Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 269 The hot spring pool is so comfortable!What a place!

Chapter 269 The hot spring pool is so comfortable!What a place!

Lucis Waxman decided not to provoke Qin Feng.

have to say.

The dog-headed military division next to him still has some sharp eyesight.

You can see Qin Feng's extraordinary and temperament.

The ultimate goal of Lucis Waxman is to make that Lu Yaqing feel at ease.

For the other men, Du Gun went aside.

Just ignore it.

No one dared to speak ill of him, Lucis Waxman, anyway.

"Well, Miss Lu Yaqing, I know you are very worried about me, but take a look, until now, nothing has happened, which means that the other party dare not come to arrest me." Qin Feng looked at Lu Yaqing, He continued, "Now you just need to take me to the hotel suite to check in. After sitting on the yacht for several days, I have long wanted to take a good rest."

Qin Feng really wanted to lose his temper.

Could it be that Lu Yaqing is really doing it for her own good.

Qin Feng couldn't take it anymore.

Then the more intense the other party's reaction is, the more he lets himself escape, which shows that the other party cares more about him.

For a person who cares about himself, even if the other party is stupid, how can Qin Feng blame others?
Of course, in Lu Yaqing's heart, she felt very guilty. After all, she offended that black guy, Lucis Waxman, all because of protecting her.

However, in Lu Yaqing's words, he didn't see Qin Feng's appearance clearly under the sunglasses, and he wasn't attracted by Qin Feng's super charm.

Caring so much about Qin Feng is entirely out of gratitude.

"These people seem to have been here for a long time, and they haven't come to trouble you. This is not the temper of Lucis Waxman." Lu Yaqing also didn't understand, her face was full of doubts, and she wanted to In the past, this Lucis Waxman had already called a group of people to make trouble.

"Miss Lu Yaqing, hurry up and take us to the villa. All problems are not a problem for me in front of you." Qin Feng smiled lightly.

"That's all right, Mr. Qin, follow me here." Lu Yaqing smiled wryly, and looked at Qin Feng with determination in his eyes. Why was he so confident when he said these words?Seems to despise Lucis Waxman's tone?


Lu Yaqing brought Qin Feng and others to the backyard of the hotel.

There are some villas here.

But these villas are all independent, if guests want to stay, they have to rent all of them. ,

Therefore, the cost is of course very expensive.

Therefore, it is also known as the most expensive hotel in the world.

Although it is true that the stars are not high, the natural resources they enjoy are very rich.

Of course, some people read novels. In many novels, the cost of a suite for one night is 10,000+. Many of them are bragging. Although there are such expensive ones in China, they are actually very few.

And this hotel.

But South Africa is famous.

It is also recognized as the most expensive hotel in the world, which is different.


Under the leadership of Lu Yaqing, Qin Feng and others entered a three-storey villa with a total area of ​​more than 2000 square meters.

Qin Feng looked out of the window of the villa, there were many small ditches, which seemed to be flowing hot springs.

In other words, the water from these ditches was brought down from the mountains, and then poured into each villa.

Can also be discharged from the villa.


Came to the hot spring pool on the first floor of the villa.

"Mr. Qin, look, this is the hot spring pool in the villa, and this is also your sleeping room."

After Lu Yaqing opened a luxurious room, she spread her hands inside and said.

And Qin Feng is holding the hand of his little lover Luo Yu, and on the other side are Sayuri Miyazaki and Hinako Sano.

Qin Feng saw that there was indeed a large water bed in the bedroom.

But in the middle of the bedroom, there is a large hot spring pool.

This hot spring pool is also very luxuriously decorated. It is not made of that kind of cement, but delicate tiles are pasted on the walls, which are very smooth.

But at the bottom of the hot spring, it looks like some green things. The well-informed Qin Feng knows that this should be a kind of artificial aquatic plant, which is very soft, even if the beautiful little feet step on it, they will not feel it. scrape feet.

Qin Feng looked at the hot spring, and then at the large water bed of more than three meters beside the hot spring.

There was a bad smile on his face.

