agree, that's fine.

Anyway, the coiled hair is suitable for the kind of elegant and luxurious middle-aged women.

It is not suitable for such a young and invincible beauty.

"If you don't like it, then don't ask for it." Nangong Mingyue naturally listened to Qin Feng's orders, and pulled out the hairpin that was an ornament on her head, and then the three thousand black hairs were scattered. . ,
Nangong Mingyue even tossed her hair.

It's all kinds of styles.


Qin Feng couldn't help but leaned slightly up, hugged her slender waist, looked at her in the mirror, and kissed her cheek.

"I hope that one day I can completely rest and enjoy life, but the world is still uncertain, so I have to work hard." Qin Feng sighed, "I can use coercive means directly to make the world Unification, but if this is done, there will inevitably be many stubborn empires, such as the Sun Empire, which will definitely resist. If there are too many casualties at that time, it is not what I want to see."

"It doesn't matter, take your time. If you need to fight the economic war, you should fight it. If you need to show kindness and strength, you should also fight it. One day, there will be such a day. I don't think this day will be too far away." Nangong Mingyue knows that Qin Feng's heart is very tired, although he enjoys it all day, in fact, he has many things to think about.

And recently the system doesn't release tasks very much.

I don't know if it has reached a peak.


He will not come to the mission until he meets a better opponent.

Nangong Mingyue has never read the novel, but Qin Feng told her that it is possible that this is changing the map.

You are invincible.

There is no need to post any tasks. ,,

Had to change the map.

"Okay, okay, let's get up and have some breakfast, Zhien and the others are ready, now you can take a good rest for a few days, when the time comes, we will move to the pineapple in Hawaii to live for a while, and we will change to another one in autumn I live on a small island." Qin Feng stood up, spread his arms, and said with a smile, "Come on, wife, hug you."

"It's really greasy." Nangong Mingyue gave Qin Feng a white look, but she still stood up, spread her arms, and hugged him.

And as in.


Anyway, pestering.

Qin Feng smiled and put his arms around the small cliff. In this posture, he carried her out of the room of the two of them.

On the second day, Qin Feng came to Jiangnan because there are many Jiangnan.

Nature is a good place to go to sea.

Qin Feng also brought everyone in the family.

Including the nine night angels, and more than a dozen female agents, including Chiyo Sakurako.

As for the cook and the gardener, little nurse Huang Yun.

There are a lot of them.

A family can be described as seventy or eighty people.

So how big is Qin Feng's villa?

I can't live anymore.

Isn't this a joke?
But Qin Feng doesn't want them, it's better for a dozen agents to live in a collective dormitory of more than 100 square meters.

In that case, the villa can naturally live in.

All said, if everyone in Qin Feng gave them a private space of one or two hundred square meters, the space would certainly not be enough.

Soon, I came to the direction of the pier by the river, and what caught my eye was a big boat.

It's like a large battleship.

As for the whole ship, it is naturally decorated, but there are many layers of the ship, layer upon layer.

It is said to have 22 floors.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, you are finally here. I have been waiting here for a long time."

The person who came with a smile was naturally a very black black man, and his name was Abdulkadir Grant.

This should be a manager sent by the luxury yacht company.

Of course, the black manager knew very well that Qin Feng was the most popular figure in the world, the UC man that no one in the empire would dare to provoke easily.

Naturally, he has great respect for this man.

"Mr. Abdulkadir Grant, hello, didn't you expect your Chinese to be so fluent?" Qin Feng greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, nowadays, if you want to be popular in the world, you must know Chinese. This is almost 90.00% of the world's empires. You need to learn a second language other than the local one, even more than before. His English has a much higher status in the world. Because now your empire is completely unique and powerful."

Abdulkadir Grant was right.

The status of Chinese in the world today is so great.

But who would know that English, which has been dominant for more than 300 years, will almost lose in just a few years?

"Your learning ability is really strong. Many people I met speak Mandarin better than me." Qin Feng praised again.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Abdulkadir Grant said, and glanced at the women behind Qin Feng.


He was a little hot inside.

This Qin Feng is too happy, right?

It is completely the existence of a hundred flowers blooming.

Abdulkadir Grant in particular loves the plump presence.

So when I looked at Sayuri Miyazaki.

The eyes are getting straighter and straighter.

This is not a human being, it is completely out of the anime.

No, these women are all from various anime.

If you can take one away, you can play for a day, and it's TM worth it.

But what about Qin Feng?You can enjoy everything in peace.


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(End of this chapter)

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