If two couples come here to rest, it is really a paradise on earth, not only playing poker in the hot spring pool.

If you are tired, you can also go to the large water bed on the side.

Totally convenient.

This design is exactly to Qin Feng's appetite.

"Mr. Qin, the water in our hotel's hot spring pool is all flowing, and it's all drained from the extreme speed Leshan behind the hotel. It's all natural hot springs. It's said that it can promote blood circulation and have beauty effects."

Lu Yaqing introduced a few girls around Qin Feng.

Especially Luo Yu.

I'm looking forward to it very much.

Although they are already very beautiful, who would think that they are too beautiful?

Once they hear that something can beautify the skin, they are willing to try it.

Just like a long time ago, Qin Feng said that his things can beautify the skin.

A few girls also rushed to eat every time
Anyway, that's what it means.

"It's really nice here, but what I want to know is, is the hot spring water very clean?" Qin Feng said, although he doesn't have any obsession with cleanliness, but his little wife is different.

Their jade-like bodies.

There can be no contamination of any kind.

"Mr. Qin, where are you talking about? You can rest assured that the hot spring water here has been strictly disinfected, but it is not disinfected water, but some herbal medicine, which can ensure the health of the hot spring water. It's all natural, and it can also make the water clean and flawless." Lu Yaqing is not lying, the price of this hotel is one hundred thousand dollars for one night, and these things must be taken care of by the guests.

Otherwise, why do people charge so high?

Is it in vain?
It will cost thousands of dollars just to disinfect these hot spring waters.

That's right, a villa costs several thousand dollars a day.

"Then I believe you, as long as it is clean." Qin Feng smiled and said.

"Mr. Qin, not only is the water quality extremely clean, but the flowing hot spring here can also automatically adjust the temperature. It can be adjusted from 8 degrees to 25 degrees, or even higher." Lu Yaqing continued to introduce.

"What? Aren't these hot springs flowing? They are brought down from the mountains, how can they adjust the temperature?" Qin Feng didn't understand, did they still need to be heated?
"Mr. Qin, the hot spring water is naturally drained from the mountains. This is true, but there are hundreds of hot spring pits on the mountain. Because the location of the pits is different, the temperature of the water is different. The temperature of those hot spring pits will be marked. , What temperature of hot spring water does the guest want, and the source of the pit will be changed within a few minutes."

Qin Feng listened to Lu Yaqing's introduction.

Think of yourself as one hundred thousand dollars a night.

It's really too much to spend.

If you are going to another place, if you want to change the temperature of the hot spring water, you can only change the pit.

And this one?
Just change the pit when you pump water for you.

Totally artificial intelligence.

Yes, it is artificial de-intelligence.

Now Qin Feng finally knows that although the star rating of this hotel is not high, the natural resources that can be enjoyed are very rich.

"Mr. Qin, are you going to eat some food in the living room now, or take a bath in this hot spring pool?" Lu Yaqing asked.

"Then let's take a bath. Ms. Lu asked the waiters to be quicker, so I can enjoy the pure natural hot spring water." Qin Feng said, he smiled, and pinched Sano Hinako next to him. small cliffs.

"This guy is making trouble again, let's talk about it later." Hinako Sano's big white eyes must have drifted over immediately, and said softly, "Today's hot spring pool sounds the same as when I went to travel before, but it's not the same. It's completely different, at first I thought the hot spring pool was a bit unclean, but now that Miss Lu said that, I don't feel disgusted anymore!"

After all, Hinako Sano came in.

At first I thought the hot spring water was used by the previous villa guest.

It's a bit disgusting.

With such a beautiful body, she is also a rich lady in the Sun Empire, so she is naturally a bit of a clean freak.

Anyway, the girls who love cleanliness are more at ease now.

"Mr. Qin, ladies, are you sure you don't want to have dinner?" Lu Yaqing asked again.

"No need, when we were on the yacht just now, we didn't have much time to talk about it, and now my stomach is very full." Qin Feng responded with a smile.

"Well, if that's the case, you can soak in the hot spring now, and if you soak in the hot spring, it's good for digesting food." Lu Yaqing said with a smile.

"I totally agree with Miss Lu's words. Soaking in hot springs will definitely help digestion. After all, you have a lot of exercise." Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, and immediately, those beauties all threw their heads together. Come here and roll your eyes.

As for Lu Yaqing's words, it seemed that he was at a loss when he heard Qin Feng's driving.

After all, Lu Yaqing grew up in a foreign country. Although she can speak Chinese, she doesn't understand Huaxia's profound driving skills.

"Mr. Qin mean? Swimming in the hot springs, right? You can also do some exercise. After all, the hot spring pools are quite large, about [-] square meters. But if you need a larger venue, there are open-air hot springs in the villas swimming pool."

Hearing what Lu Yaqing said, Qin Feng laughed a little, and joked: "Miss Lu, you are really pure and innocent."

Qin Feng smiled, the other party, Lu Yaqing, couldn't understand that he was driving?
own movement.

Not swimming.

"Ah?" Lu Yaqing faced Qin Feng's words again, but still couldn't understand, but just looking at the girls around Qin Feng, they all rolled their eyes at Qin Feng, and Lu Yaqing probably guessed the meaning , maybe some nasty jokes.

In the past, there were some people from the Dragon Empire, talking about sports?
Isn't that what it means?
"Mr. Qin, I'm going to prepare some medicinal ingredients for you to soak in the hot spring first, and I'll go out first." Lu Yaqing understood the meaning of the other party's driving, and naturally blushed slightly,
It is also very complicated inside.

This Qin Fenglu drew his sword to help when he saw injustice, he seemed like a good person, but why did he speak so frivolously?
And these three people seem to be Qin Feng's women, right?
The key is that regardless of whether the waiter is there or not, his hands are always belittling them.

small cliffs.

Or a bunny.

Anyway, very speechless. ,
"Enn, Ms. Lu, then you should prepare first, we have to take a good bath." After Qin Feng said, he pulled a Sano Hinako with one hand and Miyazaki Sayuri with the other.

He went to the big water bed.

Qin Feng slightly pulled the Sano Hinako.

Just pulled it up.

And then there is.

One pressure.

Qin Feng kissed Sano Hinako's cheek lightly, and said: "This big water bed is really good. I think I have fallen in love with the facilities in this hotel. This bedroom is simply an ideal in the world."

While Qin Feng was talking, he also thought about it. There are also such facilities built on his private island.

When the time comes at home, you can take a bath at the same time.

Then you can sleep on the side.

But there is one helpless thing, that is, there seems to be no geothermal heat on his private island, and there is no hot spring at all.

Therefore, Qin Feng thought about it, he would have to stay here for a few more days in this kind of room.

Have fun with a few girls.

"Stinky guy, that waiter Lu Yaqing is going to bring in the medicinal materials later, so get up quickly." Hinako Sano's words didn't mean that she disliked Qin Fengzhong, but she wanted Lu Yaqing to bring in the medicinal materials later. It's really embarrassing for them to look like this.

"Lu Yaqing has only been out for a few minutes, how could the medicinal materials be prepared and brought in so quickly?" Qin Feng didn't care about so much, and remained unmoved.

"You, you, let the waiter prepare everything later, let's lock the door and talk about it, I don't know why you are so anxious?" Sano Hinako pouted, this stinky guy is just with a very Hate.


when they landed.

Isn't Qin Feng here on a luxury yacht and came here after work was over?
Why is it still interesting now?
Really invincible.

Anyway, this Qin Feng, let alone, not one, two or three can beat him.

I don't know how it's so powerful.

"Hee hee, let me reward you with a kiss first." Qin Feng smiled, and then bowed his head and kissed her.

That Sano Hinako saw this.

I also don't want to disappoint Qin Feng.

Wei Wei began to respond enthusiastically.

Hinako Sano moved forward slightly.

The two immediately savored it carefully.

Qin Feng's hand.

Naturally, anyone who has been bullied before should be bullied.
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(End of this chapter)

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